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Squonkers are Bonkers


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Member For 5 Years
And it's got a USB port...which frankly, frightens me a little bit...


22$ Authentic Single battery MOSFET (?) BF that does 18650-21700, claims up to 120w and fires down to .05, feeling suspicious about this one, not the best looking but not the worst either. Would be awesome if it turned out to be a great cheap mod.
says it supports nickel200? so can't be a fet

and 60 amps on one battery is for facespace nutters


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Front sqounker via button ,
But not sure whats going on with 510 , has something that needs pushing up , but video is small so cant see well enough ,

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Le Furet

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Member For 2 Years
G'mornin Squeeps..
Almost 10am. My 'evening' here.. pouring rain!!
Listening to Getz / Gilberto, drinking a strong coffee and lovin it.
Braving the storm in a few to get to the Post Office.. the Haku Express is leaving!
Tracking soon you two Bonkz


Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Well, now that the brush fires are out and we're starting to get some rain, it's time to sandbag! Yepeee!!!:sad::cry::gaah: See you guys in a while!

My sister in law lives in Eagle Rock... mid way down one of the worst areas of flooding when it rains in LA...small road access to her home... and only one way in and out... I am really surprised the homes above her on the hill side have not come crashing down... Each year when it rains, they get stuck at their home waiting for the city to come through and remove all the mud.

And the City knows how bad the area is, for each year they come in and pre-place the concrete barriers to divert the mud away from the homes...Both of us have pleaded with her to sell the house...but stubborn Filipina knowing her house is paid for AND living in the Philippines where flooding is more severe she is like, Yeah maybe some day...

One year her SUV got pushed down the road 40 ft and mud over ran the roof line of her and neighboring vehicles.

Le Furet

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Member For 2 Years
Speaking of rain... I waited until it died off, thought it might be fun to walk my dog to the Post Office..he loves mucking about in the wet.
The trip there was great.. halfway coming back it started POURING. Fcuk!!
Now we're getting cozy again, I've been sober for almost 2 years and never miss drinking at all... but times like this a little single malt scotch would be the sh!t !


Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
So I am trying a new Cotton...since Amazon doesn't carry my Cotton Bacon anymore.

Bought some Leagy Platinum Blend ( yeah ooh aahhh Platinum blend right ) ANYHOO!

Its pretty decent, rewicked both Haku's one with the LPB and other with CBv2 and I don't taste any discernible difference. On day 2 of the wick and its holding up well and actually looks better than the CB thus far... but that can be due to juice differences so there is that.

Its cheaper than CBv2, 12 per pack, rather than 10...Looks almost identical in presentation.



Gold Contributor
Member For 3 Years
Any really good rsa's avaliable rn? Without a list..... Preferably PayPal accepted

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Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I'm poor budget wise right now to afford anything more than the cotton I listed above.

I also want to grab a Hadlay and that NovaboxCo Ultem Cap in prep for the NeoFets arrival.

Maybe for my birthday in May

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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Ain't this a beachh! Mandatory evacuations in the Creek fire areas! That's about three blocks from my house! Wifey will be thrilled to hear that!


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
My sister in law lives in Eagle Rock... mid way down one of the worst areas of flooding when it rains in LA...small road access to her home... and only one way in and out... I am really surprised the homes above her on the hill side have not come crashing down... Each year when it rains, they get stuck at their home waiting for the city to come through and remove all the mud.

And the City knows how bad the area is, for each year they come in and pre-place the concrete barriers to divert the mud away from the homes...Both of us have pleaded with her to sell the house...but stubborn Filipina knowing her house is paid for AND living in the Philippines where flooding is more severe she is like, Yeah maybe some day...

One year her SUV got pushed down the road 40 ft and mud over ran the roof line of her and neighboring vehicles.
When we were looking for a new house, I stayed the hell away from that area! Not that the one I'm in now doesn't have problems.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I'm done with 2018, let's skip over to 2019! Who's with me?
At least the sandbags are in place and I even had enough time/energy to help a couple of neighbors fill a bunch of sandbags.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Thanks to someone's generosity I haz dead rabbit.
Now to fry or vape it....


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I'm poor budget wise right now to afford anything more than the cotton I listed above.

I also want to grab a Hadlay and that NovaboxCo Ultem Cap in prep for the NeoFets arrival.

Maybe for my birthday in May

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Us Taurean's got it good hey?

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