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Rip to the brother that got murdered
When cops say
Just put ur hands in the air and comply and shit...
I'm not trying to justify what the cops did, I'm just Saying these cops deals with stressful situation especially when a 911 call said the brother has a gun.. It's a matter of you or me, this case it looked like the brother was acting stupid n shit.. But gawd dang do they really have to shoot him in the HEART?!! Tsk tsk... You can see in the other video, dark blood coming out of his left chest SHIT!!!
Then another dude in MN, got shot 4 times while the gf was LIVE on Facebook, the dRIVER eventually died on VID LIVE!!!

That's the bottom line...
If the po-po tell me to jump; I ask how hi.

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a touch oɟɟ
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I got pulled over once DTLA
I asked the officer
Why am I being pulled over
Officer replied
Your car fits the description of a getaway car...

I said really, was that one on tv early this afternoon
Black Honda Civic?

Officer said yes

I said

Officer said
Wait in ur car..

He comes back after 2 minutes
You can go...



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When I was young I had my head bounced against a car. I was being frisked. Did I do anything wrong? Nope. Just a kid driving a mustang. I will never buy anything sporty or trendy ever again! Oh, and my skin tone is olive if that matters. Living in Chicago-land truely sucked! I did ditch that cesspool of a area when I was 23. Never looked back! Certain areas with higher crime rates the cops go nuts!

I have had some pleasant encounters with police. The downtown walkers always helped me to and from my job at the time. Of course, they are never there when crime occurs.

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I got pulled over in my trans-am 3 years ago. The po-po man asked me to get out the vehicle.
I told him to take a step back.
When he did, I through the wheelchair out and heard him grunt.
All he could say was "you can leave sir."

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I just dropped my balrog vape with a nautilus on top. The mod is toast and the tank is crooked but did not crack. It looks like I'm going to have to start building coils to use my kayfun v3 mini. Damm!


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When I got arrested in NY, I was tackled by a gang of cops. I called them myself to report what had happened. I was standing in a parking lot with my hands up. Sometimes, I am sure, their adrenaline gets the better of them as well. Lol.


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Y'all's a buncha trubba makers. I haven't been pulled over since I was in my 20s.

I got a speeding ticket about 10-12 yrs ago. For going 40MPH. Yeah, I'm a real speed demon. :D And I got a ticket a couple yrs ago for just BARELY kissing the bumper of another car while trying to park in a bank's very tight lot. Stupid bitch could have gotten rid of the mark on the fucking plastic with a brush, but noooooooooo, she just HAD to call the cops and get my insurance raised $2 per mo. The cop looked at her and said "you called me for THIS?" No doubt thinking the same as me... "Stupid bitch."



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It amazes and frankly appalls me that I never got caught DUI, and there was about a year in MI when i drove home from happy hour every day, at least 2 1/2 sheets in the wind, and more often about 4-5. :facepalm: What can I say, they had Molson beer on tap, 99 cents at happy hour. :D Can't even find Molson beer down here; I know, 'cause I LOOKED. Back in '90. Sober since '92, so I dunno if that ever changed.



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Dear Celebrity:

So there you were, trying to act morally superior by weighing in on a social injustice. But you pasted your rant next to a glamour shot that someone took of you while you were...
1. In a bikini
2. Holding a cocktail
3. Casually leaning on a railing of a yacht

So when people call you tone deaf and spoiled and clueless and retarded, please understand that they're kinda-sorta spot-on.

Maybe run your shitty decisions past your publicist next time. You know, the person who understands how the world actually works.

Oh wait, you have a PR person as well. They'll tell you to just say that someone hacked into your social media account. Everything's fine then.



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Rip to the brother that got murdered
When cops say
Just put ur hands in the air and comply and shit...
I'm not trying to justify what the cops did, I'm just Saying these cops deals with stressful situation especially when a 911 call said the brother has a gun.. It's a matter of you or me, this case it looked like the brother was acting stupid n shit.. But gawd dang do they really have to shoot him in the HEART?!! Tsk tsk... You can see in the other video, dark blood coming out of his left chest SHIT!!!
Then another dude in MN, got shot 4 times while the gf was LIVE on Facebook, the dRIVER eventually died on VID LIVE!!!

I am white as fuck, hot tempered as fuck.
Even I know better than to reach ANYWHERE near my pockets, or behind me when dealing with cops.
I got pulled over once for doing a stupid in front of a cop RIGHT after they shot someone to hell going for a weapon.
Hands to roof inside car until popo got to the window, comes up when they run my license I have a CCW.
So gun, billfold in my inside jacket pocket.
I explained to the guy my pistol is in the same pocket and to get the wallet out was going to be tricky.
I felt in no way in danger when he drew on me and instructed me go REALLY slow and with fingers to get the wallet out.
I handed him the whole wallet since it had my concealed, DL, insurance and armed security license and company badge for when I was doing off hours transporting.

