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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Member For 4 Years <--soft core

None of those few examples exist...?
There are many more all over the world...some of them support Trump.
People who identify with the Alt Right regard mainstream or traditional conservatives as weak and impotent, largely because they do not sufficiently support racism and anti-Semitism. Alt Righters frequently disparage the conservative movement by using the derogatory term “cuckservative,” popularized in 2015. The term “cuckservative,” a combination of “conservative” and “cuckold,” is used by white supremacists to describe a white Christian conservative who promotes the interests of Jews and non-whites over those of whites.

Though not every person who identifies with the Alt Right is a white supremacist, most are and “white identity” is central to people in this milieu. In fact, Alt Righters reject modern conservatism explicitly because they believe that mainstream conservatives are not advocating for the interests of white people as a group.

Define ...

Show me a white nationalist, nazi, white supremist, aryan or other racist organization that called themselves the alt right before the media claimed the alt right was a white nationalist group.

I'm looking and I have not found any reference from white nationalists that they called themselves the alt right before the media declared all alt right as white nationalists. To me, it looks like the tail is wagging the dog. That is to say, the media branded the alt right as white nationalists and the white nationalists are more than happy to accept the term.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
So, it appears the Green Party is formally denouncing Jill Stien and want to make it clear that they do not support her or the recall she is conducting...So obvuiously she did not consult with anyone in the Green Party about this recount...she acted in her own personal best intrest and not in the intrest of the Green who in the hell is Jill Stien representing....

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Show me a white nationalist, nazi, white supremist, aryan or other racist organization that called themselves the alt right before the media claimed the alt right was a white nationalist group.

I'm looking and I have not found any reference from white nationalists that they called themselves the alt right before the media declared all alt right as white nationalists. To me, it looks like the tail is wagging the dog. That is to say, the media branded the alt right as white nationalists and the white nationalists are more than happy to accept the term.
It was just Hilary Clinton trying to smear a very effective political movment that was able to buck the globalist who were able to buck the establishment candidates in the RNC and who bucked the propoganda mills and defeated her.....let's face it the bitch had nothing to run on her record was putrid...she ran on Trump is a racist...and if you vote for him so are you .....and you wouldn't want people to say that about you would you? so vote for Hilary.
The global elite who Hilary represented are facing nationalist movements all over the world and the alternative media and the alt right thinkers are the people leading these nationalist uprisings be it the Brexit or is imperative the destroy the altright or be destroyed by them and so they are waging a propoganda war against them. a war of disinformation.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years <--soft core

None of those few examples exist...?
There are many more all over the world...some of them support Trump.
People who identify with the Alt Right regard mainstream or traditional conservatives as weak and impotent, largely because they do not sufficiently support racism and anti-Semitism. Alt Righters frequently disparage the conservative movement by using the derogatory term “cuckservative,” popularized in 2015. The term “cuckservative,” a combination of “conservative” and “cuckold,” is used by white supremacists to describe a white Christian conservative who promotes the interests of Jews and non-whites over those of whites.

Though not every person who identifies with the Alt Right is a white supremacist, most are and “white identity” is central to people in this milieu. In fact, Alt Righters reject modern conservatism explicitly because they believe that mainstream conservatives are not advocating for the interests of white people as a group.

Define ...
Oh yeah well fuck the ADL they are a joke.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
It was just Hilary Clinton trying to smear a very effective political movment that was able to buck the globalist who were able to buck the establishment candidates in the RNC and who bucked the propoganda mills and defeated her.....let's face it the bitch had nothing to run on her record was putrid...she ran on Trump is a racist...and if you vote for him so are you .....and you wouldn't want people to say that about you would you? so vote for Hilary.

Correct. The first time the alt right was ever mentioned, other than on brietbart and some conservative sites, was in a Hitlery speech. The media ran with it after that.

I'm still reading the white nationalists posts and there is no mention of the alt right except when they post media stories.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Correct. The first time the alt right was ever mentioned, other than on brietbart and some conservative sites, was in a Hitlery speech. The media ran with it after that.
I sincerley hope the alt right tells these people to go fuck themselves, and not get bogged down in spending their time and energy in addressing the war of disinformation levled against them, but rather continues to spend their time and energy attacking the globalist conspiracy......the best defense is a good offense.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Correct. The first time the alt right was ever mentioned, other than on brietbart and some conservative sites, was in a Hitlery speech. The media ran with it after that.

