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But the FDA wants to continue with the illusion that they might actually care what happens to you (choke, gasp, cough, barf) :gaah:
Yep, just like the deal with vaping....they have a hard-on for vaping, but could care less about the millions of poisonous drugs they allow to be distributed 24/7/365


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ECF Refugee
Only two countries on this planet allow drugs to be advertised on TV: USA and New Zealand. Both governments have been thoroughly bought and paid for by Big Pharma.


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ECF Refugee
None of the drugs actually CURE anything, some just hide the underlying problem.....strange way to do things.
Actually, it is a standard business practice. Why do you think your car, lawn mower (pick a product) craps out right after the warranty expires? Likewise, the medical field knows that if they "cure" you, you will not come back for repeat business, so all they ever plan to do is cover up a few symptoms so you can come back next month to make their next Mercedes payment.


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Well, how was your day, Rich?.....ssdd?

Basically ssdd here......although I feel like I walked about 50 miles....LONG day.....:treadmill:


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Actually, it is a standard business practice. Why do you think your car, lawn mower (pick a product) craps out right after the warranty expires? Likewise, the medical field knows that if they "cure" you, you will not come back for repeat business, so all they ever plan to do is cover up a few symptoms so you can come back next month to make their next Mercedes payment.
Zackly...and they should be hung by their genitalia in times square.


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ECF Refugee
Yup, SSDD pretty much covers it.

Where did the rest of the folks who were here not long ago disappear to? Jimi? Crom? Lucy?

Lady Sarah

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Actually, it is a standard business practice. Why do you think your car, lawn mower (pick a product) craps out right after the warranty expires? Likewise, the medical field knows that if they "cure" you, you will not come back for repeat business, so all they ever plan to do is cover up a few symptoms so you can come back next month to make their next Mercedes payment.
How ya like those phony extended warranty offers that come in the mail a week after ya register a vehicle? Ever hear of anyone get such a warranty fulfilled?


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ECF Refugee
How ya like those phony extended warranty offers that come in the mail a week after ya register a vehicle? Ever hear of anyone get such a warranty fulfilled?
I just got that letter in the mail last week, telling me I needed to sign up right away because my factory warranty was about to expire. My only vehicle is a 2004 Ford truck and the warranty expired 13 years ago.


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I just got that letter in the mail last week, telling me I needed to sign up right away because my factory warranty was about to expire. My only vehicle is a 2004 Ford truck and the warranty expired 13 years ago.
That's one piece of junk-mail I don't seem to get....weird........

Lady Sarah

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I just got that letter in the mail last week, telling me I needed to sign up right away because my factory warranty was about to expire. My only vehicle is a 2004 Ford truck and the warranty expired 13 years ago.
I always figured those letters were coming from Nigerian scammers the state sold my info to. I just toss em in the trash.


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ECF Refugee
And the poison food they let go to market
The perfect circle. Poison food makes the ag folks and food manufacturers rich and makes you sick, then you go to the doctor to make him rich and he prescribes a drug that makes Big Pharma rich and makes you even sicker so you have to come back next month for another drug. Some naturopathic guy has a cure, but all the previously mentioned people try to convince you he is a wacko to put him out of business because Gawd knows none of them ever wants you to be cured of anything. Oh, and the closer you get to death, the lawyers get rich trying to help you sue the people who sold you that shit, and the world just keeps going around.....


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The perfect circle. Poison food makes the ag folks and food manufacturers rich and makes you sick, then you go to the doctor to make him rich and he prescribes a drug that makes Big Pharma rich and makes you even sicker so you have to come back next month for another drug. Some naturopathic guy has a cure, but all the previously mentioned people try to convince you he is a wacko to put him out of business because Gawd knows none of them ever wants you to be cured of anything. Oh, and the closer you get to death, the lawyers get rich trying to help you sue the people who sold you that shit, and the world just keeps going around.....
Hell no they don't want you to get well, they can't make any money of well people, yeah it a fine world alright.

Lady Sarah

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Member For 5 Years
Like I said earlier, the drugs don't cure anything, they just hide the underlying it really don't make much difference what they prescribe.
I once had a doctor that was terrible. A woman came in complaining about a tummy ache. He gave her a shot. She barely got back out the door without collapsing and convulsing. An ambulance showed up, and had to take her to the nearest city. The quack got to keep his job.

The same sorry bastard was astonished I could use surgical scissors much better than he could.

I went and got a better doctor, even tho she is not local.

Lady Sarah

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
That's pretty much all of them isn't it, How you doing tonight Sarah
Doing good, except for having to get up and kill hundreds of tiny moths that somehow snuck in the house, and decided I should watch them cover the TV screen.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I once had a doctor that was terrible. A woman came in complaining about a tummy ache. He gave her a shot. She barely got back out the door without collapsing and convulsing. An ambulance showed up, and had to take her to the nearest city. The quack got to keep his job.

The same sorry bastard was astonished I could use surgical scissors much better than he could.

I went and got a better doctor, even tho she is not local.
Most of the doctors I have had have been terrible IMHO

Lady Sarah

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Most of the doctors I have had have been terrible IMHO
The one I have now managed to get me to a neurosurgeon that did back surgery. That's a whole lot better than the ones I had for the last 30 years, than only wanted to either prescribe away the pain, or tell me it's all in my head.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The one I have now managed to get me to a neurosurgeon that did back surgery. That's a whole lot better than the ones I had for the last 30 years, than only wanted to either prescribe away the pain, or tell me it's all in my head.
There are so many of them that think a pill is the answer to anything, i wonder how much of that poison they take themselves.

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