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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Look at the timing. If the recounts start and cannot be finished in time by the date the electors cast their ballots, the dems will go to Court and sue to remove the states with active recounts from casting their electoral ballots. Sure, it would be rigging the election in public view, but at this point the dems and their sycophants don't care. They want violence to justify their illegal behavior. They will stop at nothing to fuck Trump over, even if it means pulling America into a state of civil war. This is lose-lose mentality at it's finest. The dems and bi-coastal political elite will risk it all to stop him, even if it means starting an internal shooting war. They are that freaking desperate at this point.
I don't think it would start a shooting war...I think the people would call for a general strike and close down the goverment hell...I think they'd hand the goverment over to the military before they would start a war.


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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Well, look at the race relations in the major cities, all powder kegs ready to explode. The way I see it, all this stuff was put in place a while ago to ensure the dems get their way. American's don't do general strikes like Europe. The military option for a government might be worth looking at, but it would be violently opposed. What ever happens, I pray we don't go down the road of last resort and idiocy.


Gold Contributor
Member For 3 Years
from what I heard if the can't complete their recount then all their votes get thrown out, that point 270 is n longer needed, and Trump still wins regardless it is such a blatant violation of free elections the people would not stand for it.and the people will not stand for another Obama administration.
IMO, it is unclear whether 270 would then be needed then or not. It all hinges on the meaning of the word "appointed" in the 12th Amendment. I think we can be sure that the Dems would insist that 270 are needed, which means the Supreme Court would have to rule what that word means in this context.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Well, look at the race relations in the major cities, all powder kegs ready to explode. The way I see it, all this stuff was put in place a while ago to ensure the dems get their way. American's don't do general strikes like Europe. The military option for a government might be worth looking at, but it would be violently opposed. What ever happens, I pray we don't go down the road of last resort and idiocy.
yeah look at race relations in the major cities...first off if they burn down who cares...people in Kansas or Oklahoma are just gonna popcorn and roast wieners watching them burn.Second look at the people in those BLM marches they are all paid actors they aren't gonna hang around for the lead flying....and most of them are SJW white snowflakes...they are going to go running for mama's basement...I live in Oakland the vast majority of Blacks don't support this shit ...they know they are being played.they just want to find a job and go home to their families....
Let's look at how BLM and the violence that we know the DNC paid for thanks to the journalisim of Project Veritas exposing them helped put Trump in the whitehouse..let's look at the cop killings sanctioned by the DNC.let's look at how the violence directed at Trump supporters at rallies in Chicago,Albuquerque,San Jose, and Annehiem helped Independents turn to Trump...look at how members of the electorial college have been threatened with death threats......and now this phony shit with Jill Stien.....the DNC has turned into a bunch of brownshirts and the average American see it and that is why they voted for Trump......this shit Jill Stien has been put up to by the DNC will not stand.The DNC has shot their load if they want to go medival it will winf up back firing on them just like everything else they tried this election...they gauged the mindset of the people all wrong.

I agree with you there are alot of people in the DNC that must burn it all down or they don't survive....Saudi Arabia needs to burn it down to survive,and Soros and the central banks.....and the Clintons...and illegal mexicans.....but there are still alot of real smart men and women in this country and there are still alot of people with common sense....who will listen to them......ya gotta remeber as a people americans are pretty resourcefull ....
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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The Clinton body count just recently went up one folks...this time a woman who works for a non profit fighting sex trafficking...apparently she went down to Hati to investigate the Clinton Foundations ties to a sex trafficking ring there...and guess what...she winds up dead....

Oh ya, she got offed. Big time corruption in Haiti and I'm not even counting the young boys for pedos market.
The husband of a friend's sister refused to help her collect food to send to Haiti
because none of the stuff their RCC group ever sent to Haiti ever got to the people.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Oh ya, she got offed. Big time corruption in Haiti and I'm not even counting the young boys for pedos market.
The husband of a friend's sister refused to help her collect food to send to Haiti
because none of the stuff their RCC group ever sent to Haiti ever got to the people.
how people keep turning a blind eye to the murderous Clintons is beyond ignore shit like this deserve to be thrown in a ghetto in Hati to suffer alongside these innocents.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I don't think it would start a shooting war...I think the people would call for a general strike and close down the goverment hell...I think they'd hand the goverment over to the military before they would start a war.

