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Squonkers are Bonkers


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Very tight and pulling it out, started to unravel the top and bottom factory-wrap on the LG I installed, which was in perfect condition before going into it:cry:
That's inconvenient.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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That's inconvenient.

No doubt, I shoulda used an old battery on the first run

Also, I usually break down mechs before throwing a build in, just to see what's what - but I've been going through vape mail withdrawals, lol

I think it can be altered inside to make it less snug and something to help ease it out next time


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No doubt, I shoulda used an old battery on the first run

Also, I usually break down mechs before throwing a build in, just to see what's what - but I've been going through vape mail withdrawals, lol

I think it can be altered inside to make it less snug and something to help ease it out next time
I haven't had any issues with mine tearing wraps. I use the monkey slap to get the battery out so it pops out both top and bottom at the same time as it is a tight fit. There is a thread at the other place on these,and some guys are wrapping a piece of tape around the middle of the battery to help pull them out.Hope that helps :)


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No doubt, I shoulda used an old battery on the first run

Also, I usually break down mechs before throwing a build in, just to see what's what - but I've been going through vape mail withdrawals, lol

I think it can be altered inside to make it less snug and something to help ease it out next time
not sure if you tried this already, but i find that taking the bottle out before you insert or remove the battery makes it easier to avoid that. i tried putting a ribbon under the battery but the door magnets stick to the battery and its all too tight to have a ribbon in the way.

an issue i have noticed is that a lot of my 25rs just dont connect at all. a couple of them work, and all my vtc4s are fine. i have been thinking about taking the contacts out and trying to put a dimple in them with a center punch so they arent perfectly flat, but i have a feeling its already too tight in there as it is...


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Any recommendations for a first mech? Safety is paramount....


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Safety is paramount
Safety is all in the batteries used, coil ohm (within battery specs), and logical thinking skills. :D

Don't use crap batteries, don't over amp your batteries, don't build too low ohm coils for the MOD and batteries, and don't hold the button down in your pocket!

Does that pretty much sum it up everyone? Please correct me where I am wrong.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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It's still worth buying if you are looking for a solid mech squonker

The Brass ones are solid brass bodies - they weight a ton. But still love mine thought it is hefty. You really feel like you got something, lol
Yup, mine is on the slow motion... waiting for china to get off their week long holiday and process it, and load it on the boat.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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But it sounds like fun, at least you can see Russia while you're there, weather permitting of course.....:giggle:

This is actually true, but not from Wasilla, where a certain someone's house is, lol

You can see the Russian island of Big Diomede from the the US (Alaskan) island of Little Diomede


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This is actually true, but not from Wasilla, where a certain someone's house is, lol

You can see the Russian island of Big Diomede from the the US (Alaskan) island of Little Diomede
I know, Juice, it's just funny every time I remember the nitwit saying that.....:)


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Are you using the crapola bottle it came with?
I haven't even used mine yet, cuz the bottle just pissed me off.
I should have some "italians" waiting when I get home (the $6 softies) - and maybe I'll give it a whirl - but I was really hoping to find a soft SKINNY bottle, because as you said - it's super tight in there. Bottle and battery squeeze in so tight, it changes the action of the fire button, and I LIKE the action of the fire button when the mod's empty. If THAT makes any sense...

This little sucker hits!


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Time for bedz for me! :goodnight: Gotta get my sleeping schedule back on track. Been staying up WAY to late tinkering with vape stuff and the VU family. :D I'm getting to old for this! LOL


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Are you using the crapola bottle it came with?
I haven't even used mine yet, cuz the bottle just pissed me off.
I should have some "italians" waiting when I get home (the $6 softies) - and maybe I'll give it a whirl - but I was really hoping to find a soft SKINNY bottle, because as you said - it's super tight in there. Bottle and battery squeeze in so tight, it changes the action of the fire button, and I LIKE the action of the fire button when the mod's empty. If THAT makes any sense...

Just for the first test drive of the mod - already had bought the bottles separately and knew they were total shit

On an interesting side note, just got a lot of 10 HCigar replacement bottles and they come with a solid rubbery-feeling stopper.

I'm wondering if they could be drilled to accommodate tubing without leaks. I think they can.


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I chuckle every time I see your name, I've been working on a project for awhile now...
Meet Lefty Lucy, finally finished her tonight :inlove:




My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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I chuckle every time I see your name, I've been working on a project for awhile now...
Meet Lefty Lucy, finally finished her tonight :inlove:




Is there going to be a followup: Righty Tighty?

