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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
There are alt.rights then there are alt.rights...Checkout what Milo has to say
about being lumped in the alt right cat
Milo is alt-right.... fuck the way CNN is trying paint the alt-right they are doing it so the can discredit the alt-right...becuase it played the largest role in keeping Hilary out of the whitehouse.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Milo is alt-right.... fuck the way CNN is trying paint the alt-right they are doing it so the can discredit the alt-right...becuase it played the largest role in keeping Hilary out of the whitehouse.
If it was so Milo wouldn't be bitching. Yes, the spin makes everybody look bad
but there is an extreme wing of the alt right who are a cunt hair away from being nazis.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
If it was so Milo wouldn't be bitching. Yes, the spin makes everybody look bad
but there is an extreme wing of the alt right who are a cunt hair away from being nazis.
oh boy there are about a dozen wings of the left that are fucking man people were and even today being beaten in our streets for voting for Trump...we have cops being assassinated every week , we have BLM burning neighborhoods down and you are freaking over a fearmongering meme created by fake news. Robert spencer is not the alt right...he doesn't have enough supporters to throw a picnic.....this is the narritive being created by the elite to silince any dissent and to justify the violent attacking of any political dissinter.Never,never in my life have americans been attacked in the streets for their political beliefs during a presidential election and it has all been done by the left not the right.I don't let CNN define the alt-right or the fucking SPLC or any of the other fake news outlet like the NYT who got caught being in the pocket of the DNC.'s Milo in his own words define the alt-right...why don't you mention Alex Jones,Paul Joesph Watson , Mike Cernavich,Gavin Mc Iness

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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I'm afraid "Nation of immigrants" is a false narrative. You could also say we are a nation of people. It means nothing because every Nation is a Nation of people.

If we want to go to extremes, depending on ones scientific or religious views, as far as I know every nation is a nation of immigrants except maybe one country in Africa but there were not any nations at the time. Of course, if we believe the bible stories, we are a planet of immigrants as we were all placed here by God.

But, it's all moot.

The only relevance that "Nation of immigrants" has is in it's context. In the context of of a Nation's policies, Pulse is correct. We are a Nation of citizens. Immigrants are irrelevant with the exception of the actual immigration policy. Immigrants have no say in our policy until they become citizens. In the context of history, every Nation is a Nation of immigrants.
just read this. I both agree and disagree.
While we are a nation where as I've stated before, citizens decide if not directly then by proxy,
how the nation functions, the US is a nation where the inhabitants come from all parts of the world and in all colors and creeds.
I recognize your point that all nations are made up of immigrants but I qualify that.
Sure migrations have been happening since the ice age, but generally most nations are made up of
majorities of particular ethnic groups with distinguishing stereotypical physical characteristics, cultures, and common language.

So yes, most nations are made up of immigrants who have been there for thousands of years.
But the US is made up of different groups who have settled here at different points in the short time the country has existed.
Supposedly the different ethnic/cultural groups are a melting pot
where the ethnicity was suppressed an an artificial "Americana" accepted. Lately the push for diversity has
changed some of that.
America is a country of laws, citizens, and immigrants. All of those statements are equally valid.
To say immigrants are irrelevant to national policy other than immigration policy
doesn't take into consideration the effect of those immigrants, especially the illegal immigrants, on the workforce,
infrastructure, ETC of said nation and it's laws and's a gestalt, no one piece of the puzzle is irrelevant to the whole
dynamic. If immigrants are irrelevant Trump has no base on which to build his wall
or deport illegal immigrants. :)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
just read this. I both agree and disagree.
While we are a nation where as I've stated before, citizens decide if not directly then by proxy,
how the nation functions, the US is a nation where the inhabitants come from all parts of the world and in all colors and creeds.
I recognize your point that all nations are made up of immigrants but I qualify that.
Sure migrations have been happening since the ice age, but generally most nations are made up of
majorities of particular ethnic groups with distinguishing stereotypical physical characteristics, cultures, and common language.

So yes, most nations are made up of immigrants who have been there for thousands of years.
But the US is made up of different groups who have settled here at different points in the short time the country has existed.
Supposedly the different ethnic/cultural groups are a melting pot
where the ethnicity was suppressed an an artificial "Americana" accepted. Lately the push for diversity has
changed some of that.
America is a country of laws, citizens, and immigrants. All of those statements are equally valid.
To say immigrants are irrelevant to national policy other than immigration policy
doesn't take into consideration the effect of those immigrants, especially the illegal immigrants, on the workforce,
infrastructure, ETC of said nation and it's laws and's a gestalt, no one piece of the puzzle is irrelevant to the whole
dynamic. If immigrants are irrelevant Trump has no base on which to build his wall
or deport illegal immigrants. :)
I'm not sure what point you are trying to make.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I'm not sure what point you are trying to make.
That we're all correct. All three statements, America is a nation of...take your pick.
I'm not the one arguing here, just pointing out that all the variables need be considered if saying America is whatever.
America is a nation of laws made by citizens whose families or they themselves came from elsewhere.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
oh boy there are about a dozen wings of the left that are fucking man people were and even today being beaten in our streets for voting for Trump...we have cops being assassinated every week , we have BLM burning neighborhoods down and you are freaking over a fearmongering meme created by fake news. Robert spencer is not the alt right...he doesn't have enough supporters to throw a picnic.....this is the narritive being created by the elite to silince any dissent and to justify the violent attacking of any political dissinter.Never,never in my life have americans been attacked in the streets for their political beliefs during a presidential election and it has all been done by the left not the right.I don't let CNN define the alt-right or the fucking SPLC or any of the other fake news outlet like the NYT who got caught being in the pocket of the DNC.'s Milo in his own words define the alt-right...why don't you mention Alex Jones,Paul Joesph Watson , Mike Cernavich,Gavin Mc Iness

What meme and who is freaking? Chill.
Milo is freaking about being labeled an alt right extremist.
I just watched Alex Jones bitching about being associated to the Klan.
I hate the way Joseph Watson talks and much prefer to watch Margaret Howl.

Yes, those people are considered alt right and yes the left is creating a myth of extremism
and associating it to the above in order to discredit the populist movement. Granted and agreed.
But the myth does not negate the reality that there exist mass quantities
of anti-Zionist, white nationalist racist bigots who have been considered the real alt right
for years and many of those people championed Trump and have began to use his victory as an excuse.
The latter was recently mentioned by Donald himself.
The Obummer administration's divisiveness has woken the racist in more than the blacks
and all myths are created from bits of truth.


