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The Good Old Times


Cranky Old Fart
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We still get phone books, but then again our county is not big population wise so the books are small. Big cities needing two huge volume books I can understand not sending to every home.

Lady Sarah

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Do they still make phone books? I haven't seen one for ages
We still get one dropped off at my house once a year. They are only about 3/8s of an inch thick, not much compared to the ones back in the 60s and 70s that were close to 2 inches thick. But then, more people these days don't have land lines anymore, and cell phone numbers are not listed.


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We still get one dropped off at my house once a year. They are only about 3/8s of an inch thick, not much compared to the ones back in the 60s and 70s that were close to 2 inches thick. But then, more people these days don't have land lines anymore, and cell phone numbers are not listed.
We still get phone books, but then again our county is not big population wise so the books are small. Big cities needing two huge volume books I can understand not sending to every home.

I must be the only one here that doesn't still get one :(


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I must be the only one here that doesn't still get one :(
over here in the land where evolution took a pause, i get a home directory, a business one and a local one, i look at the front page then into the bin they go.


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Remember the old record players and the insert you had to use to play 45 rpm records

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Really? What with all the crap people are still falling for these days?
The cigarette adds? Its because they paid off doctors to say they were healthy. Then they created fake medical associations to put out false information that appeared to be scientifically accurate but was just because they structured the testing so it would come out that way.

It wasnt till that lawsuit they lost where all this came out documented that they had to start paying to put anti smoking adds on tv.

I know most ppl here remember this, but i am posting because the younger generations simply do not remember stuff that happened before the internet, and history always repeats itself.
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_evil twin_
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I'd rather fight than switch.


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Really? What with all the crap people are still falling for these days?
life will never stop being full of crap, as they say: life is a shit sandwich, the more bread you have, the less shit you eat.


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The cigarette adds? Its because they paid off doctors to say they were healthy. Then they created fake medical associations to put out false information that appeared to be scientifically accurate but was just because they structured the testing so it would come out that way.

It wasnt till that lawsuit they lost where all this came out documented that they had to start paying to put anti smoking adds on tv.

I know most ppl here remember this, but i am posting because the younger generations simply do not remember stuff that happened before the internet, and history always repeats itself.
the younger generation have enough trouble remembering their names.


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seemed like back then people had more sencs that now :facepalm:
here is good one Jimi: young Johnny and his dad saw two dogs mating in the park "what are they doing dad" making a puppy son. a week later
Johnny could not sleep, he went into his parents room and caught them having sex, " what are you doing mum" we are making you a sister son said mum. "dad, dad, get mommy to kneel on her hands and knees, i want a puppy instead!


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seemed like back then people had more sencs that now :facepalm:
i am trying to see if i beat you to the first let down of the new year jimi? it never takes long does it buddy. no wonder i would rather have a dog than trust people.

Bliss Doubt

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and not once ever did anyone drop off photos of their lunch.

It's my rant, though I try not to actually rant at people when they're doing it, making everybody wait while they take pics of the food at a restaurant, before anybody is allowed to eat. I understand that people have monetized Instagram accounts and so forth, and love that the internet era has empowered people to nurture their journalistic talents by creating boutique online magazines, but they could save the photo shoots for when they go out alone or with just the spouse.

When they aim that phone at me I do have to say "I don't wanna be on your Instagram". It's an assault on my privacy.

Lady Sarah

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It's my rant, though I try not to actually rant at people when they're doing it, making everybody wait while they take pics of the food at a restaurant, before anybody is allowed to eat. I understand that people have monetized Instagram accounts and so forth, and love that the internet era has empowered people to nurture their journalistic talents by creating boutique online magazines, but they could save the photo shoots for when they go out alone or with just the spouse.

When they aim that phone at me I do have to say "I don't wanna be on your Instagram". It's an assault on my privacy.
One advantage to aging, is that I am no longer photogenic enough to worry about anyone wanting to take photos of me. I will say that I never thought I would live long enough to get senior citizen discounts without showing identification, but here I am... alive in wrinkled flesh. LOL


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I never thought I would live long enough to get senior citizen discounts without showing identification,
Me, neither.

Thing is, I'm not a senior citizen yet.
I'll never forget the first time a cashier offered me the senior discount ... I wasn't even 60 yet!
Felt sh**ty.
And that, kids, is what years of heavy smoking, drinking, and drug use do, if it doesn't kill you first.

