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Squonkers are Bonkers


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Im pretty stoked someone thinks I'm an elitist. That's, like, a level of internet fame I never thought I'd achieve.
And here I thought I was just a guy who busted my ass for the nice things I have in life, especially after all those years eating shit and struggling to get by just to make ends meet.
Fucking adulting turned me into an elitist. There's something they don't teach you in grade school.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Im pretty stoked someone thinks I'm an elitist. That's, like, a level of internet fame I never thought I'd achieve.
And here I thought I was just a guy who busted my ass for the nice things I have in life, especially after all those years eating shit and struggling to get by just to make ends meet.
Fucking adulting turned me into an elitist. There's something they don't teach you in grade school.

Bob thinks I'm an elitist for putting authentic Goons on my Pico Squeeze squonkers :teehee:


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Bob thinks I'm an elitist for putting authentic Goons on my Pico Squeeze squonkers :teehee:

Pico rhymes with poor people. Maybe not but in my vocabulary it does. You are dismissed, while I take my high-and-mightiness elsewhere...



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I want to know what genius thought to call a squonker a dripbox :confused:

Sounds like a dose of VD

Mrs. Saint leaned in for a goodnight kiss and laughed out loud....
She's always teasing me about the names of these things. Calls the orcas flippers, DIY is drippy drops, she moved some things off the counter for me and asked "why name that little metal cap a Thump?" o_O


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I came here seeking asylum from the hypocrisy and elitism I witnessed elsewhere, and I found it. Such a wide variety of people enjoying a wide variety of gear. I also found this place to be extremely welcoming right from the get go and I haven't been here long at all. Then again, I didn't come in here being confrontational and acting like a dick to those already here, so maybe that's the trick to it. Kinda like walking into a party where you don't know anyone and taking a dump in the punchbowl, then acting like it's everyone else's problem when you aren't made to feel all that welcome. Funny how that works (or doesn't).


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I still want to see a picture of the box with no description. I missed that I think, and I like to play a good guessing game every once in awhile!

But @ieatOhms, if that wasn't directed at me, you definitely shot one across my bow. I just see a bunch of regular folks who like what they like and also enjoy being happy for one another when something new pops up.
As with any Internet forum, there's lots of big personalities, but this forum is unique since most of us are misfits cast away from other "more socialized" places. We like to rib each other and it's an acquired taste for sure, but give me the full spectrum of colors any day. Black and white is so boring.
I don't have beef with you. I'm not sure where yours stems from but it sounds like you prefer to lurk and that doesn't lead to an accurate picture of we, the people, in this thread. Take some time, get to know us. Interact and don't pass judgment solely on what you see here. Many of us have long-running conversations going in PM, and there's amazing people I've met here who know more about me than people I've worked with for years.
Don't be salty, there's no reason to be. Don't be a dick or we sick the almighty @BrewBear on you for killer cuddles and maybe some towel-snaps. "Tug and be tugged" just may be my new personal motto for work this year. We've all learned so much!
Now what box in what picture?


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I still want to see a picture of the box with no description. I missed that I think, and I like to play a good guessing game every once in awhile!

But @ieatOhms, if that wasn't directed at me, you definitely shot one across my bow. I just see a bunch of regular folks who like what they like and also enjoy being happy for one another when something new pops up.
As with any Internet forum, there's lots of big personalities, but this forum is unique since most of us are misfits cast away from other "more socialized" places. We like to rib each other and it's an acquired taste for sure, but give me the full spectrum of colors any day. Black and white is so boring.
I don't have beef with you. I'm not sure where yours stems from but it sounds like you prefer to lurk and that doesn't lead to an accurate picture of we, the people, in this thread. Take some time, get to know us. Interact and don't pass judgment solely on what you see here. Many of us have long-running conversations going in PM, and there's amazing people I've met here who know more about me than people I've worked with for years.
Don't be salty, there's no reason to be. Don't be a dick or we sick the almighty @BrewBear on you for killer cuddles and maybe some towel-snaps. "Tug and be tugged" just may be my new personal motto for work this year. We've all learned so much!
Now what box in what picture?
Juuust be careful there, you don't want to poke the bear! I play nice with others....most of the time. I never understood that towel snapping thing, a bullwhip is soo much more effective, besides it gives you more range!:vino:


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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That right?
Because I'm about 2 days away from calling brew out for being a dirty pig murderer.... I mean send a fucking ransom note, I just need to know he's alive!

Where is that pig anyways?

He was pirty nice for filthy swine - especially after I busted his chops :devil:


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Band Name!! Band Name...!!!

"Dump in the Punchbowl"

I came here seeking asylum from the hypocrisy and elitism I witnessed elsewhere, and I found it. Such a wide variety of people enjoying a wide variety of gear. I also found this place to be extremely welcoming right from the get go and I haven't been here long at all. Then again, I didn't come in here being confrontational and acting like a dick to those already here, so maybe that's the trick to it. Kinda like walking into a party where you don't know anyone and taking a dump in the punchbowl, then acting like it's everyone else's problem when you aren't made to feel all that welcome. Funny how that works (or doesn't).


