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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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We should treat each of them to a gourmet dinner.



Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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So spoiler girl Jill Stein missed the date to file for a recount in PA. November 21 was the deadline. She took the recount to state court and ended up withdrawing it after the judge ordered a 1 million dollar bond from the vote contesters. Now she's going to federal court to force the recount.

This is so typical of Dem's and liberals. If you can't abide by the rules, then cry about it and and sue, sue, sue. Throw lawyers at the situation. Despite all the media spun narrative that the push for a recount is for an honest audit, most people see it for what it is: a stalling tactic designed to invalidate states electoral votes.

She's gaining the media attention she craves, she is seeking to bolster her image as a champion of the people, but in reality she is coming off as a political gamester and media whore. Politically, She's irrelevant now.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
So spoiler girl Jill Stein missed the date to file for a recount in PA. November 21 was the deadline. She took the recount to state court and ended up withdrawing it after the judge ordered a 1 million dollar bond from the vote contesters. Now she's going to federal court to force the recount.

This is so typical of Dem's and liberals. If you can't abide by the rules, then cry about it and and sue, sue, sue. Throw lawyers at the situation. Despite all the media spun narrative that the push for a recount is for an honest audit, most people see it for what it is: a stalling tactic designed to invalidate states electoral votes.

She's gaining the media attention she craves, she is seeking to bolster her image as a champion of the people, but in reality she is coming off as a political gamester and media whore. Politically, She's irrelevant now.
What I don't understand is why the $1 million bond is an issue. She raised much more than this for this very purpose.


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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The 1 million dollar bond needed to be paid for by the voters who were challenging the vote and asking for a recount this late, Stein could not pay the bond because she is not a resident of PA.

She would have to give money to the voters to pay the bond which would have set up a nasty case of ethical violations.


Gold Contributor
Member For 3 Years
So spoiler girl Jill Stein missed the date to file for a recount in PA. November 21 was the deadline. She took the recount to state court and ended up withdrawing it after the judge ordered a 1 million dollar bond from the vote contesters. Now she's going to federal court to force the recount.
The details of how elections are conducted and under what conditions recounts get done are clearly a matter reserved to the individual states. So unless she's got good evidence of federal voting rights violations, I suspect the federal court's reaction will look something like this:

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
What I don't understand is why the $1 million bond is an issue. She raised much more than this for this very purpose.
One thought is keep the money and give it to the Green Party so it can stay alive for the next election ...the Libertarian Party did pretty well this election and will qualify in all states next election the Green Party didn't do so well and will need the money to run an election in the 2020..the DNC got hammered this election...they cheated Bernie outta the nomination, they ran a highly unpopular corrupt canndidate who was tied into the bankers,the corporations,and Islamist despots, who looks like she may be tied into child trafficking,who corrupted the media, who mishandeled classified documents, who was running a play for pay scam outta the state department and who runs a Foundation that is nothing more than a money launderying scam, that may get shut down by the goverment...and the DNC supported such there are alot of liberals who have declared war on the DNC and would likely vote for the Green Party in 2020, but the Green Party is going to need to raise enough money to stay alive till 2020....the fly in the ointment is if they run Jill Stien people won't support them because of this stunt they pulled they will see the Green Party as trifeling ass thugs unworthy of holding political power....


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
So spoiler girl Jill Stein missed the date to file for a recount in PA. November 21 was the deadline. She took the recount to state court and ended up withdrawing it after the judge ordered a 1 million dollar bond from the vote contesters. Now she's going to federal court to force the recount.

This is so typical of Dem's and liberals. If you can't abide by the rules, then cry about it and and sue, sue, sue. Throw lawyers at the situation. Despite all the media spun narrative that the push for a recount is for an honest audit, most people see it for what it is: a stalling tactic designed to invalidate states electoral votes.

She's gaining the media attention she craves, she is seeking to bolster her image as a champion of the people, but in reality she is coming off as a political gamester and media whore. Politically, She's irrelevant now.
yeah I agree...I think she committed the greatest sin of all drug pushers...never do the product yourself....she got toasted on her own bullshit.


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What I find disturbing are the morons posing as adults like Stein and the dickweed in Philly, city atty caught on video spray painting anti Trump crap on buildings. Ok, so you're butthurt. You have differing political views, the other party is the enemy and so on. At what point does some grown ass person wake up and decide 'today I'm going full ghetto'. I mean seriously, I've gotten pissed off, I've voiced my opinions on a variety of things. I've had arguments. At no point since I entered adulthood did it occur to me to spray paint my disdain on someone else's property. And Trump is the concern, the unhinged one. Riiiiighhht.

