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Squonkers are Bonkers


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"Using Microsoft Windows to me is akin to smoking cigarettes, you get
what they give you and it might be a pile of steaming death."

Now who's being a snob :slowclap:
I've made a damn good living developing for Windows! Is it perfect, no, but nothing is.

It is the most widely used OS in the world, and pays for ALL my toys....
Yep. Writing software for Windows has made me enough money that I can afford to be a vape snob. :D


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Time out if you will my fellow Squonkers,

As many of you know, I am a very new member to your honored ranks.

All of three weeks in with my experience with my Kanger 80 Watt Dripbox 2.

I am totally loving it and vaping with it as I write this.

Anyway, a fellow member of this forum that is contemplating making the jump to a Squonker PM'd me for what small pieces of advice I have gleaned from my short experience before shelling out the funds needed to purchase his own.

Which is a very wise move in my book!.

Said member suggested that I share with the rest of the Vaping Underground Peanut Gallery.

My initial response was NO. I really don't have that much experience with them yet.

Then I realized that I can't find any tutorials at all here on how to properly work the things!

That being said, here is a copy of the PM I sent with all of my three weeks of accumulated experience and tips and tricks.............

"My 80 Watt Dripbox and I are getting along really well

And you are right, there is a learning curve to learning how to properly "Squonk". but it is a small one.

Best to start by filling the bottle up to the very top of the large portion of the bottle and leave the smaller neck empty. Then you add liquid to saturate the cotton in the RDA section. Then give the bottle just a small Squonk with your index finger (an indent about half the diameter of your finger) until you see small amount of liquid enter the RDA section. Then you put the top on, adjust your airflow and take a hit. Same thing using a standard RDA with larger liquid wells. Just make sure the wells are full. Excess liquid goes back into the bottle.

The bottle really does not need much of a squeeze or pressure to get liquid into the RDA. And you will eventually feel or hear a small "POP" when air starts to come into the bottle after you have been vaping a bit.

Just pay a lot of attention at first.

Also, when you get to the bottom of your bottle and go to remove it for filling, quite a bit of liquid will empty back out of the feed tube into the bottle. So either fill it up again with the same flavor or empty the excess out into the bottle it came from and switch flavors.

The flavor and vapor have been really great (noticeably better than my tanks and I have had very few dry hits.

The included Kanger RDA coil assemblies can be easily rebuilt when the original coils go south.

I have replaced mine with 3mm Stainless Steel Clapton coils which should last me a good long time with proper care.

I tend to be a low wattage vaper, normally around 33 watts and the 80 watt Dripbox goes through just under 3 X 18650, 3,000 mAh battery changes per day. For the same price you can get the dual battery 160 Watt version. Myself, I prefer the single battery mods as they will fit in my shirt pocket. Or you could go with a single coil build for longer battery life."

Like I said, this is as helpful as I can be for a fellow vaper.

All of you have been doing this for MUCH LONGER than I have. No doubts about it.

So would you please put your collective mind's together and write a much, MUCH BETTER tutorial on the fine art of Sqounking together than I have been able to?

And PLEASE correct me on anything I have gotten wrong with the above as I am still trying to learn myself!


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@UncleRJ ,I agree with all your advice and in my vast squonking experience {I started a couple of weeks before you} I couldn't find anything noteworthy to add other than in my limited experience the DB 2 does TC better than the 160. Still waiting for the Wraith and the Coppervapes (brass and aluminum). The REO P67 is a thing to behold even in the condition I bought it in (second hand) bur with a little TLC will be fine.


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@UncleRJ ,I agree with all your advice and in my vast squonking experience {I started a couple of weeks before you} I couldn't find anything noteworthy to add other than in my limited experience the DB 2 does TC better than the 160. Still waiting for the Wraith and the Coppervapes (brass and aluminum). The REO P67 is a thing to behold even in the condition I bought it in (second hand) bur with a little TLC will be fine.


But I just gotta think that the other more experienced Sqounkers have much more wisdom to impart here!