So St. Paul that cop was in the wrong bigger than fuck.

LA not so much, the video looks damning but does not show shit prior to them taking him down. Violent felon with a gun. Ya that is not going to end well no matter who the fuck it is or color of them.


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I've always just gone on the principle that a cop can shoot you anytime he damn well feels like it, and make up whatever tale he cares to, to justify it.



a touch oɟɟ
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I've always just gone on the principle that a cop can shoot you, or make up anything he damn well pleases, anytime he damn well feels like it, and make up whatever tale he cares to, to justify it.

Been on the receiving end of that.


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Been on the receiving end of that.

Although I have known a few very decent cops -- detectives -- most of those on "patrol," in uniform, are just bullies and thugs with the law on their side. Not all, certainly... but why else would anyone want that job, other than to be able to legally boss and bully and harass anyone, anytime, anyplace? And even shoot them, if the mood strikes. Doesn't matter what the courts say, afterward; you're still dead.



a touch oɟɟ
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Although I have known a few very decent cops -- detectives -- most of those on "patrol," in uniform, are just bullies and thugs with the law on their side. Not all, certainly... but why else would anyone want that job, other than to be able to legally boss and bully and harass anyone, anytime, anyplace? And even shoot them, if the mood strikes. Doesn't matter what the courts say, afterward; you're still dead.

I had video showing the blatant contradicting tale he was spinning on the stand, yet the court decided his word was better than a business owners camera.
Last edited:

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Amen, thoughts and prayers for the dead, wounded and inured officers in TX and their families.

watching these "protestors" taunt the police and cant help but wonder what happened to Logic and general decency. This crap does not make any sense to me.


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Y'all's a buncha trubba makers. I haven't been pulled over since I was in my 20s.
Oh, I bought the Excursion when I was 22. I was kind of a bad kid, though...
87 in a 55....what can I say....meh
103 in a 45 is my best...16, barely licensed 3 months, wanted to show my friend I'd discovered how to "defeat the speed governor" on my Ferd stupid trying to talk my way out of it the cop wrote in huge letters "DRIVER CLAIMS HE WAS TRAVELING AT 80 MPH" on the comment section of my ticket.
Although I have known a few very decent cops -- detectives -- most of those on "patrol," in uniform, are just bullies and thugs with the law on their side. Not all, certainly... but why else would anyone want that job, other than to be able to legally boss and bully and harass anyone, anytime, anyplace? And even shoot them, if the mood strikes. Doesn't matter what the courts say, afterward; you're still dead.

I've known good and bad, and those in between...I've been asked by a cop friend how to take the back roads home from my house because he's too plastered to be behind the wheel of a car and so is his wife. I understand having had a good number of LEO friends that they treat most people like shit because in the course of their shift the people they're most likely to encounter are acting like shit. Still not cool. And the Napoleon syndrome is high in many of them, even if they're physically average but just mental midgets...


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Say it here: All I can say is that I'm glad I have coffee this morning.
:hug: you're always in my thoughts. Here if ya need to vent.

I hear ya. On a MUCH smaller scale I woke up with one of those annoying as hell headaches that I'm hoping our friend coffee will sweet talk.


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:hug: you're always in my thoughts. Here if ya need to vent.

I hear ya. On a MUCH smaller scale I woke up with one of those annoying as hell headaches that I'm hoping our friend coffee will sweet talk.
Coffee seems to make everything better. I do have a lot on my plate still but don't want to be that person who bores folks with health concerns. :) !

I hate headaches. Hope the coffee helps you!


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Coffee seems to make everything better. I do have a lot on my plate still but don't want to be that person who bores folks with health concerns. :) !

I hate headaches. Hope the coffee helps you!

I didn't find them boring -- actually I thought they were kinda interesting! :D And I was wondering how things are going for you in that dept.



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Okay here is my latest adventure. Last week I went in for a routine mammogram. They found something. I had to go back for a more in depth mammogram. Ended up doing a ultra sound as well. They could not define it so I returned again last Thursday for a biopsy. Next day they called it was non cancerous. Of course, I'm high risk now.

Last month I went in for a colonoscopy and endoscope. Horrible experience btw. They found two poylps non cancerous. The endoscope revealed a area behind my throat with a build up (lump) of lymphatic tissue. I went to the doctor this past Wed. She inserted a camera through my nose. Another not so comfortable moment. I'm due back in a month to see if this area grows. I could have opted for a operation to remove/biopsy the lump but I am afraid of sending my immune system into a total shock (I would have to be intubated).