Member For 3 Years
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goodo for you, but as I pointed out this is a nation of citizens and the citizens don't want to be overrun by an invasion from latin america, or Norway,or outer Mongolia...they want the laws they created and their right to self determination respected. ...the invasion of 30 million forgien nationals usually calls for the measured response of putting troops on your border.and the measured response for a political class that refuses to enforce the laws created by the people and ..far more conspires to circumvient those laws is to charge them with treason.

Historically speaking, since the time of McKinley, they have a lot more to worry about from us than we do from them.

"I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents." - Major General Smedley Butler, USMC


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
What meme and who is freaking? Chill.
Milo is freaking about being labeled an alt right extremist.
I just watched Alex Jones bitching about being associated to the Klan.
I hate the way Joseph Watson talks and much prefer to watch Margaret Howl.

Yes, those people are considered alt right and yes the left is creating a myth of extremism
and associating it to the above in order to discredit the populist movement. Granted and agreed.
But the myth does not negate the reality that there exist mass quantities
of anti-Zionist, white nationalist racist bigots who have been considered the real alt right
for years and many of those people championed Trump and have began to use his victory as an excuse.
The latter was recently mentioned by Donald himself.
The Obummer administration's divisiveness has woken the racist in more than the blacks
and all myths are created from bits of truth.
dude alot of the world is ant-zionist nobody seems to care...go check out David Horwitz...almost every single American University campus has a disinvestment movement....that is totally ant-zionist.....most of the entire european left is ant-zionist, and support palastine. nobody seems to think any of them are a problem....besides ant-zionist is not the same as ant-semetic.
Hilary Clinton was endorsed by the head of The Communist Party know they guys who supported Mao and Stalin and Castro YAWN..
Bernie Sanders was endosrsed by BLM the guys who advocted pigs in a blanket fry them like bacon...what do we want dead cops when do we want them now...YAWN......,
white nationalist, is the new DNC used to be "racist" but they wore that one into the ground and now nobody takes them now the Great White Devil has a new name to scare the lillte chilins....white nationalist....same old thing in a brand new's just fearmongering and I refuse to legitamize it.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Historically speaking, since the time of McKinley, they have a lot more to worry about from us than we do from them.

"I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents." - Major General Smedley Butler, USMC
then they should build a wall....Us I.... love that bullshit...US...US isn't Standard Oil..US isn't The American Fruit Company.US isn't the sugar companies...nobody I know sits on the board of any of those companies....none of my family or friends were on the board...this is a canard that the left uses ,the left wants people to focus on America and Capitalisim, and not focus on the people.....they want you to grab your little red book mindfuck yourself and memorize your mantras....They want you to use your energy bringing down capitalisim....not bringing down the PEOPLE who sold their own countries resources out to make themselves rich like Hugo Chavez did..his daughter is worth about 4 billion dollars while venezuelans are starving...or the go after the PEOPLE who sit on the boards of those companies, and what laws they broke and which senators they bribed and put them in prison...or go after the bankers who orchestrated this all...OH no we can over throw the goverment ,but Godforbid we actually use the FBI, and the massive resources we got to go after the PEOPLE who actually committ crimes. instead we can jackoff to political theroies.and why we jack off to picture of che and kill the anti-revolutionaries the bankers continue to hide in the shadows and the heads of the corporations build the peoples tractors.
You got a real selctive memory dude ...alot of these same guy busted the heads of american vetrans after the WWI, and the heads of coal miners in appalachia and union members in Nevada and Idaho and SF.and Big Bill Haywood was thrown in leavenworth had his citizenship stripped and deported...the first american based corprate lawyer that crosses the rio grande and breaks their laws ...the people of mexico have my permission to shot him.
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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
dude alot of the world is ant-zionist nobody seems to care...go check out David Horwitz...almost every single American University campus has a disinvestment movement....that is totally ant-zionist.....most of the entire european left is ant-zionist, and support palastine. nobody seems to think any of them are a problem....besides ant-zionist is not the same as ant-semetic.
Hilary Clinton was endorsed by the head of The Communist Party know they guys who supported Mao and Stalin and Castro YAWN..
Bernie Sanders was endosrsed by BLM the guys who advocted pigs in a blanket fry them like bacon...what do we want dead cops when do we want them now...YAWN......,
white nationalist, is the new DNC used to be "racist" but they wore that one into the ground and now nobody takes them now the Great White Devil has a new name to scare the lillte chilins....white nationalist....same old thing in a brand new's just fearmongering and I refuse to legitamize it.

Dude. I've been studying the phenomena for dozens of years.
Yea, everybody hates Jews, the left, the right, ETC...but the alt right I refer to is real
and extremely serious. They've infiltrated many of the patriot groups, militias, police
and even armed forces.
You seem to think I'm reacting to a button push by the left.
I'm not, if anything I'm explaining why people like Milo and Alex Jones dislike being associated
to the alt right., Milo might call himself alt.right and get off on the romanticism
but he makes a distinction between the people I'm referring to and Tea Partier types.
The white nationalism you think I mean is left wing propaganda
the guys I do mean are serious and seriously dangerous. I do not react to buttons or bullshit.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
then they should build a wall....Us I.... love that bullshit...US...US isn't Standard Oil..US isn't The American Fruit Company.US isn't the sugar companies...nobody I know sits on the board of any of those companies....none of my family or friends were on the board...this is a canard that the left uses ,the left wants people to focus on America and Capitalisim, and not focus on the people.....they want you to grab your little red book mindfuck yourself and memorize your mantras....They want you to use your energy bringing down capitalisim....not bringing down the PEOPLE who sold their own countries resources out to make themselves rich like Hugo Chavez did..his daughter is worth about 4 billion dollars while venezuelans are starving...or the go after the PEOPLE who sit on the boards of those companies, and what laws they broke and which senators they bribed and put them in prison...or go after the bankers who orchestrated this all...OH no we can over throw the goverment ,but Godforbid we actually use the FBI, and the massive resources we got to go after the PEOPLE who actually committ crimes. instead we can jackoff to political theroies.and why we jack off to picture of che and kill the anti-revolutionaries the bankers continue to hide in the shadows and the heads of the corporations build the peoples tractors.

