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Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Quiet on the whole forum today.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years

Fix yur shit:D


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Mmmm, mmmm... got a whole batch of chocolate brownies. :p

A box mix, but good stuff... "Supreme".

Damn, damn, damn... got two thirds of a batch of brownies. :(

Still and all... Ghirardelli. Had the choco sauce packet in the box. :p

DAMN... damn, dammit, damn... got half a batch of brownies. :mad:



VU Donator
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Mmmm, mmmm... got a whole batch of chocolate brownies. :p

A box mix, but good stuff... "Supreme".

Damn, damn, damn... got two thirds of a batch of brownies. :(

Still and all... Ghirardelli. Had the choco sauce packet in the box. :p

DAMN... damn, dammit, damn... got half a batch of brownies. :mad:

We meant cigarettes, Jim. :p


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
VU Donator
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Member For 5 Years
Why do you hate America brownies? :mad:


Cigarettes won't make you fat. Nevermind what they WILL make you (cancerous, huffing, puffing, desperate when you can't get one, stinky, etc).



Silver Contributor
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Member For 3 Years
This is a "Dear Xxxx" letter that I actually sent to the state.

For those of you with short attention spans, #3 is what really pissed me off.

Dear DMV,

1. I changed auto insurance policies through [redacted] Insurance. There was no lapse in coverage.
2. I can't find out how, but the termination of my old policy got to the DMV, while notice of my new policy did not.
3. The DMV sent me a letter dated June 8, 2016 and threatened me with:
3a. suspension of registration
3b. suspension of my drivers' license
3c. suspension of my privilege to drive
3d. suspension of my privilege to obtain a Driver's License
3e. the inability to renew an out of state DL
3f. a civil penalty
3g. having to turn in my plates
3h. having to serve a suspension
4. I had 10 days to remedy this non-existent problem, but received the letter on the 10th day. On a Friday at 3p.
5. I was still able to contact [redacted], find a fax machine to send [redacted] the DMV letter and apparently take care of it before close of business.
6. I checked my DMV insurance status online four hours later. The status said I "had a lapse of liability insurance coverage." So now I'm apparently flagged as someone who can't follow the rules.
7. I understand some or many drivers need to be jarred to action. But if there is a level where being stern crosses over to obnoxious, this letter and this process is it.
8. I understand driving is a privilege. But it's a privilege that I pay for. This includes $2,134 in taxes for the vehicle, as well as more for tags, a license, inspections, renewals and insurance. Not to mention the $24,500 for the truck itself and the additional constant upkeep. After all that money, time and effort, it should stand to reason that I might be interested in keeping all bureaucracies happy so I can continue using this expensive mode of transportation.
9. I understand that, even after thousands of dollars in fees and taxes, the state still doesn't consider me a "customer" worthy of anything but threats. But may I at least get the threatening communication in a timely manner so I can take care of it without panicking over the possibility of a life-changing punishment? And then perhaps, may I not be convicted of a lapse that never existed in the first place? That would be great.


VU Translation: Fuck the state DMV


VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
VU Patreon
This is a "Dear Xxxx" letter that I actually sent to the state.

For those of you with short attention spans, #3 is what really pissed me off.

Dear DMV,

1. I changed auto insurance policies through [redacted] Insurance. There was no lapse in coverage.
2. I can't find out how, but the termination of my old policy got to the DMV, while notice of my new policy did not.
3. The DMV sent me a letter dated June 8, 2016 and threatened me with:
3a. suspension of registration
3b. suspension of my drivers' license
3c. suspension of my privilege to drive
3d. suspension of my privilege to obtain a Driver's License
3e. the inability to renew an out of state DL
3f. a civil penalty
3g. having to turn in my plates
3h. having to serve a suspension
4. I had 10 days to remedy this non-existent problem, but received the letter on the 10th day. On a Friday at 3p.
5. I was still able to contact [redacted], find a fax machine to send [redacted] the DMV letter and apparently take care of it before close of business.
6. I checked my DMV insurance status online four hours later. The status said I "had a lapse of liability insurance coverage." So now I'm apparently flagged as someone who can't follow the rules.
7. I understand some or many drivers need to be jarred to action. But if there is a level where being stern crosses over to obnoxious, this letter and this process is it.
8. I understand driving is a privilege. But it's a privilege that I pay for. This includes $2,134 in taxes for the vehicle, as well as more for tags, a license, inspections, renewals and insurance. Not to mention the $24,500 for the truck itself and the additional constant upkeep. After all that money, time and effort, it should stand to reason that I might be interested in keeping all bureaucracies happy so I can continue using this expensive mode of transportation.
9. I understand that, even after thousands of dollars in fees and taxes, the state still doesn't consider me a "customer" worthy of anything but threats. But may I at least get the threatening communication in a timely manner so I can take care of it without panicking over the possibility of a life-changing punishment? And then perhaps, may I not be convicted of a lapse that never existed in the first place? That would be great.


VU Translation: Fuck the state DMV
Write to the state for the taxes we have to pay on a house that we own already.

Jeez Lost. I'd have been pissed, too. I had a similar experience, but it got resolved quickly. Such a hassle.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
This is a "Dear Xxxx" letter that I actually sent to the state.

For those of you with short attention spans, #3 is what really pissed me off.

Dear DMV,

1. I changed auto insurance policies through [redacted] Insurance. There was no lapse in coverage.
2. I can't find out how, but the termination of my old policy got to the DMV, while notice of my new policy did not.
3. The DMV sent me a letter dated June 8, 2016 and threatened me with:
3a. suspension of registration
3b. suspension of my drivers' license
3c. suspension of my privilege to drive
3d. suspension of my privilege to obtain a Driver's License
3e. the inability to renew an out of state DL
3f. a civil penalty
3g. having to turn in my plates
3h. having to serve a suspension
4. I had 10 days to remedy this non-existent problem, but received the letter on the 10th day. On a Friday at 3p.
5. I was still able to contact [redacted], find a fax machine to send [redacted] the DMV letter and apparently take care of it before close of business.
6. I checked my DMV insurance status online four hours later. The status said I "had a lapse of liability insurance coverage." So now I'm apparently flagged as someone who can't follow the rules.
7. I understand some or many drivers need to be jarred to action. But if there is a level where being stern crosses over to obnoxious, this letter and this process is it.
8. I understand driving is a privilege. But it's a privilege that I pay for. This includes $2,134 in taxes for the vehicle, as well as more for tags, a license, inspections, renewals and insurance. Not to mention the $24,500 for the truck itself and the additional constant upkeep. After all that money, time and effort, it should stand to reason that I might be interested in keeping all bureaucracies happy so I can continue using this expensive mode of transportation.
9. I understand that, even after thousands of dollars in fees and taxes, the state still doesn't consider me a "customer" worthy of anything but threats. But may I at least get the threatening communication in a timely manner so I can take care of it without panicking over the possibility of a life-changing punishment? And then perhaps, may I not be convicted of a lapse that never existed in the first place? That would be great.


VU Translation: Fuck the state DMV

We had the same exact problem when we changed from Geico to USAA. Bastards. But we did finally get thru to some brain trust in the tag office that there was actually no lapse, and we could prove it by the date of coverage on both policies -- the Geico policy was still in effect when we got new coverage with USAA, and only THEN did we tell Geico to cancel our policy. So nyah! Neener neener and etc.



Shenanigannery Jedi. Welcome New Refugee's!
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Member For 4 Years
I was thinking about Betty White's vagina. Ewww.. not like that...
It ain't got shit on Spanky's penis. That thing endures frequent beatings, and gets right back up and says "Please sir, may I have another".

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