I seen my RA doctor yesterday. They are monitoring me for RA and other types of arthritic type pain due to the autoimmune liver disease. He ordered physical therapy after I asked him about chiropractors. Now I can handle the PT for sure. I want to get back to job hunting. IDK if I want to continue being a nurse or go for something easy. My liver doctor states I'm stable with my LFT and encouraged me to go back to working if I wanted to do so.

This past Tue I went in for a routine eye exam so I can have a baseline. The medications I'm taking can cause a lot of side effects even though the doctors say its not probable. Well, the eye doctor found suspicion of glaucoma. Which means I have to keep an eye out for this disease.

So that is my latest adventures. I never ever thought in my life I would end up with a autoimmune disorder with some complications. I am not going to let it define me. Of course, I'm scared shitless about this lump in the back of my throat. I actually viewed it so I know it's there. I'm hoping its just due to the lymphatic system doing what it does best.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Okay here is my latest adventure. Last week I went in for a routine mammogram. They found something. I had to go back for a more in depth mammogram. Ended up doing a ultra sound as well. They could not define it so I returned again last Thursday for a biopsy. Next day they called it was non cancerous. Of course, I'm high risk now.

Last month I went in for a colonoscopy and endoscope. Horrible experience btw. They found two poylps non cancerous. The endoscope revealed a area behind my throat with a build up (lump) of lymphatic tissue. I went to the doctor this past Wed. She inserted a camera through my nose. Another not so comfortable moment. I'm due back in a month to see if this area grows. I could have opted for a operation to remove/biopsy the lump but I am afraid of sending my immune system into a total shock (I would have to be intubated).

I seen my RA doctor yesterday. They are monitoring me for RA and other types of arthritic type pain due to the autoimmune liver disease. He ordered physical therapy after I asked him about chiropractors. Now I can handle the PT for sure. I want to get back to job hunting. IDK if I want to continue being a nurse or go for something easy. My liver doctor states I'm stable with my LFT and encouraged me to go back to working if I wanted to do so.

This past Tue I went in for a routine eye exam so I can have a baseline. The medications I'm taking can cause a lot of side effects even though the doctors say its not probable. Well, the eye doctor found suspicion of glaucoma. Which means I have to keep an eye out for this disease.

So that is my latest adventures. I never ever thought in my life I would end up with a autoimmune disorder with some complications. I am not going to let it define me. Of course, I'm scared shitless about this lump in the back of my throat. I actually viewed it so I know it's there. I'm hoping its just due to the lymphatic system doing what it does best.

Well, all those tests sound like massive suckage, but it sounds like you've gotten mostly rather good news. Yay! How's vaping going? I know you had to change to not inhaling, just wondering how you're doing with that.



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Okay here is my latest adventure. Last week I went in for a routine mammogram. They found something. I had to go back for a more in depth mammogram. Ended up doing a ultra sound as well. They could not define it so I returned again last Thursday for a biopsy. Next day they called it was non cancerous. Of course, I'm high risk now.

Last month I went in for a colonoscopy and endoscope. Horrible experience btw. They found two poylps non cancerous. The endoscope revealed a area behind my throat with a build up (lump) of lymphatic tissue. I went to the doctor this past Wed. She inserted a camera through my nose. Another not so comfortable moment. I'm due back in a month to see if this area grows. I could have opted for a operation to remove/biopsy the lump but I am afraid of sending my immune system into a total shock (I would have to be intubated).

I seen my RA doctor yesterday. They are monitoring me for RA and other types of arthritic type pain due to the autoimmune liver disease. He ordered physical therapy after I asked him about chiropractors. Now I can handle the PT for sure. I want to get back to job hunting. IDK if I want to continue being a nurse or go for something easy. My liver doctor states I'm stable with my LFT and encouraged me to go back to working if I wanted to do so.

This past Tue I went in for a routine eye exam so I can have a baseline. The medications I'm taking can cause a lot of side effects even though the doctors say its not probable. Well, the eye doctor found suspicion of glaucoma. Which means I have to keep an eye out for this disease.

So that is my latest adventures. I never ever thought in my life I would end up with a autoimmune disorder with some complications. I am not going to let it define me. Of course, I'm scared shitless about this lump in the back of my throat. I actually viewed it so I know it's there. I'm hoping its just due to the lymphatic system doing what it does best.
Jeez Louise that's a lot in a short time. I gotta say, you're a real trooper in all of it, though. Life kicks a little too hard sometimes.