I'm still reading the white nationalists posts and there is no mention of the alt right except when they post media stories.
exactlly she wasn't concerned about a handfull of fringe elements....they didn't effect the election in any way...... she was terrified of the people who were carrying a tsunami of populist revolt that crashed down of the political establishment and destroyed it.she was concerned about all those people who truned their back on everybody who laughed at the idea of Trump being in a presidental race, and who showed up to fill the arenas he spoke at....those were the people she needed to smear and discredit and wage a war of disinformation at....not a bunch of yahoos with secret decoder rings and SS paraphenalia under their beds.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Correct. The first time the alt right was ever mentioned, other than on brietbart and some conservative sites, was in a Hitlery speech. The media ran with it after that.

I'm still reading the white nationalists posts and there is no mention of the alt right except when they post media stories.

In November 2008, Paul Gottfried addressed the H. L. Mencken Club about what he called "the alternative right".[28] In 2009, two more posts at Taki's Magazine, by Patrick J. Ford and Jack Hunter, further discussed the alternative right.[29] The term, however, is most commonly attributed to Richard B. Spencer, president of the National Policy Institute and founder of Alternative Right.

Note that it was Paul Gottfried who coined the term to distinguish the far right from the extreme right.
Paul Edward Gottfried (born November 21, 1941) is an American paleoconservative political philosopher, intellectual historian, columnist and former Horace Raffensperger Professor of Humanities at Elizabethtown College in Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania, as well as a Guggenheim recipient. He is currently H. L. Mencken Club President.

The H.L. Mencken Club came into existence in 2008 as an organization for independent-minded intellectuals and academics of the Right.

That a label had not been assigned to an ideology because it varies depending on locale and other things
does not mean that the ideology does not exist, has not existed for a very long time or that many
every day conservatives aren't sympathetic to some of it's tenets..sympathetic enough in fact
that liberal opponents can smear the entire group through association which I've found to be
merited in many cases.
Piggy reply back to your other rant.
I'm not giving you leftist propaganda. I'm giving you historical fact
which the left is exaggerating, smearing on all conservatives and using as propaganda.
But it is real. So what if some nazis call themselves something other than alt right.
They are still nazi. So what if some communists call themselves Democrat..same diff.

I'll catch you guys some other time.


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Member For 4 Years
baby got back???

Stuff for sale...Inquire within.


Gold Contributor
Member For 3 Years
So, it appears the Green Party is formally denouncing Jill Stien and want to make it clear that they do not support her or the recall she is conducting...So obvuiously she did not consult with anyone in the Green Party about this recount...she acted in her own personal best intrest and not in the intrest of the Green who in the hell is Jill Stien representing....
Herself. I suspect she wants to build up street cred with the Democratic Party and its "friends" because she has future political aspirations and pictures herself as something like the next Bernie.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Herself. I suspect she wants to build up street cred with the Democratic Party and its "friends" because she has future political aspirations and pictures herself as something like the next Bernie.
that might win her brownie point among the BLM/ Weather underground wing of the DNC, but it's going to kill her reputation among independents. and the few democrats left with a brain.Escpecially when the Green Party itself issues a stament condemming unethical and illegal practices the DNC used during the election.


Gold Contributor
Member For 3 Years
People who identify with the Alt Right regard mainstream or traditional conservatives as weak and impotent, largely because they do not sufficiently support racism and anti-Semitism. Alt Righters frequently disparage the conservative movement by using the derogatory term “cuckservative,” popularized in 2015. The term “cuckservative,” a combination of “conservative” and “cuckold,” is used by white supremacists to describe a white Christian conservative who promotes the interests of Jews and non-whites over those of whites.

Though not every person who identifies with the Alt Right is a white supremacist, most are and “white identity” is central to people in this milieu. In fact, Alt Righters reject modern conservatism explicitly because they believe that mainstream conservatives are not advocating for the interests of white people as a group.
Meh. There are plenty of people who've rejected the mainstream right (as embodied by the GOP establishment) for reasons other that have nothing to do with racism. E.g. I've seen people refer to the GOPe as "cuckservatives" for their refusal to stand up to the left on economic matters, i,e, the Federal budget and taxes.

