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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Diamond Contributor
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Bet the cliffton foundation is hurting for sheckels......:wave:

Nobody there to bribe.


Diamond Contributor
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Michigan - Recount Halted 12/7 on Federal Judges order. Committee approves legislation to bill Stein for costs of recounts to date. Unsealed Ballot transport container mysteriously found below counting machine filled with ballots from several districts.
Wisconsin - Recount continues. 23 of 72 counties Done. Trump gains 146 votes. Federal hearing 12/9 to stop recount.
Pennsylvania - Stein refuses to post $1m bond for recount, files Fed court to force. Hearing 12/9. District recounts in Philly show no major errors - well below the 0.5% that would force statewide recount. Trump leads by 44,000 votes.
Nevada - Partial recount underway. By 12/8 15 votes changed in 93 precincts. Since less than 1% changed, no Full Recount will probably be done.
Florida - 3 voters filed suit for recount alleging Clinton victory. Plaintiff's attorney says court may not respond in time to force recount.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I don't know WND but I am assuming this is an Alt Right News Source and as such cannot verify legitimacy however it may explain why a decision was made to halt Michigan Recounts if there was any truth to it. They are saying that due to 80% of optical scanners jamming, Ballots had to be scanned twice or up to 6 times in heavily Democratic Counties in Detroit causing Suggested voter fraud on the Democrat side.

[O]fficials couldn’t reconcile vote totals for 610 of 1,680 precincts during a countywide canvass of vote results late last month.” “Most of those are in heavily Democratic Detroit, where the number of ballots in precinct poll books did not match those of voting machine printout reports in 59 percent of precincts, 392 of 662.”

Edit: Since learned WND is notorious for Right Wing conspiracy theories. Nevermind & sorry for my ignorance.
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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I don't know WND but I am assuming this is an Alt Right News Source and as such cannot verify legitimacy however it may explain why a decision was made to halt Michigan Recounts if there was any truth to it. They are saying that due to 80% of optical scanners jamming, Ballots had to be scanned twice or up to 6 times in heavily Democratic Counties in Detroit causing Suggested voter fraud on the Democrat side.

[O]fficials couldn’t reconcile vote totals for 610 of 1,680 precincts during a countywide canvass of vote results late last month.” “Most of those are in heavily Democratic Detroit, where the number of ballots in precinct poll books did not match those of voting machine printout reports in 59 percent of precincts, 392 of 662.”

Edit: Since learned WND is notorious for Right Wing conspiracy theories. Nevermind & sorry for my ignorance.

They are a bit heavy on the conspiracies but in most cases they do link to the sources of their stories. I see WND stories from time to time and like others, try to click links to the original story.

Here is the original story.

ETA: Drudge should be linking to original stories in cases like this rather than just tossing up links. It would help allot in wading through leaves to find the tree and give a better appearance of ligitamacy.
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Bronze Contributor
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ECF Refugee
WND used to be good. But then they started into the conspiracy shit a few years ago. It was then that I quit reading them. Occasionally they get things right.

The Cromwell

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The Trump presidency will do more to corporatize our govt than any previous president.
Wall Street will pretty much be our government.


Bronze Contributor
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ECF Refugee
The Trump presidency will do more to corporatize our govt than any previous president.
Wall Street will pretty much be our government.

Seven of the 10 wealthiest counties voted to re-elect Obama. Democrats represent eight of the 10 wealthiest congressional districts. There are more Democrats than Republicans among the 268 millionaires in Congress. And then there's this:
Wanna talk about money going into politicians hands? The chart on that page:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The Trump presidency will do more to corporatize our govt than any previous president.
Wall Street will pretty much be our government.
Oh cool look it's Robert with another drive by bit of stupidity...thanks robert long time no's that case of butthurt coming along?...seems as if it's spread......they sell a cream for that now.

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Gold Contributor
Member For 3 Years
Seven of the 10 wealthiest counties voted to re-elect Obama. Democrats represent eight of the 10 wealthiest congressional districts.
You may want to take a look at where these wealthiest counties and congressional districts are located, because from that, you can probably make some deductions where that wealth actually comes from. Hint: It's not obtained by producing goods.


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
ECF Refugee
You may want to take a look at where these wealthiest counties and congressional districts are located, because from that, you can probably make some deductions where that wealth actually comes from. Hint: It's not obtained by producing goods.

My point is that it isn't the GOP in the bag for the rich anymore. The Democrats proved that this past election.

The Cromwell

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Oh cool look it's Robert with another drive by bit of stupidity...thanks robert long time no's that case of butthurt coming along?...seems as if it's spread......they sell a cream for that now.

Still more right wing photoshop?


