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The Good Old Times


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Member For 5 Years
Those memes have prompted a couple more stories, LOL!

TB scars, OMG, I remember the day in the first grade when we all got lined up in the cafeteria for our TB inoculation. This great big gnarly nurse-type person was holding a big silver gun with a thing that had about 8 or 10 little needles sticking out a circular thingie. (I obviously don't know what this thing was called.) I remember asking if this was going to hurt and she said NO. Well, she LIED! BANG! That thing hurt like a SOB! And then later, wanting to pick the scab off and being harassed by my mother to LEAVE IT ALONE!

I liked the polio vaccine way better. It was just some purple stuff on a sugar cube. :)

And speaking of medicine, I had my tonsils out when I was 5. Not because there was anything wrong, but because it was the fashionable thing to do back then. Just rip those puppies out and I'd never get tonsillitis.

Sky King was my very favorite hero on TV when I was a kid. I watched every episode. I also loved Fury and Flicka, because they were about horses, but Sky King was my hero. One time, there was a Pioneer Days type thing in Prineville, Oregon, and Sky King was going to be there, so my dad (bless him) drove me over there from Portland so I could meet my TV idol. I have very few memories of that day, except that it was pouring down rain, but we were standing on a covered sidewalk (board sidewalk, and I think that was still normal for Prineville in those days), and then all of a sudden this HUGE MAN approached and started talking to me in a deep, booming voice. (My wonderful dad no doubt set it up.) Scared the CRAP outta me! I started screaming! My dad picked me up and was trying to tell me this was Sky King, but the damage had been done, and I wanted nothing to do with that giant scary man! He was much smaller, and more likeable, on our little black and white TV at home. I regret that outburst to this day. I had a chance to meet my hero, and I blew it. Kids, huh?


Cranky Old Fart
VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
VU Patreon
Those memes have prompted a couple more stories, LOL!

TB scars, OMG, I remember the day in the first grade when we all got lined up in the cafeteria for our TB inoculation. This great big gnarly nurse-type person was holding a big silver gun with a thing that had about 8 or 10 little needles sticking out a circular thingie. (I obviously don't know what this thing was called.) I remember asking if this was going to hurt and she said NO. Well, she LIED! BANG! That thing hurt like a SOB! And then later, wanting to pick the scab off and being harassed by my mother to LEAVE IT ALONE!

I liked the polio vaccine way better. It was just some purple stuff on a sugar cube. :)

And speaking of medicine, I had my tonsils out when I was 5. Not because there was anything wrong, but because it was the fashionable thing to do back then. Just rip those puppies out and I'd never get tonsillitis.

Sky King was my very favorite hero on TV when I was a kid. I watched every episode. I also loved Fury and Flicka, because they were about horses, but Sky King was my hero. One time, there was a Pioneer Days type thing in Prineville, Oregon, and Sky King was going to be there, so my dad (bless him) drove me over there from Portland so I could meet my TV idol. I have very few memories of that day, except that it was pouring down rain, but we were standing on a covered sidewalk (board sidewalk, and I think that was still normal for Prineville in those days), and then all of a sudden this HUGE MAN approached and started talking to me in a deep, booming voice. (My wonderful dad no doubt set it up.) Scared the CRAP outta me! I started screaming! My dad picked me up and was trying to tell me this was Sky King, but the damage had been done, and I wanted nothing to do with that giant scary man! He was much smaller, and more likeable, on our little black and white TV at home. I regret that outburst to this day. I had a chance to meet my hero, and I blew it. Kids, huh?
My grandparents used to live in Prineville OR. We'd going fishing and swimming in the creek running through town when visiting. Camping and fishing at Ochoco lake as well. Small world...

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