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Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
OK, so they are testing you for prostate-specific antugens, so is this the cancer diagnosis you are fighting?
Yeah that and then it had spread to my lymph nodes, was starting in one my kidney, and almost to my liver when I first found out, they couldn't stop it just slow it up. I have it completely stopped and had shrunk the tumors in my lymph nodes by 30% on my own. I am due for my scans in about 3 mo. kinda curious as to how they come out.
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Platinum Contributor
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ECF Refugee
Most people, once it gets in the lymphs, are done for, so one gigantic congratulations on that one.

Sorry to bail out so early tonight, but my body is major tired, so I'm gonna crash now. Talk with you again tomorrow.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Crap I have to go let the vampires have a go at me in the morning, I hope I get one that can actually hit my vein this time

I have a really good technique for dealing with inept vein-pokers -- if they hurt me, I SCREAM -- no namby-pamby whimpers, I really belt it out and let everyone in the office know that someone doesn't have a damn clue how to poke a needle into a vein. At my doc's, they know damn well that the doc himself is the only one capable of poking my tiny veins successfully and without pain, but last month when I went because I thought my flu had become pneumonia, the damn nurse thought she'd try. She must have hit a valve or something, because it hurt like a bastard -- so I let one really rip. The doc got in there ASAP and did it himself. :) Mission accomplished.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I have stage 4 aggressive cancer and I am fighting it myself now. I let them treat me and they almost killed me so I took matters into my own hands and am doing one whole hell of a lot better now. According to them I am dead now or would be in a couple mo.


Will write reviews for Beer!
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I have stage 4 aggressive cancer and I am fighting it myself now. I let them treat me and they almost killed me so I took matters into my own hands and am doing one whole hell of a lot better now. According to them I am dead now or would be in a couple mo.

Damn Dude!

Don't have any advice for you but you do have my prayers!

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