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Well, all those tests sound like massive suckage, but it sounds like you've gotten mostly rather good news. Yay! How's vaping going? I know you had to change to not inhaling, just wondering how you're doing with that.

Actually I'm doing half and half. Half the time Mtl and later in the evening the cigar inhales. At 3mg right now. Hoping to get to 1.5 all the time soon. Yes, the test results are good so far. I know it could be worse. I just have to get over the throat lump. :eek:


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Jeez Louise that's a lot in a short time. I gotta say, you're a real trooper in all of it, though. Life kicks a little too hard sometimes.
Actually, I'm feeling really good. I'm still the biggest procrastinator in the world though. Just a few more hoops to jump though. I gained 11 pounds so far on the prednisone/imuron therapy. Hubs told me its just "more" to love. :)


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Okay here is my latest adventure. Last week I went in for a routine mammogram. They found something. I had to go back for a more in depth mammogram. Ended up doing a ultra sound as well. They could not define it so I returned again last Thursday for a biopsy. Next day they called it was non cancerous. Of course, I'm high risk now.

Last month I went in for a colonoscopy and endoscope. Horrible experience btw. They found two poylps non cancerous. The endoscope revealed a area behind my throat with a build up (lump) of lymphatic tissue. I went to the doctor this past Wed. She inserted a camera through my nose. Another not so comfortable moment. I'm due back in a month to see if this area grows. I could have opted for a operation to remove/biopsy the lump but I am afraid of sending my immune system into a total shock (I would have to be intubated).

I seen my RA doctor yesterday. They are monitoring me for RA and other types of arthritic type pain due to the autoimmune liver disease. He ordered physical therapy after I asked him about chiropractors. Now I can handle the PT for sure. I want to get back to job hunting. IDK if I want to continue being a nurse or go for something easy. My liver doctor states I'm stable with my LFT and encouraged me to go back to working if I wanted to do so.

This past Tue I went in for a routine eye exam so I can have a baseline. The medications I'm taking can cause a lot of side effects even though the doctors say its not probable. Well, the eye doctor found suspicion of glaucoma. Which means I have to keep an eye out for this disease.

So that is my latest adventures. I never ever thought in my life I would end up with a autoimmune disorder with some complications. I am not going to let it define me. Of course, I'm scared shitless about this lump in the back of my throat. I actually viewed it so I know it's there. I'm hoping its just due to the lymphatic system doing what it does best.
You need>


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Actually I'm doing half and half. Half the time Mtl and later in the evening the cigar inhales. At 3mg right now. Hoping to get to 1.5 all the time soon. Yes, the test results are good so far. I know it could be worse. I just have to get over the throat lump. :eek:

I dunno if I do it half and half; I always inhaled pretty shallowly even when I smoked, due to asthma, and I think that's maybe why I had to start at such a low level of nic -- instead of having to learn the proper vaping technique, I was already doing it! :D But yeah sometimes I do the "cigar" type inhale, if the asthma is being really troublesome. It's great to be able to keep doing something I "need" and enjoy even when the asthma is being a pill; it used to drive me nuts, trying to keep down the smoking when my breathing was bad. Vaping makes it really easy to customize what I'm getting too, so I can turn the power down a bit if my vape is making me cough. :)

Just really glad to know that things seem to be not quite as bad as you first feared! It's terrible when something's wrong and you have no idea WHAT.



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Okay here is my latest adventure. Last week I went in for a routine mammogram. They found something. I had to go back for a more in depth mammogram. Ended up doing a ultra sound as well. They could not define it so I returned again last Thursday for a biopsy. Next day they called it was non cancerous. Of course, I'm high risk now.

Last month I went in for a colonoscopy and endoscope. Horrible experience btw. They found two poylps non cancerous. The endoscope revealed a area behind my throat with a build up (lump) of lymphatic tissue. I went to the doctor this past Wed. She inserted a camera through my nose. Another not so comfortable moment. I'm due back in a month to see if this area grows. I could have opted for a operation to remove/biopsy the lump but I am afraid of sending my immune system into a total shock (I would have to be intubated).

I seen my RA doctor yesterday. They are monitoring me for RA and other types of arthritic type pain due to the autoimmune liver disease. He ordered physical therapy after I asked him about chiropractors. Now I can handle the PT for sure. I want to get back to job hunting. IDK if I want to continue being a nurse or go for something easy. My liver doctor states I'm stable with my LFT and encouraged me to go back to working if I wanted to do so.