The reason that I didn't reply to @cynical1 is because I can't argue with the truth
and I wanted to see you take the bait.
Yes, while you may think US is us and we rule US all of the above mentioned US's are who really make the rules.
All of the information in cynical's post is not left wing propaganda.
All of it is history..history which is used as propaganda by leftist revolutionaries to entice the poor and the stupid idealists into
fighting for socialist systems which have been proven not to work
but never-the-less truthful verifiable history. All the way back to the beginning of the colonies,
Mayflower and religious freedom my ass.
America as was founded by the London Company.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Dude. I've been studying the phenomena for dozens of years.
Yea, everybody hates Jews, the left, the right, ETC...but the alt right I refer to is real
and extremely serious. They've infiltrated many of the patriot groups, militias, police
and even armed forces.
You seem to think I'm reacting to a button push by the left.
I'm not, if anything I'm explaining why people like Milo and Alex Jones dislike being associated
to the alt right., Milo might call himself alt.right and get off on the romanticism
but he makes a distinction between the people I'm referring to and Tea Partier types.
The white nationalism you think I mean is left wing propaganda
the guys I do mean are serious and seriously dangerous. I do not react to buttons or bullshit.
dude I am white pisses me the fuck off to have to say this again...I have known four generations of my family..both side of my family are a mix of white and american Indians but people call us white whatever....of those four generations my great grandparents,my grnadparents, great uncles and aunts,my father my uncles my aunts,my brothers and sister my cousins...all those folks...all the white frineds that I have ever had, all the white people I've ever met...not one single one of those people has ever mentioned even in passing as having met an honest to God Klansman,,has ever met an honest to God Nazi except the ones they shot at in Germany in the 1940s.....and yet I'm supposed to believe they are a HUGE threat to the republic......I'm not buying it....I'll tell you to honest to God truth...I have personally in my life ..met more people who have seen Bigfoot, than have seen a klansmen.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The reason that I didn't reply to @cynical1 is because I can't argue with the truth
and I wanted to see you take the bait.
Yes, while you may think US is us and we rule US all of the above mentioned US's are who really make the rules.
All of the information in cynical's post is not left wing propaganda.
All of it is history..history which is used as propaganda by leftist revolutionaries to entice the poor and the stupid idealists into
fighting for socialist systems which have been proven not to work
but never-the-less truthful verifiable history. All the way back to the beginning of the colonies,
Mayflower and religious freedom my ass.
America as was founded by the London Company.
the bankers funded Lenin...the bankers funded Hitler..fucking Standard Oil had pumps pumping in russia during the time of the Soviets...I'm not interested in stupid revolutions...I'm interested in the names of the bankers and nailing their asses to a tree.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
dude I am white pisses me the fuck off to have to say this again...I have known four generations of my family..both side of my family are a mix of white and american Indians but people call us white whatever....of those four generations my great grandparents,my grnadparents, great uncles and aunts,my father my uncles my aunts,my brothers and sister my cousins...all those folks...all the white frineds that I have ever had, all the white people I've ever met...not one single one of those people has ever mentioned even in passing as having met an honest to God Klansman,,has ever met an honest to God Nazi except the ones they shot at in Germany in the 1940s.....and yet I'm supposed to believe they are a HUGE threat to the republic......I'm not buying it....I'll tell you to honest to God truth...I have personally in my life ..met more people who have seen Bigfoot, than have seen a klansmen.
But you and your clan aren't the only people in the US
and I HAVE met real honest to goodness Nazis, skinhead and otherwise.
I have also met Klansmen and women. I hitch-hiked through much of North Central Florida,
Georgia, and Alabama..I've even met klansmen at Ft the AF and Navy. Right here down at Homestead
and over on the west coast.
You don't have to believe me..but you should get out more often and be nice so
klansmen and nazis open up to you..they're out there..they want you on their side.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
the bankers funded Lenin...the bankers funded Hitler..fucking Standard Oil had pumps pumping in russia during the time of the Soviets...I'm not interested in stupid revolutions...I'm interested in the names of the bankers and nailing their asses to a tree.
More bankers will come.
I'll leave you to argue with the peanut gallery. later


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
But you and your clan aren't the only people in the US
and I HAVE met real honest to goodness Nazis, skinhead and otherwise.
I have also met Klansmen and women. I hitch-hiked through much of North Central Florida,
Georgia, and Alabama..I've even met klansmen at Ft the AF and Navy. Right here down at Homestead
and over on the west coast.
You don't have to believe me..but you should get out more often and be nice so
klansmen and nazis open up to you..they're out there..they want you on their side.
well they all got around you'd think one of them would have bumped into the creature..


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Dude. I've been studying the phenomena for dozens of years.
Yea, everybody hates Jews, the left, the right, ETC...but the alt right I refer to is real
and extremely serious. They've infiltrated many of the patriot groups, militias, police
and even armed forces.
You seem to think I'm reacting to a button push by the left.
I'm not, if anything I'm explaining why people like Milo and Alex Jones dislike being associated
to the alt right., Milo might call himself alt.right and get off on the romanticism
but he makes a distinction between the people I'm referring to and Tea Partier types.
The white nationalism you think I mean is left wing propaganda
the guys I do mean are serious and seriously dangerous. I do not react to buttons or bullshit.

No. The narrative is false again. Your letting the left dictate the definition.

The alt-right was always people that leaned republican but got tired of the elite of the bunch. Those corrupt elite like McCain and Romney. The alt-right labeled itself alt-right because we all turned to alternative media. That's where the "alt" comes from.

White supremacists have been and still are white supremacists. They never changed their names. There never was a klan meeting changing their name to the alt-right.

Understanding that racists exist is one thing. Letting the left redefine the alt-right as a completely racist movement is quite another. You cannot let the left make up their own definition. I suppose you can, but it isn't wise. I will not allow myself to be redefined. It's fucking stupid to let the left redefine the movement. They try to label everyone in opposition to them as racist. They do it to literally every political opponent. Letting them redefine the term alt-right allows them to label anyone that has read Alex Jones, or Brietbart, or Drudge(the alternative media of the right) as a racist. Their whole intent of redefining the movement is to marginalize media that is not FOX or CNN or the Washington post.