It's a cliche that politics makes for strange bedfellows, but it's true. The term "Alt Right" has become nothing more than a smear, which the left uses in an attempt to induce fear and panic in their followers, fear that anyone who preferred DJT over HRC must be an utterly intolerant whit nationalist via guilt by association.


Gold Contributor
Member For 3 Years
that might win her brownie point among the BLM/ Weather underground wing of the DNC, but it's going to kill her reputation among independents. and the few democrats left with a brain.Escpecially when the Green Party itself issues a stament condemming unethical and illegal practices the DNC used during the election.
I think Bernie's vote total showed that there's far more discontent with the DNC establishment than can possibly be explained by just the "BLM/ Weather underground wing", and that was before the leaks showed just how badly the DNCe screwed him. Personally, I think Bernie is done due to his age, and Jill is trying positioning herself to carry his torch as an insurgent in the Dem primaries in 2020. Of course whether this strategy is successful or not remains to be see, but she did throw the hail-Mary pass on behalf of the Dems in the last few days...


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I think Bernie's vote total showed that there's far more discontent with the DNC establishment than can possibly be explained by just the "BLM/ Weather underground wing", and that was before the leaks showed just how badly the DNCe screwed him. Personally, I think Bernie is done due to his age, and Jill is trying positioning herself to carry his torch as an insurgent in the Dem primaries in 2020. Of course whether this strategy is successful or not remains to be see, but she did throw the hail-Mary pass on behalf of the Dems in the last few days...
I think most people will see this as throwing a hail mary pass for Hilary, not the DNC.....but then maybe be right....the dems walked away losing everything this election..the presidency, the congress ...and now they are having to face that they will lose the Supreme Court...which I think hurts them the most.....though I have no great faith Trump will nominate people like Scalia, but rather dipshits like Roberts....the lose of all power in the goverment by the DNC is a monumental setback.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Herself. I suspect she wants to build up street cred with the Democratic Party and its "friends" because she has future political aspirations and pictures herself as something like the next Bernie.

Just as long as Soros check cleared she's good

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Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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Herself. I suspect she wants to build up street cred with the Democratic Party and its "friends" because she has future political aspirations and pictures herself as something like the next Bernie.
"The Enemy of My Enemy is my Friend".

She's in it for political gain and to fuck Trump over any way she can, inviting the dems on board was the perfect smoke screen since it was the dems who have been screaming for recounts. She got a lot more than donations to fund the recounts.

The DNC is doing everything they can to sow doubt about Trump's win, hoping to flip some Electors and possibly get a state pulled from the Electoral Vote. The Hail Mary play shows the desperation. Stein even went to court trying to force a hand recount in WI, which would not be completed by December 13th. She lost that battle, but is going after the other states.


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" the tone of the election grew darker and more bizarre by the day, President-Elect Hillary Clinton 'went high' when her opponent went even lower. No stranger to trudging through the mire of misogyny in her career as first lady, senator, and secretary of state, President-Elect Clinton continued to push for an issues-based campaign even as a handful of Trump's most deplorable supporters, seeing the wide margins Clinton held among female voters, called to repeal the 19th amendment. On election day, Americans across the country roundly rejected the kind of fear and hate-based conservatism peddled by Donald Trump and elected the first woman in U.S. history to the presidency. The culminating election of a career in politics spanning 3 decades and arguably more experience than any other incoming president, 2016's was not an easy race to watch, comment on or be a part of--but when the dust cleared it revealed a priceless moment in American history. The highest glass ceiling in the Western World had been shattered.


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Member For 4 Years
"The Enemy of My Enemy is my Friend".

She's in it for political gain and to fuck Trump over any way she can, inviting the dems on board was the perfect smoke screen since it was the dems who have been screaming for recounts. She got a lot more than donations to fund the recounts.

The DNC is doing everything they can to sow doubt about Trump's win, hoping to flip some Electors and possibly get a state pulled from the Electoral Vote. The Hail Mary play shows the desperation. Stein even went to court trying to force a hand recount in WI, which would not be completed by December 13th. She lost that battle, but is going after the other states.