I dunno. If they handed the Presidency to Hitlery through hook and crook, I can see the the guns coming out.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I dunno. If they handed the Presidency to Hitlery through hook and crook, I can see the the guns coming out.
I could see states calling their legislatures together and forming a movement to leave the US goverment. or to create so many legal roadblocks to the federal goverment that it would be paralyized.....or indeed calling it illegitamate and just refusing to comply.......I could even imagine states likje say wyoming calling out their state militas and demanding the federal goverment leave the state.


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We are NOT a nation of immigrants, that is not what set us apart that is not what made us great.ther is nothing in our founding documents that gives someone the right to immigrate to america....we are a nation of CITIZENS that is what set us apart from the oligarchies of the world...

So, fill me in...where did these CITIZENS come from?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
So, fill me in...where did these CITIZENS come from?
so fill me in..... you think the citizens of the nation don't have the right to self determination...but a handfull of uber wealthy elites and a collection virtue signaling assholes get to over ride their right to govern themselves...I think you can probablly google the legal definition of a citizen ...look it fill me in when did Mexico have an open border policy with guatemala....or better yet you can give us a list of the countries of the world that have open borders....I can't think of any that don't have laws defining citizenship.
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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
so fill me in..... you think the citizens of the nation don't have the right to self determination...but a handfull of uber wealthy elites and a collection virtue signaling assholes get to over ride their right to govern themselves...I think you can probablly google the legal definition of a citizen ...look it fill me in when did Mexico have an open border policy with guatemala....or better yet you can give us a list of the countries of the world that have open borders....I can't think of any that don't have laws defining citizenship.

We are a nation made up of legal immigrants who adapt and become citizens, legally.
To even consider having open borders in a nation which borders
a nation where the majority of people (Mexicans) look similar to the semitic peoples
with which we are at war is stupid.
Even in places with alleged open borders like the EU one is still expected
to provide identification when crossing from one nation state into another.

I think Cynical was using sarcasm..because you said we are a nation of citizens not immigrants.
There are no ethnic groups native to the Americas. Even the Indians came over from Asia via the Bering Strait. However our government is one where the citizens make the decisions by vote or delegation and illegal immigrants aren't part of that decision making process nor should they be.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
We are a nation made up of legal immigrants who adapt and become citizens, legally.
To even consider having open borders in a nation which borders
a nation where the majority of people (Mexicans) look similar to the semitic peoples
with which we are at war is stupid.
Even in places with alleged open borders like the EU one is still expected
to provide identification when crossing from one nation state into another.

I think Cynical was using sarcasm..because you said we are a nation of citizens not immigrants.
There are no ethnic groups native to the Americas. Even the Indians came over from Asia via the Bering Strait
Oh I was quite aware of what cynical was implying ....I didn't say we were a nation of citizens...the constitution and the law say we are a nation of citizens.As for the EU.....well it seems the EU is on it's way out and as far as I know there are still laws defining citizenship.
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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Oh I was quite aware of what cynical was implying ....I didn't say we were a nation of citizens...the constitution and the law say we are a nation of citizens.
Actually he didn't imply jack.
It was Mark Levin who said, "“We are not a nation of immigrants we are a nation of citizens.
A nation immigrants who have become citizens."

The nation itself is made of citizens but all those citizens are either immigrants or descend from immigrants.
What is correct to say is that we are a nation of laws which is to say that we are not a monarchy
or dictatorship.
Interestingly it was Slick Willy who last brought up the argument
for which Trump is now attacked.
In 1996 he said:
"But there are some areas that the federal government should not leave and should address and address strongly. One of these areas is the problem of illegal immigration. After years of neglect, this administration has taken a strong stand to stiffen the protection of our borders. We are increasing border controls by 50 percent. We are increasing inspections to prevent the hiring of illegal immigrants. And tonight, I announce I will sign an executive order to deny federal contracts to businesses that hire illegal immigrants.

Let me be very clear about this: We are still a nation of immigrants; we should be proud of it. We should honor every legal immigrant here, working hard to become a new citizen. But we are also a nation of laws."


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Actually he didn't imply jack.
It was Mark Levin who said, "“We are not a nation of immigrants we are a nation of citizens.
A nation immigrants who have become citizens."

