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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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I was thinking about the recount efforts and wondering "Why Now?" and then it hit me. The recount effort this late after the general election isn't because Jill Stein is concerned about voting irregularities or wanting to fill her parties coffers with donations, it's part of a scheme to remove 1 or 2 states from Trump's win Column by having the states do a recount and possibly not finish by December 13th.

If that happens, then there is a risk that the electoral votes for the state would not be counted towards Trump. The state could just vote the way the current count is, but a changed outcome with a few more votes for Hillary would damage Trump politically. Couple that with the campaign to get electors to flip their votes and become faithless electors and there is a chance that the electoral vote count would fall below 270 thus forcing the House to select the President and the Senate to select the Vice-President. The House would never vote for Trump. If the Dems fail at what they are attempting, they will have at least damaged the conception of a popular mandate for Trump.

The liberals are out for revenge any way they can make it happen.

I think we have some real sneaky shit going on. Trump won't be President until the second he completes the oath of office.
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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
did you see the art work in their pizza parlour.....WTF,,

No normal person would have that shit in a business or a Instagram like that it's just too fucked up and dark . Why even suggest in a joke about fuckin kids ? Nothing is remotely funny about it ! Something is very fuckin wrong their I don't know how these big shots would even associate with such weirdos never mind have fundraisers in a pizza place ? They all think they are above the law it's obvious.

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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I was thinking about the recount efforts and wondering "Why Now?" and then it hit me. The recount effort this late after the general election isn't because Jill Stein is concerned about voting irregularities or wanting to fill her parties coffers with donations, it's part of a scheme to remove 1 or 2 states from Trump's win Column by having the states do a recount and possibly not finish by December 13th.

If that happens, then there is a risk that the electoral votes for the state would not be counted towards Trump. The state could just vote the way the current count is, but a changed outcome with a few more votes for Hillary would damage Trump politically. Couple that with the campaign to get electors to flip their votes and become faithless electors and there is a chance that the electoral vote count would fall below 270 thus forcing the House to select the President and the Senate to select the Vice-President. The House would never vote for Trump. If the Dems fail at what they are attempting, they will have at least damaged the conception of a popular mandate for Trump.

The liberals are out for revenge any way they can make it happen.

I think we have some real sneaky shit going on. Trump won't be President until the second he completes the oath of office.

They really can't understand they lost . They were so sure it was in the bag ! They will hammer Trump everyday of his presidency

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so typical....Capitalisim and the Federal Reserve act are not the same thing. we had a capitalist economy long before we had a central bank....this is a canard I see alot of progressives use lately they slip in capitalisim alongside central banks...if you're gonna lie at least try and do it well...

Lie? Really? Typically, lies infer an intent or agenda. I wasn't aware that I had brought that along.

To believe that there's some sort of pure capitalism practiced here, or anywhere, is sadly naive and myopic. There are no true "isms" of any philosophy practiced in the world as conceived.

Capitalism in this country has gone through a myriad of changes attributable to many factors. Hell, at one time slavery was a legal and viable resource to be used to prop up a significant portion of the agricultural sector. My concern is with the rise of corporate influence on government, especially from the financial sector. Early in America corporations were primarily government sponsored entities involved in public works endeavors. They were precluded from active participation in politics and could have their charter dissolved if they did. That has changed exponentially in the past 30 odd years. "Greed is good" has gone from a line from the bad guy in a movie to a mantra.

With the rise of corporate influence they begin to externalize their liabilities onto the government...which for the purposes of footing the us. Smedley Butler once said "The trouble with America is that when the dollar only earns 6 percent over here, then it gets restless and goes overseas to get 100 percent. Then the flag follows the dollar and the soldiers follow the flag." Sound familiar? He was speaking of actions undertaken close to 100 years ago.

This concerns me more than building a wall. It didn't work for Qin Shi Huang, Hadrian or Stalin, so why would anyone expect it to be effective now?

As a society we are all to easily manipulated. We can appear pathologically terrified of weakness so we chase shadows and decry philosophies we don't understand many times. There is no ideological good or evil in politics and no party has a monopoly on either. As a people we need to educate ourselves to understand what motives and actions are being championed in our names. If I have an agenda, I guess this is as close as I get to one.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Lie? Really? Typically, lies infer an intent or agenda. I wasn't aware that I had brought that along.

To believe that there's some sort of pure capitalism practiced here, or anywhere, is sadly naive and myopic. There are no true "isms" of any philosophy practiced in the world as conceived.

Capitalism in this country has gone through a myriad of changes attributable to many factors. Hell, at one time slavery was a legal and viable resource to be used to prop up a significant portion of the agricultural sector. My concern is with the rise of corporate influence on government, especially from the financial sector. Early in America corporations were primarily government sponsored entities involved in public works endeavors. They were precluded from active participation in politics and could have their charter dissolved if they did. That has changed exponentially in the past 30 odd years. "Greed is good" has gone from a line from the bad guy in a movie to a mantra.

