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The BOREAS RTA by Augvape and Roxy

Mikhail Naumov

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Look at his Youtube channel, he just posts bullshit about LOL I GOT TO GO TO THIS CON CUZ I'M POPULAR AND I DRINK SHITTY BEER, LOOK AT ME AND ALL MY FREE SHIT and RARELY does reviews, and when he does them he fucking fails at it. I remember Grim's first video ever, telling people why he as an Athiest. From a basement setup. All that free shit and dick sucking his fans give him make him lazily review products he's had for maybe two hours because he has so much shit he'll never use 95% of it. I just told him that on that page.


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Look at his Youtube channel, he just posts bullshit about LOL I GOT TO GO TO THIS CON CUZ I'M POPULAR AND I DRINK SHITTY BEER, LOOK AT ME AND ALL MY FREE SHIT and RARELY does reviews, and when he does them he fucking fails at it. I remember Grim's first video ever, telling people why he as an Athiest. From a basement setup. All that free shit and dick sucking his fans give him make him lazily review products he's had for maybe two hours because he has so much shit he'll never use 95% of it. I just told him that on that page.

Grimm got old after I saw a vlog of him at vapecon. After that I pretty much tuned the dude out.

Mikhail Naumov

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He went from a basement, to a backroom, to a real setup. Every piece of vape gear he has, he didn't pay a cent for. He has no idea of how to appreciate anything, nor does he even try because he has so much shit his entire view of shit is bias bias bias. I already have an RTA a like, so I'll take this one, use it for two minutes, put it down and say it sucks. I hope Aliens take him up and shove a foot long probe into his ass.

Mikhail Naumov

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You also remember Grimm can't build. 90% of the coils he uses are sent to him from other people. Now, nothing is wrong with this from time to time, but if EVERY coil build you have is built by someone else, you have no right to review anything rebuildable.

Mikhail Naumov

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Sponsored reviews give reviews based on what is going to please the big companies they send them the most products, and shit on the products from obscure companies so the big names will think Grim/Whoever else is on their side. They make money doing this from ad revenue, and EVERY SINGLE THING in their HUGEEE vape collection was all given to them for free. They are not reliable people at all, it's hard to weigh in on shit when everything you have was free.


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Sponsored reviews give reviews based on what is going to please the big companies they send them the most products, and shit on the products from obscure companies so the big names will think Grim/Whoever else is on their side. They make money doing this from ad revenue, and EVERY SINGLE THING in their HUGEEE vape collection was all given to them for free. They are not reliable people at all, it's hard to weigh in on shit when everything you have was free.
This tank was the second products Ive reviewed that was sent for free and I feel it earned its marks on my review...everything else Ive reviewed I bought and many people here actually pay attention and buy from these reviews...I dont see a point in lying as people will always speak up if its false after they've tried it.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Look at his Youtube channel, he just posts bullshit about LOL I GOT TO GO TO THIS CON CUZ I'M POPULAR AND I DRINK SHITTY BEER, LOOK AT ME AND ALL MY FREE SHIT and RARELY does reviews, and when he does them he fucking fails at it. I remember Grim's first video ever, telling people why he as an Athiest. From a basement setup. All that free shit and dick sucking his fans give him make him lazily review products he's had for maybe two hours because he has so much shit he'll never use 95% of it. I just told him that on that page.

You need to quit candy-coating your opinions dude and say what you really feel


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Prime example of why you shouldnt listen to reviewers and other people bullshit opinions on stuff. Fuck your opinion, Im my own different person. This shit is especially rampant in the vape gear community, where everyone with a keyboard or a camera thinks theyre qualified to tell everyone else what they should buy. The vape gear market moves at a thousand miles an hour, new shit is always coming and going, and youve always got people trying to shove their thoughts and opinions down your throat and tell you what you should be buying and looking down if you dont. Fuck that. If something looks interesting or cool, and you want it, then get it. Who cares what everyone else is doin? Just do you.

And just for what my shitty opinion is worth, the Boreas is a winner. Ive got a dozen modern tanks and the Boreas is the favorite. Everything about it is on point.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Grim's review was possibly the laziest I've ever seen.

I usually check out reviews to get an idea of what it's about, how to actually use or build it, etc. But that was some lazy-ass shit.


