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It may just be me... But I see some cool nano coil builds and think back to when I used to try those builds when I was just using single wires.

Could never get a good sick on builds like that. Show me a hole I can shove cotton in, we're good. tell me to make a bed underneath a coil, I look like I've just had a stroke.

Would love to see some wicked photos Ray!



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It may just be me... But I see some cool nano coil builds and think back to when I used to try those builds when I was just using single wires.

Could never get a good sick on builds like that. Show me a hole I can shove cotton in, we're good. tell me to make a bed underneath a coil, I look like I've just had a stroke.

Would love to see some wicked photos Ray!

Ill post some after I do it ;) Cant say it'll look nice but it'll work


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I havent yet but I will be filling between the coils with cotton, like a sleeve and have some wrap under the coil. It was more for "Ill try this today" then for actual use..

I was making a clean your RDA tut for Blake when making this.
That's what I was thinking but it made me think of my old days of trying to rebuild Atlantis coils and the hellish time I had with that. Trying to slip just the right amount of cotton inside. I know you use cotton bacon but if you have old pads I'd imagine that flat shape would be easier. Either way pretty coils, I'd be curious how they vape/"wick" without wicking, if that makes any sense.


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Every time I see BMI boxes I think "I would love one"
Two things turn me off about their boxes. Price. And specs.
I feel like their boxes are just such great quality, would be amazing to have in the rotation. And then, the specs seem 2015. even the V2 releasing soon only fires down to .1. 150 watts. I get it. That's true power and no PWM. But .1? There are non DNA chips firing lower, right?

If I'm not mistaken, there are very few Reggys that fire below 0.1Ω other than DNA200 and Unregulated. One would be the Hohm Wrecker G2, and another would be the TM150 (TwistedMesses), just off the top of my head. I've heard the Fuchai can also go down to 0.05 in Wattage mode as well, but am unsure.


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If I'm not mistaken, there are very few Reggys that fire below 0.1Ω other than DNA200 and Unregulated. One would be the Hohm Wrecker G2, and another would be the TM150 (TwistedMesses), just off the top of my head. I've heard the Fuchai can also go down to 0.05 in Wattage mode as well, but am unsure.
Theres a bunch that can...Snow Wolfs, Laisimo L1 and V200, Smok Xcube II and R200, most of the Regulated mods Ive own can fire atleast down to .05-.08 I dont buy mods that cant....fucking Cuboid is another story...

Im threading cotton through the center coil and then around the outer coil....just to try it, I may toss the build after but I just wanted to try it.


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Theres a bunch that can...Snow Wolfs, Lasisimo L1 and V200, Smok Xcube II and R200, most of the Regulated mods Ive own can fire atleast down to .05-.08 I dont buy mods that cant....fucking Cuboid is another story...

I didn't think the X-Cube2 could fire lower than 0.1Ω other than TC, may have to try that out just for kicks :p
I know that all Reg TC mods can fire to 0.05Ω in TC, but usually not in Wattage. Gonna have to start pushing the limits of my mods, see how far they'll actually let me go down to, thanks for the tip!



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Theres a bunch that can...Snow Wolfs, Laisimo L1 and V200, Smok Xcube II and R200, most of the Regulated mods Ive own can fire atleast down to .05-.08 I dont buy mods that cant....fucking Cuboid is another story...

Im threading cotton through the center coil and then around the outer coil....just to try it, I may toss the build after but I just wanted to try it.
And the damn BMI takes the cake for me as far as aesthetics and quality control....

But I already have a .1 limit. And 200 watts. Come on!! Throw a different chip in it BMI! DNA would justify your $270 price tag.


Edit: the company that makes the new chips is called vodistro


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I didn't think the X-Cube2 could fire lower than 0.1Ω other than TC, may have to try that out just for kicks :p
I know that all Reg TC mods can fire to 0.05Ω in TC, but usually not in Wattage. Gonna have to start pushing the limits of my mods, see how far they'll actually let me go down to, thanks for the tip!

Pretty sure it'll go to at least .09, then again you can always mess with the XCube and lock in a ~.1 build and then toss on the other build without pressing the fire button and it'd probably work. Abuse the weird locked in resistance system... not the best idea but hey...


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Pretty sure it'll go to at least .09, then again you can always mess with the XCube and lock in a ~.1 build and then toss on the other build without pressing the fire button and it'd probably work. Abuse the weird locked in resistance system... not the best idea but hey...

