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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Ok we get that... fuck you elites fuck you left and right!!! I'm the president now!!
Then what?
he still needs those folks! Whether you like it or not!!

No he doesn't and neither do we.

He would be the best president ever if he were veto every bill that come across his desk. That doesn't include in it the repeal of 2 old laws.

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Its gotta start with someone so yea he can start it . And i didnt say one man ! I said he will pave the way for others.

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believe what you will.
I just find it hard to put all my hope in one man to deliver change.
The last person who did that, got crucified. I'm sorry the last person people talked about, like that started Obamacare.


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believe what you will.
I just find it hard to put all my hope in one man to deliver change.
The last person who did that, got crucified. I'm sorry the last person people talked about, like that started Obamacare.
Again didnt say one man can do it all . But it starts with one !
Also the one man who got crucified changed mankind for ever ! Yes one man can change everything.....
but you know that . Get over its Donald Trump ....its a start

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Again didnt say one man can do it all . But it starts with one !
Also the one man who got crucified changed mankind for ever ! Yes one man can change everything.....
but you know that . Get over its Donald Trump ....its a start

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so Donald trump is the new jesus?

ive seen it all


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Again didnt say one man can do it all . But it starts with one !
Also the one man who got crucified changed mankind for ever ! Yes one man can change everything.....
but you know that . Get over its Donald Trump ....its a start

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what are you talking about Arthur...this isnt one man....this is the single largest political movment in the western world...Whether its the Brexit in England,PIEGDA in Germany,Le Penn in France,the president of Hungary,Trump or Sanders in the US the political establishment and the globalists throughout the west is being pulled down. Americans and the entire westeren world watching our election thanks to wikileaks and the altmedia are waking up to the fact we have a shadow goverment that calls the shots and the whole political class is nothing more than theater.Americans and europeans are starting to think outside the box,because they finally are accepting the fact their are no political solutions available within the existing paradigm.In some ways this is the most encouraging time in a century....On the other hand the globalists and the shadow goverments realize that they are losing control and may finally be put to justice by the people.they have nothing to lose they are desperate...the carrot they have used to direct the masses has already been eaten up and they are left with nothing but the stick to control the animals...Hilary is the stick..she will create war and pain and poverty and chaos in order to force the people to hand over control.... the elite through her will create such devestation that the people will be told their only salvation is.....if we all work together for the common good....relinquish your liberty,wealth,and voice.....the elite will create an apcolyptic scenario if that is what it takes to keep the people in desperation.and their focus off them.
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so Donald trump is the new jesus?

ive seen it all
Did i say that ? You know i didnt say or imply that .Dont insult me with that dude or we are done talking .
I replied to your comment on Jesus.
I get you dislike Trump . But dont twist my words ,your smarter then that . Your avoiding the point im making that yes one person can change things . Or begin change . How does anything get changed then if not by a person starting .

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what are you talking about Arthur...this isnt one man....this is the single largest political movment in the western world...Whether its the Brexit in England,PIEGDA in Germany,Le Penn in France,the president of Hungary,Trump or Sanders in the US the political establishment and the globalists throughout the west is being pulled down. Americans and the entire westeren world watching our election thanks to wikileaks and the altmedia are waking up to the fact we have a shadow goverment that calls the shots and the whole political class is nothing more than theater.Americans and europeans are starting to think outside the box,because they finally are accepting the fact their are no political solutions available within the existing paradigm.In some ways this is the most encouraging time in a century....On the other hand the globalists and the shadow goverments realize that they are losing control and may finally be put to justice by the people.they have nothing to lose they are desperate...the carrot they have used to direct the masses has already been eaten up and they are left with nothing but the stick to control the animals...Hilary is the stick..she will create war and pain and poverty and chaos in order to force the people to hand over control.... the elite through her will create such devestation that the people will be told their only salvation is.....if we all work together for the common good....relinquish your liberty,wealth,and voice.....the elite will create an apcolyptic scenario if that is what it takes to keep the people in desperation.
I was trying to answer him that yes one man can start change .He already has
He dont want to hear it . I wasnt calling Trump Jesus thats for sure. But he knows that .

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Did i say that ? You know i didnt say or imply that .Dont insult me with that dude or we are done talking .
I replied to your comment on Jesus.
I get you dislike Trump . But dont twist my words ,your smarter then that . Your avoiding the point im making that yes one person can change things . Or begin change . How does anything get changed then if not by a person starting .

