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They grow surprisingly well, you ought to try planting some
Probably wouldn't work in Scottsdale. While hops grows best in full sun, they are talking about wet soil and temps 40-70 degrees. They can be grown at temps hotter than that, but they will have to be shaded so that they do not get more than 2-4 hours of direct sunlight per day. Soil should be kept moist all the time.


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Probably wouldn't work in Scottsdale. While hops grows best in full sun, they are talking about wet soil and temps 40-70 degrees. They can be grown at temps hotter than that, but they will have to be shaded so that they do not get more than 2-4 hours of direct sunlight per day. Soil should be kept moist all the time.
That's prolly why I never seen or heard of anyone growing them here....perhaps Flagstaff....:teehee:


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Probably wouldn't work in Scottsdale. While hops grows best in full sun, they are talking about wet soil and temps 40-70 degrees. They can be grown at temps hotter than that, but they will have to be shaded so that they do not get more than 2-4 hours of direct sunlight per day. Soil should be kept moist all the time.
Sounds like your kinda weather.....:giggle:


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do they go dormant in the winter?
The roots will stay viable down to -20F, but if spring has a late frost and the above-ground portion has already started to grow, that frost might kill the plant. That would not be a problem for Dale, but would be for Jimi and me. Dale's big problem with hops would be that the summer is too hot and dry.


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G'nite Jimi. I gotta crash now too, so TAG YOU'RE IT DALE
(that means you get the lights tonight)

EDIT: Damn! He post 2 seconds before me. OK, I get the dang lights.


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Some herbal notes from your local witch doctor... ;)

Green tea is loaded with caffeine. As much as black coffee. Don't drink it if you're trying to go to sleep.

Valerian (with the "a") is the root. I use powder stuffed in capsules. (I said "tablets" by accident, but I meant capsules... duh.) It's not a sleep aid, actually, just a muscle relaxer, so if you're not sleeping due to tense, tight muscles and stress, it will work. If it's just because your mind is too busy, it won't.

"Valerin" (no "a") is a homeopathic tablet that contains other stuff as well, but it works pretty much like the valerian root. Maybe a little better at calming the mind, in my opinion, but pretty much the same.

For dead-to-the-world sleeping, I've found nothing better than plain ol' celery seed. I put some on pork chops once (maybe too much, but I like the taste of it) and fell asleep with my face in my dinner, LOL! You could make a tea with a teaspoon of celery seed in a cup of water, and I bet it would do wonders. Every time I've used it for seasoning, I've slept like a log that night. More seed equals faster passing-out time. ;)

Another good one, for me anyway, is catnip tea. A strong cup of hot catnip tea sends me right off. Usually I'm too physically exhausted to go make myself a cup of tea, and I do fall asleep eventually, but if I plan ahead and make up a pint or quart of it, then all I have to do is heat a cup and drink it before bed. I did that several times over the summer when I couldn't sleep because of the heat. It helped, but heat is a tough thing to try to sleep through.

Hops, I've never tried, but I've heard hop tea works like catnip tea (and my accidental find of celery seed). Nice and restful...

So there are some options for you to try. :D
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You're welcome. :) I changed my typo up there, though. I had said tablets when I meant capsules. Sorry for any confusion. I had tablets on the brain, and it was ALL RICH'S FAULT! ROFLMAO!
Nope, can't take credit for that because the computers are inside the house. Everything inside is Lannie's fault; everything outside is my fault (no matter who actually screwed things up - or so I am told). Hell, for all I know, everything wrong with this entire planet is probably my fault. Oh well...
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Speaking of the devil, Hi Rich, how you doing today my friend
Tired as hell, but twice as swell. Uh, is that the way I was supposed to say that? My right arm hurts like hell, but there's things to be done, so I better get on with 'em. BS with ya more later tonight (I hope). :)

The Cromwell

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Afternoon Robert, how you doing my friend
Ohh been better. Nothing I want to talk about in the open with some stalkers on here.
None of my friends just some fiends.

Will all work out though.

btw in case you missed it I embarrassed myself badly in the Fugee thread.
Posted some political crap there by mistake, a wrong thread on screen thing. So giving myself a thread ban for a bit for breaking my own rule.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Hell Robert it's all the same between friends ya know:)
BTW found your package I forgot about. Going out today or Monday. Probably monday as the wife is out and about on a church thing with a friend and I have to hang around in case i am needed because of a fall or something.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Ohh been better. Nothing I want to talk about in the open with some stalkers on here.
None of my friends just some fiends.

Will all work out though.

btw in case you missed it I embarrassed myself badly in the Fugee thread.
Posted some political crap there by mistake, a wrong thread on screen thing. So giving myself a thread ban for a bit for breaking my own rule.

I missed the original - so couldn't be that bad


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Which way you splitting it, sideways or top to bottom?
Well, if we did it north and south hemispheres, whoever got the south would have much less to be at fault for, so if Cromwell agrees, we should do it east-west, then we could both go on a letter-writing campaign, like: Dear Emperor Xi, My wife says I am at fault for everything wrong with the world, so you ought to know that whatever is wrong with your country, it must be my fault. :D


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Not really Dale got something like 3 hours, really sucks
That is screwed up....hopefully that stuff Lannie was talking about works....I got the liquid extract....hopefully it's strong, but I kinda doubt it....:)


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Well, if we did it north and south hemispheres, whoever got the south would have much less to be at fault for, so if Cromwell agrees, we should do it east-west, then we could both go on a letter-writing campaign, like: Dear Emperor Xi, My wife says I am at fault for everything wrong with the world, so you ought to know that whatever is wrong with your country, it must be my fault. :D
Lets do it the other way, I'll take everything from Hawaii to can have the rest....:teehee:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Well, if we did it north and south hemispheres, whoever got the south would have much less to be at fault for, so if Cromwell agrees, we should do it east-west, then we could both go on a letter-writing campaign, like: Dear Emperor Xi, My wife says I am at fault for everything wrong with the world, so you ought to know that whatever is wrong with your country, it must be my fault. :D
Well i see the rest of your day went about the same Rich


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It was warm here too,I think it got up to 55 or so
Beat ya by one degree! Got up to 56 today (currently 36) with rain all morning and high wind all day (25G44). Sky is currently clear, so it will probably get pretty cold tonight. Not much got done outside today.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Beat ya by one degree! Got up to 56 today (currently 36) with rain all morning and high wind all day (25G44). Sky is currently clear, so it will probably get pretty cold tonight. Not much got done outside today.
No wonder everything that went wrong today was your fault,you were in Lannies territory:giggle:

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