But a lot of the counties in WI are going forward with a hand recount… Dane county (Madison lefties) is one of them! These counties on their own may screw the pooch and being from WI if my vote is not counted I WILL BE PISSED!


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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But a lot of the counties in WI are going forward with a hand recount… Dane county (Madison lefties) is one of them! These counties on their own may screw the pooch and being from WI if my vote is not counted I WILL BE PISSED!
From what I understand, the choice was left to the counties. I still maintain that the whole point of the recount is to force one state or two to miss the December 13th deadline, or add massive pressure to the Electors to flip their vote in the Electoral College. The Dems are shooting for a contested election where Trump is dropped to below 270 electoral votes, thus forcing a constitutional crisis and necessitating the House to select the president and the Senate selecting the vice president. If that happens, the gates of Hell will be opened.

The democrats and Soros with some allies in the republican #nevertrump faction are working furiously to make it happen. The mainstream media has been quiet about the pressure and death threats the electors are getting. Some electors will flip and become faithless electors and wind up destroying their lives over an election. Some will be breaking the law in their state and will be instantaneously replaced with an elector that will vote according to the vote in the state. Some electors will flip and will gladly take a fine and 30 days in Jail.

One thing is for sure, the population that voted for Trump won't accept a rigged electoral vote at this point.

This may seem wholly negative and tin foil in the baseball cap thinking, but the forces in play right now are weighing the risk of massive, massive social unrest vs. allowing a president-elect to assume the Presidency. There are nutters that want to see the USA burn, citizens and illegal (and legal) immigrants who cannot envision their precious socialism benefits being taken away. The global elite are willing to light the match at this point, something that should concern ALL Americans, not just ones who understand the nature of the global beast and what it has in store for the "Freedoms" we take for granted. An example would be the U.K where posting: "I don't like Islamic Immigrants, they commit crimes" will get you charged with a hate crime.
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Fear of ideology. Finger pointing. Name calling and derision. How, as a people, can we expect this type of behavior to be productive?

As far as racism and elitism goes, looking at the "founding fathers", they were white, predominately better educated than most of the citizenry, all were land owners, a fair percentage had practiced law and all were members of the predominant religion of the day. It's easy to see why early voting rights followed these precepts.

Due to the dynamic nature of the system they put in place, it allowed for the15th Amendment in 1870, 19th Amendment in 1920, the 24th Amendment in 1964, which, all together, allowed all men and women to vote without condition. Counter intuitively, with more inclusion there is more polarization than at any time, aside from the Civil War, in our history.

Aside from the grade school definitions floated already, can anyone here define what made the United States unique at the time of its inception? Granted, that's a loaded question, as the designs of Jefferson and his ilk have been effectively dead since the 1920's...but what's left, if anything, that carries any of that genius with it today?


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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The genius is the creation of a malleable framework within the Constitution to allow amendments and modification, as long as the states in the Republic voted for them. No other country had a system like that in place at the time the United States became the United States. We still have that ability today.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
From what I understand, the choice was left to the counties. I still maintain that the whole point of the recount is to force one state or two to miss the December 13th deadline, or add massive pressure to the Electors to flip their vote in the Electoral College. The Dems are shooting for a contested election where Trump is dropped to below 270 electoral votes, thus forcing a constitutional crisis and necessitating the House to select the president and the Senate selecting the vice president. If that happens, the gates of Hell will be opened.

The democrats and Soros with some allies in the republican #nevertrump faction are working furiously to make it happen. The mainstream media has been quiet about the pressure and death threats the electors are getting. Some electors will flip and become faithless electors and wind up destroying their lives over an election. Some will be breaking the law in their state and will be instantaneously replaced with an elector that will vote according to the vote in the state. Some electors will flip and will gladly take a fine and 30 days in Jail.

One thing is for sure, the population that voted for Trump won't accept a rigged electoral vote at this point.

