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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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This is just absolute proof that the democrats want their cake, our cake, and to eat both. Now the electorial college is to blame. Seems they forgot how many times it served them in past elections:

The problem is a misuse of the word "democracy". And, I'm afraid, repubs have also been misusing the word. We hear about democracy constantly, from nearly everyone, as if we are a democracy. We are not and never have been a democracy. Democracy failed when it was applied centuries ago.

We have a republic. A constitutional republic.

The sooner people quit misidentifying the type of government we have and quit calling it a democracy, the sooner people can quit believing stupid shit.


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Do you keep your copy of "the Protocol of the Elders of Zion" on your nightstand?...although I think there is a very real threat from the massive influence that the zionist have in our republic, I find it amussing the people most threatened by it find no outrage over the political and economic influence the muslims OPEC nations have in our political, and economic life....I'd like to see both of them kicked out of our politics....I think there is enough real proof of the influence of zionist in america without making shit up, which just discredits the movement of people have who are trying to shine a light on this fact.Nobody in Congess is forced to sign any loyalty to Isreal...I doubt that Kieth Ellison the guy that wants to be placed as the head of the DNC a man who is an avowed ant-semite and bigot, took any oath to Isreal...the zionist through their political action committees use their dollars, and some could arguee our tax dollars to bring pressure to bear on politicians to toe the Isreali line.,,,,but if there is some global zionist conspiracy headed and directed through the rothschild banking cartel...Hilary Clinton far and away recieved their support and their money and their Trump just another plant of the zionist banking cartels? who knows maybe,maybe likely I don't know about him for sure, but we DO know about hilary's deal with the devil.

Nope, I have no problem whatsoever with Jews. I just don't like countries that attack us (uss liberty) spy on us (too many to mention) and send their operatives to film the worst attack on our soil in history and then celebrate. I also don't trick myself into believing that there is some vast Muslim conspiracy in this country. There are only two countries in the entire Middle East that wields any kind of influence here and it's Saudi Arabia and Israel. if trump wants to make America great again he should immediately cut off weapons sales and funding to both of those countries. We get absolutely nothing from Israel other than a hard time. Remind me, how many Israeli soldiers were fighting along side us in Afghanistan or Iraq? How much intell did the Israelis share with us pre 911?

I read haaretz, Yedioth Ahronot, Israel times and Jerusalem post every single morning and have done so for years. I'll try and dig up the articles but the pledge came straight out of one of those publications in Hebrew, which my father reads and writes fluently. Israelis have no love for us despite our weird obsession with them. If you got your news regarding Israel from the Israelis rather than sickofants and evangelical lunatics you'd be able to make a decent argument rather than calling me something as deplorable as an antisemitie.


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We have a republic. A constitutional republic.

A representative republic at the shadows fall it begins to resemble Corporativism...and at worst it it could be described as a Plutocracy. But you're right, democracy it isn't.

Of all the fear mongering and calls to repeal different legislation bandied about lately, I'd be very surprised if anyone casts more than a passing glance at Citizens United. The 14th Amendment was never designed to offer equal protection to a legal fiction... If you want to stop the likes of Soros or the Koch Brothers repealing the Citizens United decision would be a very good place to start.

The primary function of western capitalism is to create, service and collateralize debt. They've been at it in earnest since The Bretton Woods Conference in 1944, so it's more likely we'll continue to chase whatever shiny paranoia politicians throw at us to keep our collective eyes off the 800 pound investment banker in the room.


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A representative republic at the shadows fall it begins to resemble Corporativism...and at worst it it could be described as a Plutocracy. But you're right, democracy it isn't.

Of all the fear mongering and calls to repeal different legislation bandied about lately, I'd be very surprised if anyone casts more than a passing glance at Citizens United. The 14th Amendment was never designed to offer equal protection to a legal fiction... If you want to stop the likes of Soros or the Koch Brothers repealing the Citizens United decision would be a very good place to start.

The primary function of western capitalism is to create, service and collateralize debt. They've been at it in earnest since The Bretton Woods Conference in 1944, so it's more likely we'll continue to chase whatever shiny paranoia politicians throw at us to keep our collective eyes off the 800 pound investment banker in the room.

Soros and the Koch brothers were stopped(this time and partially). Hitlery and Bush were defeated at the polls. While I agree with your sentiment, Citizens United is only an issue with an ignorant electorate that is gullible enough to fall for the paid for influence of a Soros. Blaming Citizens United for a gullible electorate is like blaming a drug dealer for his addicted clients. If the addicts don't buy the dealers drugs, he ceases to be a drug dealer. Likewise, if the gullible fucks stop believing Soros lies, he's not likely to keep spending billions to sell them. Overturning Citizens United won't make the electorate less gullible so fucks like Soros will just find another route to fool them into doing what they want. Like, buy more "news" coverage.

