Wow!!! Fantastic score!
Is there a reason why in 6 mos everything in Germany/Europe will be on sale?
Yea... well if you watch "news" in the US you wouldn't know. You have to find new media online.
Ok, so, basically you the know the war, the one where Stalin 2.0, Putin, is a big bad meanie and invaded the democracy-loving, super non-corrupt country on it's border called Ukraine? The one we are most certainly not dictating every single decision their government makes? Cause, you know, everything in the "news" is always so black and white, clear cur good vs evil?
TDLR, we have been trying to get rid of Putin for decades now, cause SURPRISE, we DO engage in regime change in other nations. We have a long, ugly history of it post WW2. Not the American people, of course, but the people Eisenhower warned us about in his farewell address. Why? Because Russia should give all their resources to us for pennies on the dollar, like in the 90's when the Soviet Union collapsed and that push over Yelstin let us do what ever we wanted essentially.
Anyways, since our "elites" are utter morons at this point, drowning and blinded by ideology, they thought seizing Russia's foreign reserve currency, over $300 billion, and kicking them out of the uni-polar financial hegemony we established with the Fed, IMF, Swift, etc., would cause their economy to collapse because they actually believe their own propaganda, like Russia is just a "gas station with nukes". And maybe 10 years ago that would have worked.
But they aren't stupid, everyone knows the US playbook at this point, the one we have been using for over 60 years: Do what we want, give us what we want, because we have this financial gun pointed at your head, called sanctions (which ironically is against the UN charter we set up). Don't want to play ball? we will orchestrate a coup and put in someone who will, like we have time after time in South America, Asia, the Middle East, basically everywhere except Antarctica. So Putin prepared, paid off most all their foreign debt, amassed gold, and made his economy as self sufficient as possible.
See we have been operating under the assumption Kissinger was right:
1: control the food, control the state.
2: Control the energy, control the continent.
3: Control the financial system, control the world.
Putin wrote am essay in the early 90's (essentially plagiarized from a professor in some college in Indianapolis I think) where it said Kissinger is wrong, control the energy and the food, control the world.
Well, about 6 months ago, Kissinger made a speech (yes he is still alive, he's probably a vampire or eats baby stem cells for breakfast. He's almost 100) to all his globalist, WEF buddies, and said, "I was wrong. Putin has it right. Time to get out of our favorite grift cash cow money laundering scam, Ukraine. But the globalists, Neo-cons, and Neo-libs have no reverse gear, they can onmy double down on stupid.
So basically Europe kept punching themselves in the face saying, Take that Putin!! We wil outlaw Russian oil, which is the only source of cheap, reliable energy we have. ESPECIALLY Germany. Russia, said, Uh ok, whatever. The rest of the world will buy our gas and then resell it to you for 4 times as much.
So the EU is facing a totally manufactured energy crisis. They may freeze to death this winter, or if they squeeze by, for sure next winter. The economy of the UK is on the verge of collapse. Germany is being de-industrialized, and surprise! surprise! are being incentivized to relocate here in the US (Germany needed cheap energy to compete with China who has cheap labor). And just to make sure Germany had no funny ideas of going back and making peace, we destroyed the Nordstream pipelines. We blamed it on Russia, cause, you know, surely they would want to blow up their own pipelines and flush their best leverage down the toilet, but everyone knows it was us and the apprently the UK helping.
You know the US dollar is a fiat currency, meaning backed up by nothing except trust. Well, the entire world watched all this and were like, ummm how about we do this new system which was recently started called BRICS (Brazil, Russia, China, South Africa)? Well, basically everyone but us and the EU will migrate to that system. We have lost India, Africa, and everyone else we were courting with up and coming economies and populations. Perhaps most damaging of all, we have also lost Saudi Arabia. MBS HATES Biden. Everyone hates him. China said to his face he's a liar. We have never seen a major leader do that before. They are going to form a new OPEC like cartel, and the US Petro dollar will be no more.
We are a hollowed out husk of once powerful nation, but we are dependent on everyone else for nearly everything. Russia or China could destroy our economy anytime in a multitude of ways by denying us critical supplies or commodities we can't get elsewhere. We produce a lot of LNG, but we buy all of our diesel from Russia. You need heavy crude for that.
So basically, since the clowns driving realize it will take us 2 years to produce the shells and missiles Russia makes in 2 weeks, and we are not the industrial behemoth we were after WW2 and do not have the capacity for being one again without major societal changes and at least a generation of time, there is no way we can defeat Russia. So we are going to settle for the consolation prize - Europe. And because the leaders in the West are ideologically possessed by the Globalist mindset, Europe's leaders are fine with this because they hate the idea of nations. This is why is seems like our leaders in the West do not care about us in our respective countries - because THEY DON'T. We, the US, have told Europe to de-industrialize what's left of their capacity and move it over here in the US. It's already started. And we will become Europe's primary supplier of oil - LNG. Of course, it will take awhile before we can increase our capacity to keep Europe warm, like maybe 10 years.
So the US economy will not collapse as soon as Europe, but it's going to happen here as well. They want it to - it's been in the plans for a long time. If you crash the world economy but introduce a lifeline in the form of decentralized, digital, re programmable crypto-currency which will give you ultimate control over the population by knowing every transaction everybody makes in real-time. If a person says or does anything you do not like, you can turn it off, or make it usable for only certain items, at certain places, etc. It is the ultimate in authoritarian control. This is no conspiracy either, they talk about it all the time.
So the good thing to come from this proxy war is the plan for a one-world government enabled by this centralized digital dollar is now impossible. They will likely still try to force it on us in the West, which we MUST NOT ALLOW, but at least it's a multi-polar world now. One of the worst things to come out - the thousands upon thousands of needlessly slaughtered Ukrainian people. The US administration doesn't give two shits for these people, they are cannon fodder to them, pieces on a chess board. Ukraine was always our tip of the spear to get rid of Putin, to split Russia into five smaller nations, to slay the bear once and for all. How does one know this? Why did we continuously move the post-cold war line east when we promised we never would do that using NATO? Why did not a single Western country tell Ukraine to adhere to the Mink and Minsk II accords? To move the line to the Russian border, an existential threat to them. This was entirely intentional.
So much the being brief, sorry, but there's SO MUCH more...