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Critical squonking information:

- "squonk" refers the the squishy noise made as your bottle, re-flates itself, sucking excess juice back down the tube.
- YES, your RDA has a hole in the bottom. It's OK. That's supposed to be there.
- After squonking, you DO still have to push the button to vape. It's OK, we all forget sometimes, and suck on our mods while squonking instead of firing. No big deal, no one is watching.
- Keep stashing money away, as you will no doubt want to try another RDA. Then another. Then you'll need another mod because your Dbox will be outnumbered.
- Actually, about that RDA? If you have the one that came with the DBox in a kit...a lot of people think it sucks. So if you don't love the flavor or the vapor production or airflow - don't blame squonking, just get a decent RDA. There are awesome ones around, including some under $15...Tell us how you vape to get recommendations (could be 0-16, could be Goon, right?).
- Get some extra bottles. Those Kanger bottles aren't bad...but they aren't real durable.


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Critical squonking information:

- "squonk" refers the the squishy noise made as your bottle, re-flates itself, sucking excess juice back down the tube.
- YES, your RDA has a hole in the bottom. It's OK. That's supposed to be there.
- After squonking, you DO still have to push the button to vape. It's OK, we all forget sometimes, and suck on our mods while squonking instead of firing. No big deal, no one is watching.
- Keep stashing money away, as you will no doubt want to try another RDA. Then another. Then you'll need another mod because your Dbox will be outnumbered.
- Actually, about that RDA? If you have the one that came with the DBox in a kit...a lot of people think it sucks. So if you don't love the flavor or the vapor production or airflow - don't blame squonking, just get a decent RDA. There are awesome ones around, including some under $15...Tell us how you vape to get recommendations (could be 0-16, could be Goon, right?).
- Get some extra bottles. Those Kanger bottles aren't bad...but they aren't real durable.

Got a HUGE belly laugh at the part where you spoke about trying to take a hit while squeezing the bottle. Cant tell you how many times I have done that!

The RDA that comes with the Dripbox IMHO does deliver a lot of flavor and vapor, I will admit that my Velocity V2 Mini does better!

And I have 4 extra bottles as I write this but I am still on bottle #1


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Got a HUGE belly laugh at the part where you spoke about trying to take a hit while squeezing the bottle. Cant tell you how many times I have done that!

The RDA that comes with the Dripbox IMHO does deliver a lot of flavor and vapor, I will admit that my Velocity V2 Mini does better!

And I have 4 extra bottles as I write this but I am still on bottle #1

Not to sound rude, but this is intended to be more about basic Sqounker operation than TC and Wattage control.


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After squonking, you DO still have to push the button to vape. It's OK, we all forget sometimes, and suck on our mods while squonking instead of firing. No big deal, no one is watching.
I never thought I was the only one doing that, but I'm really glad for the confirmation.
My other problem arises when I'm vaping a regular mod/tank combo and keep squeezing the mod!:vino:


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I figure that coppervapes will have a dual battery squonker out this year.

I am not interested in a dual battery mech squonker though.

Oh but I am, I am quite indeed interested. It would mean I could use monster dual coil builds on these tricky decks I have. Yes, I'm using a few very cautious dual builds on a single. If I ha the double, caution would be damned, damned I tell you! Muhahahaha! I could use dual Claptons, quad strand twisted Kanthal coils, maybe even Toast maker wire! *gasp* Hahahahaum!


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So would you please put your collective mind's together and write a much, MUCH BETTER tutorial on the fine art of Sqounking together than I have been able to?

One minor add in. If you gently squonk and hold the bottle it helps to ensure filling the wicks. Be careful doing so though or you'll flood the RDA and it takes a bit of firing off excess juice to clear it out, be vapable again. This is one of bits which comes gradually as you learn, you get a "feel" for it. This is a very Zazen thing when a person and a mech come together creating modestly nice clouds. Not that I am a cloud chaser but indeed it does feel good to get a lung full and then exhale a room full once in a while.


