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Squonkers are Bonkers


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Love the setup, I need to find another Chalice lll, the RM2 needs to have a little tighter draw. I know, I know, but what the .....
The P67 is missing one door magnet so I'll have to contact REO. All in all, a great deal and I'm loving it. I put a 2.5 mm ID coil in it....30g/36g Kanthal A1 clapton staged with 30g SS 316L at a 0.4 ohm resistance.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Love the setup, I need to find another Chalice lll, the RM2 needs to have a little tighter draw. I know, I know, but what the .....
The P67 is missing one door magnet so I'll have to contact REO. All in all, a great deal and I'm loving it. I put a 2.5 mm ID coil in it....30g/36g Kanthal A1 clapton staged with 30g SS 316L at a 0.4 ohm resistance.

Vape as tight as you like Brewski - you won't hear any teasing out of me :)


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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So far, much to the dismay of the "snobs", i love the Chalice lll, NoFear, O-little, Hadaly, RM2.

I rarely use my Chalice or RM2 anymore - just because I've grown to need a little more air than they can provide. Conversely, I will not even dream of rehoming them to someone else, lol


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Brewski, at the risk of seeming naive, what snobs? Remember, I'm new here....
There are some of us here that can only vape authentics and such....not me! If a cheap clone floats my boat, what the hell, I'll use it, I don't have to get the authentic. The very few authentics I own were either from trades or very kind folks selling them at a low price.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Brewski, at the risk of seeming naive, what snobs? Remember, I'm new here....

Here's mine, even though you didn't ask me, lol

Brewski is right, but there is another kind of vape snob, sometimes they are the same person.

They are the ones who imply you're not a very good vaper (or are dismissive of you, as if you are too inexperienced to know better) if you don't vape very low ohms at high wattage - they are very dismissive towards tootle puffers, those who like a tight draw and/or like a cooler vape and MTL vapers in general.

Those piss me off more than the authentic only crowd or the custom made everything types


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Hey Brewski - how do you like the airflow and flavor of the No Pity compared to the Hadaly and Origen Little

The Cromwell

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They were quite affordable so I just had to splurge. The best deal so far, is the P67 and RM2 combo I just received. Now I have to start saving and maybe in a couple of years I'll have enough for a SV stabwood mod.
You better buy em all now. In a couple of years you may not be able to buy them....


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Hey Brewski - how do you like the airflow and flavor of the No Pity compared to the Hadaly and Origen Little
The Hadaly, for me at least, is a DL atty, the MTL is very hot if I close it to my type of MTL draw. Flavor is very good.
The Origin little - ShenRay clone- has adjustable air flow so I am fine there, the flavor is rich, good amount of vapor for a MTL setup. The whole thing being held together with o-rings is what kept me from biting the bullet and getting authentics (rda and tank. I have the 19/22 tank from FT coming some time before labor day. ..I hope).
The NoPity I got is the first edition, single pinhole airflow, very much like the fixed air flow Cyclone. To my unsophisticated palate, the Cyclone and NoPity are very close. The NoPity does get quite hot, faster than the Cyclone.


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Thanks everyone. I like to think I have a pretty open mind about stuff, and as such, whatever floats your boat is fine with me. I don't have to like it but I will defend with my life your right to do as you choose...

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Brewski, at the risk of seeming naive, what snobs? Remember, I'm new here....
I see it differently still.

I use the term snob only in jest.

I prefer to call some douchebag or full of douchebaggery.

I didn't start with authentic gear until a few years ago, when the cost of such started to drop. Before then I didn't know how or what I really preferred, so I bought alot of clone gear to figure it out. At the time, there not a whole lot of higher wattage mods out there, and the vape crowd was full of the, "authentic vs clone" arguments. Quite honestly, I find the argument trite and quite ridiculous. Now, I do use almost all authentic, but only because my buying habits and frequency has changed. At the time The crowd that only vaped authentic gear would talk to those of us who used clones like trash.
Nowadays the only time it even comes up is if someone is trying to figure out a problem. Thankfully things have changed. Or maybe that attitude stayed at another forum and didn't make its way here.

Most clone gear is as good or better than authentic and the differences are very minimal. In some cases people are prefer certain characteristics of the clone. Take the kf5, the sxk clone has a tighter draw than the authentic. I have both and use the clone more often for that very reason.

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At it again ...