The primary function of western monetary system is to create, service and collateralize debt. I agree with your paragraph with the exception that I see the issue is with the monetary system and not capitalism.


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No, it won't make the electorate less gullible. I doubt anything would. Soros is not the single anti-Christ in all of this. I was working for the Dept. of Administration in Wisconsin when Scott Walker was fighting a recall election. Special interest money from out of State came flooding in and anyone with a fat check book was able to run rampant with some of the most absurd rhetoric...and that was just a Governor's race...for a man who wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed...but had towed the party line of dismantling government unions. If they could have, the Koch brother's might have adopted him.

Hell, why not just put all elected offices up for auction on eBay. Why even pretend there's a reason for an electorate. At least you'd have more transparency and you'd certainly have a clear picture of who paid for the office.


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No, it won't make the electorate less gullible. I doubt anything would. Soros is not the single anti-Christ in all of this. I was working for the Dept. of Administration in Wisconsin when Scott Walker was fighting a recall election. Special interest money from out of State came flooding in and anyone with a fat check book was able to run rampant with some of the most absurd rhetoric...and that was just a Governor's race...for a man who wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed...but had towed the party line of dismantling government unions. If they could have, the Koch brother's might have adopted him.

Hell, why not just put all elected offices up for auction on eBay. Why even pretend there's a reason for an electorate. At least you'd have more transparency and you'd certainly have a clear picture of who paid for the office.

I don't have any easy answers. All I know is, special interest money has been around long before the Citizens United decision. It was just spent differently and was not as obvious. Big dollars won elections before. Trump is an outlier having spent less than half per vote than Hitlery, less than $5 per vote vs $11 per vote. I'm hoping it becomes a trend, people voting for the person not party or biggest campaign wallet backers.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I don't have any easy answers. All I know is, special interest money has been around long before the Citizens United decision. It was just spent differently and was not as obvious. Big dollars won elections before. Trump is an outlier having spent less than half per vote than Hitlery, less than $5 per vote vs $11 per vote. I'm hoping it becomes a trend, people voting for the person not party or biggest campaign wallet backers.
when more average citizens get off the couch and get active in politics it will help destory the hold the big money has on the goverment.people just need to get aware active and is why the left and the global elite want to dumb down the populace....the people defeated the globalists with the Brexit, and with the election of Trump....and the may get Le Pen elected in France.


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I see CNN and MSNBC are doing their best to link the election of Trump with white supremacist ,everyone who voted for Trump is a nazi now . They are running out of straws to grasp . You can only cry racist for so long , till nobody listens.

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Platinum Contributor
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I see CNN and MSNBC are doing their best to link the election of Trump with white supremacist ,everyone who voted for Trump is a nazi now . They are running out of straws to grasp . You can only cry racist for so long , till nobody listens.

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How bout that stock market.......:wave:

Surely short lived, but get while the gettin' good.


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You think Trump is playing possum on not pursuing Clinton criminal acts to avoid Obama pardon ? Or has he delt us our first disappointment on doing what he promised ?

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I have to admire Trump for the way he pulled off his victory without spending the equivalent of the National Debt of Brazil. It was somewhat refreshing to watch the Brexit and Trump campaigns this year. While it's tempting to entertain the possibility that the Globalists and Financial sectors are reeling, it's not realistic.

The genie is never going back in the bottle. So, enjoy the moment while it lasts because in the long run nothing is really going to change. History is.


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The primary function of western monetary system is to create, service and collateralize debt. I agree with your paragraph with the exception that I see the issue is with the monetary system and not capitalism.

A monetary system is a governmental collection of institutions (banks and mints) that provide money into a financial system. Capitalism is what's done with that money. Lately, the tail is wagging the dog to the point that monetary policy merely knee jerks whatever the markets desire. Quantitative Easing is just debt monitization to cover the losses of reckless entities counting on the government to pick up the pieces of their myopic capitalist greed.

With the relaxing or elimination of regulatory authority and oversight by the legislature you begin to see investment banks operating well outside of their traditional roles, thereby making them a hybrid of their original charters.

Monetary policy has typically followed whatever the markets want. No more so than after the recent events of the past decade. Rather than using monetary policy to avert disaster it's been relegated to the role of housekeeping after the fact.

The only bright spot in the Great Recession is that the Federal Reserve, like them or not, actually did what it was designed to do when JP Morgan championed it back in the early 20th century after the Panic of 1907. They did nothing at the onset of the Great Depression...and we all know how that turned out.