The nation itself is made of citizens but all those citizens are either immigrants or descend from immigrants.
What is correct to say is that we are a nation of laws which is to say that we are not a monarchy
or dictatorship.
Interestingly it was Slick Willy who last brought up the argument
for which Trump is now attacked.
In 1996 he said:
"But there are some areas that the federal government should not leave and should address and address strongly. One of these areas is the problem of illegal immigration. After years of neglect, this administration has taken a strong stand to stiffen the protection of our borders. We are increasing border controls by 50 percent. We are increasing inspections to prevent the hiring of illegal immigrants. And tonight, I announce I will sign an executive order to deny federal contracts to businesses that hire illegal immigrants.

Let me be very clear about this: We are still a nation of immigrants; we should be proud of it. We should honor every legal immigrant here, working hard to become a new citizen. But we are also a nation of laws."
I don't care what mark levin says.
No...the people who created the nation state called the United States were not immigrants...they were can you immigrate to a nation that does not exist. When I say we are a nation of citizens I mean we are a republic the first one to exist since the fall of the Roman republic, we are a system that allows for the people the citizens to govern themselves a goverment of self is the citizens not the immigrants who will decide how the citizens define themsleves and the citizens that decide immigration is a goverment of the people ,by the people and for the people...not a goverment of the uber wealthy,by the DNC, for illegal aliens.
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Member For 3 Years
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Member For 1 Year
Thank you. Finally a voice of reason.

For the record, I am not advocating open unregulated borders. As stated above, that would be stupid.

I do advocate measuring a response in direct proportion to the threat imposed. I would love to live in an America where the only threat we had was being overrun by immigration from Mexico, Central America and South America. We don't. There are much more ominous threats out there and no party has a monopoly on them. If we weren't so easily distracted by hyperbole we might actually notice a few of them.


Member For 3 Years
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Member For 1 Year
I don't care what mark levin says.
No...the people who created the nation state called the United States were not immigrants...they were can you immigrate to a nation that does not exist. When I say we are a nation of citizens I mean we are a republic the first one to exist since the fall of the Roman republic, we are a system that allows for the people the citizens to govern themselves a goverment of self is the citizens not the immigrants who will decide how the citizens define themsleves and the citizens that decide immigration is a goverment of the people ,by the people and for the people...not a goverment of the uber wealthy,by the DNC, for illegal aliens.

You actually believe this unquestionably, don't you?. If there was ever an election for poster child of unquestioning American Self Love you'd get my vote.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I don't care what mark levin says.
No...the people who created the nation state called the United States were not immigrants...they were can you immigrate to a nation that does not exist. When I say we are a nation of citizens I mean we are a republic the first one to exist since the fall of the Roman republic, we are a system that allows for the people the citizens to govern themselves a goverment of self is the citizens not the immigrants who will decide how the citizens define themsleves and the citizens that decide immigration is a goverment of the people ,by the people and for the people...not a goverment of the uber wealthy,by the DNC, for illegal aliens.

Holy shit, pv...:


See more synonyms on
verb (used without object), immigrated, immigrating.
to come to a country of which one is not a native, usually for permanent residence.
to pass or come into a new habitat or place, as an organism.

See number 2 above.



See more synonyms on
verb (used without object), migrated, migrating.
to go from one country, region, or place to another.
Synonyms: move, resettle, relocate.
Antonyms: remain.
to pass periodically from one region or climate to another, as certain birds, fishes, and animals:
The birds migrate southward in the winter.



See more synonyms on
verb (used without object), emigrated, emigrating.
to leave one country or region to settle in another; migrate:
to emigrate from Ireland to Australia.

All of the above mean basically the same and have nothing necessarily to do with
the founders of anything.
The founders all came from England..they emigrated from England and migrated or immigrated
to the new land, America. The only practical difference in the above words is between
migrate and the other 2 because it's usually seasonal.
Country does not mean nation. Therefore one can indeed immigrate to another country that is not a nation.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I mean we are a republic the first one to exist since the fall of the Roman republic, w
BTW, The Roman Empire fell, the Republic didn't, it just wussed out. Res publica Romana is what then became The Roman Empire.
Historians have variously proposed Julius Caesar's crossing of the Rubicon River in 49 BC, Caesar's appointment as dictator for life in 44 BC, and the defeat of Mark Antony and Cleopatra at the Battle of Actium in 31 BC. However, most use the same date as did the ancient Romans themselves, the Roman Senate's grant of extraordinary powers to Octavian and his adopting the title Augustus in 27 BC, as the defining event ending the Republic.
So the Romans gave the republic away by electing Octavian as Caesar and became an empire ruled by a dictator.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
You actually believe this unquestionably, don't you?. If there was ever an election for poster child of unquestioning American Self Love you'd get my vote.
cool... when's the photo shoot for the poster, I'll be there with bells on.Why wouldn't the history of the world this has been a miraculous experiment .
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Thank you. Finally a voice of reason.

