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Next Generation MTL tanks Part 2


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@Nailz, I'm planning to roll up a small piece of SS mesh and reduce the air flow in the K5, if it works, I just might get a Rose v3.


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Ok, thanks to @riverdan I have my first kayfun. The sxk kayfun V5. This thing is amazing. It's got the perfect draw for me and amazing flavor. I can restrictively DL it on the biggest airflow setting but the MTL on the smallest is perfect for me. I thought it was going to be too loose at first but I put a big 24g coil in it close to the air hole and it helped to restrict it just enough. I loved my hurricane but it just became second runner to this. It took me 3 tried to get the wicking just right but if I had of watched Grimms video on it first I would have gotten it first try. Very happy with this tank. It is a loose MTL but that's the way I like it. So, there may be a rise V3 in my future as well.


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Ok, thanks to @riverdan I have my first kayfun. The sxk kayfun V5. This thing is amazing. It's got the perfect draw for me and amazing flavor. I can restrictively DL it on the biggest airflow setting but the MTL on the smallest is perfect for me. I thought it was going to be too loose at first but I put a big 24g coil in it close to the air hole and it helped to restrict it just enough. I loved my hurricane but it just became second runner to this. It took me 3 tried to get the wicking just right but if I had of watched Grimms video on it first I would have gotten it first try. Very happy with this tank. It is a loose MTL but that's the way I like it. So, there may be a rise V3 in my future as well.
You will like the rose also. Grab the sxk on ft..use MAP coupon code for discount


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use MAP coupon code for discount
Going to ask what might look like a really stupid question.... I see this posted a lot. Is MAP a coupon code, or is MAP a term that is not obvious and has another meaning? I've typed "MAP" into the coupon area there and it didn't do anything.


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Sorry for the bit of OT. Has anyone noticed if FT has done a 20-30℅ site wide sale lately? I feel like they did them more often earlier this year and last year. What's the best place to check if they're running one?


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Sorry for the bit of OT. Has anyone noticed if FT has done a 20-30℅ site wide sale lately? I feel like they did them more often earlier this year and last year. What's the best place to check if they're running one?
I agree, they were. Last Sunday, they had a 10%, but it didn't apply to everything, and there was no way to know until you went to apply at checkout. Weird.


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Sorry for the bit of OT. Has anyone noticed if FT has done a 20-30℅ site wide sale lately? I feel like they did them more often earlier this year and last year. What's the best place to check if they're running one?

Check the fasttech forums, they are doing a 10% sale in a few days


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They do a 10% on certain items every Sunday..and map code is always on. It is weird but it's what they have done for awhile


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I found a bit of #500 SS mesh and cut a thin strip (3/4 inch wide ),rolled it. 1 full wrap restricts the K5 air flow to the point that I have the afc fully open and I still have the really tight draw I like for MTL. With the afc set at 1 dot, it is so restricted, I started to look like a stepped on frog, eyes popping out. I guess this is a quick fix for tanks we like (rta only) that are a bit too airy for some of the MTL crowd.
The big question is, does the Rose 3 flavor beats the K5?
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I found a bit of #500 SS mesh and cot a thin strip (3/4 inch wide ),rolled it. 1 full wrap restricts the K5 air flow to the point that I have the afc fully open and I still have the really tight draw I like for MTL. With the afc set at 1 dot, it is so restricted, I started to look like a stepped on frog, eyes popping out. I guess this is a quick fix for tanks we like (rta only) that are a bit too airy for some of the MTL crowd.
The big question is, does the Rose 3 flavor beats the K5?

I have both and that is a tough question, not a lot of difference in flavor I don't think, if I only could have 1, I would pick the kayfun due to easier to build on, better top filling and easier to see how much you're turning the juice control.


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Thank you @Nailz, that settled it for me. I already have a Tobeco and a FT no name,
might get a SXK one and call it a day. I really enjoyed the Tobeco super mini rta, up until a few minutes before I broke the glass. I am getting new glass along with the regular version to try with the triton 1.8 ohm coils. I'm also looking at the SXK version of the Dotmod Petri rta to see if the SS mesh will convince it to be MTL friendly. I have the authentic Petri rta and it is a kick butt DL tank, though to be honest, the Alleria is still waaay on the top of the list.