Your very smart, but a bit naive. Words have meaning and those that are allowed to define, or in many cases redefine them, do so for a purpose. The whole alt-right label is an attempt to marginalize those who don't spout the official government and mainstream media propaganda. The redefining is a propaganda tool all on it's own. I'm actually surprised the real alt-right is allowing it to happen. It's the same reason the left pushes the whole "nation of immigrants" mantra. It's propaganda to make people think we have to allow open borders because we are a "nation of immigrants". These are all catch phrases to sway public opinion. It's intentional and has a purpose.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
What the fuck am i watching....

This is what discredits him. He is right in a lot of what he does but he sounds like a loon because he is stretching things so far to make a point that no one wants to listen anymore because of the obvious bias. I can't listen to him, but I like a lot of stuff done by supporting members. Sadly what he reports on there is a certain probably of an amount of truth in and I really do need to give him more time & attention.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
But you and your clan aren't the only people in the US
and I HAVE met real honest to goodness Nazis, skinhead and otherwise.
I have also met Klansmen and women. I hitch-hiked through much of North Central Florida,
Georgia, and Alabama..I've even met klansmen at Ft the AF and Navy. Right here down at Homestead
and over on the west coast.
You don't have to believe me..but you should get out more often and be nice so
klansmen and nazis open up to you..they're out there..they want you on their side.

How long ago?

These groups are tiny now. Even when the klan has their publicity rallies, there are like 8 scruffy fat dudes wearing sheets standing on the courthouse steps in some small southern town. With a permit to be there for crying out loud.

I know lots of people that think racist jokes and sterotypes are funny. But none of them are klan or nazi or skinhead or anything. Most of them have brown spouses and kids.

If the liberal media could find a large group to report on, they certainly would. I guarantee they've tried. But they can't so that is why they try to redefine the alt-right as a racist group. The racist Organizations of old are tiny so they have to invent a new large one.
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Member For 3 Years
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Good luck nailing the bankers of the world to a tree. No one was ever convicted for war profiteering after the First World War, the Second World War...etc...all the way up to the latest debacle politely named the Great Recession. GM kept their European franchise running like clockwork during the war and was even granted compensation for the factories in Germany that were bombed by the British and the Americans.

History is. We have used way too much varnish over the years, but it seems to be as effective now as it was at the turn of the last century.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
That's what scares me, the political elite would rather start a fucking civil war than concede an election. This shit has a possibility of being reality in the near future. Knowing what I do about America, it won't take much for the political elite to start a race war, then civil war. They are that fucking evil and desperate. Lord I hope not....
About 60 pages back I vetted my fears about Sorros bribing the Electors to change their votes, what that might do to this country explaining that there was profit to be had for someone who invested large sums wisely by knowing when and what might happen and asked how far down the rabbit hole our nation might follow. He only needed to bribe 30 people out of 538 to swing the results overall. (Maybe he couldn't do that and decided to take three states out of the equation making the desired result more easily attainable). I couldn't think of another reason to continue to invest money into the continued protests after losing the election you had invested so much in installing your puppet into the office. The lack of comment discouraging protests & more importantly the violent episodes & destruction that resulted from them by Obama & Hillary convinced me the fix was in & told me they were complicit. This other stuff just seals the deal in my mind.

In my opinion, the allegations of voter fraud that are baseless & the recounts are just stage dressing to convince the sheep & those who voted for Trump with great fear of what he was capable of (I am one of those) that the shifting of the Electors is based on genuine and altruistic concerns.

You are right to be concerned. A Coup is a genuine possibility either in the College or the House. A clash when the Republicans hit the streets to let our voices be heard that this will not stand is inevitable. Financial markets around the world will heave as a result of the Stongest Nation on Earth Self Destructing. It is my fear that This is exactly what they are trying to produce for no other reason than their utter greed. The destruction of our nation could very well be the result. The only thought that comforts me is that Republicans are well armed and Democrats tend to make themselves easy targets. The fight will indeed be unfairly matched. The main concern should be who will the military follow and have you called your broker to prepare for the coming collapse?

Sincerely hope we as a nation can rise above this and not allow those in on the fix to profit from betting against this nation. Do sincerely hope the bedrock our founders laid down is stable enough to keep us from falling in the Rabbit Hole and allow this Republic survive this all out assault on everything we hold dear. My sincere fear is I might be wrong in those hopes.
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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
How long ago?

These groups are tiny now. Even when the klan has their publicity rallies, there are like 8 scruffy fat dudes wearing sheets standing on the courthouse steps in some small southern town. With a permit to be there for crying out loud.

I know lots of people that think racist jokes and sterotypes are funny. But none of them are klan or nazi or skinhead or anything. Most of them have brown spouses and kids.

If the liberal media could find a large group to report on, they certainly would. I guarantee they've tried. But they can't so that is why they try to redefine the alt-right as a racist group. The racist Organizations of old are tiny so they have to invent a new large one.
Not long ago. As I said, keeping track of such groups is a special study of mine.
The Klan is being offered as an example and associated to the right by the left
but I'm talking about a few trailer park trash rednecks with sheets.
I am not talking about the KKK though they are part of it. I'm talking about neo-nazi groups, CI,
and many agitators who have infiltrated the patriot militias which are already right wing to begin with.

Dude, the people I'm talking about don't have rallies. They don't attract attention.
But if you know what to look for, the identifying signs and symbols, the coded words,
you can even find them surreptitiously recruiting all over social media.
Look in militia forums, preppers, patriot groups, all type of places have the odor of their presence.
There are thousands. If the liberal media didn't have their heads in their collective butts they could find
these folks because they hide in the open, but it takes work and nobody is willing to work anymore


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
No. The narrative is false again. Your letting the left dictate the definition.

No, you're letting the left dictate MY DEFINITION. Again, you seem to think that by alt right I'm talking about
what you and the left's propaganda machine are talking about.
I'm not discussing drunken rednecks nor am I discussing the intellectual right elite
who write a lot and make money off stirring the shit and rabble rousing.