Silver Contributor
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I bet all these recounts is fluff air bull

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Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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An attempt to inflict maximum damage to Trump:

It's pretty clear to me that the Global Elites and U.S. Bi-Costal Political Elites are going for broke trying to sway and tank the upcoming Electoral College vote. They just can't accept that an outsider who doesn't play the political game could be elected President of the USA. The recount effort by Jill Stein is part of a multi front all out political war to stop Trump. The other fronts: CIA Involvement, Soros and the Electoral College, and the Main Stream Media disinformation campaign. The goal is to get the Electors to go faithless and flip their vote. At this point the Stein/Clinton attempt at getting swing states votes voided has pretty much failed, so now on to bombshell MSM news reports to discredit Trump.

I expect a huge amount of dirty pool to be played before the inauguration.

The political and global elites are scared shitless of the populist movement that has taken hold here, in Britain, and now the EU. The old way of playing the political power game has changed with the rules being torn up. It's about time.

The Cromwell

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Ohh yeah upheaval.
But it will not turn out well for it's supporters.

But will be interesting to watch.
Will the next president make thru his term without being impeached?

Depends on how he acts but if he does not play the game a substantial part of his own party may turn on him.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Oh cool look it's Robert with another drive by bit of stupidity...thanks robert long time no's that case of butthurt coming along?...seems as if it's spread......they sell a cream for that now.

what part of this is incorrect....notice you didn't even try and address that....

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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what part of this is incorrect....notice you didn't even try and address that....

Has she ever actually worn an outfit like that?
Kind of like having a pic of Trump in a pink tutu.\:)

Just pointless and childish self gratification.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Has she ever actually worn an outfit like that?
Kind of like having a pic of Trump in a pink tutu.\:)

Just pointless and childish self gratification. don't want to aknowledge the facts...maybe you could do what the rest of the DNC bitches are doing..and just call it fake news.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Member For 4 Years don't want to aknowledge the facts...maybe you could do what the rest of the DNC bitches are doing..and just call it fake news.
What? I acknowledged the facts. Both sides are bought by big money interests. They are not there for our best interests. If you think either side is there for you you are living a pipe dream. Unless you are a Wall Street type?

I support NEITHER side.
Voted for Johnson.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
On the topic of fake news.
I think it should be a crime.
We should keep our media as truthful as possible.

Who decides what is truthful?

If it's a crime, the government decides. That hasn't worked out, historically. Germany, USSR, ETC.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
On the topic of fake news.
I think it should be a crime.
We should keep our media as truthful as possible.
Oh yeah sieg heil.....I guess we just let the goverment tell us what the truth know there's stupid and then there's .."and what is an Aleppo" stupid....yeah really brilliant Monsantos can feed you GMOs and CNN can feed the echo chamber between your ears....the goverment wouldn't lie to you.
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The Cromwell

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Trump keeps whining about saturday night live. Just scanned a headline saying something about his tweeting that CNN posted false news.. On and on.
He is not just a person whining, he will be the president....
Sad really sad, but will be interesting to watch.
I do not have many more years so do not really give a rats ass though.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Trump keeps whining about saturday night live. Just scanned a headline saying something about his tweeting that CNN posted false news.. On and on.
He is not just a person whining, he will be the president....
Sad really sad, but will be interesting to watch.
I do not have many more years so do not really give a rats ass though.
that's the attitude I couldn't support you more..just ignore the rest of us don't vote and slink off to a cave and wait for the inevitable...

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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that's the attitude I couldn't support you more..just ignore the rest of us don't vote and slink off to a cave and wait for the inevitable...
Well obviously the majority of Americans are not worth supporting..
I do vote every time though.
I follow no leader or crowd, Have no heroes and accumulate information and make my OWN decisions.

I only follow my own nose and do as much of what I want and not what someone else wants me to do.

I see where we as a country are headed and vote to prevent that but know that it will make no difference because the majority are eager to be led in a direction not to their benefit.

So I just watch it all happen and sadly chuckle at the mass stupidity in the USA.
Just like much of the rest of world has begun doing.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Trump keeps whining about saturday night live. Just scanned a headline saying something about his tweeting that CNN posted false news.. On and on.
He is not just a person whining, he will be the president....
Sad really sad, but will be interesting to watch.
I do not have many more years so do not really give a rats ass though.

He tweeted a comment about SNL...... wouldn't you? Isn't that what twitter is for. Stupid comments about stupid stuff.. There are only 2 requirement to be president. be over 35 and be a natural citizen.............. Nothing there about commenting about stupid stuff.
The fact, that it can drive the NEWs for weeks on end, is the problem. And ALL of the Broadcast and cable news networks are guilty of doing FAKE NEWS. They are masters at it. Thats how they know it's real.

Only whinning I hear or see isn't from Trumps mouth or key pad.. Seems to me to be mostly those in the know on the web radio print and TV. You want to see whinning look at CNN or MSNBC.

Only whinners I see are those that didn't KNOW from day 1 that there were on 2 candidates this cycle that could win... Trump or Bernie.. AND there was no way EITHER party was going to let Bernie win. the fix was definately in there. The only person that could win this time around is someone seen as a POLITICAL outsider. If the libertarians how run someone with a brain cell, prior to smoking weed, they WOULD have won. No this is the year of the NON POLITICALLY correct president. Trump didn't win because we liked him.. Sure it helped, for some. He won because BOTH parties, the Media and ELITES left and right..... HATED him.