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Honestly, SXK make great attys. I have zero issues with SXK clones. However, my issue is really that it does screw over the guys designing the authentics. I try and buy authentics to support innovation. I would never say to anyone not to buy a clone. There are differences though. I have an authentic Haze ... I had the clones and they were crap in comparison. I just got the Manta from Dre. I heard the clones are not great on the Mantas. Now the Pico, Hurricane Jr. NarDa and Origen Little SXK clones are aces.

I call myself a vape snob in jest making fun of myself. If anything I'm self inditing. I respect all vapers. And I toodle vape - I like to toodle vape. I like a restricted draw. I don't blow anything and certainly not clouds. I leave the 300 watt mods to others - I'll take a mech or a DNA 40 please - although a 60 or 75 is acceptable. Provaris still rule for me.

And that is a single mech evade dual mosfet squonk mod above with the Chalice One - which you can pry from my dead hands.

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Honestly, SXK make great attys. I have zero issues with SXK clones. However, my issue is really that it does screw over the guys designing the authentics. I try and buy authentics to support innovation. I would never say to anyone not to buy a clone. There are differences though. I have an authentic Haze ... I had the clones and they were crap in comparison. I just got the Manta from Dre. I heard the clones are not great on the Mantas. Now the Pico, Hurricane Jr. NarDa and Origen Little SXK clones are aces.

I call myself a vape snob in jest making fun of myself. If anything I'm self inditing. I respect all vapers. And I toodle vape - I like to toodle vape. I like a restricted draw. I don't blow anything and certainly not clouds. I leave the 300 watt mods to others - I'll take a mech or a DNA 40 please - although a 60 or 75 is acceptable. Provaris still rule for me.

And that is a single mech evade dual mosfet squonk mod above with the Chalice One - which you can pry from my dead hands.
Yeah, I have one of every provari made.
I did ride the company hard for clear oversights; and, quite honestly being untruthful as to their reasons for them.
That said, I still use their products daily. In fact my 60w radius is heading to Bill for a repair Monday.
Granted I'm normally a 50-70w vapor all day. In the evening I usually drop to an mtl vape.
I like having plenty options. Either the two with the narda or rm2; or, p2.5 with a kf3.1 still rocks for my mtl needs most times. But, during the day it's anything from a petri to the goon on a DNA 200/250 mod or the kf5 or hadaly on either the Procyon or radius60w.
- which is why I did that comparison on the three similar rdas that I posted earlier. I wanted to make sure I was using them to get the most out of each. For me, there is no substitute for variety, if I vape the same thing for more than a day, I get bored.

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I actually have a few mechs I can vape over 120 watts. I just rarely do it. Kind of like keeping in shape, lol. I'll use my slice, G2, noisy crickets from time to time but I prefer a milder vape. I used the Kayfuns and Hurricanes but I'm lazy - so much easier to use a nautilus or kabuki. Love my Goblin mini still. I never got the radius or procyon - just never got the right trade. Would love a radius but I'm too broke to shell out the money now after getting all my squonks ... sigh.

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I actually have a few mechs I can vape over 120 watts. I just rarely do it. Kind of like keeping in shape, lol. I'll use my slice, G2, noisy crickets from time to time but I prefer a milder vape. I used the Kayfuns and Hurricanes but I'm lazy - so much easier to use a nautilus or kabuki. Love my Goblin mini still. I never got the radius or procyon - just never got the right trade. Would love a radius but I'm too broke to shell out the money now after getting all my squonks ... sigh.
LMAO!!! I've tried all the premade coil systems: Atlantis, Nautilus, Kabuki, herekles, crown, ijust.... The silo beast had me closest being able to put the tools down; but, I can't.
Something about rebuilding just won't let me switch to the other systems.

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I have to 2nd @PaulS comment about SXK, they make outstanding Clones. Tobeco, meh they're just OK, I must say though they do have some original Tobeco designed devices that I enjoy. I like supporting those who actually are designing the products, they have a vested interest where as Cloner's are just there to make a quick buck.

Clones in general are very hit and miss, some are excellent or at times even better (very rare occasion though) than the Authentic. Some are just OK and even trash where the majority of them fall. Example is the Clone of the Anubis by El Diablo, it doesn't even come close to the authentic. The Sith V2 is "OK" as Mod's go but doesn't even come close to the quality and performance of the Authentic, even though it looks allot like it. Then you have Clones like the VGod Trick Tank Pro, Vaperz Clouds 24mm X1 and VCP, very hard to tell the difference. In my experience Clones of Chinese gear is pretty damn close, the rest not so much. So it's hit and miss with the Clones, I personally like Clones to try out before I buy the authentic. But with that you really need to be aware that in most all cases the Authentic s are better. It's just not the design of the Clones vs Authentic's, it's the quality of the material used.