Your very smart, but a bit naive. Words have meaning and those that are allowed to define, or in many cases redefine them, do so for a purpose. The whole alt-right label is an attempt to marginalize those who don't spout the official government and mainstream media propaganda

Naive? You think you're wise, junior. Remember that in your words I'm an old man.
Nowhere have I challenged the above statement. In fact you keep trying to redefine my words to fit your narrative
that I'm somehow defending the left's accusations
an in doing so you and especially pulse vape keep missing what I'm saying.
and it isn't this Milo type limp wristed republican
activist type nor is it the Breibart run your mouth about the constitution a lot type
nor is it the NRA and the rest of the 2nd amendment hard core gun freaks.
These are people who don't give a damn about the constitution though they pay lip service to it.
They train internationally, they travel to and fro, and they are real.
In your rejection (reaction) to the left's spin
you are allowing the leftist propaganda to blind you to the existence of the real thing.
That there is a real thing is the reason that Milo, Jones, ETC are so adamantly
fighting the association with the term alt right..they aware of the existence of the real alt right
the one that isn't a myth.

Don't take my word for it. Look for it and you will find it
as long as you don't let your own reaction get in the way. The rabbit hole goes much deeper than you think
and at this point it's you who seems a bit naive.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
No, you're letting the left dictate MY DEFINITION. Again, you seem to think that by alt right I'm talking about
what you and the left's propaganda machine are talking about.
I'm not discussing drunken rednecks nor am I discussing the intellectual right elite
who write a lot and make money off stirring the shit and rabble rousing.

Naive? You think you're wise, junior. Remember that in your words I'm an old man.
Nowhere have I challenged the above statement. In fact you keep trying to redefine my words to fit your narrative
that I'm somehow defending the left's accusations
an in doing so you and especially pulse vape keep missing what I'm saying.
and it isn't this Milo type limp wristed republican
activist type nor is it the Breibart run your mouth about the constitution a lot type
nor is it the NRA and the rest of the 2nd amendment hard core gun freaks.
These are people who don't give a damn about the constitution though they pay lip service to it.
They train internationally, they travel to and fro, and they are real.
In your rejection (reaction) to the left's spin
you are allowing the leftist propaganda to blind you to the existence of the real thing.
That there is a real thing is the reason that Milo, Jones, ETC are so adamantly
fighting the association with the term alt right..they aware of the existence of the real alt right
the one that isn't a myth.

Don't take my word for it. Look for it and you will find it
as long as you don't let your own reaction get in the way. The rabbit hole goes much deeper than you think
and at this point it's you who seems a bit naive.

Then I don't understand your definition. You said Milo is bitching about being associated with the alt right because of the racist element. That's not what I get from listening to him or reading what he says. He talks about the alt right as an ideology(more of a modge podge of ideologies). He doesn't associate himself with the alt right as an ideology. He discounts the racist element as being very small. I can't speak for him, but my impression is that he is ideologically neutral and is more interested in dispelling political myths, particularly with liberals(both standard liberals and republican liberals). To me, his desire to not be labeled as part of the alt right is ideological rather than a fear of being labeled a racist. The same reason I don't want to be labelled a social conservative. The left has always labelled the social conservatives as racist, and the handfull racists have generally supported social conservatives, but that's not why I don't want to be labelled one. I'm not a social conservative whether racists are drawn to it or not.

I disagree that there are a large segment of racist groups. Sure, they exist. But they are small and insignificant. In Milo's own words, from the above link;

"Those looking for Nazis under the bed can rest assured that they do exist. On the other hand, there’s just not very many of them, no-one really likes them, and they’re unlikely to achieve anything significant in the alt-right.

What little remains of old-school white supremacy and the KKK in America constitutes a tiny, irrelevant contingent with no purchase on public life and no support even from what the media would call the “far-Right.” (Admittedly, these days that includes anyone who votes Republican.)"

Milo does not want to be labelled as the alt right for ideological reasons. Not racist reasons. He doesn't believe there are many Nazis or Klan or that they are significant in the alt right.


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
ECF Refugee
I'm a Minnesotan that lived in Texas for 26 years. I can't speak for the other southern states, but I encountered one real racist during my time there. The guy gave me the creeps. It's a little different when one is a northerner than someone living their whole lives in the south..... basically, I was on the outside looking in.

Anyway, the kook fringes (KKK and other racists) are definitely a minority in this country. Most people don't pay any attention to them except the SJW's and other leftist kooks looking for a problem that doesn't exist on a wide scale.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Then I don't understand your definition. You said Milo is bitching about being associated with the alt right because of the racist element. That's not what I get from listening to him or reading what he says. He talks about the alt right as an ideology(more of a modge podge of ideologies). He doesn't associate himself with the alt right as an ideology. He discounts the racist element as being very small. I can't speak for him, but my impression is that he is ideologically neutral and is more interested in dispelling political myths, particularly with liberals(both standard liberals and republican liberals). To me, his desire to not be labeled as part of the alt right is ideological rather than a fear of being labeled a racist. The same reason I don't want to be labelled a social conservative. The left has always labelled the social conservatives as racist, and the handfull racists have generally supported social conservatives, but that's not why I don't want to be labelled one. I'm not a social conservative whether racists are drawn to it or not.

I disagree that there are a large segment of racist groups. Sure, they exist. But they are small and insignificant. In Milo's own words, from the above link;

"Those looking for Nazis under the bed can rest assured that they do exist. On the other hand, there’s just not very many of them, no-one really likes them, and they’re unlikely to achieve anything significant in the alt-right.

What little remains of old-school white supremacy and the KKK in America constitutes a tiny, irrelevant contingent with no purchase on public life and no support even from what the media would call the “far-Right.” (Admittedly, these days that includes anyone who votes Republican.)"

Milo does not want to be labelled as the alt right for ideological reasons. Not racist reasons. He doesn't believe there are many Nazis or Klan or that they are significant in the alt right.

Look at your first Milo quote.."they do exist"
Milo himself has labeled himself "alt right" but is now trying to disassociate himself from the
definition being assigned to the term by leftist propaganda.

Said definition is one of those definitions you mentioned but not the classic definition.
The classic definition of alt right are the people I'm talking about.