Sadly, most people know more about operating their cell phones than they do about politics...and considerably less about how the financial sector functions and the pervasive reach of their influence globally. They like it that way and it's going to take more than Trump and Brexit to effect any lasting or meaningful change for damn near all of us on our little planet.


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A monetary system is a governmental collection of institutions (banks and mints) that provide money into a financial system. Capitalism is what's done with that money. Lately, the tail is wagging the dog to the point that monetary policy merely knee jerks whatever the markets desire. Quantitative Easing is just debt monitization to cover the losses of reckless entities counting on the government to pick up the pieces of their myopic capitalist greed.

With the relaxing or elimination of regulatory authority and oversight by the legislature you begin to see investment banks operating well outside of their traditional roles, thereby making them a hybrid of their original charters.

Monetary policy has typically followed whatever the markets want. No more so than after the recent events of the past decade. Rather than using monetary policy to avert disaster it's been relegated to the role of housekeeping after the fact.

The only bright spot in the Great Recession is that the Federal Reserve, like them or not, actually did what it was designed to do when JP Morgan championed it back in the early 20th century after the Panic of 1907. They did nothing at the onset of the Great Depression...and we all know how that turned out.

Sadly, most people know more about operating their cell phones than they do about politics...and considerably less about how the financial sector functions and the pervasive reach of their influence globally. They like it that way and it's going to take more than Trump and Brexit to effect any lasting or meaningful change for damn near all of us on our little planet.

I'd argue that we don't have a capitalist system any longer and it's failing, not because it's a capitalist system but because it is not. Capitalism is an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state. US trade and industry is controlled by the government as is all western countries. The so called "trade agreements" should be proof enough without going into a good deal of detail with regulations to make my point. Having handful of government sanctioned private banks, rather than the government, set monetary policy might give the illusion we have a capitalist system but it appears to be a hybrid system to me rather than a true capitalist system. "Crony Capitalism" is a popular term. The government doesn't say X company can't exist, but it does apply regulation to ensure X company can't exist. Usually through lobbying from the competition.Or, government grants to Y company which seem to happen more through government alliances than anything else.

I disagree completely that the Federal Reserve saved us from another Great Depression. The socialist programs we now employ have given the optics that things turned out better. In reality, instead of breadlines we have food stamps which is just better optics. The number of SNAP recipients has increased dramatically, we just don't see the breadline but it's been there. SSDI application and recipients have increased dramatically. And we had the bailouts. The government bailed out the banks, not the Federal Reserve. The infusion of cheap money likely eased some short term pain, sure. But all these things come with consequences and none of them bode well for the future. Even now we have 1% growth in the country which is mostly in the service industries. Good if one desires to work as a waitress/waiter. All the socialist policies and monetary 'easing' did was put off the inevitable. The collapse is still around the corner.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
From the story;

"Their group told Podesta and Elias that while they had not found any evidence of hacking, the pattern needs to be looked at by an independent review."

That is all. :)
I understand that, and believe it is a manufactured pile of manure. CNN has lost all credibility in my book. By all mean investigate it, but do not release a story under that headline without some credible evidence to back it up. They just want to throw more wood on the fire the DNC is trying to light under the Electors with their petition to change their vote, the protests & the death threats.
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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
From the story;

"Their group told Podesta and Elias that while they had not found any evidence of hacking, the pattern needs to be looked at by an independent review."

That is all. :)

It's to funny experts look at it no evidence of hacking yet the headline is the machine was hacked . So desperate to Riggs the election their way . They can't understand that they had the media the never trumpets past and present presidents all shilling for her and she lost . Now they threaten electors to change their vote and break the law . Because white supremacist and nazis only voted it's so fuckin sad

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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I understand that, and believe it is a manufactured pile of manure. CNN has lost all credibility in my book. By all mean investigate it, but do not release a story under that headline without some credible evidence to back it up. They just want to throw more wood on the fire the DNC is trying to light under the Electors with their petition to change their vote, the protests & the death threats.

CNN is doing its best to divide the country the are exposed and now have tripled down on propaganda

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
A monetary system is a governmental collection of institutions (banks and mints) that provide money into a financial system. Capitalism is what's done with that money. Lately, the tail is wagging the dog to the point that monetary policy merely knee jerks whatever the markets desire. Quantitative Easing is just debt monitization to cover the losses of reckless entities counting on the government to pick up the pieces of their myopic capitalist greed.

With the relaxing or elimination of regulatory authority and oversight by the legislature you begin to see investment banks operating well outside of their traditional roles, thereby making them a hybrid of their original charters.