This may seem wholly negative and tin foil in the baseball cap thinking, but the forces in play right now are weighing the risk of massive, massive social unrest vs. allowing a president-elect to assume the Presidency. There are nutters that want to see the USA burn, citizens and illegal (and legal) immigrants who cannot envision their precious socialism benefits being taken away. The global elite are willing to light the match at this point, something that should concern ALL Americans, not just ones who understand the nature of the global beast and what it has in store for the "Freedoms" we take for granted. An example would be the U.K where posting: "I don't like Islamic Immigrants, they commit crimes" will get you charged with a hate crime.
hell you don't have to go all the way to Britian to look for totalitarian thought police ..fucking Canada is getting stupid with it..I wonder how Geert Wilders trial is going to end in the netherlands.that could set off a powder keg there.
I certainly hope your assessment is wrong.


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
From what I understand, the choice was left to the counties. I still maintain that the whole point of the recount is to force one state or two to miss the December 13th deadline,

I was agreeing with you…. my point was they seem to be working with the Democratic counties in my (WI) state to make this happen! If you think about it they could wipe out 3 states by just having Democratic counties in each state not getting their count in on time.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I was agreeing with you…. my point was they seem to be working with the Democratic counties in my (WI) state to make this happen! If you think about it they could wipe out 3 states by just having Democratic counties in each state not getting their count in on time.
boy that sure would make the rest of the state pretty pissed off at those counties....


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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Member For 5 Years
I was agreeing with you…. my point was they seem to be working with the Democratic counties in my (WI) state to make this happen! If you think about it they could wipe out 3 states by just having Democratic counties in each state not getting their count in on time.
Yep. That seems to be the goal.


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I was agreeing with you…. my point was they seem to be working with the Democratic counties in my (WI) state to make this happen! If you think about it they could wipe out 3 states by just having Democratic counties in each state not getting their count in on time.
Yep and they are the biggest drains on the state to top it off.... Zamazam is right they seem to want to burn it down!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Yep. That seems to be the goal.
yeah but that would be such a transparent abuse of the system and the country that it would buy the DNC alot of bad blood....hell even people that didn't vote would get pissed off at something so corrupt....the DNC would be rejected.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I read a story about some idiot beuracrat that worked for the Forest Service that started a controled burn on 30 acres of forest and wound up burning down 3,000 acres...playing with fire is dangerous you never know what will happen.....oh the good part of the story is he didn't even lose his job.


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
yeah but that would be such a transparent abuse of the system and the country that it would buy the DNC alot of bad blood....hell even people that didn't vote would get pissed off at something so corrupt....the DNC would be rejected.

I agree but they (DNC) seem to be going so far left. And the far left is nuts enough to do it and think they are doing it for the cause so it must/has to be right…. They are bat shit crazy!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I agree but they (DNC) seem to be going so far left. And the far left is nuts enough to do it and think they are doing it for the cause so it must/has to be right…. They are bat shit crazy!
yeah, well in my experince crazy people usually wind up shooting themselves in the foot..or head...I gotta think that Trump has a small army of lawyers and he's had a small army of lawyers around him most of his adult life, and that if he was worried there was a legal leg to stand on for this recall he'd be alot more nervous than he appears to be.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
yeah but that would be such a transparent abuse of the system and the country that it would buy the DNC alot of bad blood....hell even people that didn't vote would get pissed off at something so corrupt....the DNC would be rejected.

I don't think they care. This recount isn't about gaining favor from the people. It's about preventing Trump the Presidency despite the people.

Normally, it wouldn't matter. Both candidates would have had elite sponsors so whoever won is fine. They have to be very afraid of Trump to go this far.


Diamond Contributor
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ECF Refugee
I pray they pull some fucky shit, and those electors who flip are dems flipping toward trump as a giant GO FUCK YOURSELF!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
If they can give Jill Stein $5 million in 24 hours & follow on with another $3 million, how much would it take to bribe 30 Electors? Hell of a lot more effective than death threats. Those states they can't bribe, they try to remove from the equation by insisting on recounts that cannot be finished by the 13th.

Those that do finish will magically find votes cast on machines never used on Election Day. They keep protestors in the streets, Incite renewed violence beginning December 12th when it is announced the machines are found with significant votes for Hillary so, while pushing that Trump lost popular vote allegations of fraud cannot be investigated and cleared in time. Electors flip, Throw it to congress. Dems & Republicans alike deny Trump.