I think their punishment should be a public spanking. Pull down their pants, bend them over an adult's knee and paddle them like the childish twats they are so everyone can watch. See them disciplined the way they obviously never were but should have been by their parents. Trump may post tweets to express himself. He and Pence aren't filling paper bags with dog shit, lighting them on fire then playing ding-dong-ditch at shillary's doorstep or toilet papering obummer's limo.

Speaking of the howling anus-raked-over-a-cheesegrater squawk box, if shillary is spotted in the woods one more time I think we need to make a call to discovery or animal planet's 'finding bigfoot'. It could be a new reality show, 'squatch watch'.


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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The details of how elections are conducted and under what conditions recounts get done are clearly a matter reserved to the individual states. So unless she's got good evidence of federal voting rights violations, I suspect the federal court's reaction will look something like this:

The federal court bent over backwards for Stein and now says the recount has to go forward until the judge say it must stop. This is federal overreach. The state has been superseded by the feds. The Dems are really going all out for a contested election.


Gold Contributor
Member For 3 Years
The federal court bent over backwards for Stein and now says the recount has to go forward until the judge say it must stop. This is federal overreach. The state has been superseded by the feds. The Dems are really going all out for a contested election.
Which federal court is that?

It looks like the judge the PA recount suit is going in front of is one Paul S. Diamond who previously rejected a lawsuit that alleged Donald Trump’s campaign engaged in voter intimidation and suppression in the state rather harshly:
“belated, inflammatory allegations appear intended to generate only heat, not light. Presumably, that is why identical efforts have so far been rejected by the Arizona and Nevada District Courts and the 6th Circuit.”

Diamond called the Democrats’ late filing a “mad scramble” and said their “heated suggestion” of voter intimidation “does not even rise to the level of speculation.”

“Plaintiff has not shown that any Defendant has engaged or will engage in voter intimidation in this District”


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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Member For 5 Years
Which federal court is that?

It looks like the judge the PA recount suit is going in front of is one Paul S. Diamond who previously rejected a lawsuit that alleged Donald Trump’s campaign engaged in voter intimidation and suppression in the state rather harshly:
U.S. District Judge Mark Goldsmith in Michigan for the Michigan recount.


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Why would Trump meet with Al Gore? What we got recognize his scam ? Pollution doesn't hurt if you pay for it ? Fuckin carbon credits are a joke !

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Senior Moderator
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Why would Trump meet with Al Gore? What we got recognize his scam ? Pollution doesn't hurt if you pay for it ? Fuckin carbon credits are a joke !

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He probably wanted to tell ol Al what a nitwit he to his face.


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LOL. The crying snowflakes might decide to stop paying Federal Tax.

I double dog dare them. I fully endorse this tactic. It won't have the effect they desire, as the US has never been and never will be a democracy, but it will have the effect I desire. When those few blue counties that voted for Hitlery find out just how dependent they are on the rest of the country, they may actually become a bit more of the "tolerant" people that they like to claim they are.

I suspect all the people that did not vote for Hitlery will simply say fine, if you ain't paying neither am I. And then let the chips fall where they will.
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ECF Refugee
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
In other news, a blizzard is raging in ND and the Marxist snowflakes are getting cold.. Real cold. Before this week is over, some digits are going to be compromised. The Sioux chief told them to leave, but these are neanderthal Marxists. They don't take orders from anyone except George Fucking Soros.

Just for fun........
Yeah that "Dances with Wolves" shit aint gonna be so pituresque once the cold winds start blowing.....and all those white trustafarians are gonna think it;s time to look for an "ethnic experince" in a mellower climate...
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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Does anyone else see the humor in the fact that they're so quick to demonize the oil pipeline yet they were happy to drive there to protest? I don't recall many of the protesters walking all the way there to bitch and moan.

Meanwhile Trump is securing more jobs. At this point I think it's just Trump laughing, that he will have officially created more jobs before being sworn in than obummer did during 8yrs in office. lmfao. Not to mention putting the brakes on the $4b af1 upgrade project. I think we'd all agree that Trump's plane is pretty damn pimped out especially in comparison to af1 and it sure as hell didn't cost him $2b (assuming the af1 project is going to replace both planes).


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Does anyone else see the humor in the fact that they're so quick to demonize the oil pipeline yet they were happy to drive there to protest? I don't recall many of the protesters walking all the way there to bitch and moan.

