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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Diamond Contributor
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With free access to everything, why would anyone bother to produce anything? Last I looked, producing stuff involved work, which most people won't do if they can sit on the beach and drink free beer instead.
no shit. people don't roll out of bed on a cold winter morning to go out and swing a hammer in the snow,because they want to help their fellow man.They do it so they don't lose their car, or home.


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With free access to everything, why would anyone bother to produce anything? Last I looked, producing stuff involved work, which most people won't do if they can sit on the beach and drink free beer instead.

People would still produce.

Yes, you will have those who want to enjoy free everything without contributing. Imagine though how bored they'll be after a little while. Simple curiosity will engage people and encourage learning, doing. This is also why the free access also has a small price, work for a minimum number of hours each week in your locality. Once you meet those volunteer hours all your basic needs are given freely.

Here is the thing though, you're free to choose what you volunteer doing during any of those hours. Let's say you volunteered 15 hours to help bake bread for part of your 30 hours, then you decide to go help build a school for another 15 hours. There are no bosses, only a community council. These are the village elders appointed every two weeks if folks like. They simply plan work, point volunteers to the bulletin board with jobs to do. You might get a job ticket and return it once you meet the hours needed for it. Or we could do it on honor based.

Yes, everyone has free access to everything. You will have some that take advantage. The community or locality can then decide to not contract with those taking advantage, and tell neighboring locals "Timmy Smith, he's a bum that does not honor the basic contract". Then, other locals can choose doing contract with them or not. Eventually the idea gets to be clear, you pitch in a little to have free access, or get no access.

As it is volunteer there's no need for harassment at work. There's no need to do pointless work either. People will do what is needed only. Imagine all the office jobs gone because people abide by the common contract and own no property, ergo need no wills, no finance advice, no insurance, no lawyers to file malpractice. people would do and quality of work would improve too. People want to help people and that's been proven scientifically, helping people makes people happy. Doing your best also makes you happy.

Also like I said sheer boredom will give cause to get motivated to do, to create, produce or offer service. It is not as insane as you may think. Yes, it's free access to everything only with a voluntary stipulation. Pitch in, have free access to all you need. If you have wants, you do extra to attain those. You barter surplus goods or services to suffice your wants. All your needs are met by you pitching in around your village/town. You helped build a few houses for community use, a house for traveler use, then you had help and got your own house built. And it is your house as long as you choose using it.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
with all due respect dude...if I may ask what do you do for a living and how long have you been working....I'm real curious to see how your going to get somone to volunteer to be the guy who pumps shit outta the outhouses,without a profit motive.

If I may many caulloses do you have on your hands
how many thousands of days have you spent doing hard labor in 80-90 degree summers
how many thousands of days have you spent the entire day cold and soaking wet from the rain.
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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Its a silly concept , How bout we just make America great again ! Nothing in this world is free acept air .....well not even that gas stations in nj charge a buck to fill your tires

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People would still produce.

Yes, you will have those who want to enjoy free everything without contributing. Imagine though how bored they'll be after a little while. Simple curiosity will engage people and encourage learning, doing. This is also why the free access also has a small price, work for a minimum number of hours each week in your locality. Once you meet those volunteer hours all your basic needs are given freely.

Here is the thing though, you're free to choose what you volunteer doing during any of those hours. Let's say you volunteered 15 hours to help bake bread for part of your 30 hours, then you decide to go help build a school for another 15 hours. There are no bosses, only a community council. These are the village elders appointed every two weeks if folks like. They simply plan work, point volunteers to the bulletin board with jobs to do. You might get a job ticket and return it once you meet the hours needed for it. Or we could do it on honor based.

Yes, everyone has free access to everything. You will have some that take advantage. The community or locality can then decide to not contract with those taking advantage, and tell neighboring locals "Timmy Smith, he's a bum that does not honor the basic contract". Then, other locals can choose doing contract with them or not. Eventually the idea gets to be clear, you pitch in a little to have free access, or get no access.

As it is volunteer there's no need for harassment at work. There's no need to do pointless work either. People will do what is needed only. Imagine all the office jobs gone because people abide by the common contract and own no property, ergo need no wills, no finance advice, no insurance, no lawyers to file malpractice. people would do and quality of work would improve too. People want to help people and that's been proven scientifically, helping people makes people happy. Doing your best also makes you happy.