Monetary policy has typically followed whatever the markets want. No more so than after the recent events of the past decade. Rather than using monetary policy to avert disaster it's been relegated to the role of housekeeping after the fact.

The only bright spot in the Great Recession is that the Federal Reserve, like them or not, actually did what it was designed to do when JP Morgan championed it back in the early 20th century after the Panic of 1907. They did nothing at the onset of the Great Depression...and we all know how that turned out.

Sadly, most people know more about operating their cell phones than they do about politics...and considerably less about how the financial sector functions and the pervasive reach of their influence globally. They like it that way and it's going to take more than Trump and Brexit to effect any lasting or meaningful change for damn near all of us on our little planet.
so typical....Capitalisim and the Federal Reserve act are not the same thing. we had a capitalist economy long before we had a central bank....this is a canard I see alot of progressives use lately they slip in capitalisim alongside central banks...if you're gonna lie at least try and do it well...


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Jill stein getting a recount in 3 states even tho the experts claim no hacking . Got to give them libs credit they never give up. But it's become sad now .

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CNN has become so pathetic its constant Trump and nazi white supremacist groups . Trump has said several times he denounces their support . Wolf blitzed actually stated he should make a speech that he has no part in the nazi movement to ease the country . WTF? CNN has done more to promote these groups then anyone they took them from the shadows and gave them legitimacy! Fucking assholes !!!!

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They better be careful of the labels they try and stick on people, why?
Easy call someone something long enough they will either shrug their shoulders and say fuck it and become what you label them out of spite or they will will just drop you where you stand.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Jill stein getting a recount in 3 states even tho the experts claim no hacking . Got to give them libs credit they never give up. But it's become sad now .

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well, what if...what if...Trump says he won't persue inditing Hilary, and AFTER Obama leaves office and he can no longer pardon Hilary, Jeff Sessions has the FBI and the Justice department build a case against her and the Clinton that point she has no protection available from the very least Jeff Sessions could totally shut down the Clinton Foundation...perhaps fine it and bankrupt it, and Bill and Hilary wind up living in a double wide in the Ozarks....or the worst case scenario they wind up in jail, and not just them but perhaps a few of the elite who illegally laundered money through the Clinton Foundation..not to mention Podesta and HUma.....who knows....
Can Hilary really afford to trust that the Trump administration won't investigate Her and the Clinton Foundation...can the global elite trust that they won't be they can't....Hilary must either get the FBI to charge her and get pardoned by Obama before he leaves the whitehouse, or she has a noose around her neck...and at this point Trump has no other option but to instruct Jeff Sessions to investigate and destroy the Clintons and their foundation or they will launder millions if not billions to destroy Trump and stop him from putting in place policies that will stand to cost the global elite who funded Clinton many many fortunes not to mention perhaps their very existence. The global elite tried to rig the election,they had their media predict the largest landslide victory in american history they predicted a massive landslide for Clinton right up to the day of the election....and not only was there no landslide, there was no victory....they failed to rig the election though they tried so now they will attempt to rig a phony recount.Hilary can see if she doesn't destroy Trump the entire Clinton/Soros dynasty will fall...for Hilary it is a fight to the death. for Soros and the Rothschild central banks it is a catastophic set back,if they can't buy Trump off.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
CNN has become so pathetic its constant Trump and nazi white supremacist groups . Trump has said several times he denounces their support . Wolf blitzed actually stated he should make a speech that he has no part in the nazi movement to ease the country . WTF? CNN has done more to promote these groups then anyone they took them from the shadows and gave them legitimacy! Fucking assholes !!!!

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maybe Wolf and jose Ramos can open a taco stand in mexicali....they are so history....Trump should just tell wolf to go fuck himself.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
They better be careful of the labels they try and stick on people, why?
Easy call someone something long enough they will either shrug their shoulders and say fuck it and become what you label them out of spite or they will will just drop you where you stand.
Hey man have you been keeping abreast of this Pizzagate shit.....what do yo think?


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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Jill stein getting a recount in 3 states even tho the experts claim no hacking . Got to give them libs credit they never give up. But it's become sad now .

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The democrats and liberals have to discredit Trump anyway they can. He's shown to be impervious to media attacks, so this is just another tactic. The elite political establishment(s) here and in western civilization are scared shitless due to the rise in conservatism and populism. Their standard tactic of using labels to shut up their opponents is starting to fail. Political Correctness is slowly being seen as the stifling of speech and thought. Social Engineers have been going insane lately because their control mechanism for the public have been shown to be ineffective. The globalist elite who need to have a dumbed down and compliant populace are panicking.