Actually, I've been on the lookout for the original basis for the squonker - the mod known as the Juicy Lucy, lol


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Is there going to be a followup: Righty Tighty?

Actually, I've been on the lookout for the original basis for the squonker - the mod known as the Juicy Lucy, lol

Lucy has a Siamese twin already, meet Ollie!

I wish you luck in your quest, ma'am!


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Lucy has a Siamese twin already, meet Ollie!

I wish you luck in your quest, ma'am!

Do you name all of your mods?

A few of mine have formal names: Chesty Moragan, Chester Copperbottom (homage to @The Cromwell ) Woody Squonkmyer and Pinky Tuscadero are a few of my faves, lol


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I remember was a clone b/fd by it from rudedog..I don't mind the whistle really

On the inside there is a tooling/milling line that is still raised up, acting as a burr. This line goes around the whole inner cap. It rests just under the air holes and can be filed down, finner sanding can be done with an emery board. Even if you don't mind the whistle, grinding this line down can help improve how the product performs a good bit. Not sure I would do it if not a clone. Then, if it was authentic it is likely any need would exist.


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The best time to kick the dog is when he's down
Balls M.jpg

Better than I thought it would be for twelve bucks and some change :giggle:

* writing the phone number down * That's neat too, Spanky is a cheap date that is. ;) :) :p Sorry, I was reading all this gutter trash and drew a line from point A to point B, I mean it is there. *shrugs*

Safety is all in the batteries used, coil ohm (within battery specs), and logical thinking skills. :D
Don't use crap batteries, don't over amp your batteries, don't build too low ohm coils for the MOD and batteries, and don't hold the button down in your pocket!
Does that pretty much sum it up everyone?

I would say, yes, ... somewhat. As @DogMan points out without a "hot" spring a person does take on the possibility of more risk. I find though that experience and your course of logic here teaches by way of the "doing". It also teaches there are never iron clad guarantees in life. Hell, life is a joke to take too serious if you think about it, no one gets out alive. :) We each can ultimately only do the best we're capable, hope for the best, nothing more or less.


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Do you name all of your mods?

A few of mine have formal names: Chesty Moragan, Chester Copperbottom (homage to @The Cromwell ) Woody Squonkmyer and Pinky Tuscadero are a few of my faves, lol

Thought I would call the brass CopperVape Chunky. I've not genuinely named either one, calling them each pips (long i sounding like peeps). Got a silver one, gold looking one. I swap out between them with no real preference (no great surprise there ;) ).

Guess this goes back to my notion of "use the things, love the people". The mods are still things even if we name them. I don't see any great need naming them. Then, opinions smell too and mine probably worse than some or better than some. All in, it is what it is, was, will be.


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That was a rerun for some insult (real or imagined) in the original Fugee thread :devil:

Oh, I hear that. *chuckles* That's the trouble and no trouble both with us damned fugees, insults become like the Scots saying "I love you" by decking one another. *chuckles* Come to think of it, it's similar to how Pit bulls express love, by holding by the throat in clinched jaws. I would hate to see the reaction of a psychology board accessing the fugees.

"Well, we asked this guy about the Rorschach test pictures ..."

"And, ...?"

"He just kept saying, 'Ink spot, ink spot, ink spot ...', we couldn't draw any conclusions."

Ah yeah, before I forget ... * raises fist and shakes it in the general direction of K-a-n T -ucky * curse you @The Cromwell. You've now got me doing ... The Dew. You kept mentioning it, I tried more than a sip recently an got surprised, pleasantly so. Now, I'm a Dew addict. See how you are now? Get a young impressionable slut hooked on Dew. Next thing I know, you'll be pimping me out for Wanko coils.
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Do you name all of your mods?

A few of mine have formal names: Chesty Moragan, Chester Copperbottom (homage to @The Cromwell ) Woody Squonkmyer and Pinky Tuscadero are a few of my faves, lol

And what fine names those are!
Yes, they are all named after our family's late beloved pets.


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I like the recessed button a lot on the Lefty

That blue is very eye catching also

Pure mech or mosfet?

Well thank you thank you!
Pure mech is the only way I roll these days, same setup as the floris enclosures but this one uses a FD V5 connector which I'm not wild about, but I planned the recessed connector on the box around it, so I just used it.


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