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Lady Sarah

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There are so many of them that think a pill is the answer to anything, i wonder how much of that poison they take themselves.
There was one that tried to prescribe me stuff that he wanted me to give him, for his diabetes. I reported him to the state. They let him keep his job. That shit is just wrong. The state seems to have no standards for who they allow to practice medicine.

Lady Sarah

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Crooked bastard, he should of gotten jail time and lost his license
The only good that came of it was that Medicaid and Medicare refused payments to him after they heard of my complaint. Then, he lost most of his patients, but he is still in practice.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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I'm not sure which pisses me off more, the drugs or the food............
it's the food that pisses me off the most, I don't take their poison pellets.:eek::giggle:

I agree with Jimi, though both would be criminal offenses if a person alone tried to pull that kind of racket

If what is allowed to be called "food" wasn't so unhealthy there would significantly less demand for prescription poisons

The Cromwell

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Ahh butt with humans there will always be a massive demand for junk food.

Most Americans are too lazy to prepare real food.
Heck the most complicated food prep that most Americans do is a microwave...
Heck they are too lazy to get out of their car and walk into a Mcdonalds to get their poison burgers and such and use the drive thru.
if drive thrus were banned massive financial losses in the fast food industry.

On a food note, got one of those air fryers and love it.
You can even prepare real food in them.


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I agree with Jimi, though both would be criminal offenses if a person alone tried to pull that kind of racket

If what is allowed to be called "food" wasn't so unhealthy there would significantly less demand for prescription poisons
Thank You Lucy, it is a crime and it keep on keeping on in the name of greed. it's a sad day when making an extra buck takes precedence over the health of your fellow man:mad:.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Ahh butt with humans there will always be a massive demand for junk food.

Most Americans are too lazy to prepare real food.
Heck the most complicated food prep that most Americans do is a microwave...
Heck they are too lazy to get out of their car and walk into a Mcdonalds to get their poison burgers and such and use the drive thru.
if drive thrus were banned massive financial losses in the fast food industry.

On a food note, got one of those air fryers and love it.
You can even prepare real food in them.

What is so complicated about eating a piece of raw fruit? Easiest food there is and cheaper than junk

But what really gets my :goat:is most food sold in grocery stores is extremely unhealthy but is allowed all kinds of deceiving labels such as "healthy" "natural" etc. They are anything but :mad:

Lady Sarah

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I agree with Jimi, though both would be criminal offenses if a person alone tried to pull that kind of racket

If what is allowed to be called "food" wasn't so unhealthy there would significantly less demand for prescription poisons
How about that artificial "cheese product", which is actually more like soft plastic. Not only that, but it tastes nasty. I buy real cheese, and slice it myself. Most Americans are too lazy to do that.

The Cromwell

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How about that artificial "cheese product", which is actually more like soft plastic. Not only that, but it tastes nasty. I buy real cheese, and slice it myself. Most Americans are too lazy to do that.
My wife unit likes that cheese in a squirt can. Horrible stuff.
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The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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What is so complicated about eating a piece of raw fruit? Easiest food there is and cheaper than junk

But what really gets my :goat:is most food sold in grocery stores is extremely unhealthy but is allowed all kinds of deceiving labels such as "healthy" "natural" etc. They are anything but :mad:
Some genetically altered fruit?

when I lived in FL I heard about an effort to cross pig genes into oranges somehow to make them resistant to some disease or other.

My home and yard got doused with bits of fruit soaked in malathion to fight Medflies on the orange trees...


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Some genetically altered fruit?

when I lived in FL I heard about an effort to cross pig genes into oranges somehow to make them resistant to some disease or other.

My home and yard got doused with bits of fruit soaked in malathion to fight Medflies on the orange trees...

That is part of the unhealthy crap I was talking about - while organic from grocery store isn't really organic, it is better than the stuff not labeled as such

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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That is part of the unhealthy crap I was talking about - while organic from grocery store isn't really organic, it is better than the stuff not labeled as such
Maybe... The fruit does not care what label is stuck on it.