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I just left a comment on that page, too. He's getting reamed by people totally disagreeing with his assessment of the Boreas!
PW. link pls?....I haven't heard of this character.

Mikhail Naumov

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He responded to me:

Lemme guess, You bought a boreas and i'ts just your favorite tank of all time? That's cool bro, Enjoy it, I'm ok with that. I personally can't stand this tank. You want my Boreas? i'll gladly send it to you. Having another "FREEEE" RTA literally means nothing to me. I have enough good tanks to vape that offer MUCH better flavor. keep being a badass though. It's a good look for you. Oh man I love arguing on the internet, fun times bro, thanks!

I said this:

I don't want shit from your bullshit collection you piece of garbage. You don't know what it is to work for anything you have, nor did you spent jack and shit time with your tank. You fail to mention the second deck, you fail to mention how to take the tank is taken apart, you fail to mention nearly everything. There's countless people here telling you the flavor is amazing and your shit building skills (proven by the fact every coil you have was sent to you, you are not a builder outside of round wire builds) Suck my Serbian dick.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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He responded to me:

Lemme guess, You bought a boreas and i'ts just your favorite tank of all time? That's cool bro, Enjoy it, I'm ok with that. I personally can't stand this tank. You want my Boreas? i'll gladly send it to you. Having another "FREEEE" RTA literally means nothing to me. I have enough good tanks to vape that offer MUCH better flavor. keep being a badass though. It's a good look for you. Oh man I love arguing on the internet, fun times bro, thanks!

I said this:

I don't want shit from your bullshit collection you piece of garbage. You don't know what it is to work for anything you have, nor did you spent jack and shit time with your tank. You fail to mention the second deck, you fail to mention how to take the tank is taken apart, you fail to mention nearly everything. There's countless people here telling you the flavor is amazing and your shit building skills (proven by the fact every coil you have was sent to you, you are not a builder outside of round wire builds) Suck my Serbian dick.

You should have taken the Boreas. You should have told him to vape your jizz


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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I wish someone would offer to send me a free Boreas for calling them out, swearing at them, and calling them all kinds of names.

(I don't usually condone such nasty behavior but this shit is funny and if you are going to be putting that kind of crap on the intrawebs, you better be able to take it)

Mikhail Naumov

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The guy in love with Boreas • an hour ago
Dude, so wrong. This is a flavor chaser RDA with a tank sitting on top of it. Take the time and do a few builds. Spaced SS TC build is money in this thing (to me).

Grimm Green
Moderator The guy in love with Boreas 20 minutes ago
Flavor chaser? I don't think any 25mm tank is a "flavor chaser" tank

Mikhail Naumov
Grimm Green12 minutes ago
Because you know everything right? After all, you're the free gear champion of youtube. Go back to posting on which beer you like best and which con you got invited to because you're SO OG IN THE GAME BRUH instead of posting reviews. You have an army here telling you you're full of shit, you can't take the high ground here. Your tank gives junk flavor because you probably built it yourself, and we all know you can't build, you have Twisted and other people build for you because you're lazy. "Why am I an Athiest", remember that video? I do. You looked like you lived in a fucking basement, now from your ad revenue and vape cash you can skim through life not working a day and act like your opinion means shit when everything you have is spoon fed right into your hands. Me and the rest of real vapers are DONE listening to your bullshit. This is war.

Grimm Green
Moderator Mikhail Naumov9 minutes ago
Is someone sad because they failed at life and didn't get any free vape gear? awwww there there, it's ok big guy. It's not too late to become successful. My opinion actually means nothing. It's my opinion. Intended for me. That's all any of this is fuckface.

Mikhail Naumov
Grimm Green a few seconds ago
I'm an electrical engineer making a real living. I went to college, you rely on Youtube. If you want to play the loser game, I think the arrow is pointed at you. Successful, LOL. Again, go back to your old videos where you were a fucking basement troll. I can afford all my shit just fine, I don't need to suck dick to get it for free. Since you rely on free shit, that makes you a panhandler.