He's not smarter than that.

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I have been all for term limits for as long as I can remember.
BUT, to think that the same guy who is pushing to limit their political career is going to earn him votes on a controversial issue?

I don't see that happening, cap.
Let's assume for the sake of argument that he gets elected in a landslide. He would still have very little pull after if he happens to get one of 3 controversial things done. (repealing obumma care, the wall, term limits)
Shaking things up in this case would not mean much change, it would mean a lot of pissed off politicians covering their asses and trying to put things back to where they are now.
These fuckers spend years getting rich on our backs . Yea shake it up ! Im hoping a president trump will pave the way for someone who can bring change it didnt happen in 4 years it wont end in 4 years . But you cant solve a problem with the people who caused it !

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sorry man.
I hate to say it but one man?
I know he thinks he is the son of a carpenter, but........

you have a guy going in fighting already, everyone is on their guard
Its gotta start with someone so yea he can start it . And i didnt say one man ! I said he will pave the way for others.

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Again didnt say one man can do it all . But it starts with one !
Also the one man who got crucified changed mankind for ever ! Yes one man can change everything.....
but you know that . Get over its Donald Trump ....its a start

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so Donald trump is the new jesus?

ive seen it all
Typical liberal progressive arguement. Use ones own words and example against your opoonent.. as if it was their suggestion. Then condemn it.

I suggest you look up the definition of hypocrite.

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Did i say that ? You know i didnt say or imply that .Dont insult me with that dude or we are done talking .
I replied to your comment on Jesus.
I get you dislike Trump . But dont twist my words ,your smarter then that . Your avoiding the point im making that yes one person can change things . Or begin change . How does anything get changed then if not by a person starting .

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just put everything in one place including my words.... to let people see.

this just shows what I have been saying since day 1

am I voting for trump? god I really hate saying this, but probably so.

do I like it? fuck no.

am I a liberal? FUCK NO... I am a fiscal conservative- BUT since I don't worship THE DONALD... only one of you cats bothered reading a thing I have said.

do I believe he can do anything productive for the country?
not one thing.

I also don't think he is any messiah, savior or anything less than a total asshat.
if anything he is going to screw up the little bit that is left of the country.
but the only alternative is sure shot to the head.


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Did i say that ? You know i didnt say or imply that .Dont insult me with that dude or we are done talking .
I replied to your comment on Jesus.
I get you dislike Trump . But dont twist my words ,your smarter then that . Your avoiding the point im making that yes one person can change things . Or begin change . How does anything get changed then if not by a person starting .

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Arthur, read:

The straw man fallacy is where an attacker sets up a "straw man" that looks superficially similar to their opponent's position, but is more easily attacked. They then attack the straw man and claim to have successfully defeated the opponent's position.

In the reverse of this, a defender sets up an "iron man" (perhaps?) that looks superficially similar to their own position, but is more easily defended. They successfully defend the iron man and claim to have successfully defended their own position.


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The strawman and reverse strawman fallacies along with the 'rope a dope' gambit
where somebody is lured into breaking a disqualifying rule are often used
then if all else fails the 'woe is me' or the 'poor little me' arguments are used

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Did someone suggest bringing Jackson back? Yikes I hope that was a joke. lol. If not it's going to sound a bit like the character Rufus off "Timeless" when he says "I'm black. There's no time in American history that will be fun for me". Jackson, the founder of the democrat party, owner of around 300 black slaves give or take, the same guy who signed the Indian Removal Act. And people got all bent out of shape when Trump even mouthed the words of grabbing pussy, he's damn near a saint compared to Jackson.

Speaking of candidates and the election, if anyone who is interested still hasn't seen Hillary's America (Dinesh D'Souza), it was a helluva movie. Clear, concise, well done. The ending alone was worth watching it, one of the most incredible performances of 'God Bless America' I've seen done.


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just put everything in one place including my words.... to let people see.

this just shows what I have been saying since day 1

am I voting for trump? god I really hate saying this, but probably so.

do I like it? fuck no.

am I a liberal? FUCK NO... I am a fiscal conservative- BUT since I don't worship THE DONALD... only one of you cats bothered reading a thing I have said.

do I believe he can do anything productive for the country?
not one thing.