Milo is only a conservative constitutionalist as is Jones and the rest of the people being labeled
alt right by the left. Racism is indeed a part of and intrinsic to the genuine alt right ideology, the two are inseparable.
The reason the left is trying so hard to associate the conservative constitutionalists with the alt right
IS BECAUSE the alt right is real. As I said earlier, there is truth in every myth. Again, that they are real is the reason
Milo doesn't want his name associated with them.
Again, it doesn't matter whether Milo thinks they're significant, it matters that they signify.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I'm a Minnesotan that lived in Texas for 26 years. I can't speak for the other southern states, but I encountered one real racist during my time there. The guy gave me the creeps. It's a little different when one is a northerner than someone living their whole lives in the south..... basically, I was on the outside looking in.

Anyway, the kook fringes (KKK and other racists) are definitely a minority in this country. Most people don't pay any attention to them except the SJW's and other leftist kooks looking for a problem that doesn't exist on a wide scale.

Interestingly, most of the real serious racists I've met are from up north.
Yes, they are a minority...The Bolsheviks were a minority in Russia,
The people who wanted revolution in Cuba were a minority and they weren't Marxists,
and the Nationalist Socialist Party were also a minority in Germany...


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Look at your first Milo quote.."they do exist"
Milo himself has labeled himself "alt right" but is now trying to disassociate himself from the
definition being assigned to the term by leftist propaganda.

Said definition is one of those definitions you mentioned but not the classic definition.
The classic definition of alt right are the people I'm talking about.

Milo is only a conservative constitutionalist as is Jones and the rest of the people being labeled
alt right by the left. Racism is indeed a part of and intrinsic to the genuine alt right ideology, the two are inseparable.
The reason the left is trying so hard to associate the conservative constitutionalists with the alt right
IS BECAUSE the alt right is real. As I said earlier, there is truth in every myth. Again, that they are real is the reason
Milo doesn't want his name associated with them.
Again, it doesn't matter whether Milo thinks they're significant, it matters that they signify.
bullshit,bullshit, and bullshit...the left is trying to co-op the language...the alt-right could call themselves sponge bob and the next day Hilary would say sponge bob are white nationalists...They called Steve Bannon alt-right ,anti-semite,white nationalist.....anyone whose read Brietbart knows Brietbart is not Stormfront....for fucksakes every white person who voted for Trump was called a basket of irredemable deplorables,they were called racists.....after the election white women were being attacked as racists because they voted for Trump....the entire white race in america was called racist because Trump won...again I will not let you or CNN define who and what the alt right is...the left defined Trump supporters as racists, morons,deplorables, misogynists,ect...enough I refuse to comply to anymore thought and speech police...I am pepe....I am alt-right.....#NotAllPepes

The same pieces of shit trying to redefine the alt right are the same pieces of shit trying to redefine....fake news....
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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years

scroll down and read:
During the talk, he outlined some of the ways in which the left can defeat the alt-right, which included bringing an end to safe spaces, building the wall across the Mexican border, and with the criminalization of Black Lives Matter.

“So long as the left continues to treat people like sh*t, we will be here,” he concluded, as the crowd gave him a standing ovation and began to chant his name.
According to Vox, the alt-right is “a movement lurking in Reddit and 4chan threads and in community blogs and forums, a movement of right-wingers who openly argue that democracy is a joke.”

This is typically nonsensical bilge from Vox, given that the alt-right were also apparently responsible for the outcome of the Brexit referendum.

Salon is more succinct. “The alt-right, also known as white nationalism.”

Now, obviously there’s a grain of truth to some of these characterizations.
Interviewer Cathy Newman pressed him for his views on the alt-right movement, which Milo has been at the vanguard of leading, and which has come under fire for perceived extremism following the appointment of Steve Bannon as Donald Trump’s chief White House strategist.

Milo started the interview saying the usual platitudes about the alt-right — only to change course and object to Newman describing him as “one of their cheerleaders.” The provocateur took exception to being described this way replying: “No, the media is desperate to crown me the queen of it [the alt-right movement]. … All I’ve ever done as a reporter is give them a fair hearing, give them a fair crack of the whip in the press. For that crime I have been called all sorts of awful names.”
The alt-right (short for "alternative right") is a loose group of people with far right ideologies who reject mainstream conservatism in the United States.[1][2] The alt-right has no formal ideology, although various sources have stated that white nationalism is fundamental.[1][2][3] It has also been associated with white supremacism,[4][5][6] Islamophobia,[7][8][9][10] antifeminism,[1][11] homophobia,[12][13][14] antisemitism,[1][2][15] ethno-nationalism,[16] right-wing populism,[3] nativism,[17] traditionalism, and the neoreactionary movement.[4][18] The concept lacks a consensus ideology, and has further been associated with multiple groups from American nationalists, neo-monarchists, far-right leaning men's rights advocates, and people who oppose mainstream conservatism.

Read the rest at wiki

Read it..and these aren't even the people I'm talking about.
The alternative right, more commonly known as the alt-right, is an amorphous movement. Some — mostly Establishment types — insist it’s little more than a vehicle for the worst dregs of human society: anti-Semites, white supremacists, and other members of the Stormfront set. They’re wrong.

There are many things that separate the alternative right from old-school racist skinheads (to whom they are often idiotically compared), but one thing stands out above all else: intelligence. Skinheads, by and large, are low-information, low-IQ thugs driven by the thrill of violence and tribal hatred. The alternative right are a much smarter group of people — which perhaps suggests why the Left hates them so much. They’re dangerously bright.

The origins of the alternative right can be found in thinkers as diverse as Oswald Spengler, H.L Mencken, Julius Evola, Sam Francis, and the paleoconservative movement that rallied around the presidential campaigns of Pat Buchanan. The French New Right also serve as a source of inspiration for many leaders of the alt-right.

Remember boyz and girlz, history has a habit of repeating itself.

Ecclesiastes 1:9
What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.



Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Look at your first Milo quote.."they do exist"
Milo himself has labeled himself "alt right" but is now trying to disassociate himself from the
definition being assigned to the term by leftist propaganda.

Said definition is one of those definitions you mentioned but not the classic definition.
The classic definition of alt right are the people I'm talking about.

Milo is only a conservative constitutionalist as is Jones and the rest of the people being labeled
alt right by the left. Racism is indeed a part of and intrinsic to the genuine alt right ideology, the two are inseparable.
The reason the left is trying so hard to associate the conservative constitutionalists with the alt right
IS BECAUSE the alt right is real. As I said earlier, there is truth in every myth. Again, that they are real is the reason
Milo doesn't want his name associated with them.
Again, it doesn't matter whether Milo thinks they're significant, it matters that they signify.

