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ECF Refugee
Maybe because it is Saturday night, they are out on the town, or whatever it was we used to do 30-40 years ago...


Platinum Contributor
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ECF Refugee
So how did the day treat you Rich?
Freezing fog all day long (weather guessers said it would be gone by 10 AM... HA!). Had to drive over to a neighboring ranch and get a bunch of wheat for the chickens, then unload it in my garage, but other than that, didn't work too hard. Seems like each and every day feels like I am working harder, but I'm not, so I really have no good excuse for all my pains. Guess I really am becoming an old phart...


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Yeah that happens about our age really sucks, I am finding everything seems harder too. Guess we're getting old. my friend


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ECF Refugee
everything seems harder
That's the part I really don't like. I'd like to roll the clock calendar back about 40 years so I could get back to that "climb every mountain" attitude I used to have. Tonight I was waddling across the living room, making an "ow ow ow" sound with each step and wishing I could be an android instead. Good thing the sun wasn't out today because I am fairly certain I couldn't even keep up with my own shadow. Old age is a bitch.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Yeah I know what you mean, I do that waddle every day I need some of those bionic knees installed and hell why stop there.


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ECF Refugee
I need some of those bionic knees installed
That's the sad part for me... both of my knees are titanium. Total knee replacement both legs. So the joints might be super strong, but the cartilage and ligaments ain't worth a shit and I still have braces to wear on the outside, so what was the point of those surgeries?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
That's the sad part for me... both of my knees are titanium. Total knee replacement both legs. So the joints might be super strong, but the cartilage and ligaments ain't worth a shit and I still have braces to wear on the outside, so what was the point of those surgeries?
I hear ya on that both of mine are bone on bone and i tore something inside one of them but I sure don't have the money for "my part" of the payment, so I just keep on wearing my brace. Now that I hear how your's turned out I am wondering if I should ever have them replaced. Anyway i have a fight going on inside me already.


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ECF Refugee
Well, I do have to share a moment of honesty... if I hadn't had the damn things replaced, I would have been in a wheelchair many years ago. The maniscus (cartilage pad in the knee joint between upper and lower leg bones) in both legs was totally smashed to pulp and the bones were grinding each other into crumbles, making every step extremely painful. There is an article about this in the Path to Health newsletters, but that was about how I beat it back in 2004/5. That "win" was fairly short term, however, because the damage was done and that stuff is incapable of repairing itself once you have abused it into oblivion. So, to be honest, those surgeries have kept me out of the wheelchair for the past 8-10 years, but other things are coming apart at the seams now and I am turning into a really grumpy old curmudgeon. To roll the calendar backward, then apply the old saying "If I had known then what I know now..." Yes, I probably would have fucked myself up anyhow. Young people think they are invincible, and I was no damn different. Not only did I physically abuse myself (when you climb the mountain, sometimes you fall off it too), but I ruined my system by eating all the wrong foods -- foods that destroy you from the inside. Some of that is fixable; some is not. Oh well...


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I can relate to that, i destroyed my body and ate all that garbage foods in mass quantities drank smoked you name it and your right it ate me up from the inside out.
But at least I am doing something about it and as much as I can


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ECF Refugee
Well, old man, it 1:20 AM where you live and just after midnight here. Teddy is waiting for me to quit playing with the computer and go to bed. I am sure this old body would likely be much less painful if I were to lay it out flat, so I think I'm gonna do just that. Talk to you tomorrow.


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Late night and now up waiting for the Cable Guy/Gal


Will write reviews for Beer!
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Sadly, they could not fix the problem as it was the result of another of those idiotic Time Warner Spectrum "Upgrades".


Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Yikes! It's my "do the taxes" weekend. I finally finished the feds but have to start the State. It's been a blast! I'm taking a small break right now. Hope you old pharts are doing well! :)


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Who invented the backup sensor?

I bet you think it was Ford, maybe GM, how about Chrysler. No? Then how about Mercedes Benz or BMW? Or possibly the French or Italians? No! It was a Chinese farmer! Lots of the newer cars have a Back-Up Sensor that warns the driver before the rear bumper actually comes in contact with something. Surprising it was not developed by modern automotive engineers using the latest technology. It was disclosed recently that the first to develop the Back-Up-Sensor was a Chinese Farmer. His invention was simple and effective It emits a high-pitch squeal before the vehicle backs into something.

Here's his first prototype...

Talk about huge gonads...


Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Yawn. Taxes are done. Life is good now. I hate doing my own taxes. I'm throwing low carb biscuits tonight.


Platinum Contributor
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ECF Refugee
The lights are flickering every now and then. The weather guessers claim we are gonna have a blizzard tomorrow and the wind outside is already gusting around 50 mph, so if I just disappear without answering tonight, you now know why...


Platinum Contributor
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ECF Refugee
I'm hoping the snow accumulation won't be too much this time around (hard to type with my fingers crossed), but Tuesday morning, Teddy has an appointment at the Vet in Sturgis to have his "imminent contact sensor array" removed and the forecast says this blizzard BS won't subside until noonish, so he might have to have his neutering rescheduled. Sure would be nice if Spring would hurry up and get here...


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
ECF Refugee
That is where it is coming from. The occluded frontal system already passed (we had freezing drizzle all day) and the low pressure center is up near the ND-Canada border and the winds are wrapping around it very tightly, so any further precipitation (like snow) will be what whips around the low and comes down the back side. At first they said we'd get 8-12"with 70 mph gusts and changed that to 5-8" and now it seems to be only 3-5", but the wind might take down the power lines and blowing snow might preclude me driving the 80 miles to the vet. Sigh...


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
ECF Refugee
Probably from the same system that is moving eastward across ND right now. It should run across MN and into WI and, given your location, will appear to be coming from the NW.

Anyway, nite nite Sandi. Hope whatever snow hits you tomorrow isn't too bad.

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