I guess I don't know where to look lol. I took advantage to the VC sale ~Don~ posted about but that's it. If I hadn't seen that post, I probably would've walked away from this BF with nothing. Like him, I'm not really to excited about anything particular. I was able to score a few mods I've never had and a backup for one I love.There have been some crazy sales this BF. I may or may not have a shit load of vape mail inbound as a result. This hypothetical vape mail may not even be stuff I'm going to use, I'm just a sucker for a deal.
I've never had a Clutch before and didn't really want one until recently. They had blue and green left so I ordered one of each. Also got a brass Stormbreaker and a frosted Saga. I think I only ordered one RDA but I could be wrong. I ordered three times lol. I got a few t shirts as well since they were only a dollar.