I reject that outright. Did you not read Milo's story I posted?

So far, your the only person, other than a liberal, that have ever defined the alt right in those terms.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years

bullshit,bullshit, and bullshit...the left is trying to co-op the language...the alt-right could call themselves sponge bob and the next day Hilary would say sponge bob are white nationalists...They called Steve Bannon alt-right ,anti-semite,white nationalist.....anyone whose read Brietbart knows Brietbart is not Stormfront....for fucksakes every white person who voted for Trump was called a basket of irredemable deplorables,they were called racists.....after the election white women were being attacked as racists because they voted for Trump....the entire white race in america was called racist because Trump won...again I will not let you or CNN define who and what the alt right is...the left defined Trump supporters as racists, morons,deplorables, misogynists,ect...enough I refuse to comply to anymore thought and speech police...I am pepe....I am alt-right.....#NotAllPepes

The same pieces of shit trying to redefine the alt right are the same pieces of shit trying to redefine....fake news....

No it isn't bullshit. You;re reading comprehension is being influenced by the very propaganda
you're resisting. If you stop reacting to them and actually read what I'm writing you might actually learn something.
I am not echoing the false accusation based on truth of the left...I am not
repeating or justifying their propaganda. I am explaining to you that
there is an alt right and they aren't who you or the left or who your buddy Milo think.

You want to talk to me and compare what I say to what CNN, an obvious mouthpiece for the left says!?
Nah man. Let me know when you get your head out of where you're keeping it.
I've not disrespected you so far even though you show yourself to be dumb as shit and stupid.
If you went past the 8th grade you sure didn't learn anything.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years

scroll down and read:
During the talk, he outlined some of the ways in which the left can defeat the alt-right, which included bringing an end to safe spaces, building the wall across the Mexican border, and with the criminalization of Black Lives Matter.

“So long as the left continues to treat people like sh*t, we will be here,” he concluded, as the crowd gave him a standing ovation and began to chant his name.
According to Vox, the alt-right is “a movement lurking in Reddit and 4chan threads and in community blogs and forums, a movement of right-wingers who openly argue that democracy is a joke.”

This is typically nonsensical bilge from Vox, given that the alt-right were also apparently responsible for the outcome of the Brexit referendum.

Salon is more succinct. “The alt-right, also known as white nationalism.”

Now, obviously there’s a grain of truth to some of these characterizations.
Interviewer Cathy Newman pressed him for his views on the alt-right movement, which Milo has been at the vanguard of leading, and which has come under fire for perceived extremism following the appointment of Steve Bannon as Donald Trump’s chief White House strategist.

Milo started the interview saying the usual platitudes about the alt-right — only to change course and object to Newman describing him as “one of their cheerleaders.” The provocateur took exception to being described this way replying: “No, the media is desperate to crown me the queen of it [the alt-right movement]. … All I’ve ever done as a reporter is give them a fair hearing, give them a fair crack of the whip in the press. For that crime I have been called all sorts of awful names.”
The alt-right (short for "alternative right") is a loose group of people with far right ideologies who reject mainstream conservatism in the United States.[1][2] The alt-right has no formal ideology, although various sources have stated that white nationalism is fundamental.[1][2][3] It has also been associated with white supremacism,[4][5][6] Islamophobia,[7][8][9][10] antifeminism,[1][11] homophobia,[12][13][14] antisemitism,[1][2][15] ethno-nationalism,[16] right-wing populism,[3] nativism,[17] traditionalism, and the neoreactionary movement.[4][18] The concept lacks a consensus ideology, and has further been associated with multiple groups from American nationalists, neo-monarchists, far-right leaning men's rights advocates, and people who oppose mainstream conservatism.

Read the rest at wiki

Read it..and these aren't even the people I'm talking about.
The alternative right, more commonly known as the alt-right, is an amorphous movement. Some — mostly Establishment types — insist it’s little more than a vehicle for the worst dregs of human society: anti-Semites, white supremacists, and other members of the Stormfront set. They’re wrong.

There are many things that separate the alternative right from old-school racist skinheads (to whom they are often idiotically compared), but one thing stands out above all else: intelligence. Skinheads, by and large, are low-information, low-IQ thugs driven by the thrill of violence and tribal hatred. The alternative right are a much smarter group of people — which perhaps suggests why the Left hates them so much. They’re dangerously bright.

The origins of the alternative right can be found in thinkers as diverse as Oswald Spengler, H.L Mencken, Julius Evola, Sam Francis, and the paleoconservative movement that rallied around the presidential campaigns of Pat Buchanan. The French New Right also serve as a source of inspiration for many leaders of the alt-right.

Remember boyz and girlz, history has a habit of repeating itself.

Ecclesiastes 1:9
What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.

1. You misrepresent what Milo says.

2. You take the rest of your argument from media that wishes to discredit the alt right.

"The alternative right, more commonly known as the alt-right, is an amorphous movement. Some — mostly Establishment types — insist it’s little more than a vehicle for the worst dregs of human society: anti-Semites, white supremacists, and other members of the Stormfront set. They’re wrong."

I'm not sure what part of "They're wrong" that you don't understand.


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
ECF Refugee
Interestingly, most of the real serious racists I've met are from up north.
Yes, they are a minority...The Bolsheviks were a minority in Russia,
The people who wanted revolution in Cuba were a minority and they weren't Marxists,
and the Nationalist Socialist Party were also a minority in Germany...

I've ran across people after moving back to Minnesota that have disdain for minorities, but it's mostly for legit reasons, not racism. This state is packed with Somalis and nobody I know, left or right, likes them.

History, son, history. We know what Bolshevism is and what it will entail. That's the main reason why Democrats keep losing legislatively.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I reject that outright. Did you not read Milo's story I posted?

So far, your the only person, other than a liberal, that have ever defined the alt right in those terms.
Because so far you've been hiding from the obvious truth.
Reject it all you want, it's real and it's coming..disguised as a conservative Republican.

Maybe if you and Pulse read something other than this forum and comic books
you'd understand.
Yes, I've read his crap and lot's of other crap. Did you read where he said as long as the left blah blah "we (the alt right) will be here?
Milo is a drama Queen who makes a living spewing BS, if the alt right wants him to speak and they will pay him
he's alt right, if National Review want him he's a conservative.