I know a woman who owned an organic beef company, made loads of money.
She sold the company for a big bundle.
I also know where she got her beef and how it was raised.
I think bullshit is an appropriate term.

but yes a bit safer than the non organic labelled stuff.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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About a year ago - I lost a setup during a furious purge of our chest freezer - making Mr Juicy get rid of all this terrible food I've been ranting about - it disappeared completely.

I was especially pissed because the mod, attie and battery were less than a week old Lost and found lol.jpg

Looked and looked for it forever.

Today, Mr Juicy was digging around the bottom of same freezer.....

Lady Sarah

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Happy Halloween, Old Phartz!

We only had 2 kids stop by, likely because it's been raining all day.


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My doorbell rang twice, with the outside lights off, and no lights on in the house...makes me wonder who would be dumb enough to let their kiddies even do that. I could hear the parents outside, knock on the door, maybe the doorbell is broken (and they had the electricity turned off by the service provider).....dumb SOBs


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Happy Halloween, Old Phartz!
We only had 2 kids stop by, likely because it's been raining all day.
We had NO kids, likely because of the humorous sign I hung on the garage (Lannie's brother sent it as a joke) that says "Witch parking only. All others will be toad." Everyone within a 10 mile radius of us are "good Christians" and probably don't want candy from us Pagans. :eek: Or something like that...

Lady Sarah

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This was the first time anyone else rang the doorbell since I installed it 4 months ago. Most people still knock.
We had the lights on, and yard decorated. When I was little, we went out in snow. Kids these days won't even walk up into a yard if it's raining. Parents drive them everywhere, but gawd forbid if their phones get wet.


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Was a beautiful day in duh neighborhood finally.....mid 70's with a clear sky....I was in shock....hopefully no more nineties for several months


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This was the first time anyone else rang the doorbell since I installed it 4 months ago. Most people still knock.
We had the lights on, and yard decorated. When I was little, we went out in snow. Kids these days won't even walk up into a yard if it's raining. Parents drive them everywhere, but gawd forbid if their phones get wet.
The soy children.....


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Forgot to mention.....when I returned home from work neighbor was putting up christmas lights, their blazing now as I type......I yelled MERRY CHRISTMAS at the top of my lungs, (then looked at my watch and shook my wrist, to make sure the clock hadn't stopped a couple months ago)... when he was yelling back at me "merry christmas"..............

fucking imbecile.

Lady Sarah

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Forgot to mention.....when I returned home from work neighbor was putting up christmas lights, their blazing now as I type......I yelled MERRY CHRISTMAS at the top of my lungs, (then looked at my watch and shook my wrist, to make sure the clock hadn't stopped a couple months ago)... when he was yelling back at me "merry christmas"..............

fucking imbecile.
I thought Christmas crap didn't go up til after Thanksgiving. Never mind how early the store all the stuff.

Lady Sarah

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We have more Christmas crap than we have space in the yard. So, we mix it up every year. This year, we prolly won't be doing much with lights, since it's supposed to be a very wet winter, and mixing water with electricity is a bad idea.


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I enjoy Groundhog Day better than's just commercialized entertainment these days....GOTTA BUY BUY BUY.....fuck buying anything....I didn't buy anything for groundhogs day, and won't for christmas either.....:tantrum:

Lady Sarah

Platinum Contributor
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Ya buy anything for the ol' lady's birthday?

I got Phillip a BOS 5160 Buck 110 for his birthday. He needed a knife he wouldn't hafta resharpen after opening an envelope. I despise stainless blades.


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Ya buy anything for the ol' lady's birthday?

I got Phillip a BOS 5160 Buck 110 for his birthday. He needed a knife he wouldn't hafta resharpen after opening an envelope. I despise stainless blades.
Duh ole-addie knows me to well.


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I didn't buy anything for groundhogs day
And the thing I hate about Groundhog Day is ... of course that chained tame rat is going to see his shadow, given all the artificial lighting they have shining on him, so there will be six more weeks of winter. Duh! Guess what... winter doesn't get over for six weeks after Groundhog Day anyway, according to the calendar. One more fucking lie to force the country's idiots to celebrate something that is totally stupid.


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Yeah, I wish we lived closer too... like I could be just outside of Sedona (Walnut Canyon?).

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