I also don't think he is any messiah, savior or anything less than a total asshat.
if anything he is going to screw up the little bit that is left of the country.
but the only alternative is sure shot to the head.
[quote uid=2800 name="Arthur" post=1424411]Its gotta start with someone so yea he can start it . And i didnt say one man ! I said he will pave the way for others.<br /><br />Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk[/QUOTE]<br />believe what you will.<br />I just find it hard to put all my hope in one man to deliver change.<br />The last person who did that, got crucified. I'm sorry the last person people talked about, like that started Obamacare.

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believe what you will.
I just find it hard to put all my hope in one man to deliver change.
The last person who did that, got crucified. I'm sorry the last person people talked about, like that started Obamacare.
You left this out of putting everything in one place . YOU made the Jesus comparison not me . I answered you that one man Being Jesus Did change Mankind . Simply making a point that one person can make change . I dont see Trump as a god or messiah . Your personal hatred for him has blinded you into thinking anyone who supports what he stands for as some kind of worshiper of the man . I have stated many times his faults and how i dont think he is ideal . I tried to share opinions with you like a gentelman and have agreed with some of your points . But i find your twisting of my words to be very dishonest by you. And i now understand @time,@HazyShades,@pulsevape lack of patience for you .

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[quote uid=2800 name="Arthur" post=1424411]Its gotta start with someone so yea he can start it . And i didnt say one man ! I said he will pave the way for others.<br /><br />Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
<br />believe what you will.<br />I just find it hard to put all my hope in one man to deliver change.<br />The last person who did that, got crucified. I'm sorry the last person people talked about, like that started Obamacare.

Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk[/QUOTE]
So how does this disqualify Donald.. Afterall..
Hillary created Obamacare. Obummer got the name credit because he won the election. but the plan was writen in the ninties for Hillarycare. It was sitting in Harry's desk waiting for a dem controlled congress and president. So it could be pushed through. Without Input of the other parties or citizenry.

People pay attention quit believing the version of history fed to us by the media. Basically if you see it or hear it from media all media including web. Believe the opposite until you prove it.

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You left this out of putting everything in one place . YOU made the Jesus comparison not me . I answered you that one man Being Jesus Did change Mankind . Simply making a point that one person can make change . I dont see Trump as a god or messiah . Your personal hatred for him has blinded you into thinking anyone who supports what he stands for as some kind of worshiper of the man . I have stated many times his faults and how i dont think he is ideal . I tried to share opinions with you like a gentelman and have agreed with some of your points . But i find your twisting of my words to be very dishonest by you. And i now understand @time,@HazyShades,@pulsevape lack of patience for you .

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wow.. lmao
Their lack of patience is not with me, it is with common sense, ability to comprehend or process any thought different from their own.

it's not that complicated.

I don't hate the guy, hell, I agree with most of what he says. what I don't agree with is the way he says it, or the way he THINKS he can implement it.

making enemies with all sides wont accomplish a thing.
you have two sides (the left and right) both are near the same now. Both sides are already joining forces to stop the guy.

even if he does get in office, he will be a lame duck, because he cant work with either side. He is a lot like you guys. If someone doesn't see EVERYTHING the same, you guys join forces to silence them. He wont be able to do that when he is the one fighting up the hill.

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<br />believe what you will.<br />I just find it hard to put all my hope in one man to deliver change.<br />The last person who did that, got crucified. I'm sorry the last person people talked about, like that started Obamacare.

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So how does this disqualify Donald.. Afterall..
Hillary created Obamacare. Obummer got the name credit because he won the election. but the plan was writen in the ninties for Hillarycare. It was sitting in Harry's desk waiting for a dem controlled congress and president. So it could be pushed through. Without Input of the other parties or citizenry.

People pay attention quit believing the version of history fed to us by the media. Basically if you see it or hear it from media all media including web. Believe the opposite until you prove it.

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk[/QUOTE]
I agree with that...
except I thought(could very well be wrong) that it was a culmination of hillarycare and Romney care.

the whole Obama care thing is the biggest thing to come of the last 20 years that really needs to end.
I do 6 presentations a year to medical staff and with the Louisiana Traumatic Brain and Spinal Cord Injury Association.
everywhere I go and every care giver I speak to, tells me how terrible it is first hand.
ive seen doctors leaving their practice to work in drug r&d or the legal fields because they cant keep up their lifestyle due to loss of income or increased work. Most tell me they wish they went into nursing instead.