Evidently you didn't read any of my posts or understand what I've been saying.
You and PV need a punching bag?


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
1. You misrepresent what Milo says.

2. You take the rest of your argument from media that wishes to discredit the alt right.

"The alternative right, more commonly known as the alt-right, is an amorphous movement. Some — mostly Establishment types — insist it’s little more than a vehicle for the worst dregs of human society: anti-Semites, white supremacists, and other members of the Stormfront set. They’re wrong."

I'm not sure what part of "They're wrong" that you don't understand.

I'm sure that as long as you keep reacting to me as if I was saying the words you and the idiot
keep trying to put in my mouth we won't be communicating.

I'll repeat it one more time 'cause both you dudes are SLOW.
The real alternative right is not what Milo describes and NOT what the left describes.
They are real and they are dangerous.. They are being monitored by several agencies including interpol.
This has nothing to do with this election other than that the left is trying to associate us with them.

The left as well as the establishment conservatives insist alt right is little more than a vehicle for the worst dregs of human society: anti-Semites, white supremacists, and other members of the Stormfront set in an effort to associate constitutional conservatives
with a real phenomenom. You can argue that the attempt is bogus
and we aren't what they say and I will agree.
But you can't argue that the alt right as I describe it. as it is described above
isn't real and it isn't new..maybe a few folks w/o education who live out on the farm fucking sheep
will believe you but you can't convince me because
I have studied them, spoken with them, interviewed them, ETC for possibly from before you entered puberty.

LOL...just yesterday somebody in this group suggested I play stupid
with you guys...


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I've ran across people after moving back to Minnesota that have disdain for minorities, but it's mostly for legit reasons, not racism. This state is packed with Somalis and nobody I know, left or right, likes them.

History, son, history. We know what Bolshevism is and what it will entail. That's the main reason why Democrats keep losing legislatively.

I'm in southern Idaho and I'm sure most people have heard of the compounds in Northern Idaho. The little neonazis of present are nothing compared to Aryans of old. Just google northern idaho compounds.

These groups are tiny and irrelevant.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Because so far you've been hiding from the obvious truth.
Reject it all you want, it's real and it's coming..disguised as a conservative Republican.

Maybe if you and Pulse read something other than this forum and comic books
you'd understand.
Yes, I've read his crap and lot's of other crap. Did you read where he said as long as the left blah blah "we (the alt right) will be here?
Milo is a drama Queen who makes a living spewing BS, if the alt right wants him to speak and they will pay him
he's alt right, if National Review want him he's a conservative.

Evidently you didn't read any of my posts or understand what I've been saying.
You and PV need a punching bag?

What a minute. I've not insulted you. No need to toss comic books at me.

I read this, what don't I understand about it?

Racism is indeed a part of and intrinsic to the genuine alt right ideology, the two are inseparable.

You think racism is quite large and influential. I'm quite certain it is not.

And I'm not picking on you. Maybe I should disagree in silence? I could have just agreed with you I suppose, then we could still be friends? Except, I don't agree at all.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I'm sure that as long as you keep reacting to me as if I was saying the words you and the idiot
keep trying to put in my mouth we won't be communicating.

I'll repeat it one more time 'cause both you dudes are SLOW.
The real alternative right is not what Milo describes and NOT what the left describes.
They are real and they are dangerous.. They are being monitored by several agencies including interpol.
This has nothing to do with this election other than that the left is trying to associate us with them.

The left as well as the establishment conservatives insist alt right is little more than a vehicle for the worst dregs of human society: anti-Semites, white supremacists, and other members of the Stormfront set in an effort to associate constitutional conservatives
with a real phenomenom. You can argue that the attempt is bogus
and we aren't what they say and I will agree.
But you can't argue that the alt right as I describe it. as it is described above
isn't real and it isn't new..maybe a few folks w/o education who live out on the farm fucking sheep
will believe you but you can't convince me because
I have studied them, spoken with them, interviewed them, ETC for possibly from before you entered puberty.

LOL...just yesterday somebody in this group suggested I play stupid
with you guys...

I understand what you are saying. Nobody is saying they don't exist. What we are saying is they are not significant in numbers. They are a subset.

They may even co-opt the alt right term, but it will be because everybody else abandons it. For the vast majority of people involved, alt right is not another word for Nazi. It's a word for the non establishment right. They'd be stupid to abandon it as it will set back the non establishment movement. Likewise, it would be stupid for the Nazi to co-opt it for the same reason. They should grow some balls and name themselves something appropriate, like Nazi.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I understand what you are saying. Nobody is saying they don't exist. What we are saying is they are not significant in numbers. They are a subset.

They may even co-opt the alt right term, but it will be because everybody else abandons it. For the vast majority of people involved, alt right is not another word for Nazi. It's a word for the non establishment right. They'd be stupid to abandon it as it will set back the non establishment movement. Likewise, it would be stupid for the Nazi to co-opt it for the same reason. They should grow some balls and name themselves something appropriate, like Nazi.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I've been reading the Stormfront forum for two hours now. I haven't found anything old(pre election) where they refer to themselves as alt right. It's not in any part of their rather long and detailed introduction to white nationalism. And they don't like libertarians. I'm out of the club, LOL. I'm not done of course. All I've seen so far regarding the alt right is posting of media stories that call the alt right "white nationalists". So far it looks like the media co-opted the alt right term and placed it on white nationalists and the white nationalists seem more than happy for it to stick. Let's be honest, it helps the white nationalists appear much larger than they really are if they accept being called the alt right.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years <--soft core

None of those few examples exist...?
There are many more all over the world...some of them support Trump.
People who identify with the Alt Right regard mainstream or traditional conservatives as weak and impotent, largely because they do not sufficiently support racism and anti-Semitism. Alt Righters frequently disparage the conservative movement by using the derogatory term “cuckservative,” popularized in 2015. The term “cuckservative,” a combination of “conservative” and “cuckold,” is used by white supremacists to describe a white Christian conservative who promotes the interests of Jews and non-whites over those of whites.

Though not every person who identifies with the Alt Right is a white supremacist, most are and “white identity” is central to people in this milieu. In fact, Alt Righters reject modern conservatism explicitly because they believe that mainstream conservatives are not advocating for the interests of white people as a group.

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