This past Tue I went in for a routine eye exam so I can have a baseline. The medications I'm taking can cause a lot of side effects even though the doctors say its not probable. Well, the eye doctor found suspicion of glaucoma. Which means I have to keep an eye out for this disease.

So that is my latest adventures. I never ever thought in my life I would end up with a autoimmune disorder with some complications. I am not going to let it define me. Of course, I'm scared shitless about this lump in the back of my throat. I actually viewed it so I know it's there. I'm hoping its just due to the lymphatic system doing what it does best.
Be positive, don't stress about it, you got this...



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I dunno if I do it half and half; I always inhaled pretty shallowly even when I smoked, due to asthma, and I think that's maybe why I had to start at such a low level of nic -- instead of having to learn the proper vaping technique, I was already doing it! :D But yeah sometimes I do the "cigar" type inhale, if the asthma is being really troublesome. It's great to be able to keep doing something I "need" and enjoy even when the asthma is being a pill; it used to drive me nuts, trying to keep down the smoking when my breathing was bad. Vaping makes it really easy to customize what I'm getting too, so I can turn the power down a bit if my vape is making me cough. :)

Just really glad to know that things seem to be not quite as bad as you first feared! It's terrible when something's wrong and you have no idea WHAT.

I'm probably going to end up seeing a lung specialist soon. I have another area of concern which may be related to the lungs. Right now its a wait and see kind of thing.

I don't know if you have cold winters where you live but have you noticed if vaping before going outside in extreme cold causes any flare ups with your asthma?


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That's a quality, actually, LOL.

Prednisone and I do NOT get alone. My kitteh, however, is doing ok on it.
The lady who was doing the tests asked me "Wow, your back so soon"?
I said "yes, I must have good insurance". Her face dropped and she did not speak for a few minutes. Honesty is a good trait but sometimes can cause awkwardness.
I had a bank teller hesitate at giving me my money. I asked him "Are you trying to keep my money"? In my defense he hesitated more than a minute and had a sheepish look on his face.
I hate the predisone bloat! I have lasix but I had side effects so I am taking it as a prn.


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The lady who was doing the tests asked me "Wow, your back so soon"?
I said "yes, I must have good insurance". Her face dropped and she did not speak for a few minutes. Honesty is a good trait but sometimes can cause awkwardness.
I had a bank teller hesitate at giving me my money. I asked him "Are you trying to keep my money"? In my defense he hesitated more than a minute and had a sheepish look on his face.
I hate the predisone bloat! I have lasix but I had side effects so I am taking it as a prn.
LOL!! OMG, the insurance comment was priceless. Prednisone makes me more evil.


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I'm probably going to end up seeing a lung specialist soon. I have another area of concern which may be related to the lungs. Right now its a wait and see kind of thing.

I don't know if you have cold winters where you live but have you noticed if vaping before going outside in extreme cold causes any flare ups with your asthma?

Sometimes we get quite cold weather in the winter, though it's not a constant, just a "sometimes" event, in Jan/Feb. Too cold air *can* bother my asthma, though not as badly as hot humidity. If it's very cold, I try to always wear a muffler and drape it around my mouth and nose so the air can be warmed a bit. No cure for hot humidity except staying in the house! But since I vape all the time, constantly, I have no idea if vaping has any effect, either way.

I don't enjoy vaping out in cold weather, for the same reason I didn't like smoking then -- I don't know when to stop exhaling! And maybe this is why I would find extreme clouds quite bothersome; for asthmatics, and maybe for COPD sufferers too, I dunno, exhaling is more problematic than inhaling -- pure physics will force inhaling when the lungs are empty, nature abhoring a vacuum and all, but it's when exhaling that wheezing is noticeable; it can take a real effort of will to fully and completely exhale, when suffering an asthma attack, but if you don't fully exhale, then you can't draw in sufficiently.



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LOL!! OMG, the insurance comment was priceless. Prednisone makes me more evil.
The pharmacist told me that when I picked up my first two months of titration doses. He took off his glasses and said "You know this stuff can make you mean"? I said "Really"? Yes, for me I think it turned me into a obnoxious at times person. I really have to refrain myself at times. I did take Wellbutrin once to quit smoking and slapped a co workers hand. That shit made me violent.

auto correct is not working for me today


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I did take Wellbutrin once to quit smoking and slapped a co workers hand. That shit made me violent.
Hahahahahahahaha!!! OMG, I know that's actually NOT funny, but reading it was. I've taken that, but for anxiety and such. Crazy dreams, upset stomach, loopy and wanting do nothing but sleep. Yeah, that's just not for me.

God love ya, hon. With all people have to go through, AND what meds can do to them... you are MORE than welcome to vent anytime you need to. :hug:<3

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