I'm not saying the guy is terrible, I'm saying climbing up the hill and fighting everyone every step of the way is going to result in nothing getting done.
its like going into your inlaws house, telling your mother in law she is a bitch, your father in law he is an asshole and then demanding a sandwich.
(bad example, but hopefully you get the point I'm making)

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Romney care was BASED on Hillarycare also... Again credit went to the head of the particular government involved.
Roger roger, that I was not aware of.

I knew they were similar; but, Hillary care was all done while I was still in high school. Romney care, I never did a whole lot of homework on, as far as its origination.


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I am over the water in England, so only see some of what is going on in the USA in regards to your election.

It seemed Trump was doing quite well, but there have been a few things recently that portray him in a bad light. I have no idea if this is a smear campaign though, or genuine things. I haven't heard much regarding Clinton, I hear a lot more about Trump from our media.

I do enjoy the show South Park, and think they may be right, either way you get a Giant Douche or a Turd Sandwich- the same over here, when I vote it seems I go for the lesser of the evils rather than what they promise.


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So how does this disqualify Donald.. Afterall..
Hillary created Obamacare. Obummer got the name credit because he won the election. but the plan was writen in the ninties for Hillarycare. It was sitting in Harry's desk waiting for a dem controlled congress and president. So it could be pushed through. Without Input of the other parties or citizenry.

People pay attention quit believing the version of history fed to us by the media. Basically if you see it or hear it from media all media including web. Believe the opposite until you prove it.

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk
I agree with that...
except I thought(could very well be wrong) that it was a culmination of hillarycare and Romney care.

the whole Obama care thing is the biggest thing to come of the last 20 years that really needs to end.
I do 6 presentations a year to medical staff and with the Louisiana Traumatic Brain and Spinal Cord Injury Association.
everywhere I go and every care giver I speak to, tells me how terrible it is first hand.
ive seen doctors leaving their practice to work in drug r&d or the legal fields because they cant keep up their lifestyle due to loss of income or increased work. Most tell me they wish they went into nursing instead.

I'm not saying the guy is terrible, I'm saying climbing up the hill and fighting everyone every step of the way is going to result in nothing getting done.
its like going into your inlaws house, telling your mother in law she is a bitch, your father in law he is an asshole and then demanding a sandwich.
(bad example, but hopefully you get the point I'm making)[/QUOTE]
Killary care was penned in 94, it took a group of scary mofos to tell her to chill the fuck out or they would kill her to get it put on the back burner.
But they put it to work in the VA system. (BTW Nixon did the exact same thing in the 70s to the VA adopting the HMO model at the expense of Vets) But it took piglosi pushing that bloated damaging bullshit with the "pass it to see whats in it" and every single one of those motherfuckers that voted a pass it without reading it should be tried for treason and motherfucking shot.

I pray Cali has had enough of the bullshit fineswine, piglosi, and that horrible cunt boxer has fucked over the American people with.


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I am over the water in England, so only see some of what is going on in the USA in regards to your election.

It seemed Trump was doing quite well, but there have been a few things recently that portray him in a bad light. I have no idea if this is a smear campaign though, or genuine things. I haven't heard much regarding Clinton, I hear a lot more about Trump from our media.

I do enjoy the show South Park, and think they may be right, either way you get a Giant Douche or a Turd Sandwich- the same over here, when I vote it seems I go for the lesser of the evils rather than what they promise.
Smear bro all the way.
Long history of people and reporters speaking out against the demoncrats ending up jobless and dead.

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I agree with that...
except I thought(could very well be wrong) that it was a culmination of hillarycare and Romney care.

the whole Obama care thing is the biggest thing to come of the last 20 years that really needs to end.
I do 6 presentations a year to medical staff and with the Louisiana Traumatic Brain and Spinal Cord Injury Association.
everywhere I go and every care giver I speak to, tells me how terrible it is first hand.
ive seen doctors leaving their practice to work in drug r&d or the legal fields because they cant keep up their lifestyle due to loss of income or increased work. Most tell me they wish they went into nursing instead.

I'm not saying the guy is terrible, I'm saying climbing up the hill and fighting everyone every step of the way is going to result in nothing getting done.
its like going into your inlaws house, telling your mother in law she is a bitch, your father in law he is an asshole and then demanding a sandwich.
(bad example, but hopefully you get the point I'm making)
Killary care was penned in 94, it took a group of scary mofos to tell her to chill the fuck out or they would kill her to get it put on the back burner.
But they put it to work in the VA system. (BTW Nixon did the exact same thing in the 70s to the VA adopting the HMO model at the expense of Vets) But it took piglosi pushing that bloated damaging bullshit with the "pass it to see whats in it" and every single one of those motherfuckers that voted a pass it without reading it should be tried for treason and motherfucking shot.