For the record, I am not advocating open unregulated borders. As stated above, that would be stupid.

I do advocate measuring a response in direct proportion to the threat imposed. I would love to live in an America where the only threat we had was being overrun by immigration from Mexico, Central America and South America. We don't. There are much more ominous threats out there and no party has a monopoly on them. If we weren't so easily distracted by hyperbole we might actually notice a few of them.
goodo for you, but as I pointed out this is a nation of citizens and the citizens don't want to be overrun by an invasion from latin america, or Norway,or outer Mongolia...they want the laws they created and their right to self determination respected. ...the invasion of 30 million forgien nationals usually calls for the measured response of putting troops on your border.and the measured response for a political class that refuses to enforce the laws created by the people and ..far more conspires to circumvient those laws is to charge them with treason.
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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Holy shit, pv...:


See more synonyms on
verb (used without object), immigrated, immigrating.
to come to a country of which one is not a native, usually for permanent residence.
to pass or come into a new habitat or place, as an organism.

See number 2 above.



See more synonyms on
verb (used without object), migrated, migrating.
to go from one country, region, or place to another.
Synonyms: move, resettle, relocate.
Antonyms: remain.
to pass periodically from one region or climate to another, as certain birds, fishes, and animals:
The birds migrate southward in the winter.



See more synonyms on
verb (used without object), emigrated, emigrating.
to leave one country or region to settle in another; migrate:
to emigrate from Ireland to Australia.

All of the above mean basically the same and have nothing necessarily to do with
the founders of anything.
The founders all came from England..they emigrated from England and migrated or immigrated
to the new land, America. The only practical difference in the above words is between
migrate and the other 2 because it's usually seasonal.
Country does not mean nation. Therefore one can indeed immigrate to another country that is not a nation.
The founders were British subjects...... but most of them were not FROM England. They we born in America.. of course at the time America was England. So you are also correct. But not accurate.

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years

I live in one of the cesspools of the costal liberals, and this thanksgiving I had dinner with 20 people who've I've known for 25 years. After knowing them for over two decades none of them ever expressed any problem with the electorial college....however this thanksgiving everyone pf them had this sudden intellectual epiphany that it needed to be eradicated....They also realized that white people without a piece of paper from the diploma mills should probablly not be allowed to vote, and that a 20.00 and hour job at a door factory without benifits was .."white privledge"

although half of them privately told me Hilary deserved to lose.
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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Holy shit, pv...:


See more synonyms on
verb (used without object), immigrated, immigrating.
to come to a country of which one is not a native, usually for permanent residence.
to pass or come into a new habitat or place, as an organism.

See number 2 above.



See more synonyms on
verb (used without object), migrated, migrating.
to go from one country, region, or place to another.
Synonyms: move, resettle, relocate.
Antonyms: remain.
to pass periodically from one region or climate to another, as certain birds, fishes, and animals:
The birds migrate southward in the winter.



See more synonyms on
verb (used without object), emigrated, emigrating.
to leave one country or region to settle in another; migrate:
to emigrate from Ireland to Australia.

All of the above mean basically the same and have nothing necessarily to do with
the founders of anything.
The founders all came from England..they emigrated from England and migrated or immigrated
to the new land, America. The only practical difference in the above words is between
migrate and the other 2 because it's usually seasonal.
Country does not mean nation. Therefore one can indeed immigrate to another country that is not a nation.

I'm afraid "Nation of immigrants" is a false narrative. You could also say we are a nation of people. It means nothing because every Nation is a Nation of people.

If we want to go to extremes, depending on ones scientific or religious views, as far as I know every nation is a nation of immigrants except maybe one country in Africa but there were not any nations at the time. Of course, if we believe the bible stories, we are a planet of immigrants as we were all placed here by God.

But, it's all moot.