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One minor add in. If you gently squonk and hold the bottle it helps to ensure filling the wicks. Be careful doing so though or you'll flood the RDA and it takes a bit of firing off excess juice to clear it out, be vapable again. This is one of bits which comes gradually as you learn, you get a "feel" for it. This is a very Zazen thing when a person and a mech come together creating modestly nice clouds. Not that I am a cloud chaser but indeed it does feel good to get a lung full and then exhale a room full once in a while.
Also, the start of a bottle squonks faster than the end. The last 2 ml or so may need a longer squonk action than the first

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One minor add in. If you gently squonk and hold the bottle it helps to ensure filling the wicks. Be careful doing so though or you'll flood the RDA and it takes a bit of firing off excess juice to clear it out, be vapable again. This is one of bits which comes gradually as you learn, you get a "feel" for it. This is a very Zazen thing when a person and a mech come together creating modestly nice clouds. Not that I am a cloud chaser but indeed it does feel good to get a lung full and then exhale a room full once in a while.
Also different viscosity of juice will squonk different feels. If you make your own juice you know it's not a exact thing getting viscosity exactly same every batch.

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Also different viscosity of juice will squonk different feels. If you make your own juice you know it's not a exact thing getting viscosity exactly same every batch.

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Agreed. Even having a batch of unflavored 20%P/80%V mixed up has differences each batch of 250 ml. One time it might be thicker than glue, next time it could be nearly water. I blame Canada just simply because Canada is there, also the Pope for the same reason, and Extraterrestrials ( Except Bob ), and Johnny Carson retiring. All of these factor into how juice acts, as well as barometric pressure, humidity, wind gauge, temperature, relative dew point, axis tilt, gravitational bearing, magnetic resonance. Bah, it's a plethora of factors that seems to not end, it's a wonder we don't vape frog urine until it's all said and done.


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I cut a tube a wee bit too long this morning. It seems not to adversely affect or effect the vaping experience. I also cut small slits in two opposing sides near the tubes bottom, that helps avoid a tube becoming too much of a vacuum against the walls of the bottle. It will not suck down unto the bottle itself and get locked up to draw no juice.

Trying out some unflavored with some 'Vanishing Oatmeal Treats', ten to twelve drops added to the unflavored. The 'VOT' flavor comes from Mt. Baker's line. Finding I can dilute their flavors well enough w/ unflavored to offer just a hint of flavor. That lets me make juice last longer due to a batch of unflavored being dirt cheap. The 'VOT' is kind of yummy but not quite what I expected, not disappointed just still giving it breathing time.

Swapped back to the RDA that came with the silver CopperVape kit. It's doing just fine w/ a dual set up of 28 awg pumping out ~0.60 (R) oHm +\- 0.02. Batteries are not heating, not venting. Yes, I'm being careful and checking w/ using dual coils on a single battery. :)


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It is all Obama's fault.

Probably so, he has been billed as the Anti-Christ by a large number of folks. Of course some of those same folks called Marylin Manson the same. Go figure. :)

ETA: Eureka! I got it. Let's just blame Pee Wee Herman. He is the perfect Anti-Christ stand in too. I watch him and have vivid and explicit homosexual fantasies that are not suitable for printing, ergo he must be evil to trigger such lush imaginative pleasures.

Bah! Now I need a second cupa :coffee: . Got me all flustered pondering how to create a wooden spork.
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The Cromwell

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Probably so, he has been billed as the Anti-Christ by a large number of folks. Of course some of those same folks called Marylin Manson the same. Go figure. :)

ETA: Eureka! I got it. Let's just blame Pee Wee Herman. He is the perfect Anti-Christ stand in too. I watch him and have vivid and explicit homosexual fantasies that are not suitable for printing, ergo he must be evil to trigger such lush imaginative pleasures.

Bah! Now I need a second cupa :coffee: . Got me all flustered pondering how to create a wooden spork.
Yep if Obama is responsible for all he is blamed with he was the most powerful president in history.


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Here is one I have not shown before. I made it with the others but the wood ended up very thin. So I put it in my rotation to test it out. Glad I did as the side panels warped out on me So I replaced the side panels with harder and darker wood and made sure everything thing was straight. Have been testing it out with an new to me Hadaly. So far loving the way it looks and vapes.
But one thing I noticed after making these wood mods with a lot of figure in them is that sometimes i see images in them. At first it maybe just part of an image then my brain starts putting together other parts and locks in on what could be something different. So before I have myself commited :crazy:. I am very interested in what kind of image your brain is telling you it sees on the front and back panels. Help a guy out please. Later on I will share what I see. Thanks.




