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Squonkers are Bonkers


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Member For 4 Years
I've only been searching since I saw your bliss last night. I realize this stuff is subjective and purely personal taste but that is one of the most stunning mods I know of. The gloom is nice but the bliss... if I could obtain one of those in a white/green combo, I would never need anything else... except this paddle-game (to quote 'the jerk') and the Bliss, that's all I need. And this lamp... I need that. Bliss, paddle-game and lamp, that's all I need. :)
Hijacked this pic its 4 sale never had juice in it

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My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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I agree I have one from Brew, only ran a couple of bottles through it. Still haven’t tried out the pocket yet you sent me Brew.

Only one bottle yet, but not bad for what it is


Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Brewbear wants these, dontcha @BrewBear?
If they're catfish-squonked like I bet they are, that's some primo old-school, tight draw small chamber atty!!
That's a Reactor and a Divo!!


Here's "stock" pix of the decks...

View attachment 100015 View attachment 100016 View attachment 100017 BrewBear want to play name that atty. I was very active for a couple of years in the bf community and dropped out for a couple of years but I have a lot of stuff from a couple of years ago.

Here is just a couple of photos of bf Attys that I have. I have a wide variety from small to large.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Member For 5 Years
Just wish it didn’t take yet another special bottle.

Pretty sure you could fit something else in there - its just a stem protruding down from the 510


Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Good to see ya, Houndb!!
And heck, if this is what I think it is, I'd make an offer...I think it's a Hobo - an old one...
One of the few from that period that's still got enough air for me!

View attachment 100015 View attachment 100016 View attachment 100017 BrewBear want to play name that atty. I was very active for a couple of years in the bf community and dropped out for a couple of years but I have a lot of stuff from a couple of years ago.

Here is just a couple of photos of bf Attys that I have. I have a wide variety from small to large.


Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hoooha. Worth the wait if you want a Limelight I think...
I mean, they're in what I consider "elite, yes I deserve something silly expensive" class - but dayum, lookit this thing.
Maybe not for all, but I think it's art.


Note - NOT MINE.. I just copied the pic...


Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
IN the box? I bet that's actually a Galaktica rda...
The "Trinity". No doubt very good...but a touch less airflow I'd expect...


I was thinking the one under the Galactika sticker box thingy was a Hobo also


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The Pulse was my favorite under $30 squonker until the Hugo Squeezer came around. Only problem with the Pulse is the fucker ate up my battery wraps and that immediately puts it on the shelf ;-) The form factor of the RSQ is definitely to my liking. It'll be interesting to see what others come up with now that the RSQ and Pulse have sold a shitton of devices.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Questioning the choice of toppers there...
Anyone know what that is? Does Aspire "get" squonking?
Looks like 1 of their standard tanks I know.
Hopefully this will be released with an RSA and not a stupid ultra high wattage sub-ohm tank.


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*sound of cho gnawing the skin from his knuckles*

main group (Squonk trader 18+) I linked the FS thread earlier... if you get in, search for bliss ;)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Never saw prisoner but got hooked on Wentworth even before it landed on netflix. The Ferguson character was great, I just hated they killed off Georgia Flood (Bea's daughter) in season one.

The original "Underbelly" was another great ride. The sequels, not so much.
Don't forget (Queen Bea) played by (Danielle Cormack)



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
@So619Cal how the hell do you wrap 32g cores into aliens! Long story but I almost gave up and some how got enough for a coil lol it's really really hard to keep 32g from collapsing and most the clips I have were to big.

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Personally I think he uses magic.
Damn frigging wizards.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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It's a mech, damn it!
Could we fit a mosfet in there?

My out and about cutting wood, doing mechanic work, etc I carry my Coppervape with Wasp.
Pretty darned indestructible mod.

did drop it and get the driptip full of snow though...

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