I pray Cali has had enough of the bullshit fineswine, piglosi, and that horrible cunt boxer has fucked over the American people with. [/QUOTE]

those two are the devil... luckily LA tried keeping healthcare private as long as they could.
you will probably get what I am trying to convey here.

with healthcare:
here is my experience..
I got hurt 6 years ago last month.
When I got hurt, I had a platinum plan from blue cross blue shield. The total bill for Trauma care and recovery came to 1.71 million dollars. The total for PT came to 876k, the total for post op and initial equipment was 80k. Most of that equipment was a fancy chair that lets me stand up.
That was all before Obama care kicked in and my private plan, paid every dime no questions asked.

If that were to happen today, I would have been screwed and possibly denied one of the things they had to do to keep me ticking(maybe its not so bad . additionally, some of the procedures done post Trauma I never would have been able to get done. One of those procedures lead to a huge improvement in my own quality of life.

I have seen several patients since it kicked in, fighting just for daily living aids that, they ordinarily wouldn't have to. I've seen doctors and Therapists, have to rewrite plans and scripts, just for a patient to be able to get catheters for patients.
The difference in healthcare provided before and after that law, is stark. The actual care provided took a hit, and the style. My neurologist is on the board at the hospital, and the paperwork alone is.

all that said, I have a vested interest in seeing the damn thing go away. Sadly, some of the "advocacy" centers for the disabled community (at least the ones I have dealt with) have spent money and time, trying to figure out a way to navigate the fucking thing.


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Killary care was penned in 94, it took a group of scary mofos to tell her to chill the fuck out or they would kill her to get it put on the back burner.
But they put it to work in the VA system. (BTW Nixon did the exact same thing in the 70s to the VA adopting the HMO model at the expense of Vets) But it took piglosi pushing that bloated damaging bullshit with the "pass it to see whats in it" and every single one of those motherfuckers that voted a pass it without reading it should be tried for treason and motherfucking shot.

I pray Cali has had enough of the bullshit fineswine, piglosi, and that horrible cunt boxer has fucked over the American people with.

those two are the devil... luckily LA tried keeping healthcare private as long as they could.
you will probably get what I am trying to convey here.

with healthcare:
here is my experience..
I got hurt 6 years ago last month.
When I got hurt, I had a platinum plan from blue cross blue shield. The total bill for Trauma care and recovery came to 1.71 million dollars. The total for PT came to 876k, the total for post op and initial equipment was 80k. Most of that equipment was a fancy chair that lets me stand up.
That was all before Obama care kicked in and my private plan, paid every dime no questions asked.

If that were to happen today, I would have been screwed and possibly denied one of the things they had to do to keep me ticking(maybe its not so bad . additionally, some of the procedures done post Trauma I never would have been able to get done. One of those procedures lead to a huge improvement in my own quality of life.

I have seen several patients since it kicked in, fighting just for daily living aids that, they ordinarily wouldn't have to. I've seen doctors and Therapists, have to rewrite plans and scripts, just for a patient to be able to get catheters for patients.
The difference in healthcare provided before and after that law, is stark. The actual care provided took a hit, and the style. My neurologist is on the board at the hospital, and the paperwork alone is.

all that said, I have a vested interest in seeing the damn thing go away. Sadly, some of the "advocacy" centers for the disabled community (at least the ones I have dealt with) have spent money and time, trying to figure out a way to navigate the fucking thing.[/QUOTE]
The 60% tax for medical aids sure hurt that industry.
If nothing else I voted for the shit ticket to get some term limits in place for the critters.
Congress and Senate should serve not be served nor get stupid rich.

I mean if cummings and shelia jackass lee got ousted what else are they going to do?

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those two are the devil... luckily LA tried keeping healthcare private as long as they could.
you will probably get what I am trying to convey here.

with healthcare:
here is my experience..
I got hurt 6 years ago last month.
When I got hurt, I had a platinum plan from blue cross blue shield. The total bill for Trauma care and recovery came to 1.71 million dollars. The total for PT came to 876k, the total for post op and initial equipment was 80k. Most of that equipment was a fancy chair that lets me stand up.
That was all before Obama care kicked in and my private plan, paid every dime no questions asked.