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Here is one I have not shown before. I made it with the others but the wood ended up very thin. So I put it in my rotation to test it out. Glad I did as the side panels warped out on me So I replaced the side panels with harder and darker wood and made sure everything thing was straight. Have been testing it out with an new to me Hadaly. So far loving the way it looks and vapes.
But one thing I noticed after making these wood mods with a lot of figure in them is that sometimes i see images in them. At first it maybe just part of an image then my brain starts putting together other parts and locks in on what could be something different. So before I have myself commited :crazy:. I am very interested in what kind of image your brain is telling you it sees on the front and back panels. Help a guy out please. Later on I will share what I see. Thanks.


I see a face that looks like the creatures from the movie The Dark Crystal.


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Well, the front is clearly a Pterodactyl being sucked into a whirlpool Or the shadow of Darth Vader behind the Death Star.
Back is obviously a pregnant lady.

Here is one I have not shown before. I made it with the others but the wood ended up very thin. So I put it in my rotation to test it out. Glad I did as the side panels warped out on me So I replaced the side panels with harder and darker wood and made sure everything thing was straight. Have been testing it out with an new to me Hadaly. So far loving the way it looks and vapes.
But one thing I noticed after making these wood mods with a lot of figure in them is that sometimes i see images in them. At first it maybe just part of an image then my brain starts putting together other parts and locks in on what could be something different. So before I have myself commited :crazy:. I am very interested in what kind of image your brain is telling you it sees on the front and back panels. Help a guy out please. Later on I will share what I see. Thanks.




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Here is one I have not shown before. I made it with the others but the wood ended up very thin. So I put it in my rotation to test it out. Glad I did as the side panels warped out on me So I replaced the side panels with harder and darker wood and made sure everything thing was straight. Have been testing it out with an new to me Hadaly. So far loving the way it looks and vapes.
But one thing I noticed after making these wood mods with a lot of figure in them is that sometimes i see images in them. At first it maybe just part of an image then my brain starts putting together other parts and locks in on what could be something different. So before I have myself commited :crazy:. I am very interested in what kind of image your brain is telling you it sees on the front and back panels. Help a guy out please. Later on I will share what I see. Thanks.


Above the knot I see a bird, possibly a toucan

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Well, the front is clearly a Pterodactyl being sucked into a whirlpool Or the shadow of Darth Vader behind the Death Star.
Back is obviously a pregnant lady.
Funny you see different front and's the same piece in reverse

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Ok on my way to squonker hood. Traded a tank for a tsunami 22mm put a pin from a 24mm in and walla much better than the 24mm. Not as good as the hadaly clone but nice for a change up.

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Mehh! I'm not in good terms with the DNA chips. Personal preference, but I'd rather have the FSK chip in my mods...or no chip at all.


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@Hank F. Spankman
* bowing down * Ooooooh, Aaaaaaah ...

Pretty for sure. Shame it is regulated, imho. Though I might consider something like this if there's some decent 'brand name' recognition, as in the brand being renown for durability. Oh yea, and "I won't pay a lot for a muffler!"


I see a deep water pool going down eternally with a shelf overhang, or a tunnel. Either way I'm sidelined Chief, you won't have me going in the darn thing. :)


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Who you callin' a squonk-hole?

He said squonk hoe, as in squonk whore. You are too, admit it to yourself. We can pimp you out for a few days of squonking. Got you hooked on it now. Don't feel so rotten over it. I'm just as much a squonk whore. If it helps blame Spanky, or Lucy. ;) :)


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He said squonk hoe, as in squonk whore. You are too, admit it to yourself. We can pimp you out for a few days of squonking. Got you hooked on it now. Don't feel so rotten over it. I'm just as much a squonk whore. If it helps blame Spanky, or Lucy. ;) :)
JL is the First Lady of squonking and we need bow to her.....either that or she'll smack the :poop: out of you.

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