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Just looked him up on youtube because before this I never heard of him. I remember seeing him review the hOhm Wrecker G2 when I was looking into one, and he did a piss poor job of that too. I feel like hes a guy who might have been into what hes doing at one point, but hes just going through the motions now for a paycheck and free shit. Or maybe he was always a lazy douche with shitty reviews, Idk, I just heard of him today lol

Mikhail Naumov

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He's a panhandler who supports his vaping hobby off getting free shit from manufacturers, then gives biased opinions so the bigger name companies think he's gunning for them and send him more shit. He's doing it all for money and free shit, Grim hasn't spoken an honest word in over a year, almost no reviewers do. If you didn't buy it with your hard earned money OR receive it was a gift (in a way that provokes gratitude) you have no right to review it. You spend five minutes with it, if it's 2 hrd 4 ur smol brA1n you throw it down, type up a short and shitty review and go suck the next companies dick for more products. The man hasn't worked a single day in the six years he's been doing this and he knows it, and he's getting an absolute tool made out of himself in the comments section.

My words weren't just aimed at him, it's all these big name sponsored reviewers. Someone needed to say it, I don't give a fuck if his Pinkerton looking ass doesn't like it. He can't even hold his own in an argument with me.

He made a few last second comments, then closed the thread so nobody could reply to it. Sign of a true coward. I just took on GrimmGreen and shat all over him. Let the world know.


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Just looked him up on youtube because before this I never heard of him. I remember seeing him review the hOhm Wrecker G2 when I was looking into one, and he did a piss poor job of that too. I feel like hes a guy who might have been into what hes doing at one point, but hes just going through the motions now for a paycheck and free shit. Or maybe he was always a lazy douche with shitty reviews, Idk, I just heard of him today lol too...but I'm not into any u-tube reviewers.....remember when I first started vaping, watched about 5 minutes of some idiot unboxing a mod like it was a Cartier diamond brooch necklace...Ctrl-Alt-delete....!


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The guy in love with Boreas • an hour ago
Dude, so wrong. This is a flavor chaser RDA with a tank sitting on top of it. Take the time and do a few builds. Spaced SS TC build is money in this thing (to me).

Grimm Green
Moderator The guy in love with Boreas 20 minutes ago
Flavor chaser? I don't think any 25mm tank is a "flavor chaser" tank

Mikhail Naumov
Grimm Green12 minutes ago
Because you know everything right? After all, you're the free gear champion of youtube. Go back to posting on which beer you like best and which con you got invited to because you're SO OG IN THE GAME BRUH instead of posting reviews. You have an army here telling you you're full of shit, you can't take the high ground here. Your tank gives junk flavor because you probably built it yourself, and we all know you can't build, you have Twisted and other people build for you because you're lazy. "Why am I an Athiest", remember that video? I do. You looked like you lived in a fucking basement, now from your ad revenue and vape cash you can skim through life not working a day and act like your opinion means shit when everything you have is spoon fed right into your hands. Me and the rest of real vapers are DONE listening to your bullshit. This is war.

Grimm Green
Moderator Mikhail Naumov9 minutes ago
Is someone sad because they failed at life and didn't get any free vape gear? awwww there there, it's ok big guy. It's not too late to become successful. My opinion actually means nothing. It's my opinion. Intended for me. That's all any of this is fuckface.

Mikhail Naumov
Grimm Green a few seconds ago
I'm an electrical engineer making a real living. I went to college, you rely on Youtube. If you want to play the loser game, I think the arrow is pointed at you. Successful, LOL. Again, go back to your old videos where you were a fucking basement troll. I can afford all my shit just fine, I don't need to suck dick to get it for free. Since you rely on free shit, that makes you a panhandler.

LOL, I'm the dude in love with Boreas :giggle:


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Look at his Youtube channel, he just posts bullshit about LOL I GOT TO GO TO THIS CON CUZ I'M POPULAR AND I DRINK SHITTY BEER, LOOK AT ME AND ALL MY FREE SHIT and RARELY does reviews, and when he does them he fucking fails at it. I remember Grim's first video ever, telling people why he as an Athiest. From a basement setup. All that free shit and dick sucking his fans give him make him lazily review products he's had for maybe two hours because he has so much shit he'll never use 95% of it. I just told him that on that page.
And you did it so well my friend in a way only you can! LOL!:shades:

Mikhail Naumov

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He sent me a message on Google+ telling me I was banned from his YT comments section and thanked me for causing what most likely will be a future of negative comments on all his reviews. Jesus Grimm, I actually liked you at one point.

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