Also like I said sheer boredom will give cause to get motivated to do, to create, produce or offer service. It is not as insane as you may think. Yes, it's free access to everything only with a voluntary stipulation. Pitch in, have free access to all you need. If you have wants, you do extra to attain those. You barter surplus goods or services to suffice your wants. All your needs are met by you pitching in around your village/town. You helped build a few houses for community use, a house for traveler use, then you had help and got your own house built. And it is your house as long as you choose using it.
i'll give you an A for effort , but it sounds to much like Karl Marx , Lenin and the fairy tale they fed to people . Which by the way , has never worked anyplace . Look at Cuba , and what a utopia that turned out to be .


Diamond Contributor
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OK you guys here's the drill....we need to drill some holes into the foundation of this old house and epoxy in some new anchor bolts..every 2 there's only about 18 inches of clearance under the house and you'll need to crawl around the entire perimeter it should take you about 3 days...OH...and the plumber said he came across 3 dead cats and a couple of dead rats under there you'll need to keep a lookout for them..aaahhh it's still kinda wet under there from the rains so makes sure you don't let the electri cords shock you and watch out around their toilet the damn thing blew up on them and flooded shit down there a month is there any volunteers.
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Gold Contributor
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I would volunteer but since i attened free college im more enlightend then most so ill volunteer to be in charge

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Diamond Contributor
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I would volunteer but since i attened free college im more enlightend then most so ill volunteer to be in charge

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Wow I really appreciate that,you see because I work with my hands I'm to fucking stupid to wipe my own ass..I can build a house from ground to furniture, but I need an enlightened overlord


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It is flawed, it supports falsified superstitious authority. Yes it is possible a new way could be corrupted. It is also possible it may not be, too. You seem keen to refuse to simply try. Therein lies the crux for me. You cling to the devil you know out of fear. Why fear human potential so much?

I am not arguing that evil or negative do not exist. What I am arguing is that due to evil and negativity, goodness and the positive remain shackled. "Oh but we must not try, because people are evil."

Right, you'll have evil people in any way you go. Usually the good people find ways to hobble the evil ones. Or, the evil people see the good people growing and thriving and they join in and become good to survive.

I happen to ponder something else too. The idea I suggest gives free access to everything on the planet to everyone. If I want a car, I go to where cars are locally distributed and get one. If I am not using the car I could leave it set by the road for someone else to use. If I still needed use of the car, I might lock it up and put an "In Use" sign on the dash.

My point is everyone has free access to everything. Why then would I for example want your house, your food? I can go get it freely for myself. Houses could even be shared resources. Be out traveling and see one empty, decide you need to rest for the night, maybe catch a weather forecast, get some grub and hot shower. The next morning you might go to the local food vendor and restock the house's pantry as a means of paying it forward, then leave on travels. People could also share a house for a night, or two. Everything freely accessible to all means there is no motive to cause harm, to deceive, steal. Not sure how that could be corrupted but I'll grant it might be.

That all sounds real nice. It's not realistic, or it would come to pass, but it sounds nice.

The other side of your view is a Mad Max vision. I think humanity is clearly in the middle of the Utopian vision and Mad Max vision. I think that's where we'll stay, sans nuclear war which may get us closer to Mad Max.


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Kasich and Cruz are teaming up to stop trump from getting the delegates and will force a brokered convention Rubio still has some delegates. Sounds like the end of the GOP .And hello Madam President

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
That all sounds real nice. It's not realistic, or it would come to pass, but it sounds nice.

The other side of your view is a Mad Max vision. I think humanity is clearly in the middle of the Utopian vision and Mad Max vision. I think that's where we'll stay, sans nuclear war which may get us closer to Mad Max.
or maybe the collapse of the dollar...


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If they are that dumb then they deserve it hell they act like its one party anyway they challange nothing the democrats do i guess they wont be missed

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Maybe You All, should have a Look & See, How Socialism has Failed all the European Countries.

We have we read the news coming out of europe we've seen Greece go down in flames we've seen the unemployment among spainish youth under 25 is unoffically at 50% we know that Italy is near bankrupt,portugal Ireland. all across europe the socialist economies are going down in flames only Germany has some sembelance of security but thanks to the socialists who've allowed an invasion into germany germany is now toast...Briatin is voting to bail on the EU and when it does a house of cards will ensue one country after the other will bail.....That is why Obama is threatening England right now to stay in the EU...So waht's up with Mickeal Moore video...he was passe in the 1990s....


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Duuh Socialism works !europe just did it wrong you need democratic socialism silly goose !

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Yeah, I doubt fat ass moore reports on the EU countries that have needed bailed out, what bail-ins are(banks seizing as much as 20% from savings accounts), so called "haircuts"(bondholders taking losses), Pension restructuring, the ballooning blackmarkets, the countries that handed their sovereignty to Germany because they couldn't pay their debt, the protests and riots, just to name a few, in his propaganda piece.

