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Redheaded Stepchildren


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Good afternoon everyone!
Anybody making good use of the weather while it's still decent? Being a Michigander (along with this being the first winter living 1.25 miles from Lake Michigan.... Ugghh Lake Effect Bullcrap) I'm trying to make the most of days that are warm enough for me to be outside, the nerves are damaged in my back, so when I shiver/tense from the cold it is excruciating. Bundling up helps but only so much...

That being said I should use some of today to play frisbee with my DOGhter, She absolutely adores the Kong Frisbee I got her a couple years ago. She's ruined probably 8-10 dollar store frisbee since she's had the kong, but it's still going! Best $12 investment I've made (in dog toys) by far!


Silver Contributor
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Member For 2 Years
GOOD MORNING! good morning! good morning knuckly bunch!
I've had way too much java, should prolly switch to Kaptn Krunch!
or I'll stick with coffe, this stuff is effin great!
but now im second guessing the ginseng that I ate!
(if it doesnt make since, repeat in sing-a-long style. I'll be on the ceiling!)


Silver Contributor
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Member For 2 Years
No. I live in a tiny unit. I have a cockatiel called Quack, and 2 chooks called Maria and Puggles.

I love dogs. Wish I could have one here. But username is from my football team the Western Bulldogs. Avatar is just a random pic

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Ohh that makes sense, if you were closer I would offer to let you come by to get your 'doggy fix', We used todo that with some people we met when living in a hotel for a few months. They would bring the kids down in the morning and the kids would play with her until they (Satie included) were worn out lol My dog Satie Vae is a Texas Heeler (Australian Cattle dog [aka Blue Heeler] X Australian Shepherd) and She tends to be too smart for my own good sometimes lol jk She's really well behaved as long as we keep her mentally stimulated and spend half an hour (minimum a day) with her off the leash playing frisbee.

as far as mental stimulation, I may or may not have full blown conversations/debates with my dog. When my Mom was sick (AML, a form of leukemia) Satie decided that she was going to be Gramma's little helper, and that's kinda how she ended up a service dog. She would see Mom having trouble standing up from seated, so everytime Mom went to get up, Satie would see her start the process and be right there to support her. When my back was out she did the same for me, and I was impressed with the amount of weight she could bear (Never would I ask her to support a full or even half a humans weight, she mainly helped with stability during the rise, we didnt put alot of weight on her)

But you could tell she was happy to have a job. A job is a must have for most herding dogs, but I know in my case, its worth the work. I wouldnt trade my DOGhter for the world!


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Morning knuckles. I'm officially completely jelly.

Back to 6-7 day work weeks. Had to let someone go so we will all be going crazy trying to make up for it. Another girl is getting married so will be off for a week and a half so we are down to 5 of us to cover way too many hours I'm pewped just thinking about it. Probably won't be around much again for a bit. Also somewhere between all that will be moving into the apartment. I'm excited but yeah gonna be one azzausted always

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