If that were to happen today, I would have been screwed and possibly denied one of the things they had to do to keep me ticking(maybe its not so bad . additionally, some of the procedures done post Trauma I never would have been able to get done. One of those procedures lead to a huge improvement in my own quality of life.

I have seen several patients since it kicked in, fighting just for daily living aids that, they ordinarily wouldn't have to. I've seen doctors and Therapists, have to rewrite plans and scripts, just for a patient to be able to get catheters for patients.
The difference in healthcare provided before and after that law, is stark. The actual care provided took a hit, and the style. My neurologist is on the board at the hospital, and the paperwork alone is.

all that said, I have a vested interest in seeing the damn thing go away. Sadly, some of the "advocacy" centers for the disabled community (at least the ones I have dealt with) have spent money and time, trying to figure out a way to navigate the fucking thing
The 60% tax for medical aids sure hurt that industry.
If nothing else I voted for the shit ticket to get some term limits in place for the critters.
Congress and Senate should serve not be served nor get stupid rich.

I mean if cummings and shelia jackass lee got ousted what else are they going to do?

she can work at the bunny ranch? right?
I'm just sayin' with a name like cummings


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I am over the water in England, so only see some of what is going on in the USA in regards to your election.

It seemed Trump was doing quite well, but there have been a few things recently that portray him in a bad light. I have no idea if this is a smear campaign though, or genuine things. I haven't heard much regarding Clinton, I hear a lot more about Trump from our media.

I do enjoy the show South Park, and think they may be right, either way you get a Giant Douche or a Turd Sandwich- the same over here, when I vote it seems I go for the lesser of the evils rather than what they promise.
Interesting that they dont cover Hillary in UK just like here .

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she can work at the bunny ranch? right?
I'm just sayin' with a name like cummings
Elijah cummings.. the down syndrome bulldog..
Shelia Jackson Lee.. runner up for the most fucking retarded motherfuckers sitting on the hill...
Hank Jonson.. capsize giuam level fucktarded.

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Elijah cummings.. the down syndrome bulldog..
Shelia Jackson Lee.. runner up for the most fucking retarded motherfuckers sitting on the hill...
Hank Jonson.. capsize giuam level fucktarded.

Elijah Cummings- isn't that the one that kept trying to stonewall Trey Gowdy?


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Elijah Cummings- isn't that the one that kept trying to stonewall Trey Gowdy?
The bald jowly retard that says nothing of what they are inquiring about ever... other than sucking the killary cock and all republicans suck.. then yes.
He could not stonewall a turd out his ass..

Had to do the shit ticket just to wipe these leeches the fuck out. Term limits motherfuckers.

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The bald jowly retard that says nothing of what they are inquiring about ever... other than sucking the killary cock and all republicans suck.. then yes.
He could not stonewall a turd out his ass..

Had to do the shit ticket just to wipe these leeches the fuck out. Term limits motherfuckers.
yeah I think that's who I meant.

Vitter tried to get something passed for that in 2013.
than he got caught with the whore


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Interesting that they dont cover Hillary in UK just like here .

It's a globalist agenda, not a national agenda.

We heard the same fearmongering about Brexit as was told to Brits and the EU countries. That the markets would die. The economic security of the world would be in danger. It's isolationist.

The same thing we hear about Trumps stance on the trade agreements. Much of it word for word.

That's the short version of what our Presidential election is about. Globalism vs Nationalism. Nationalism is gaining ground in nearly all western countries now with immigration and economy having woke up allot of people around the world. If Globalism falls in the US with a Trump win in favor of Nationalism, the Globalist dream is set back for years. Especially since Globalism has fallen in the UK with Brexit.


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In other news;

Madonna must be a Trump supporter as she threatened to sexually assault me if I voted for Hitlery.

I WOULD FUCK Her though!

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In other news;

Madonna must be a Trump supporter as she threatened to sexually assault me if I voted for Hitlery.

yeah ever mans dream a dried up skanky old bag whose been passed around more than a penny underneath a layer of cosmetics and gucci......I wonder if shes ever heard the term..lipstick on a pig.....hell I wouldnt of fucked her when she was young....why get STDs when there are plenty of healthy girls to have sex with.

In what Universe does this delusuional hag think this will give people an incentive to vote for hilary....
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Trumps wife looks like a Tranny but so does Obama's.... you guys seeing a pattern here?

Just sayin..
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