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Chrome extension:

trumpfilter dot com

You stiil might be subjected to some of his pics though; didn't get enough detail to know for sure. It's open source, so people are already working on additions. Hopefully they'll create one to get rid of everything to do with elections... which will be nothing but worse from here on out.


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You'd think just getting Sarah on the ticket back then would have scared hell out of the populace. But, no.

Have you ever seen a better picture of "dumb and dumber" than The Donald with that stupid grin/grimace (not sure) plastered on his mug, listening to ex-Gov Moosejaw babble on?


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whiskey why do i see this?

Vape On

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Oh damnitman!!! I'm on crapatalk on an iPad right now and it's fine

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I don't have any option to reconfigure

Vape On
Did you try to reinstall it the app?

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I hope no one wins the election..... I couldn't stand hearing Hillary's kackel, seeing Tom Cruz's lady face, watching Bernie sanders look like he just farted, or hearing trump telling me i'm stupid for the next 4 years.

I am starting to think the earth is going to fall into the sun

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This is your president brother it is the only solution
Uncle TEd for President

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This is your president brother it is the only solution
Uncle TEd for President

I never should have sold that condo in mexico

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I do love how the seasoned veterans take the time to help out baby vapers like me. (I'm kissing ass so y'all won't yell at me so play along.) I want to bitch about the fact that it's SO annoying when I search for an answer on a specific topic or a problem I'm having and I find what I think will be the perfect thread and....... there is a shitload of non-specific answers or someone is almost getting to the answer and BOOM! The thread is hijacked by veteran's bullshit because they are bored or they start using Vape Speak to communicate with each other and I'm left looking for that damn glossary and/or I end up throwing my phone across the room. AGAIN!

Now, personally, I am a sarcastic bitch myself so I enjoy the bullshit slinging. In fact, that's my favorite part of VU other than learning valuable safety information and getting some great ideas; however, would it kill y'all to throw us noob's a fucking bone and get an answer to, in our world, the most important question ever first? Thanks and I love y'all!

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What was your question I'll answer it if I know the answer.


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Example of Why I Don't Participate In "Contests":
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This isn't a "contest." This is a Payment With Extra Special Twist for advertising for the vendor.

I like how you can win ten points apiece for abusing your friends.
That is a great example of what I call a flaming hoops of death contest...FFS!
Just give the damn mod to you're butt-buddy and forget having a fake contest...Jeeze


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Eleaf needs to get their act together. It's 2016. They can stop iNaming iTheir iShit.

And they really need to make it harder for us to make fun of them. The Eleaf iJust Start? Like "iJust Start Fires?" or "iJust Start Breaking the Second You Open the Package?"


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
VU started to move comments if they feel like it's off topic or trolling!!!
COMMUNISM not happy with this change!!

Mostly I think the moderators are finally just fed up with entire threads ending up in (The Mud Pit).I'd like to thank them for hijacking some of the most offending posts and dumping those into the waste where they belong.So that now there is a continuity of at least seemingly peaceful adult respect.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Oh ok my bad, LOL
I wa playing dude, you know me...
Steve and bean are the only ones that I wanna choke

Careful there bubba you're merging toward a line.I don't like either of them 1 single bit just making sure you stay within boundaries.Don't give either of them even a tiny excuse to call out for help from their guardians.



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Member For 4 Years
Bean I actually feel bad for, he finally started to come around and show a glimmer of humanity,
He did when?
I missed this miracle somehow.
Did he also fart the colors of the rainbow?

Rule #7 Never trust a thief.

You can either be a con or a man, you can't be both. - Det. Peter Burke (White Collar) Played by Tim DeKay


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Member For 4 Years
There's a thread, somewhere, where he claims to have Found God, mended his ways, quit vaping and he's departing the forum.
I believe the thread is called (On my own for a while) or some such nonsense.
Hmm really he found god?
Heck I didn't know god was lost.
Which god did he find there's more gods than stars visible from earth circa 1812.
Mending his ways yeah right seems to be a variation on the same old bean theme of trolling trolling trolling keep that trolling going rawhide.
I hope he keeps vaping.I'd hate to see anybody even bean go back to smoking although if he leaves here I will full on do a damn jig.



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Member For 4 Years
$1,000,000 idea: add caffeine to e-juice.
Been done already at least 3 times none of those companies are around anymore.
You see the problem is medical grade caffeine is very bitter.
Pop like 3 children's aspirins at once and you'll get the idea.



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Member For 4 Years
Just thinking out a rant here, you can ignore if you want lol.

So everyone thinks they are a generally good person. At least most do anyway. No one thinks "well I'm the biggest asshat in the world" regardless of whether they are or not. But from an outside standpoint, we all know at least 3 complete assholes. They are so self absorbed that they literally don't see how they make others feel or how they are perceived.

But that person thinks "shit I'm a good person, I am a caring selfless person, do you see what I do for these people?" No one thinks they're an inherently bad person no matter what anyone else thinks. And every one of these assholes has a mother/friends/etc that see them as a good person.

I don't have a tl;Dr here, I need to go to bed. Sorry
Urm....My personal theme song is (Asshole by Denis Leary).
And I do in fact consider myself to be an asshole.
Most people are loud mouthed obnoxious assholes and have no clue that they are.
I know I'm an asshole and I'm cool with it...Now let's have a drink...Cheers!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I told everyone of them that this was the stupidest idea I've heard of since Obama Care.
Obama care ain't that bad.I hate it too but it ain't even close to being that scary stupid and dangerous.
Oh and I hope you've stopped going to that vape shop.
Cause they're like you know ...

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