The mere thought of draining the swamp will never be allowed. Trump is just crazy enough to actually do it and it scares the crap out of all of them.
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Member For 4 Years
Appoint a guy with the nickname Mad Dog as sec of defense I'm with ya ! The whole world and Issis just said ahh shit !

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
If they can give Jill Stein $5 million in 24 hours & follow on with another $3 million, how much would it take to bribe 30 Electors? Hell of a lot more effective than death threats. Those states they can't bribe, they try to remove from the equation by insisting on recounts that cannot be finished by the 13th.

Those that do finish will magically find votes cast on machines never used on Election Day. They keep protestors in the streets, Incite renewed violence beginning December 12th when it is announced the machines are found with significant votes for Hillary so, while pushing that Trump lost popular vote allegations of fraud cannot be investigated and cleared in time. Electors flip, Throw it to congress. Dems & Republicans alike deny Trump.

The mere thought of draining the swamp will never be allowed. Trump is just crazy enough to actually do it and it scares the crap out of all of them.
at this point Jill Stien has raised twice as much money to count votes than she raised to get votes.....


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
at this point Jill Stien has raised twice as much money to count votes than she raised to get votes.....
Must be nice when you can raise more money after loosing the election. Just to prove you lost...... FWIW.... Citizens United had nothing to do with this money source. This particular source is WHY the libs don't like CI. it leveled the playing field.. funding wise....

Too bad they can't blame Trumps election on the ruling. As he spent less money than any candidate. . at least as far back as I can remember. 1984 being my first vote

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Must be nice when you can raise more money after loosing the election. Just to prove you lost...... FWIW.... Citizens United had nothing to do with this money source. This particular source is WHY the libs don't like CI. it leveled the playing field.. funding wise....

Too bad they can't blame Trumps election on the ruling. As he spent less money than any candidate. . at least as far back as I can remember. 1984 being my first vote

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From what I heard one of the curious aspects of Jill Stien's recount money campaign, which is very strange is, that the money came in at a steady stream night and day.....There are a coupke of reasons that this is strange first...people usually don't get up at three o'clock in the morning to donate money...they usually do it during bussiness hours not the middle of the night...also the money was coming in at the same steady rate the day after we all know the day after thanksgiving most people spend half the day in bed and shuffeling around nursing hangovers or lesuirely grazing on leftovers not running to their computers to make political seems that the saudi oil princes are determined to get there money worth they gave to Hilary ...they didn't throw all that money her way just to see it go up in smoke because of a basket of irredemable deplorables want to live with the illusions they live in a republic.


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They're afraid Trumps words while on a bus ten years ago that they tried to use against him might come back on them.

Paraphrasing; 'You can grab 'em by the Pelussy. You can do that when you're a President.'



Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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yeah but that would be such a transparent abuse of the system and the country that it would buy the DNC alot of bad blood....hell even people that didn't vote would get pissed off at something so corrupt....the DNC would be rejected.
The only reason there are not screams of abuse of the system is that Hillary's newest BFF Jill Stein is the one spinning up the recount. If Hillary did it after conceding, then their would be a large rejection of the DNC, even by ardent supporters. Politics is a blood sport, if they cannot beat Trump in an election, they will do whatever they can to extract revenge, or the long shot of making the election contested. Jill Stein may be the poster girl for hard feelings, but that is a diversion. There are some very powerful people with a shit ton of money that are pulling the strings and doing what they can to stop Trump from being sworn in as the 45th President of the USA. To them, Trump represents a terrible enemy, one who will possibly stop or slow their Global takeover of governments.


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Member For 4 Years
The whole Jill Stein shitshow is just a feeble money grab. Apparently on the donation site there's some fine print about the recount may or may not happen but basically give us cash anyway. Tucker Carlson had some mush mouthed twat from the Stein group on there asking point blank what the money would be used for and after a lot of 'ummms' he said well you know, for recounts, official campaign things, future recounts. Future recounts, really? Lmao, what a bunch of shills. Just twatspeak for 'we'll call the funding whatever we have to in order to justify keeping it but don't count on us using all the cash we've raked in on the recount like we're insinuating'.


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Let's watch killary loose all over again . It's fun watching all this money going to waste ! Just proves libs only care about themselves no one else .

