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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Ima hijack this hugfest cause I need to rant for a second, get some stress off me.

You ever have one of those fucking nights? You know the kind - one of those nights where you get something you're super excited about, put off playing with it to get all your shit straight and everyone happy and content so you can get a few minutes to yourself to play with yourse-- I mean, your new thing. So you get it going and you want to wrap some coils for it. Start out with some clapton wire, everything's going wrong from the get go - wrong wrapping, wrong twists, nothing sits right. Try and cinch it together a little and there goes one of your coils. So you wrap a new one that doesn't want to cooperate, you bonker through getting both of these infernal little fuckups pulled out of there and chunked - no saving any of that shit. Start new. I swear to God Almighty Above, I'm dropping every-godamned-thing I touch. Juice, coils, wire cutters, COTTON SO MUCH FLUFFED OUT FUCKED UP FAILED WICKS I mean seriously, folks, it's one of those nights.

I putz my way through rolling two decently okay mirrored coils - by some stroke of dumbass luck. Got 'em glowing, nice, got 'em in sync, nice, got a low-as-shit read on it but, hey, whatever - go big or go home. Or, actually, it's something along the lines of "whatever, it's done." Finally get them wicked, none of my fancy-schmancy shit is cooperating with me so it's good ol' padded Japanese (I think) stuff, get it wicked. Get the tails snipped, get wicks just right. Fuck yeah, this is turning out a lot better than I thought!

Let's just shake up this bottle of juice and throw it all the way across the goddamned room, nail my Fuchai and Griffin deck off a window sill, coil-face-first into the floor. Batteries flying everywhere, coils fucked... fuckin'...fuck.

Just having one of those fucking nights.

Alright, I'm done. You may resume grab-ass. I may actually join in tonight.
With a few variances on the device coil build and so forth yes and way too fucking often yet another reason I won't go back to wrapping my own coils.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Yes but the whole tank gets hot. I mean freaking hot. The tf4v gets no where near as hot at 100w compared to the cleito at 55

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Whoa...Really I think you might have a seriously fucked coil-head then.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Some people are just smelly pirate hookers
Not sure if she smells


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
That's what I said. In the video it says the dad bought it. SERIOUSLY? YOU BOUGHT AN ECIG FOR YOUR 16 YEAR-OLD SON? ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE?
My dad gave me my first cigarette I was 10 at the time I think...Living in a strange land.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Worry not, Whiskey. I"ll let you in! But you have to promise to at least consider thinking about maybe someday wearing the French Maid outfit.
That'd be overdressed...Just Saying.
The only thing a woman really needs to have on to look sexy is a smile


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I am having so much fun with job hunting. I had a head hunter call me a few days ago. She sets up a interview/application. Sounds really good, huh? Not. I go to the entity/facility and was told they are being audited. I filled out a application and off I went. This morning I get a call from the DON (director of nursing) to give her a call to set up a interview. Okay, I called back 3 hours from the time she called because I was busy. I called and was told she no longer works there. What? They set me up with corporate via telephone. I have a interview with them. I'm not feeling good about this. My rant for the day.
It's a trap run


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
And today, on the interwebz, I learned a whole new word: "Ableism". From Wikipedia: "Ableism or ablism[1] (/ˈeɪblɪzəm/) is a form of discrimination or social prejudice against people with disabilities." The article goes on to assert "Similar to many of the assumptions underlying the medical model of disability amongst many clinicians, the "ableist" societal world-view is that the able-bodied are the norm in society, and that people who have disabilities deviate from that norm."

I'm going to need a lot more coffee before I can even begin to address that in any kind of coherent fashion.

Is it too early to start drinking?
Could you pour me some and make mine Irish...Thanks


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Ok I'm pissed or maybe I'm just a dick. I won that " nubilus juice" contest. Got second place. Well the contest stated second place wins the entire nubilus juice line in 15ml. Hell yeah right that's sweet. Well I got it today. But they only sent me half the line. Is it just fucking me being a unappreciative dick. Or is that shit wrong.

Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk
It could be worse...Last time I won a full rack/line the e-liquid was nasty to the point that I tossed it.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I have no idea why this site is so slow. Flash back to 95. Maybe they will finally have a secure connection for members here.Or is it just me?
The whole interwebs has been slow as heck for 3 days I even joked with the wife last night that it was feeling like dial up speeds

Scooter 72

Platinum Contributor
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Fuck,shit,dam, sorry s.o.b.

have a nice day


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I hope no one wins the election..... I couldn't stand hearing Hillary's kackel, seeing Tom Cruz's lady face, watching Bernie sanders look like he just farted, or hearing trump telling me i'm stupid for the next 4 years.

I am starting to think the earth is going to fall into the sun

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You could always not vote or switch parties

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