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Post away bitches.


Silver Contributor
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You're OK, dude. Hey, new avatar. Forgive my ignorance (which is vast) about such things, but who's the purple guy?


Diamond Contributor
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ECF Refugee
henchman 21 from the venture brothers, take johnny quest from the 60's roll it forward 40 years... with all the fucked up shit along the way and satire of the 90's on and there ya have it.


Silver Contributor
Member For 5 Years
henchman 21 from the venture brothers, take johnny quest from the 60's roll it forward 40 years... with all the fucked up shit along the way and satire of the 90's on and there ya have it.

Oh, wow. I know you weren't even an embryo in the 60's I actually have some memory of it. Sure there are gaps and hazy recollections, but that's to be expected. One thing of which I can assure - everything you hear about it is was understated. I wore beads, no less. and played lead guitar in an acid rock band, Traded 'em in for a tie in the 70s but never did give up playing in bands. I'm getting to the age now where, well, here's the best explanation I've heard.

When humans are young and immature, they care a great deal regarding what others think of them. As they mature, they care somewhat less what others think about them. A sign of full maturity is the realization that no one is really thinking about you at all. I may just be there. I'm gonna get me some beads, dammit. :D


Diamond Contributor
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ECF Refugee
Oh, wow. I know you weren't even an embryo in the 60's I actually have some memory of it. Sure there are gaps and hazy recollections, but that's to be expected. One thing of which I can assure - everything you hear about it is was understated. I wore beads, no less. and played lead guitar in an acid rock band, Traded 'em in for a tie in the 70s but never did give up playing in bands. I'm getting to the age now where, well, here's the best explanation I've heard.

When humans are young and immature, they care a great deal regarding what others think of them. As they mature, they care somewhat less what others think about them. A sign of full maturity is the realization that no one is really thinking about you at all. I may just be there. I'm gonna get me some beads, dammit. :D
Dude my dad made sure I grew up watching Johnny Quest, Star Trek the animated series.
Along with a steady diet of looney tunes, merry melodies, and walter lantz cartoons.


Silver Contributor
Member For 5 Years
There was a Star Trek animated series? B-but Shatner, Nimoy, crazy good terrible special effects. You've gotta Hulu or Netflix that, man. Watching Kirk and a guy in a rubber lizard suit throw rocks at each other i worth the price of admission. :D


Silver Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Animated Star Trek? No skinny Shatner & young Nimoy? No guy in a rubber lizard suit throwing rocks at Kirk? You missed some shit, my friend, serious shit. Sure it was terrible in retrospect but groundbreaking at the time. Crazy-bad special effects, too. See if you can pick it up on Hulu, Netflix or Prime. It will speed your recovery and help you forget the pain.


Diamond Contributor
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ECF Refugee
Animated Star Trek? No skinny Shatner & young Nimoy? No guy in a rubber lizard suit throwing rocks at Kirk? You missed some shit, my friend, serious shit. Sure it was terrible in retrospect but groundbreaking at the time. Crazy-bad special effects, too. See if you can pick it up on Hulu, Netflix or Prime. It will speed your recovery and help you forget the pain.
WTF there was and the rest of the shitshow doing the voices.
From 5-8 was kungfu, startrek and a couple others like barney miller and shit on channel 12, and the short as fuck live catch 22 which is now the bible channel thing.

Rambling rod showed the non pc cartoons in the mornings.
Sat. wrestling with billy jack hanes.

shit turned off except pbs at 1-2am.


Silver Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Yeah, I got into home theater in the 80s. Picked up a one-piece Mitsubishi front projection big screen that looked like a liquor cabinet when it was closed up. No flat screens at that time. My house was in the country on a hill so I had an antenna mounted at the highest point on the roof but unlike you, I can't remember the channel lineup. 'Same as yours; I suppose but I watched movies, mostly. On VHS tape, of course. :D


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ECF Refugee
For the love of god's sweet sanity..
If in doubt people need to keep their clothes on.
In the gym/spa I tag along too for the steam room... So much horrible was seen it is taking a serious huge about of brain bleach to scrub that shit from my mind..


Silver Contributor
Member For 5 Years
That naked gym/spa problem is a common bit in stand-up comedy. So you have plenty of validation.

That's tellin' 'em Lost.

I'll bet your candle is burning brighter for having extinguished someone else's. I've gotta know - do you do that deliberately or is that an uncontrollable impulse?


Silver Contributor
Member For 5 Years
At least it was not creepy old man balls in the locker room.

