Mikhail Naumov
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Hohm Wrecker G2 FTW .007, I fired a .04 on it earlier..
You don't even have enough potential wattage at 151 watts to fire a .007 build at anything desirable output voltage-wise, same with a .04. That ramp up would be horrid, plus the amperage draw off the 18650's would be no where near safe. The DNA fires down to 0.01, which is about as low as anyone would ever have a purpose of going, to be honest I think anything below 0.08 is pointless. Unless it's on an unregulated box with several batteries in parallel.
The new Uwell Rafale-X RDA has a neutral post which touches no metal, you can build series TC builds and have the resistance double (stack) instead of halving it in a standard parallel build. Perfect RDA for TC, fucking beautiful idea.