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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Obama,Hilarry and the corporately owned media, have declared a new war on a thought....that thought is...are our elections fair? We are now being told it is "Dangerousa" and "Unamerican" to have these thoughts, that they are verboteen.We are being told despite all the evidence of conspiracy to steal an election and despite the repeated warnings from our own ancestors and founders, that we the people are the first and foremost gaurdians of the republic,that we have no right to question authority.
The DNC who find voter ID racist, and yet support ID for vaping products,or ID to buy a beer.even ID to enter their own convention halls.has been caught by James O'keffe and wikileaks in conspiring by illegal means to manipulate an election with all the aid and support of the mass media .after the massive corruption of the Obama administration has been uncovered in protecting Hilary from being convicted for a dozen diffrent crimes,and their pressure being brought to bear on the DOJ and the FBI, not since the days of the KKK when the DNC used similar terror tatics to manipulate elections,have we seen such blatant and violent excesses of power......for WE The People to even question the idea this same level of corruption has infected our voting apparatus is now being called treasonous and dangerous......the global elite are running scared their days are numbered, they know their mask is being peeled back and that if the people realize their elections are rigged,they wont go after the politicians, but after their masters.......Why is the DNC so scared of the people asking the question...are our elections fair? Isn't it a question every free people should ask every generation in order to preserve their republic.
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Bill Pullman for president


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Take ur meds NARCIS

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yeah sure then we could make the whole SNL cast the cabniet....
isn't that what we have now as the republican nominee?

oh wait, that would be a step up.

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Stop trying bird!!

Take ur meds NARCIS
I cant help it...
I am always amazed at how such a simple concept can be over someone's head.

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to help you out...
what you posted was a meme

what I posted was a gif

can you see the difference?
its pretty obvious to most people.

- and that was Sir Patrick Stewart as Captain Picard from Star Trek. not Uncle Adolf.

I know some of these things can be tricky; so, I thought I would offer the help. Surprisingly to most, I volunteer to help both the mental and physically handicapped, so I really don't mind at all.


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How the fuck did this HOMER SIMPSON LOOKING MOTHERFUCKER survive the plane crash!! HE won't next time I tell you that!!

Take ur meds NARCIS

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How the fuck did this HOMER SIMPSON LOOKING MOTHERFUCKER survive the plane crash!! HE won't next time I tell you that!!

Take ur meds NARCIS
for all we know, Pulsevape could be Nigel Farage...

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Oh shit!!!

Take ur meds NARCIS
just saying... most of us don't know anyone outside of the name on the screen....
and they both unstable, neither one are that bright....

it is possible.

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I don't care who you are, this is just funny.



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Fear mongering or scaremongering is the deliberate use of fear based tactics including exaggeration and usually repetition to influence the public in order to achieve a desired outcome. Fear mongering is a tactic used to scare or put fear into those viewing a campaign/advertisement and influence the outcome based on fear.

Take ur meds NARCIS


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I don't care who you are, this is just funny.

Hahaha this south African boy is funny man...
Yeah man, when she was asked about the Wikileaks she shifted like a fucking rat avoiding a trap!' I like trumps response to that though!!
These 2 clown should marry each other!

Take ur meds NARCIS


Diamond Contributor
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Pat just says it so much better than I dumb fucks living in america who think that the people of Britian shouldnt be allowed to vote.

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