I expect our future to have a lot of liberal based violence in it because it's their last resort to change the popular narrative, but I think this time it will backfire on them.
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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
CNN has become so pathetic its constant Trump and nazi white supremacist groups . Trump has said several times he denounces their support . Wolf blitzed actually stated he should make a speech that he has no part in the nazi movement to ease the country . WTF? CNN has done more to promote these groups then anyone they took them from the shadows and gave them legitimacy! Fucking assholes !!!!

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Don't forget Putin and fake news. The Clinton News Network is blaming everybody but the Hitlery crime syndicate for her loss.


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well, what if...what if...Trump says he won't persue inditing Hilary, and AFTER Obama leaves office and he can no longer pardon Hilary, Jeff Sessions has the FBI and the Justice department build a case against her and the Clinton that point she has no protection available from the very least Jeff Sessions could totally shut down the Clinton Foundation...perhaps fine it and bankrupt it, and Bill and Hilary wind up living in a double wide in the Ozarks....or the worst case scenario they wind up in jail, and not just them but perhaps a few of the elite who illegally laundered money through the Clinton Foundation..not to mention Podesta and HUma.....who knows....
Can Hilary really afford to trust that the Trump administration won't investigate Her and the Clinton Foundation...can the global elite trust that they won't be they can't....Hilary must either get the FBI to charge her and get pardoned by Obama before he leaves the whitehouse, or she has a noose around her neck...and at this point Trump has no other option but to instruct Jeff Sessions to investigate and destroy the Clintons and their foundation or they will launder millions if not billions to destroy Trump and stop him from putting in place policies that will stand to cost the global elite who funded Clinton many many fortunes not to mention perhaps their very existence. The global elite tried to rig the election,they had their media predict the largest landslide victory in american history they predicted a massive landslide for Clinton right up to the day of the election....and not only was there no landslide, there was no victory....they failed to rig the election though they tried so now they will attempt to rig a phony recount.Hilary can see if she doesn't destroy Trump the entire Clinton/Soros dynasty will fall...for Hilary it is a fight to the death. for Soros and the Rothschild central banks it is a catastophic set back,if they can't buy Trump off.

I think the foundation will die off on it's own now that they don't have a product(influence) to sell.
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Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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Yep, fake news that didn't come from CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, or the major papers like the New York Times or Washington Post.


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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I think the foundation will die off on it's own now that they don't have a product(influence) to sell.
They are already starting to groom Chelsea as a future politician. LOL. The woman is not quite a 60 watt bulb according to Hitlery's own staff.

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They are already starting to groom Chelsea as a future politician. LOL. The woman is not quite a 60 watt bulb according to Hitlery's own staff.
That one legitimately scares me


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Hey man have you been keeping abreast of this Pizzagate shit.....what do yo think?

I read that pizza gate shit very fucked up its hard to see nothing but creepiness from that ping pong dude . Even if the guy is not involved in what they say it's just too fuckin weird

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I read that pizza gate shit very fucked up its hard to see nothing but creepiness from that ping pong dude . Even if the guy is not involved in what they say it's just too fuckin weird

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did you see the art work in their pizza parlour.....WTF,,


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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The Clinton campaign has entered the recount process in Wisconsin, and pressing for Recounts in Michigan and Pennsylvania. These fuckers are going for a contested election, trying to decertify the votes in those states. It's going to get really ugly and violent if they try to pull shit like that.

CNN will back them up all the way.


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Member For 4 Years
The Clinton campaign has entered the recount process in Wisconsin, and pressing for Recounts in Michigan and Pennsylvania. These fuckers are going for a contested election, trying to decertify the votes in those states. It's going to get really ugly and violent if they try to pull shit like that.

CNN will back them up all the way.
yeah this could really blow up in their faces...after this most americans wouldn;t even need a trail to put Hilary in jail...


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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The Clinton's know that they are a gnats fart away from getting charged once Trump is sworn in. This is their Hail Mary play.


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The Clinton's know that they are a gnats fart away from getting charged once Trump is sworn in. This is their Hail Mary play.
I agree...I think Trump is going to let things cool down for a few months maybe even a year... then he's going to go to Jeff Sessions and have him make an airtight case against the Clintons ......and then have sessions indite them....they should just sell the family jewlery and head for new zeland or Iran...if this election was an indicator, their judgment is not to good.


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at the very least Jeff Sessions could totally shut down the Clinton Foundation...perhaps fine it and bankrupt it, and Bill and Hilary wind up living in a double wide in the Ozarks....
Oh come on now, they have an empty nest, so a single-wide should be entirely sufficient.
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