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Looks to be about a Half inch and you pull its straight down and start wrapping the coil...perfect length for a lead....there's 2 choices of mounting the wire, one is 90 degrees from the rod...which is the one I would use myself.

Ah right! i only saw the one way of wrapping, here take a look, you may have to FFW the vid past the part where he's twisting some wire up
EDIT: 3:45 is where he starts wrapping but after watching again it seems to be that the mandrel doesnt push into the handle enough to be able to get a clean wrap at a 90 angle, i could be wrong and there could be something i'm not being shown
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So this is my new wire making setup and it's working out pretty damn good there's a whole lot of black and yellow but it works

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement


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3x32//38g Aliens with 30//42g Fused Claptons in parallel.
3mm inner diameter = .20Ω
All Atomizerwick N80

While i was busy photographing this build my computer decided it was done with this world, so this is the only photo i have without my photo-stacking software. I was hoping it would clock in high enough to run in series-but no such luck. Vapes great on the ol' Sig 150TC though. Excellent flavor and vapor, just what one would suspect out of a build like this.
I finally took a break from my production builds to make something for myself and now this baloney. I'm hoping to raise my laptop from the dead somehow, because i spent an hour photographing the damn thing. Depressing.


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While i was busy photographing this build my computer decided it was done with this world
nice build man. sorry to hear about your laptop though :( hopefully its easily dealt with. sometimes laptops are no fun to work on (actually never).

seems like bad luck is in the air for some of us. following my awful day yesterday, i took another shot at these alien framed staples. everything felt great making the clapton and decoring it. i clamped it down and measured out the stretch, and i got almost there and the wire snapped. i had about 6 inches worth in my hand, and there were about four more hanging out of my clamp. as for the other ~80 inches, so far i found four pieces of random lengths in various parts of my livingroom. im sure the rest is just waiting to destroy my vacuum cleaner later :( even worse (imo) is that all these mistakes in the last two days wasted almost all my 36g, and i dont have anything else to work with for now, so im stuck waiting for supplies again.

the good news is that my framed staples were already set up and ready to wrap, so i took the two or three feet of 36 i had left and loosely wrapped it up. now im trying to decide if i should just install them and vape away all my sorrow, or push my luck and try to make a set of naked framed staples. what would you guys/girls do with these?


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nice build man. sorry to hear about your laptop though :( hopefully its easily dealt with. sometimes laptops are no fun to work on (actually never).

seems like bad luck is in the air for some of us. following my awful day yesterday, i took another shot at these alien framed staples. everything felt great making the clapton and decoring it. i clamped it down and measured out the stretch, and i got almost there and the wire snapped. i had about 6 inches worth in my hand, and there were about four more hanging out of my clamp. as for the other ~80 inches, so far i found four pieces of random lengths in various parts of my livingroom. im sure the rest is just waiting to destroy my vacuum cleaner later :( even worse (imo) is that all these mistakes in the last two days wasted almost all my 36g, and i dont have anything else to work with for now, so im stuck waiting for supplies again.

the good news is that my framed staples were already set up and ready to wrap, so i took the two or three feet of 36 i had left and loosely wrapped it up. now im trying to decide if i should just install them and vape away all my sorrow, or push my luck and try to make a set of naked framed staples. what would you guys/girls do with these?
View attachment 53189
I would hope they dont warp wrapping it as a coil...there isnt much holding it together so its a big possibillity that the Ribbon may fold or warp when making the bends....I would wrap it and then clip the Outer wrap off if it works.


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i chickened out and just installed them and left it alone. my luck lately has been bad enough that its time to stop pushing it and just wait for things to clear up lol...hopefully by the time i get more wire ill be good to go.

vapes like a boss at low wattage. dual coils @ 6 x .4mm with 26g frames and a tiny bit of 36 (all kanthal) to hold her together, came to .11.


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i chickened out and just installed them and left it alone. my luck lately has been bad enough that its time to stop pushing it and just wait for things to clear up lol...hopefully by the time i get more wire ill be good to go.

vapes like a boss at low wattage. dual coils @ 6 x .4mm with 26g frames and a tiny bit of 36 (all kanthal) to hold her together, came to .11.
View attachment 53194

You did well to wrap it as tidy as you did considering the spaced clapton and what with it all being kanth :cool:


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.05 ribbon wire is fun. That's what I keep telling myself.
.4R I think is the best for as pliable and easy to wrap as .3R but is easier to work with like .5R...Plus 26g is the exact same in hieght as .4 Standing so your builds look much cleaner!

My phone wont connect to my pc so I can view the folders right now....after I do come cleaning Ill have a build ready in the new Copper Goon and Petri V2!

Got some SS Wire and Ribbon in!


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Yeah I got a bunch of .4 x .05 it vapes well...but its murder to stack its so flimsy you can't even stand it on end to even the ends :D


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Yeah I got a bunch of .4 x .05 it vapes well...but its murder to stack its so flimsy you can't even stand it on end to even the ends :D
Soak fingers in VG and rub up and down all the Ribbon at once, clip the ends to match up and then bow all the Ribbon into a wide curve.....then pinch the sides and slide down....thats how I get them all to stack easily..


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Soak fingers in VG and rub up and down all the Ribbon at once, clip the ends to match up and then bow all the Ribbon into a wide curve.....then pinch the sides and slide down....thats how I get them all to stack easily..
Thanks Ray I will give it a try, I got 10 pieces stacked and wrapped but it took 'a while' only need to look at funny and it twists or kinks, its as thin as 46 gauge.