I will also out of spite buy a Clone, example is the O Addy which is actually a $200+ clone of the Narda. I bought it out of principle alone and to be honest I've had it a couple of months and haven't even gotten around to putting a build in it.

OK with that said, now back on topic in this thead.

Who makes a decent parallel fully Mechanical squonk Mod that doesn't ass rape you? I'm certainly not hesitant to spend $$$ on quality but I just don't appreciate being violated ya know ;)


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I actually have a few mechs I can vape over 120 watts. I just rarely do it. Kind of like keeping in shape, lol. I'll use my slice, G2, noisy crickets from time to time but I prefer a milder vape. I used the Kayfuns and Hurricanes but I'm lazy - so much easier to use a nautilus or kabuki. Love my Goblin mini still. I never got the radius or procyon - just never got the right trade. Would love a radius but I'm too broke to shell out the money now after getting all my squonks ... sigh.
Did you consider the Vika Fantasy tank?

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Yeah, some of them won't even give you the common courtesy of a reach around.

I mean I've been looking around for a decent quality squonk box, haven't had much luck.
Have you talked to sonar505?
He did an Okl squonker for me that came out beautiful.

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Here's mine, even though you didn't ask me, lol

Brewski is right, but there is another kind of vape snob, sometimes they are the same person.

They are the ones who imply you're not a very good vaper (or are dismissive of you, as if you are too inexperienced to know better) if you don't vape very low ohms at high wattage - they are very dismissive towards tootle puffers, those who like a tight draw and/or like a cooler vape and MTL vapers in general.

Those piss me off more than the authentic only crowd or the custom made everything types
Hope I don't come across as a "custom everything snob"

Lots of my RDA are clones.

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The reason I asked is because no one here has shown any snobbery whatsoever.
Pfft! Y'all use them Kanger and Pico and stuff made in China squonkers....You should all spend a bigillion on the most exclusive Mokume-gane DNA 2500 TC and more Squonk box made by hand in small runs of 2 per year in India by chinese refugees. Now, that's a mod!
Ahemmm, wait, I'm vaping a Kanger DB2.
Aoo, he11, I"m not a sob after all.


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Pfft! Y'all use them Kanger and Pico and stuff made in China squonkers....You should all spend a bigillion on the most exclusive Mokume-gane DNA 2500 TC and more Squonk box made by hand in small runs of 2 per year in India by chinese refugees. Now, that's a mod!
Ahemmm, wait, I'm vaping a Kanger DB2.
Aoo, he11, I"m not a sob after all.
nah, just get an O Atty ;)


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Well I broke my Cherry.

Frankenskull Clone with the Split Atty, Vap'n some 6mg Peach Tobacco, 30g SS clapton @ .65 Ohms.

Kinda Cool.

I'll dink around with it for a while and if it works out well might get me a Squonker or two ;)



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Well I broke my Cherry.

Frankenskull Clone with the Split Atty, Vap'n some 6mg Peach Tobacco, 30g SS clapton @ .65 Ohms.

Kinda Cool.

I'll dink around with it for a while and if it works out well might get me a Squonker or two ;)

lol Rosco, if you like that mod, you'll love a real Squonker......:D

I can foresee Squonk hoarding in your future.


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lol Rosco, if you like that mod, you'll love a real Squonker......:D

I can foresee Squonk hoarding in your future.
Yeah like any need anymore shit ;)

Not sure if I'm really thrilled with the split atty. I've got a Velocity V2, Hadaly, O Addy Clone and a Narda that have BF pin's, so I'll take them for a spin on it too.

When I ordered the Frankeskull Clone I saw a review of it that said the bottle sucked, so I got a couple of bottles from Reo. There is a big difference in bottle's. The one that came with the Clone is noticeably harder plastic than what I got from Reo, glad I saw the review. Honestly I can't see forking out $160+ for the Authentic, that is serious price gouging.


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Yeah like any need anymore shit ;)

Not sure if I'm really thrilled with the split atty. I've got a Velocity V2, Hadaly, O Addy Clone and a Narda that have BF pin's, so I'll take them for a spin on it too.

When I ordered the Frankeskull Clone I saw a review of it that said the bottle sucked, so I got a couple of bottles from Reo. There is a big difference in bottle's. The one that came with the Clone is noticeably harder plastic than what I got from Reo, glad I saw the review. Honestly I can't see forking out $160+ for the Authentic, that is serious price gouging.
I'd try the O-atty and Narda FIRST.......:)

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