I think I did that once before when I first got it. Had a build that read .08Ω, but had a .12Ω on before. Took of the .12, tossed on the .08, but didn't reset the resistance, and it fired, but the power levels seemed off, like 50W felt like 80W kinda dealio, so I said fuck it, ain't about to blow up my mod with no backups lol. :eek:
Now that I know it is possible, I'll see if it can be legitimately done, see how low we can really go (without bypassing the safeties hopefully). It'll just be fun to know what the mod is truly capable of. Gonna test out all my mods later tonight, start at .09, then .08, and so on. This could be interesting :D


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Yup, made that mistake as well, many times in fact, usually when building. Put in first coil, put it on the mod, dryburn and all that. then finish building without ever resetting, suddenly my .25Ω setting is running a .12Ω build, and it throws a nice jab into your throat. It makes sense though, .25Ω build would get say(numbers brought to you by my behind) 5v at 100w and pull 20amps, then toss the .12Ω build on there and pump it with 5v and you're going to be pulling 41amps and 200w, and well, thankfully I always realized very quickly my mistake. I'm not sure how it handles that, if it was really giving me that full 41 amps or if it cutoff at some point and was just providing me the max it'd allow instead of my preferred setting, but anyways, yeah the Xcube is weird and something that isn't a good idea to test builds on :p


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Here's your requested pictures...The first wicking I did didnt work to well...mouthful of scolding hot tongue is still in recovery from being in shock/flashed mode...
The second wicking I did so it would have ventilation and I can say the flavor is crazy good and it pretty damn warm but not as hot as I was expecting....its definitely not a cloud build but the vapor is crazy dense...You have to be careful and drip often or you will burn the cotton as there isnt any pressure on it.
The coils absorb the juice from the cotton quickly so they dont need to be covered or have a layer touching it long as they have a supply to draw from its fine.
First Method of Wicking
20160404_125956.jpg 20160404_130006.jpg 20160404_130001.jpg

Second Method of Wicking:
20160404_130605.jpg 20160404_130622.jpg
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yeah the Xcube is weird and something that isn't a good idea to test builds on

Yeah, it's a great mod, but has a few little quirks, not necessarily bad ones, but ones that can have bad consequences when used incorrectly (Ohm Adjust and Resistance Lock mainly, they are great when you know how to use them, terrible when you forget they exist or accidently change them). I have a CoilMaster V2 kit now, so I can properly test the Ohms out, instead of cross mod verification. Now I'll be able to better tell how much the mod is off, if any, and how it will read very slight differences in resistance (see if it'll read a .085 at .09 or .08, or actually on the money, the "Ohm Adjust" feature allows you to see the Resistance reading down to the 1,000 decimal, 10,000 if I recall correctly, that might be the TCR though, I can't recall ATM)


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The firing bar is what's caused me quite a few issues when using the XCube as a build deck. I really need to get one of the tabs, but ehh. Now I just use my Sigelei to build on, then test the reading on my ohmmeter, then back onto whichever mod I'm going to use.


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Ive gotten quite a few battle scars from the you know how easy it is to undo the lock while playing with your build?? :eek: I will never use it to build on ever again!


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Ive gotten quite a few battle scars from the you know how easy it is to undo the lock while playing with your build?? I will never use it to build on ever again!

The firing bar is what's caused me quite a few issues when using the XCube as a build deck. I really need to get one of the tabs, but ehh. Now I just use my Sigelei to build on, then test the reading on my ohmmeter, then back onto whichever mod I'm going to use.

I'm one of the only people I know who hasn't ever had issues with my fire bar. My OCD prevents me from putting it down without locking it (yes, every time I put it down I lock it, even if I'm gonna pick it up in a minute anyways). And when I build on it, I lock it first, then shut it off, that way even if I accidentally turn it on, it's still locked too, would have to hit the bar 10 times consecutively to do any damage, so I've gotten lucky doing that I suppose. I've given myself more battle scars from my VTC Mini than my X-Cube2 hahaha


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Same here it looks like it would be a epic build. And it sounds like you are enjoying it.


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Pretty sure it'll go to at least .09, then again you can always mess with the XCube and lock in a ~.1 build and then toss on the other build without pressing the fire button and it'd probably work. Abuse the weird locked in resistance system... not the best idea but hey...
The koopor has the same feature. Annoying at first but i got used to it and i think it fires down to .08

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Okay so some more build images for you guys to enjoy....
I took out the Series Mason Build and tossed this its great on the HOG V1 and it ramps up just as fast as the Series Build did...Im just playing with things to see what I like or not in it...

2 x 22N80/40KD Fused Claptons Staged with Twisted 24N80 (7/6 Wraps/4mm ID)

20160404_144750.jpg 20160404_144752.jpg 20160404_144818.jpg 20160404_144754.jpg
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i know everyone does there coils by wrapping around a drill bit or screw drivers, but has anyone tried using allen wrenches? i know it'd be a little different shape but would work the same right?