The only relevance that "Nation of immigrants" has is in it's context. In the context of of a Nation's policies, Pulse is correct. We are a Nation of citizens. Immigrants are irrelevant with the exception of the actual immigration policy. Immigrants have no say in our policy until they become citizens. In the context of history, every Nation is a Nation of immigrants.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Trumps picks are seeming like nothing we hoped for

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Trumps picks are seeming like nothing we hoped for

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Nope ......he keeps this shit up he's gonna have to look to BLM for support.
rinsed penis as chief of staff
Nikki Haley(what she knows about international affairs is beyond me) Conell's wife one of the biggest neo cons there is
and sniffing Romney's, and Patreus's and Goldman sachs but\s....


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
VU Donator
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years

And so the court cases begin. The dems with their best buddy Jill Stein are going to go the route of filing court challenges to try and stop Wisconsin from casting it's electoral votes. This is their tactic now, lawyers, court cases and dragging out the electoral college results, hoping to nullify some.
God this will wind up destroying the DNC.....they look like lunatics doing this.
They got bankrolled by every uber rich globalist, and forgien despot on the planet
they totally rigged the nomination
they had the entire media in their pocket
they had the IRS target and surpress dissidents
they smuggled in millions of illegal aliens and got some of them on the voter rolls
they unearthed the dead and had them vote
they hired thugs to disrupt Trump rallies with violence and got caught doing it
and the still now they want to abolish the electorial college.

I hate to say it but Time and Zamzam may have it right...the DNC seems to be pushing for a shooting war.
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Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
VU Donator
Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
That's what scares me, the political elite would rather start a fucking civil war than concede an election. This shit has a possibility of being reality in the near future. Knowing what I do about America, it won't take much for the political elite to start a race war, then civil war. They are that fucking evil and desperate. Lord I hope not....


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
That's what scares me, the political elite would rather start a fucking civil war than concede an election. This shit has a possibility of being reality in the near future. Knowing what I do about America, it won't take much for the political elite to start a race war, then civil war. They are that fucking evil and desperate. Lord I hope not....

I'm actually fine with it. I'm expecting ugliness no matter what, sometime. I've put some thought into it and I'd rather it happen sooner, while I'm still able, then later. I'd like things to stabilize for my grandkids not wait for them to have to deal with it.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I'm actually fine with it. I'm expecting ugliness no matter what, sometime. I've put some thought into it and I'd rather it happen sooner, while I'm still able, then later. I'd like things to stabilize for my grandkids not wait for them to have to deal with it.
yeah I agree lance the boil now.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
That's what scares me, the political elite would rather start a fucking civil war than concede an election. This shit has a possibility of being reality in the near future. Knowing what I do about America, it won't take much for the political elite to start a race war, then civil war. They are that fucking evil and desperate. Lord I hope not....
you may be right ....look at what they did in the Ukraine and in Syria...


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The founders were British subjects...... but most of them were not FROM England. They we born in America.. of course at the time America was England. So you are also correct. But not accurate.

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Gee thanks for your generosity dude..BUT
If they were British subjects born of British subjects in a British possesion
then my only mistake was saying "England" instead of Great Britain


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I'm actually fine with it. I'm expecting ugliness no matter what, sometime. I've put some thought into it and I'd rather it happen sooner, while I'm still able, then later. I'd like things to stabilize for my grandkids not wait for them to have to deal with it.
make another huge bag of popcorn 'cause it ain't happening while you can still walk and hold a weapon


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
make another huge bag of popcorn 'cause it ain't happening while you can still walk and hold a weapon
why not? you think they will wait for his generation to die out and try and win the war in the indoctrnation centers we call schools


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Nope ......he keeps this shit up he's gonna have to look to BLM for support.
rinsed penis as chief of staff
Nikki Haley(what she knows about international affairs is beyond me) Conell's wife one of the biggest neo cons there is
and sniffing Romney's, and Patreus's and Goldman sachs but\s....
If you go back a shitload of pages you'll see I predicted the MOFO
would fuck us over just like all the other pols.
He's fucking up right off with this not prosecuting Killary shit and Obamacare maybe not being all that bad.
Picking Pence as a running mate was bad enough but acceptable
and the RNC probably made him do it but
I agree about the Hindu chick and several of his contemplated picks not being acceptable to his voitng block.