Meanwhile Trump is securing more jobs. At this point I think it's just Trump laughing, that he will have officially created more jobs before being sworn in than obummer did during 8yrs in office. lmfao. Not to mention putting the brakes on the $4b af1 upgrade project. I think we'd all agree that Trump's plane is pretty damn pimped out especially in comparison to af1 and it sure as hell didn't cost him $2b (assuming the af1 project is going to replace both planes).
The AF1 project will probably move forward anyway, and lets face it, those are American jobs too that should not be eliminated. It would cost more to retrofit & maintain the existing 25 year old airframes than to complete the order. The spare parts for the 747-200 are scarce now, by 2023, they will not be available at all.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Does anyone else see the humor in the fact that they're so quick to demonize the oil pipeline yet they were happy to drive there to protest? I don't recall many of the protesters walking all the way there to bitch and moan.

Meanwhile Trump is securing more jobs. At this point I think it's just Trump laughing, that he will have officially created more jobs before being sworn in than obummer did during 8yrs in office. lmfao. Not to mention putting the brakes on the $4b af1 upgrade project. I think we'd all agree that Trump's plane is pretty damn pimped out especially in comparison to af1 and it sure as hell didn't cost him $2b (assuming the af1 project is going to replace both planes).
from what I've read, and I need to read more....the oil company wanted to buy a right of way from the souix, and pay them a lump sum...the souix rejected that offer and wanted a percentage of the oil that went through the pipe...the oil company decided not to route through souix land, and diverted to a piece of land off the souix reservation...this whole demonstration may have less to do with enviromental issues, and following the good red road, than it has to do with trying to force the oil company to pay the price the souix wanted...


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Does anyone else see the humor in the fact that they're so quick to demonize the oil pipeline yet they were happy to drive there to protest? I don't recall many of the protesters walking all the way there to bitch and moan.

Meanwhile Trump is securing more jobs. At this point I think it's just Trump laughing, that he will have officially created more jobs before being sworn in than obummer did during 8yrs in office. lmfao. Not to mention putting the brakes on the $4b af1 upgrade project. I think we'd all agree that Trump's plane is pretty damn pimped out especially in comparison to af1 and it sure as hell didn't cost him $2b (assuming the af1 project is going to replace both planes).
The trump plane is not a nuclear shielded command and control center with a missile defense system. 25yr old AF1 need replacement. Trump was just Tweet explaining to the head of Boeing that he best keep his comments on his business & foreign policy to himself as repercussions might ensue.


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Yea well when I see af1 survive a nuclear blast they can justify $2b+ for a plane. But then everyone else in the country will be dead/dying so no reason to have a president. I wasn't suggesting to keep retrofitting the old plane, my point being new planes don't cost that much. It's obviously heavily padded with various 'misc' charges that get buried in the paperwork and claim to be 'justified'. Just like the over $100b they found wasted in the pentagon spending they tried to bury in bullshit and paperwork. We all know that when a company rapes their customers they aren't passing what they rake in to the peasants working for them. Trying to say well it costs kajillions to employ these people - that just needs met with a large bucket of shut-the-fuck-up. No it doesn't.

They've already wasted over $100m drawing up 'designs' for the new af1, those better be some fantastic fuckin pictures. Not even a reach around. It goes along with the $15 muffins and the rest of the b.s. where the government wastes money and they have the likes of boeing in bed with them doing their cozy thing and filling their pockets at the tax payers expense. Even with all the wasteful spending a nimitz class carrier was around the cost of the af1 project and it was an ocean going city powered by 2 nuclear power plants with a missile defense system, an air traffic control tower, likely nuclear warheads (unconfirmed/classified) etc. When they can turn af1 into a shape shifting stealth plane instead of a glorified fart tube then they can justify $4b.

For all that af1 is capable of there's much it's not capable of, such as flying at 70-80k feet, breaching mach 3, maneuverability sucks (it's still a classic fart tube), it's slow, it still has to be refueled in flight to keep it aloft. Planes capable of 70k ft + ceilings and mach 3 are cheaper by far. Missile deterrent systems are only meh, their biggest asset if at threat in the air is support from much cheaper higher performance and better equipped fighter jets. Left on their own they're a sitting duck. All that fancy hardware isn't going to mean jack when it's sitting at the bottom of the ocean. My point being it's not bullet proof, it's more or less 'better than nothing' with a ridiculous price tag.


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The most important political news has not been reported yet regarding Presidential appointments.

Hillary Clinton has not appointed anyone to any position. Cabinet or otherwise.

I'll be happy to go on CNN and tell the world what a good job she is doing with her appointments.


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Do you all recall when Obama had the Dali Lama enter through the backdoor of the whitehouse so as not to offend the Chinese///apparently those war mongering Tibetians kept throwing themselves in front of Chinese bullets.
Was it the Chinese or Iran he BOWED to first?

I see the headline WW3 STARTS WHEN U.S. PRESIDENT FLIPS BIRD AT insert country PRES..........

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