On the bright side, he'll make a few million dollars from the people that don't actually know any better by selling his bullshit to the naive.

There is also great news coming out of socialist Venezuela today. 4 hours of daily power outages for "power rationing". But apparently Moore must have dropped a bunch pamplets about his new movie there because I haven't heard anything about their toilet paper shortage for awhile.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Yeah, I doubt fat ass moore reports on the EU countries that have needed bailed out, what bail-ins are(banks seizing as much as 20% from savings accounts), so called "haircuts"(bondholders taking losses), Pension restructuring, the ballooning blackmarkets, the countries that handed their sovereignty to Germany because they couldn't pay their debt, the protests and riots, just to name a few, in his propaganda piece.

On the bright side, he'll make a few million dollars from the people that don't actually know any better by selling his bullshit to the naive.
Micheal Moore sells more books in Europe than he does in the US....he caters to the myths that the europeans like to cling to....he is not goin to tell his biggest audience that they are responsible for their own shit....nobody wants to hear these pants make my butt look fat?


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Europe will impress me when they can afford to defend themselves so I don't have to pay for it.


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We may not be able to defend ourselves if a dem gets in

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Europe will impress me when they can afford to defend themselves so I don't have to pay for it.
Europe has authored two World Wide Wars in the last century alone, been the author of a holocaust ...I fail to seriously listen to any discussion that thinks this group of inbreds have some moral compass that we should use.


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Trump is gonna wrap up the race tonight and be over 50%. Same with Hillary.

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Building homes?

As much as you condemn folks for being inherently bad, evil, negative I will disagree. People want to share, want to be happy. The concept of ownership beyond owning the you inside you is silly. Once you die, the you in your body goes on, your body remains to become mulch. No that was not meant as gross, it may be poor taste but it clearly expresses my point. And you will possibly still miss the point. I can happily agree to disagree. I think new ideas will replace old staid ones which seem apt to block the path of life, life will only go around like little streams that erode mountains.

While I don't consider your comment in poor taste, mine can be considered in poor taste if you like......:D



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I havent heard that tune since i was a kid . Im getting cremated f those worms .

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Wow. Massive beat down by Trump. I think it's over. Cruz might hang in for Indiana but unless he wins big, and he won't, his money will dry up.


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Wow. Massive beat down by Trump. I think it's over. Cruz might hang in for Indiana but unless he wins big, and he won't, his money will dry up.
['m all in as long as Trump can take NY State. As he has now promised..


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ECF Refugee
Kasich and Cruz are teaming up to stop trump from getting the delegates and will force a brokered convention Rubio still has some delegates. Sounds like the end of the GOP .And hello Madam President

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Don't believe it... Trump hasn't even started on the Hildabeast yet...

Trump will be the nominee on the first ballot at the convention and in November, It will be a Trump blowout and extremely fun to watch all the libtard and GOPe heads explode.

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looks like creepy, ice cream man cruz, might be announcing his running mate this afternoon


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Its gonna be carly ...i kinda like that ticket ...but i might have to be a tumpett he seems unstoppable. And a brokered convention will be a disaster

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it will be carly and that will be a terrible idea..
this sounds terrible and sad, but its true. I don't like that part of politics at all. appearance should not make a leader. but since the advent of tv and the internet, it makes a huge difference.
we live in an appearance focused world. it will be the two wealthiest creepy people on the planet on a ticket.
and Ted Cruz looks like more of a woman than Carly....
its also his last desperate act to steal the spotlight just before Indiana. Between this move, the lying to Dr Carsons voters in the beginning and trying to team up with the great inhaler, Tom Cruz has really proven to be a desperate lying cheater.
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Maybe will trump will trade Rubio VP spot for delegates


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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Wow. Massive beat down by Trump. I think it's over. Cruz might hang in for Indiana but unless he wins big, and he won't, his money will dry up.
I think he will stay in no matter what. The GOP is shitting all over themselves because Trump really has a strong chance at winning the nomination before the convention. They are going all out with big money trying to stop him. Trump is exposing the corruption and collusion of the king makers and they fucking hate his guts for it. Soros is going after the Superdelegates on the Dem's side.

I may not agree with all of Trump's platform, but any candidate that has both parties scared to the marrow of their bones and enraged at the same time is worth looking at. I might cast my vote for him as a protest vote against all the insular politicians and their political parties. American's are really, really fed up with the status quo of politics. Time to shake things up and humble those assholes a bit.


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He soundedpretty good today.Even if he was reading from a teleprompter wich is not his style .He has some very good ideas on foreign policy . Is he PT Barnium? Im not sure but he maybe our best hope . My guy has no chance and will create problems so im turning the corner on Trump .

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