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I gotta go to Walgreens for a new pair of cheaters, these are leaving black marks on my face from the coating on the wire frames rubbing off... Thought I'd inquire how much coffin nails are going for, these days. They were $5.69/pk when I quit, 20 months ago; cheapest price around to buy them. I'm sure they're over $6/pk now, but don't know for sure.

In Wisconsin (Walgreen) they go from 8- 10 dollars per pack depending on the brand. At least Walgreen's sells Njoy eliquid which is way better than the gas station types for people to try.


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Ok I guess this is a good place to bitch about TV... WHY THE FUCK IS GOTHAM, LUCIFER, AND SCORPION REPEATS TONIGHT??????? WTF IS THEIR PROBLEM?!?!?!??!

The only new show on is Blindspot. Asshats!!!!!!!!!!



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Eyes drops hurt SO much more when you first drop em in.


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Except to catch up on 11-22-63 on Hulu, I hardly ever watch tv. I'm always!
I'm waiting for the last episode.

In regards to the Walking Dead. They need to fire all the writers. The worst season finale ever.They could have summed up the whole episode in 10 minutes. However, they dragged the shitty plot (weak) for over 60 minutes.90 minutes if you actually watched it on amc with the commercials. Usually, a season finale leaves you wanting more. I just lost interest in the series.


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Got home with dead batteries and realized I never plugged in the battery charger with my extras. Grrr...
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Right! Nothing but dead batteries everywhere! Both my mods and my other batteries. Not to mention I started craving cigarettes again like crazy. Haven't given in since August but damn. Don't the cravings ever go away?


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My little sigelei 75 watt but the plug is in the bottom. Horrible design. I'm making it by though. The cravings are what kill me though. I can't even stand being around cigarette smoke and here I am wanting one. Ugh. Gross.


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Right! Nothing but dead batteries everywhere! Both my mods and my other batteries. Not to mention I started craving cigarettes again like crazy. Haven't given in since August but damn. Don't the cravings ever go away?

I dunno if they ever go completely away... but they do become less insistent, over time. How long a time, depends on the person, and the provocation. I haven't smoked in over 20 months, and still sometimes get a little nudge from the addict in my brain, which is pretty easily overruled. But I haven't had a drink in over 23 YEARS, and still sometimes, when I see a beer commercial, I start to salivate... I can just *taste* it.



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im pretty sure you are tough enough to handle a momentary lapse in vaping @RenoMama <3 hang in there.

But I haven't had a drink in over 23 YEARS, and still sometimes, when I see a beer commercial, I start to salivate... I can just *taste* it.

im the same. i actually cant drink at all any more (something broke in my guts and its excruciating to get half way into a beer). instead of looking into it or going to a dr, i just stopped drinking. problem solved, except for the fact that im a natural born, genetically engineered alcoholic. its been years and the sound of a beer cracking on a hot day gives me depression and anxiety lol. i can sit in a room full of people smoking and it doesnt bother me at all. one beer cracking and im having a borderline temper tantrum in my head.


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I dunno if they ever go completely away... but they do become less insistent, over time. How long a time, depends on the person, and the provocation. I haven't smoked in over 20 months, and still sometimes get a little nudge from the addict in my brain, which is pretty easily overruled. But I haven't had a drink in over 23 YEARS, and still sometimes, when I see a beer commercial, I start to salivate... I can just *taste* it.

I smoked for 16 years so I suppose it's to be expected. Especially after having a bad day and whatnot. My dad quit smoking 25 years ago and has told me he still has cravings daily. But while whining here my batteries have charged enough to be of some use. Yay!!


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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im pretty sure you are tough enough to handle a momentary lapse in vaping @RenoMama <3 hang in there.

im the same. i actually cant drink at all any more (something broke in my guts and its excruciating to get half way into a beer). instead of looking into it or going to a dr, i just stopped drinking. problem solved, except for the fact that im a natural born, genetically engineered alcoholic. its been years and the sound of a beer cracking on a hot day gives me depression and anxiety lol. i can sit in a room full of people smoking and it doesnt bother me at all. one beer cracking and im having a borderline temper tantrum in my head.

It took many years for me to be happy about sobriety -- at least 10, maybe more like 15. But yeah, if I hear a poptop, I start hearing a George Jones song in my head... "Pop a top... againnnnnnn..." :D I guess you could say my liver broke -- there at the end, it was taking me 3-4 days to get over one night of drinking... then my completely amazing tolerance, like for a full case in an evening, just broke down, so I got just as drunk off a 6pk, and just as hungover too. I'd already had a stint in rehab, for drugs, so I knew it meant that my liver was struggling... and I had a 4 yr old son at the time, so I really didn't have a choice. It was quit, or die horribly and leave my son motherless. I took the first option, painful as it was... and 23 and a half years later, I'm still alive, so I'm certain it was the right choice. ;) And hey, I lived to see vaping and quit smoking, something I was sure would NEVER happen. It's awesome to be wrong. :D



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I smoked for 16 years so I suppose it's to be expected. Especially after having a bad day and whatnot. My dad quit smoking 25 years ago and has told me he still has cravings daily. But while whining here my batteries have charged enough to be of some use. Yay!!

Yeah, my mom quit smoking 10-12 yrs ago, and she says everytime she sits down to do the bills, she craves a cigarette. But she's so stubborn, she won't even consider vaping, even 0mg, nope, just won't hear of it.

I smoked for 39 yrs, and I know damn well that without something to replace the cigarettes, I'd never have been able to quit; tried 4 times, including when I was pregnant with my son, but never could manage it -- I did cut down to 2-4 cigs a day while pregnant, rather than my usual 2 pks, and my doc said if that was the best I could do, it was better than doing nothing -- so some doctors understood "harm reduction" even before it became a political hot potato -- my asthma doc urged me for years, if I couldn't quit, to cut down as much as possible. When I walked in, in 2014, and told him I had managed to quit, he looked like he'd been struck by lightening, so he's a big fan of vaping -- ANYTHING is better than smoking! :)


Hank F. Spankman

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