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Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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I'm not concerned with Stein's money grab, that's small time political grifting. The thing to watch is the state of Michigan, the AG of Michigan bypassed the appellate court and filed a motion to stop the recount with the Michigan Supreme court. He cited the fact that the recount this late would not be completed by the 13th, rendering the states elector votes null and void. What the democrats want is to tie up the election in court and legal procedures while they work on the remaining state electors who will vote for Trump. This is some serious stuff, not like the hanging chad bs from the past in Florida. This is an all out attempt to invalidate the election by any means necessary. The Dems and #nevertrumpers are desperately seeking a contested election.

Sadly, I think the people who want the contested election have no idea how volatile the situation could become in a flash. The Elites do, they understand the risk of starting massive social unrest and violence, but they don't care. Already the narrative has been created that people who voted Trump are White Supremacists, despite massive evidence to the contrary.

I have been watching how the MSM has been evolving the basket of deplorable's into something much more dangerous. I think the Elites are preparing to ignite a race war. I could be totally off my rocker, but seeing the evolution of the over used label of "Racist" in the media being changed to "White Supremacist" coupled with the violence against Trump supporters in small numbers in major cities, and in the states targeted for a recount, the ground work has been prepared for the government to step in with massive force if the election is successfully tanked and moved to the House and Senate for selection of the President and Vice President.

Obama would declare Martial Law in a heart beat if Trump supporters rose up in defiance of a stolen election. I don't mean to seem gloom and doomy, but more praagmatic looking at the way things are currently happening.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
If going to a total shtf scenario where martial law is declared and all that, not sure Trump supporters have a whole lot to worry about. I mean we have obummer and those who couldn't hit water if they fell out of a boat and all those against guns on the side of obummer and the libs. On the Trump team we have Mattis and a shit ton of 2nd amendment advocates. I know who I'd put my money on and it ain't obummer. lol


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I'm not concerned with Stein's money grab, that's small time political grifting. The thing to watch is the state of Michigan, the AG of Michigan bypassed the appellate court and filed a motion to stop the recount with the Michigan Supreme court. He cited the fact that the recount this late would not be completed by the 13th, rendering the states elector votes null and void. What the democrats want is to tie up the election in court and legal procedures while they work on the remaining state electors who will vote for Trump. This is some serious stuff, not like the hanging chad bs from the past in Florida. This is an all out attempt to invalidate the election by any means necessary. The Dems and #nevertrumpers are desperately seeking a contested election.

Sadly, I think the people who want the contested election have no idea how volatile the situation could become in a flash. The Elites do, they understand the risk of starting massive social unrest and violence, but they don't care. Already the narrative has been created that people who voted Trump are White Supremacists, despite massive evidence to the contrary.

I have been watching how the MSM has been evolving the basket of deplorable's into something much more dangerous. I think the Elites are preparing to ignite a race war. I could be totally off my rocker, but seeing the evolution of the over used label of "Racist" in the media being changed to "White Supremacist" coupled with the violence against Trump supporters in small numbers in major cities, and in the states targeted for a recount, the ground work has been prepared for the government to step in with massive force if the election is successfully tanked and moved to the House and Senate for selection of the President and Vice President.

Obama would declare Martial Law in a heart beat if Trump supporters rose up in defiance of a stolen election. I don't mean to seem gloom and doomy, but more praagmatic looking at the way things are currently happening.
I agree it is an all out assault on our Republic. They have every idea how violent the situation could become, and that is what they will be Banking on in their Investments and will be counting on to justify their coup d'état in the history books. After all Obama will be ordering the military to Quell Civil Unrest Caused BY The Radical White Supremacists following Trump and attacking the peaceful protesters excercising their civil liberties in the streets and lawful governance of his administration.

As I said, the real question is who would the the Military follow. The Boys in Blue may just follow Trump because of the undeclared war against them already underway in the streets of the cities. The Military may refuse orders to fire on Blue Collar American Citizens, but by law, they would have to follow Obama or be subject to Court Martial.

Trump really needs a few more jobs deals with American Companies before Dec 13 - 20th to make the Never Trump Republicans and Dems alike think twice before rolling the dice by going along with this plan.
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