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It takes some work but its doable...Ive used all types of things to wrap on but its not going to be perfect...


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How hard is naked framed staples to make? Thought about going with 5 ply .3 (maybe .4 aint getting up to check to lazy) and 26 for the frames. How hard is it to keep everything lined up?

Thinking about using 38 to hold everything together while wrapping them

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How hard is naked framed staples to make? Thought about going with 5 ply .3 (maybe .4 aint getting up to check to lazy) and 26 for the frames. How hard is it to keep everything lined up?

Thinking about using 38 to hold everything together while wrapping them

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It can be a pain there are a couple ways to do it. I find the easiest way but time consuming is to make a Framed Staple and cut the outer wrap off/unwind it then remove the frames.


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It can be a pain there are a couple ways to do it. I find the easiest way but time consuming is to make a Framed Staple and cut the outer wrap off/unwind it then remove the frames.
Which way are you keeping the ribbon?

Flat together like this | or side by side like |||

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You need them Vertical/side-by-side you do not lay them flat. It works much easier with thinner Ribbon like .3 or .4 also
Thanks bub! I'll post some pics when my ugly nakos are done lol

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Thanks bub! I'll post some pics when my ugly nakos are done lol

sent from a dumb operated smart phone
Good luck my last set I tried without framing it and I used .6 Ribbon...Either my outer wrap wasn't tight enough and/or the Ribbon was just TOO THICK but it would just fold and warp...I wasted a ton of Ribbon as I was trying to do 12 stripes wide and I over shot the amount I needed to do it...I wont use .6 for anything but Framed staples now...Ill stick to .3/.4 Ribbon for Staples and Nakey stuff.
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Good luck my last set I tried without framing it and I used .6 Ribbon...Either my outer wrap was tight enough and/or the Ribbon was just TOO THICK but it would just fold and warp...I wasted a ton of Ribbon as I was trying to do 12 stripes wide and I over shot the amount I needed to do it...I wont use .6 for anything but Framed staples now...Ill stick to .3/.4 Ribbon for Staples and Nakey stuff.
I got .4 and I gonna use 5 pieces with 26 for frames to keep it close to .2ohms for duals when they finish out. We shall see what I come up with lol

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Ok, i thought a clean stagered fused clapton was my best technical build to date. I was wrong.

20160404_193044.jpg 20160404_200500.jpg

10 strands of 34 twisted, folded over and twisted again for the core. 24 for the frames and 34 final wrap staggered. Id say how it vapes but i have yet to even dry fire it. This is gunna be sweet


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Ok, i thought a clean stagered fused clapton was my best technical build to date. I was wrong.

View attachment 46057 View attachment 46058

10 strands of 34 twisted, folded over and twisted again for the core. 24 for the frames and 34 final wrap staggered. Id say how it vapes but i have yet to even dry fire it. This is gunna be sweet
Got me jealous...:fyi:


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Sloppy pic but my ribbon turned sideways on me

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ETA I cut the wires and am about to start over


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Here goes my first attempt to keep everything lined up while wrapping these fuckers up lol


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You need to wrap the entire length of the wire before you can wrap it around a bit or it will fold/warp. You basically need to make it a Framed Staple Build and then cut the outerwrap off after you done wrapping the I said time consuming.

For framed staples I use a long strand of 38g and handwind it the entire wire length with half inch spaces...this keeps it together perfectly and then I can push it over as I go and I can wrap and use the entire wire length...almost no waste.


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I use a long strand of 38g and handwind it the entire wire length with half inch spaces...this keeps it together perfectly and then I can push it over as I go and I can wrap and use the entire wire length...almost no waste.
I'm using the one as a "slider" to kept it tight. Sadly I didn't have it tight enough and my ribbon went cray

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That was why I stopped. The wire twisted on me. Gonna call it a building night for now. Gotta relax for an hour or so before I crash for night. That 5 am comes fast lol

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Here's a good pic description of what I was trying to tell you: LINK


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See you need to create a finished Framed Staple then disassemble it afterwards...a lengthy procedure.
I was hopeful that I could get away with torching the shit out of the coils before releasing tenson once their wrapped. Might have to wait till I have a day off to put in some serious buildtime to try the craziness i want to try. I am going to (try to) make some aliens and probably a decent sized fused Clapton to throw in the mutation xl. I've been neglecting that poor, big bitch lol
thinking about going with 24-26-24 cores fused Claptons if I can keep the cores from going to awful fucky

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