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Thanks Ray I will give it a try, I got 10 pieces stacked and wrapped but it took 'a while' only need to look at funny and it twists or kinks, its as thin as 46 gauge.
I made this video for @BrattVapes awhile ago for stackign the Ribbon...This was shortly after I made those 70+ coils so you can see how swollen my hands were at the goes to show even big dumb hands can get it done.


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So this is my new wire making setup and it's working out pretty damn good there's a whole lot of black and yellow but it works

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement
Sweet setup! I like the way you have those clamps set up.. I've been trying to think of a way to use my drill standing and that's a great idea.


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Sweet setup! I like the way you have those clamps set up.. I've been trying to think of a way to use my drill standing and that's a great idea.
I went with the dewalt clamps because they're the only ones I could find that had a hole in the end were I could but my swivels on. But the big one was too fat and too high for my drill so I used the small one to be at the same height as the drill. When the drill was laying down I felt it was hard to keep a consistent speed and I couldn't let the spool tamers do the work

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement


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Anyone grab a Titanium Goon & does anyone known if this will be the only run?

Sent from my LGMS330 using Tapatalk


Member For 4 Years
Anyone grab a Titanium Goon & does anyone known if this will be the only run?

Sent from my LGMS330 using Tapatalk
I could find out if it's gonna be the only run for you. I live about a half hour away from Aura Vapor Den which is 528's shop in NJ.


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I could find out if it's gonna be the only run for you. I live about a half hour away from Aura Vapor Den which is 528's shop in NJ.
Please do I would like one but can't get it right now >.<

Sent from my LGMS330 using Tapatalk


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It is limited to one run and they go for $140 unfortunately....
Well looks like I won't be getting one.. At least not now lol. Not like I need one since I don't go all out for pictures anymore. Pretty much aesthetics isn't it? Just picked up a SubZero RDA though so I'm happy about that.


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Well looks like I won't be getting one.. At least not now lol. Not like I need one since I don't go all out for pictures anymore. Pretty much aesthetics isn't it? Just picked up a SubZero RDA though so I'm happy about that.
I know a few people that grabbed a handful of them and Im willing to bet that atleast 2 of those people will be willing to sell one of theirs in a bit....If I hear that they will let one go later I can let you know


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I know a few people that grabbed a handful of them and Im willing to bet that atleast 2 of those people will be willing to sell one of theirs in a bit....If I hear that they will let one go later I can let you know
Ray, you're just the best of people.

Sent from my LGMS330 using Tapatalk


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Did a quick build for my griffin. 2x26k/32k 6 wraps at .17 ohms. I have it on my G2 running 130watts at 14.5% fsk at 380F. Vapes great and has some really good flavor. Better than some of mine wrapped in 40k.


Just did a 10x.4n80/40 ribbon that I'm going to put in my boreas when it shows up at the end of the week.

Sent from my SM-G925V using Tapatalk


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I havent been posting my work here since my phone wont connect to my pc here's a bunch of builds that I did before my drill recently died....

All 316L CSSFC:

Staggerton build:
20160605_114107.jpg 20160605_114127.jpg

Copper Goon Build:

Petri V2 Framed Staple Build:

Tsunami 24 316L SS Aliens (32g/40g)

Petri V2 25PLY Staple:

Triple Corrugated SSFC:
20160603_144810.jpg 20160603_153805.jpg


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So I got an email from Lightning Vapes about their wire sale, and I thought "Damn, its been like 2 or 3 weeks at least since I made any coils, I need to make some staggered fused claptons for my series mechs, lets do it!". Then after doin the initial core and wrapping them together in the grooves and what not, I completely remember why I stopped making wire. Its the single most frustrating thing Ive tried to do. I taught myself to play guitar 100%, no lessons, before the internet had videos and lessons, I taught myself how to build a guitar from scratch, I taught myself to skateboard when I was a kid, and taught myself to ride a bike...but making coils? God damn, everytime I just want to go berserk and set my apartment building on fire and kick the walls down into dust. If you told me every single mass shooter had just tried to build some mildly advanced coils Id think "Well thats a reasonable reaction to that then" lol. If I had room mates Id wake them up right now just to beat them with a sock full of batteries and pennies.

...can you tell Im frustrated? lmao. Yall have the patients of a special education teaching Jesus, I dont know how you do it.


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I havent been posting my work here since my phone wont connect to my pc here's a bunch of builds that I did before my drill recently died....

All 316L CSSFC:
View attachment 53554

Staggerton build:
View attachment 53555 View attachment 53558

Copper Goon Build:
View attachment 53564

Petri V2 Framed Staple Build:
View attachment 53556

Tsunami 24 316L SS Aliens (32g/40g)
View attachment 53557View attachment 53560

Petri V2 25PLY Staple:
View attachment 53563

Triple Corrugated SSFC:
View attachment 53562 View attachment 53561
Dude! Epic looking coils I want some they look like a great flavor hit
That corrugated looks awesome!
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I was sick of not building anything besides normal coils the last 2 was a pain in the ass but it did turn out much better then I expected
There's something satisfying about it, but while the 32g wasn't bad (though it's why I thought claptons were all hype for a while) I tried with 40g once... got half way through enough for a coil and said screw that.

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