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Check the fasttech forums, they are doing a 10% sale in a few days
cool... i might see if i can find some cool adult toys

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I found a bit of #500 SS mesh and cut a thin strip (3/4 inch wide ),rolled it. 1 full wrap restricts the K5 air flow to the point that I have the afc fully open and I still have the really tight draw I like for MTL. With the afc set at 1 dot, it is so restricted, I started to look like a stepped on frog, eyes popping out. I guess this is a quick fix for tanks we like (rta only) that are a bit too airy for some of the MTL crowd.
The big question is, does the Rose 3 flavor beats the K5?
i would second everything @Nailz said... having both the vape is so similar... that it becomes and ease of use and preference of physical appearance.
the only REAL difference in vape experience that i can detect is the Rose v3 seems to be slightly more saturated or a "Wetter" vape but not by much at all.


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Bringing this thread back to the top, where it belongs:vino:
I bought both versions of the Tobeco super tank mini, the premade coil and the rta. Both give good flavor, easy to use, the rta has a decent size deck and is easy to build and wick. The rta is by no means a MTL tank (for me) even though for those that prefer a very loose MTL draw, it will be fine. The ready made coil version is a different story. With the 1.8 ohm triton coils (not the mini) it is a very nice MTL tank. With the included 0.5 ohm coil it is a slightly restricted DL or loose MTL if you close the afc somewhat. I didn't try the included 0.2 ohm coil since I didn't want this tank for DL vaping.


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Bringing this thread back to the top, where it belongs:vino:
I bought both versions of the Tobeco super tank mini, the premade coil and the rta. Both give good flavor, easy to use, the rta has a decent size deck and is easy to build and wick. The rta is by no means a MTL tank (for me) even though for those that prefer a very loose MTL draw, it will be fine. The ready made coil version is a different story. With the 1.8 ohm triton coils (not the mini) it is a very nice MTL tank. With the included 0.5 ohm coil it is a slightly restricted DL or loose MTL if you close the afc somewhat. I didn't try the included 0.2 ohm coil since I didn't want this tank for DL vaping.
How does it stack up to the Clone-Buki?


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If I remember, Mr.Snake prefers the ready made coil tanks since rtas are too big a PITA for him, not being funny, I do remember a post hereabouts saying he has health problems and rebuilding coils is not an option. So, on to the answer, with the 1.8 ohm coils (not the triton mini claptons) I'd say it's pretty close to the clone-buki in flavor and vapor....haven't used a 'buki in a while but it sure is a whole lot easier to fill since it is a top fill. I bought mine from ecig-city along with several replacement glass doodads. They also have replacement drip tips since the one piece topcap and drip tip can break. Not sure, but I think they also sell the optional top cap that allows you to use your own drip tip.

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Yeah, way too tall. Will need a nano kit for sure.

Airflow hole under coil looks pretty big to me... same issue as KFV5 and Rose3, for my style.
the kf5 is as tall as I would go, it also looks smaller tan it is because of the way its made.

but yeah, this one looks huge. like an oversized erl.


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the kf5 is as tall as I would go, it also looks smaller tan it is because of the way its made.

but yeah, this one looks huge. like an oversized erl.
Yeah, when I used TFs I always used them in nano mode.

I'm really digging the Tilemahos V2 right now because it is so compact for a full size atty. Other vendors could learn a thing or 2 from that one.

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I looked at those and passed them by.. for whatever reason.
the tf v1 was my go to for a while... in nano mode though..
I used to put a dual 30g coil in it - lol


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The TF Glll full size on one of the smaller mods would look like the tail wagging the dog. Not too crazy about the Tilemahos, much rather like the CloudOne but I broke the tank and never got around to ordering spares. The Tobeco super mini with Aspire 1.8 ohm coils is pretty good.