Bliss Doubt

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Well, for me it isn't about how photogenic we are, though I prefer to be in control of my online photos. What it's about for me is privacy vs. surveillance. I can't do anything about cameras everywhere I go, about my phone and computer spying on me, even though none of that has had any effect on crime stats. San Antonio was one of the first roll-out cities for 5G. I was involved in our local movement to stop it, which of course was unsuccessful. We no longer have voices or choices, and I'm not talking about D-label or R-label because it's all the same. I do have a choice when someone who chooses to use her phone to put herself under 24 hour public surveillance for her "Food and Fifi" page turns her phone on me and assumes my compliance with that and my willingness to be used to promote "Food and Fifi".

Since we're posting on the "Good old Times" thread, how about when we were free to go to a restaurant lunch thinking more about food and friends than about our privacy?

It came out in the news that someone's Roomba vacuum cleaner took pictures of her on the toilet, which turned up on Facebook by using her contacts list.

The digital prison we've allowed to be constructed around us is doing these things to us. We comply, or we resist whenever the opportunity arises.
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Cranky Old Fart
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Well, for me it isn't about how photogenic we are, though I prefer to be in control of my online photos. What it's about for me is privacy vs. surveillance. I can't do anything about cameras everywhere I go, about my phone and computer spying on me, even though none of that has had any effect on crime stats. San Antonio was one of the first roll-out cities for 5G. I was involved in our local movement to stop it, which of course was unsuccessful. We no longer have voices or choices, and I'm not talking about D-label or R-label because it's all the same. I do have a choice when someone who chooses to use her phone to put herself under 24 hour public surveillance for her "Food and Fifi" page turns her phone on me and assumes my compliance with that and my willingness to be used to promote "Food and Fifi".

Since we're posting on the "Good old Times" thread, how about when we were free to go to a restaurant lunch thinking more about food and friends than about our privacy?

It came out in the news that someone's Roomba vacuum cleaner took pictures of her on the toilet, which turned up on Facebook by using her contacts list.

The digital prison we've allowed to be constructed around us is doing these things to us. We comply, or we resist whenever the opportunity arises.


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We all brought our guns to school so we could go hunting right after. They stayed in our trucks/cars in the parking lot but several of us had racks where the guns visibly hung in the window.

Went to same high school as my parents, some teachers were the same. Parents generation brought their guns into the school. Would be 10-15 shotguns/rifles lined up across the back of the room.

Some of you are really dating yourselves here, lol. So I don't mind saying that gas was 67 cents a gallon when I started driving.

I remember most of the things mentioned here.

Who remembers their first rated R movie? Mine was Alien - dad took me..


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One advantage to aging, is that I am no longer photogenic enough to worry about anyone wanting to take photos of me. I will say that I never thought I would live long enough to get senior citizen discounts without showing identification, but here I am... alive in wrinkled flesh. LOL
wrinkles look a lot better than slap. a wrinkle shows a story , slap shows a clown.

Lady Sarah

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We all brought our guns to school so we could go hunting right after. They stayed in our trucks/cars in the parking lot but several of us had racks where the guns visibly hung in the window.

Went to same high school as my parents, some teachers were the same. Parents generation brought their guns into the school. Would be 10-15 shotguns/rifles lined up across the back of the room.

Some of you are really dating yourselves here, lol. So I don't mind saying that gas was 67 cents a gallon when I started driving.

I remember most of the things mentioned here.

Who remembers their first rated R movie? Mine was Alien - dad took me..
I remember seeing my first R rated movie while in foster care... watched it on cable TV. Escape from New York. As far as going to theaters, I did see the original Ghostbusters movie when it came out. I was on my own by then.

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_evil twin_
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First @ the movies I remember was drive in with speakers on a pole.

Next is in theater, with b/w cartoon intermissions and between the 2 movies. Yep, 2 movies back then. I was 8.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
One advantage to aging, is that I am no longer photogenic enough to worry about anyone wanting to take photos of me. I will say that I never thought I would live long enough to get senior citizen discounts without showing identification, but here I am... alive in wrinkled flesh. LOL
Yes but you are still the same beautiful person inside my friend ;)

Most of us here have our wrinkles, at the age of 70 I quit thinkin of them as wrinkles just life's experiences :giggle:
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Supermarkets with smoking

Drive-ins -check
Paper route- check

Ice cream trucks...major check, there is a pool close enough to my house that that dang do dup do dup do duppity dup songs runs outside constantly all summer long. (I guess i should call it the good humor song, which is what it is i believe)
Whenever u r outside u hear it in the background. Not loud, but very very clearly there, lol
in the far north of England ,our milkman used to deliver the milk and leave it on the front step, it was in 1 pint bottles with a foil top. if you did not bring it inside fast the birds would peck holes in the lid. once i went for the milk and there was a bottle with a load of milk frozen from the top, inside the frozen milk was a small bird!!

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