The fact that Donald, how is NOT even the president yet.. is getting more scutiny than Obama has gotten in 8 years, should say something. Yeah, Fake News is a new thing and it started on the web.
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The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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He tweeted a comment about SNL...... wouldn't you? Isn't that what twitter is for. Stupid comments about stupid stuff.. There are only 2 requirement to be president. be over 35 and be a natural citizen.............. Nothing there about commenting about stupid stuff.
The fact, that it can drive the NEWs for weeks on end, is the problem. And ALL of the Broadcast and cable news networks are guilty of doing FAKE NEWS. They are masters at it. Thats how they know it's real.

Only whinning I hear or see isn't from Trumps mouth or key pad.. Seems to me to be mostly those in the know on the web radio print and TV. You want to see whinning look at CNN or MSNBC.

Only whinners I see are those that didn't KNOW from day 1 that there were on 2 candidates this cycle that could win... Trump or Bernie.. AND there was no way EITHER party was going to let Bernie win. the fix was definately in there. The only person that could win this time around is someone seen as a POLITICAL outsider. If the libertarians how run someone with a brain cell, prior to smoking weed, they WOULD have won. No this is the year of the NON POLITICALLY correct president. Trump didn't win because we liked him.. Sure it helped, for some. He won because BOTH parties, the Media and ELITES left and right..... HATED him.

The fact that Donald, how is NOT even the president yet.. is getting more scutiny than Obama has gotten in 8 years, should say something. Yeah, Fake News is a new thing and it started on the web.
Nope don't tweet or fb. And no I would not even if i tweeted. Whining butt hurt :)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Well obviously the majority of Americans are not worth supporting..
I do vote every time though.
I follow no leader or crowd, Have no heroes and accumulate information and make my OWN decisions.

I only follow my own nose and do as much of what I want and not what someone else wants me to do.

I see where we as a country are headed and vote to prevent that but know that it will make no difference because the majority are eager to be led in a direction not to their benefit.

So I just watch it all happen and sadly chuckle at the mass stupidity in the USA.
Just like much of the rest of world has begun doing.
wow you sound like.....a whinning butthurt.


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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Oh please, not that that "Evil Russians" shit again. It didn't fly before the election, and it isn't going to fly now.
lol, the media is going all out on that crap.


Gold Contributor
Member For 3 Years
lol, the media is going all out on that crap.
Incidentally, even if the media and the "intelligence community" is correct and the Russian government did provide those leaked e-mail, showing people the truth about those who wish to rule them doesn't qualify as "interference" or "intervention" to me. Not one of the leaked e-mails has been shown to be falsified, and there's pretty solid evidence (via domain key signatures) that the most contentious ones are in fact authentic.


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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The ones where the DNC actively was turfing Sander's campaign was just legendary. They got busted big time. The election was rigged for Hitlery and she STILL lost. Still makes me happy thinking about it.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Incidentally, even if the media and the "intelligence community" is correct and the Russian government did provide those leaked e-mail, showing people the truth about those who wish to rule them doesn't qualify as "interference" or "intervention" to me. Not one of the leaked e-mails has been shown to be falsified, and there's pretty solid evidence (via domain key signatures) that the most contentious ones are in fact authentic.

That's the part they choose to ignore "the content "

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Silver Contributor
Member For 3 Years
I really stayed out of this thread, I recognize that Trump won the Electoral College, and he will be President. I also see President-elect Trump has begun to choose his cabinet. As it currently stands, we will have the CEO of Exxon Mobil as Secretary of State, no doubt fit based on his ability to negotiate energy deals with Russia and unstable countries.

We will have the ex CEO of Hardee's as Secretary of Labor who is against raising the minimum wage as I guess it would mean charging more for a burger.

We will have a retired neurosurgeon as head of Housing and Urban Development who's only experience in housing was growing up in public housing project 50 years ago.

We will have a Treasury Secretary who came from Goldman Sachs (remember how evil Goldman Sachs was during the campaign?) and now finances movies.

The Secretary of HHS will be a congressman who also happens to be an orthopedic surgeon (which should be a good thing) who's opposed the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare if you don't know the actual name) but has no idea what should replace it, if anything.

The new head of the EPA is a guy who supports fossil fuels and denies that climate change is real.

The new Secretary of Education is big on not funding, well, public education.

The head of the Small Business Administration is a large donor to the President-elect, and brings her business experience as the ex-CEO of the WWE to the position.

Oh, and in his spare time, President-elect Trump intends to also continue as Executive Producer of Celebrity Apprentice, which his spokesperson describes as he equivalent of playing golf as a hobby.

Yeah, I guess this was the government the folks supporting President-elect Trump had in mind.
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