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Am I the only one that's got the MM bottles in?

I'm only running of them so far...but so far, I'm glad I got the 10-pak. It's like a supersoft, but no issue with leaking. Even without the included washer, it's just better threading and/or more of it... And the way I refill, the ridged cap is handy, too.


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brewbear is the bully in question i think

he also has hssy fits if i don't post details lol
Yup! That's me! Hissy fits and all. How else are we, the less privileged, non-elitist, wrong side of the squonk gonna learn what we're missing from our lives if all you do is post a picture with out a name at the very least! Case in point, @DogMan :cuss2: posted a picture of a SV mod! I asked for details, he was gracious enough to not only tell us, folks on the other side of the planet, what it was but put a link to the very thing. Not only did I learn something, I got on the list for the next run.


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Ask @BrewBear who can't seem to find the bottle that every single squonker on the face of the earth has besides him!
"Hush now, as we stalk the ever-elusive ITALIAN SUPERSOFT BOTTLE!"
If you had made the damn thing to use a regular bottle like the CV or even the KVD2 (much better name) instead of the super limp....excuuuse me, super softies bottles, I would've had no problems. Instead I had to go looking for the Italian wood mod (sic.) rip out the bottle and give the swine a run at it.


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that may be overkill. I have one I "made" by just shoving a little silicone circle inside - cut (ready for this?) from one of those covers than CARTOMIZERS came in. So there's a pile of those lying around in boxes here and there

... And it works, pretty much - a little disk of silicone up inside the cap.
But just not quite perfect - I'd throw $1 at a solid cap.

Would a small stainless machine screw with a nut on the backside work you think? To plug the hole? Maybe a litte o-ring to seal them?


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Now if anyone finds a cap for either the MM or the SS bottle, with NO HOLE in it - a solid cap - that would be handy for travel.
Lemme know!

I made a couple of them, but I'm not sure how it will work out long term. I had the misfortune of ending up with some extra frankenfake bottles, so I took the caps and pugged them with silicone. So far, so good.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Am I the only one that's got the MM bottles in?

I'm only running of them so far...but so far, I'm glad I got the 10-pak. It's like a supersoft, but no issue with leaking. Even without the included washer, it's just better threading and/or more of it... And the way I refill, the ridged cap is handy, too.

When did you order yours?

Mine went out April 25 and disappeared into the abyss


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Wellllll not to piss you off, but....
Ordered Saturday 4/29, delivered Saturday 5/6.
Come to think of it - that's pretty damned
Probably takes you that long to get a pizza, right?

Mine still says enroute to San Fransisco still :gaah:


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Haven't seen those in ages.....I better grab um, put them in the elitist collection, before someone else does.....:oops:....:giggle:

No way Dale, that is an exclusive deal for squonkers who vape with a pinky finger in the air

But I will say this - would look super-bitchin' on top of that pair of Drones you love so well


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After so much reading, I'm enthralled. Yet its as if I'm expecting it to read my palm of tell me the weather after squeezing that bottle.


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Wellllll not to piss you off, but....
Ordered Saturday 4/29, delivered Saturday 5/6.
Come to think of it - that's pretty damned
Probably takes you that long to get a pizza, right?

2 packages from Italy arrived in 7 days from shipping, and the Italian post is notoriously bad.
Royal Mail, however, seems to enjoy kicking unit load devices out of the plane over the ocean. Today will be 15 days since my package went through the wardrobe, likely never to return from Narnia :xD:


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hey fellow bonkers... i've got a problem.. i have a octopus that leaks :(

anybody have any suggestions?
seems to be leaking from the 510 connection...



Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Yeah...until you post a picture of a box with out a description and get attacked for doing so. It's the attitude that is elitist, not the crap that is collected. Maybe elitist is the wrong description, hypocritical would probably be a better term. Not to mention all the dick stroking that goes along with it. I'll tug you if you tug me back shit that I read daily in here as well. It's not as welcoming as you claim. And please don't get me wrong, I'm not aiming this at you, but this is the opinion of an outsider looking in. I simply purchase the things I enjoy regardless of the cost. I've just learned better than to post it in here due to the attitude you catch when you do because your not one of the cool kids in the click that thinks they are better than everyone else.
I mostly lurk in this thread just to see what people like/don't like etc, and don't really post that often. But I haven't felt excluded on the occasions that I do, nor have I felt like there is a particularly elitist attitude here.

Now that I think about it though, I don't recall anyone giving me a tug...
Hey, who wants to polish my wood for me?
IMG_20160812_1802585_rewind (2).jpg


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I mostly lurk in this thread just to see what people like/don't like etc, and don't really post that often. But I haven't felt excluded on the occasions that I do, nor have I felt like there is a particularly elitist attitude here.

Now that I think about it though, I don't recall anyone giving me a tug...
Hey, who wants to polish my wood for me?
View attachment 81633

Oh lord here we go again hahahahahaha!!

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