But the rumor he used to go for jet rides with Slick Willy
and did a 13 year old when coupled with the following pic of him and Ivanka
make me wonder if he doesn't like pizza and hot dogs also


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
If you go back a shitload of pages you'll see I predicted the MOFO
would fuck us over just like all the other pols.
He's fucking up right off with this not prosecuting Killary shit and Obamacare maybe not being all that bad.
Picking Pence as a running mate was bad enough but acceptable
and the RNC probably made him do it but
I agree about the Hindu chick and several of his contemplated picks not being acceptable to his voitng block.

But the rumor he used to go for jet rides with Slick Willy
and did a 13 year old when coupled with the following pic of him and Ivanka
make me wonder if he doesn't like pizza and hot dogs also
It ain't looking good.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I don't know. Things are moving pretty fast now.
thing is if they let the empire crash now the elite is gonna have to cut their own grass. (metaphorically)
You can't keep milking a dead cow and you can't have your cake and eat it too..
It's coming but the automated infrastructure isn't ready
and neither is solidifying the forces of oppression (cops) into full compliance.
Keep getting ready
stock up and prep but be patient, ain't the right time yet


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
why not? you think they will wait for his generation to die out and try and win the war in the indoctrnation centers we call schools
that's one of the to dos for them..we're getting old..the youngsters are for the most part
indoctrinated already. They've just suffered a setback and know half the country is against them.

Right now all they can do is try to sabotage us while the jihadists organize.
Mark my word..I'm seldom wrong. Next comes a jihadist attack from inside


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
This guy !

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Art my bud, indeed it was guys like that, like you and me who voted for Trump.
What I call 'Working class heroes' and people who have lived under the rule of communism and recognize the signs.
Miami-Dade County went Blue, the only people who voted for Trump were the Cubans 'cause they know.
What worries me is that the rich folk who voted for Killary have money and the poor black folk who voted for Killary have numbers.
Another is that since I tend to not trust anybody,
especially politicians ("My Kingdom is not..") and Donald is from NY...and has already
fucked up several times
I'm already wondering if he didn't just con the bunch of us..( for even the elect will be deceived)
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Art my bud, indeed it was guys like that, like you and me who voted for Trump.
What I call 'Working class heroes' and people who have lived under the rule of communism and recognize the signs.
Miami-Dade County went Red, the only people who voted for Trump were the Cubans 'cause they know.
What worries me is that the rich folk who voted for Killary have money and the poor black folk who voted for Killary have numbers.
Another is that since I tend to not trust anybody,
especially politicians ("My Kingdom is not..") and Donald is from NY...and has already
fucked up several times
I'm already wondering if he didn't just con the bunch of us..( for even the elect will be deceived)
We've been betrayed so many times nothing would surprise me.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
thing is if they let the empire crash now the elite is gonna have to cut their own grass. (metaphorically)
You can't keep milking a dead cow and you can't have your cake and eat it too..
It's coming but the automated infrastructure isn't ready
and neither is solidifying the forces of oppression (cops) into full compliance.
Keep getting ready
stock up and prep but be patient, ain't the right time yet

I think they're losing control now and they know it. @Zamazam is correct. They are losing the propaganda mill and are becoming desperate. If it doesn't happen in the next four years, the next election will tell allot.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I think they're losing control now and they know it. @Zamazam is correct. They are losing the propaganda mill and are becoming desperate. If it doesn't happen in the next four years, the next election will tell allot.
yeah I gotta say I have been REALLY surprised at this mellinial generation...there are a fuck of alot of them that are part of ther alt-right hell they are driving the alt-right, and they are fucking creative effective funny and educated....they are a force to be reckoned with and they are just going to keep growing....and the alt-media is exploding....fucking history can change on a dime.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I think they're losing control now and they know it. @Zamazam is correct. They are losing the propaganda mill and are becoming desperate. If it doesn't happen in the next four years, the next election will tell allot.
Time will tell...LOL
If it doesn't happen in the next 2 months it won't happen until 5 years from now or later


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
yeah I gotta say I have been REALLY surprised at this mellinial generation...there are a fuck of alot of them that are part of ther alt-right hell they are driving the alt-right, and they are fucking creative effective funny and educated....they are a force to be reckoned with and they are just going to keep growing....and the alt-media is exploding....fucking history can change on a dime.
There are alt.rights then there are alt.rights...Checkout what Milo has to say
about being lumped in the alt right cat
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