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Not too crazy about the Tilemahos, much rather like the CloudOne but I broke the tank and never got around to ordering spares.

@BrewBear, I'm on the complete opposite end of that experience and if you have a Tile V2 you want to trade for a CloudOne I'm your huckleberry :)

Just let me know.


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If I remember, Mr.Snake prefers the ready made coil tanks
Yeppers I do.

since rtas are too big a PITA for him
More like painful...As in ouchie!

not being funny, I do remember a post hereabouts saying he has health problems and rebuilding coils is not an option.
Severe nerve damage in both hands actually.

So, on to the answer, with the 1.8 ohm coils (not the triton mini claptons) I'd say it's pretty close to the clone-buki in flavor and vapor
Clone-Buki with standard coil = good.With a Triton Mini Clapton it is awesome

They also have replacement drip tips since the one piece topcap and drip tip can break.
Linky please.

Not sure, but I think they also sell the optional top cap that allows you to use your own drip tip.
Linky for sure please.


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the kf5 is as tall as I would go, it also looks smaller tan it is because of the way its made.

but yeah, this one looks huge. like an oversized erl.
I know you consider yourself bi-coastal so there's this to consider a super compact and dirt cheap sub-ohm tank = Ijoy Reaper

I've got 2 of them and the flavor + vapor production is top notch.Plus the AFC does get tight enough to make it MTL capable.

Oh and the coils...


Oh yeah check those out.Look closely.


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I wouldn't say the flavor from the Tobeco smt equals the Alleria or Petri rta but it is very good for a ready made coil tank. I will venture to say the rta version has somewhat better flavor, but that wouldn't be fair since you have the choice of the coil built.


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I ordered my replacement DT and 510DT adapter from but I think you can find them for less at other shops.


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I know you consider yourself bi-coastal so there's this to consider a super compact and dirt cheap sub-ohm tank = Ijoy Reaper

I've got 2 of them and the flavor + vapor production is top notch.Plus the AFC does get tight enough to make it MTL capable.

Oh and the coils...


Oh yeah check those out.Look closely.
Are those coils like the tornado nano coils? As in rewickable? I've heard great things about the tornado nano


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CD and Snake, y'all have gone waaay above my head on this one. Tornado???MTL or DL? What's going on??? I'm sooo confused.....

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I know you consider yourself bi-coastal so there's this to consider a super compact and dirt cheap sub-ohm tank = Ijoy Reaper

I've got 2 of them and the flavor + vapor production is top notch.Plus the AFC does get tight enough to make it MTL capable.

Oh and the coils...


Oh yeah check those out.Look closely.
thank you i'll give them a look for sure.


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CD and Snake, y'all have gone waaay above my head on this one. Tornado???MTL or DL? What's going on??? I'm sooo confused.....
The tornado nano I'm not sure if it can be used for both but the coils give amazing flavor from what if read. The reaper that snake was talking about takes those coils on the previous page and if those coils are like the tornado nano coils then the reaper may just be a great tank


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Can anyone here confirm they do or do not take the same coils?
On a quick search and some light reading, they are quite similar. Looks like the same kind of construction. The coils themselves are different, in the tornado nano they use 2 strand twisted coils. In this it looks to be single strand or parallel coils. There's is also an rba available for the reaper as well. I'll do some more digging and update this post as necessary


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Has anyone had a goblin mini v3 long enough to give us some insight on it yet?


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I got it a couple of days before the Petri rta, so I only played with it for that time. Single coil is pretty good, dual coil better. Unfortunately the Alleria and the Petri have spoiled me for other DL tanks. I wish someone will chime in with a comparison between the Petri authentic and SXK clone. The price of admission for the authentic is a bit high....


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CD and Snake, y'all have gone waaay above my head on this one. Tornado???MTL or DL? What's going on??? I'm sooo confused.....
Tornado is an RDTA made by Ijoy.
MTL = Mouth to lung.
DL = Direct Lunger
It's ok now bear.Just hold this placard and wait for the nice men in the white suits they're your friends.

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