Hello. My name is SailCat and I have C.O.M.B. There is no cure, so please send money. Lots of it. Or vape gear. Yeah, vape gear would be good. :D


Diamond Contributor
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ECF Refugee
I to suffer comb and GOML (get off my lawn syndrome) I guess when you hit 40 it is automatic.


Silver Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Yeah, I remember back when I hit 40. Man, those were the golden years.

I know you've hit a rough patch recently, BigNasty, but for myself when I was around that age, my health was good enough that I didn't see a doctor nor did I have a personal physician for years - 'didn't need one. I seemed never to catch the flu or even a cold. At one point, when I had some malady or other that caused an itchy scrotum, I spun the virtual wheel and got lucky with a doctor at random. No, he wasn't the source or cause of the malady to me and while I don't recall a specific diagnosis, I do remember that he asked when he saw that my ball sack was a bit inflamed, "You haven't been scratching this, have you?" I was matter-of-fact when replied, "I can't get anybody else to do it."

Anyway, this doctor fellow went on to explain that it's not unusual for men in their 40s to have a few medical problems but it all seems to straighten out when they turn 50 and it's pretty much smooth sailing thereafter. The good doctor retired to follow the Real Estate business a few years later so I can't know how many other lies he told me. One's health doesn't miraculously improve at 50 and I feel foolish that I believed it for a moment. Wishful thinking, I suppose.

So, more to the point. how are you doing with your recovery, Nasty?


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If I post the 1,000,000'th do I get a prize?



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I'll Pass! I won't even allow my male relatives from Europe to kiss me on both cheeks!

Awww, but Smokie's cool! I'd let him kiss me on the cheek, then I'd turn my head real quick and plant one right on him. I love Smokie.


Diamond Contributor
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Member For 5 Years
Smokie will always get a hearty real mans handshake and if we get to know each other that well maybe a hug!


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Smokie will always get a hearty real mans handshake and if we get to know each other that well maybe a hug!
Well, I'm female. Smokie has a certain charm about himself. I like telling him what a nice smile he has. I think it makes him blush ;)


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
OK, so you can give me a kiss but Smokie or any other guy only gets a fist bump or a handshake, maybe even a Wassup!


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Diamond Contributor
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OK, so you can give me a kiss but Smokie or any other guy only gets a fist bump or a handshake, maybe even a Wassup!

Go with the fist bump... handshakes spread more germs than french-kissing. :D



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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That shit is the devil. Let's make some really strong resistant bacteria, yeah that sounds like a good idea! And all our immune systems can completely atrophy!




Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
ECF Refugee
That shit is the devil. Let's make some really strong resistant bacteria, yeah that sounds like a good idea! And all our immune systems can completely atrophy!


You have not seen some of the morloks in this area.

A barrel of that shit lit on fire is not helping much...


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Andria, you should know I am the type of person who rubs grease on burns to protect from infection! I am far from a germaphobe but I have used that stuff while in the Hospital visiting the last month.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Diamond Contributor
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Member For 5 Years
Andria, you should know I am the type of person who rubs grease on burns to protect from infection! I am far from a germaphobe but I have used that stuff while in the Hospital visiting the last month.

Y'know... that might actually be a reasonable use of it. The last time I visited my mom in a hospital, I got that godawful bacterial sinus infection back in the fall, that shit was horrible. So ok, maybe it's useful in certain cases. But in general, I'm dead-set against that shit -- one year, for the supplies my son was supposed to be equipped with at the beginning of the school year, that put that shit on the list -- I sent the teacher a note advising her that my son was NEVER to use that, but to learn how to WASH HIS HANDS WITH SOAP AND WATER. Which removes nearly all germs in any case... and it IS necessary to contact some germs in order to have a functional immune system. My mom was appalled whe I first brought my infant son home from the hospital, that i wasn't sterilizing everything -- including my boobs! I informed her that sterility is frowned on nowadays by doctors, because babies must develop their immune systems. It's the only way they can fight off disease -- hell, it's the only way their intestines can begin to digest food!



Gold Contributor
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Member For 3 Years
Vaping my bitter mango thing and craving a schwepps bitter lemon.

Chewing on frozen skittles and drinking ice water.

Boy, I used to LOVE that Bitter lemon, by itself or with vodka or gin. I have not seen it for decades.

If I found it right now Id do a happy dance ( music is a bit irritating )



Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
ECF Refugee
WTF there was and the rest of the shitshow doing the voices.
From 5-8 was kungfu, startrek and a couple others like barney miller and shit on channel 12, and the short as fuck live catch 22 which is now the bible channel thing.

Rambling rod showed the non pc cartoons in the mornings.
Sat. wrestling with billy jack hanes.

shit turned off except pbs at 1-2am.
Don't forget those free Tom Peterson haircuts!

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