With the rise of corporate influence they begin to externalize their liabilities onto the government...which for the purposes of footing the us. Smedley Butler once said "The trouble with America is that when the dollar only earns 6 percent over here, then it gets restless and goes overseas to get 100 percent. Then the flag follows the dollar and the soldiers follow the flag." Sound familiar? He was speaking of actions undertaken close to 100 years ago.

This concerns me more than building a wall. It didn't work for Qin Shi Huang, Hadrian or Stalin, so why would anyone expect it to be effective now?

As a society we are all to easily manipulated. We can appear pathologically terrified of weakness so we chase shadows and decry philosophies we don't understand many times. There is no ideological good or evil in politics and no party has a monopoly on either. As a people we need to educate ourselves to understand what motives and actions are being championed in our names. If I have an agenda, I guess this is as close as I get to one.
corporations have far less to do with the mess we are in than does the illegal and conspiritorial insituting of the federal reserve,the income tax, and the creation of a fiat currency as Jefferson said" I fear a national bank more than all the standing armies in the world".......besides corporations can not grow to the poiint of being a threat unless they have the total support of a corrupt and massive federal goverment that is not Capitalisim that is the free market with a weak central goverment they rise and fall.... Corpratisim needs a strong central goverment to survive the way Hadrians wall worked great .Hadrians wall was very effective....until the troops were pulled off the wall,and sent back to rome.."sound familair" like Obama has pulled the border partol off the border...besides ...the invasion can be stopped by getting rid of the things that make the invasion sancturay cities...get rid of free welfare,free food stamps,free medical care, free schools, free college funding, driver liscense,for all illegal aliens and they will deport themselves insitiute E-verify for employment....get rid of things that make it possible for illegals to be here and make life very very difficult for them to be here and they will deport an illegal once told me.."we will come here if you let us".....

It would be great if leftist could get past there bigotry and open their minds to the fact they should fear the goverment as much as they do the corporations.
and if conservatives could learn to fear corporations as much as they do the goverment.
and if they could both shut down the Federal Rerserve Bank.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
No normal person would have that shit in a business or a Instagram like that it's just too fucked up and dark . Why even suggest in a joke about fuckin kids ? Nothing is remotely funny about it ! Something is very fuckin wrong their I don't know how these big shots would even associate with such weirdos never mind have fundraisers in a pizza place ? They all think they are above the law it's obvious.

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I've been in honky tonks,total dives,gay bars... and have never seen anything even remotely as perverted as that shit that Obama,and Podesta, and the other dnc insider patronize, fucking shit hole has boy bands play there........I get the impression this is something the people are not going to let go of.
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Diamond Contributor
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ECF Refugee
Hey man have you been keeping abreast of this Pizzagate shit.....what do yo think?
Nope, not a bit.
Just looked at one story and it appears that it is the just the fucking tip of the pedo ice burg.
The Clinton campaign has entered the recount process in Wisconsin, and pressing for Recounts in Michigan and Pennsylvania. These fuckers are going for a contested election, trying to decertify the votes in those states. It's going to get really ugly and violent if they try to pull shit like that.

CNN will back them up all the way.
The cunt cannot get her tampering too stick in MI no computers and she lost by 10k+.
Only the most fucked up piece of shit can loose a rigged election in her favor.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Nope, not a bit.
Just looked at one story and it appears that it is the just the fucking tip of the pedo ice burg.

The cunt cannot get her tampering too stick in MI no computers and she lost by 10k+.
Only the most fucked up piece of shit can loose a rigged election in her favor.
you know for years I've heard about this pedo shit being wide spread within the upper echelon of all the western goverments,but I sort of thought it was a touch tinfoil hat stuff....but when you think about it....what better way to insure total omerta, total silince to the political crime families than by pedo blackmail.....beside it seems to be all over The US,Britian's goverment, and one of the presidents of Italy just got busted for pedo shit. and the higher up it goes the more it is protected.


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corporations have far less to do with the mess we are in than does the illegal and conspiritorial insituting of the federal reserve,the income tax, and the creation of a fiat currency as Jefferson said" I fear a national bank more than all the standing armies in the world".......besides corporations can not grow to the poiint of being a threat unless they have the total support of a corrupt and massive federal goverment that is not Capitalisim that is the free market with a weak central goverment they rise and fall.... Corpratisim needs a strong central goverment to the way Hadrians wall worked great .Hadrians wall was very effective....until the troops were pulled off the wall,and sent back to rome.."sound familair" like Obama has pulled the border partol off the border...besides ...the invasion can be stopped by getting rid of the things that make the invasion sancturay cities...get rid of free welfare,free food stamps,free medical care, free schools, free college funding, driver liscense,for all illegal aliens and they will deport themselves insitiute E-verify for employment....get rid of things that make it possible for illegals to be here and make life very very difficult for them to be here and they will deport an illegal once told me.."we will come here if you let us".....

Well, if you want to go after entitlements, how about Social Security? That's the biggest obligation the Federal Government endorses...too bad the other social programs don't have a trust fund for Congress to raid...they'd get better press if they did...

I'm not endorsing or promoting the Federal Reserve or the state of our monetary system, but short of a complete collapse I don't see it going away. IMHO, the wheels began coming off for the common man worldwide after the Bretton Woods Conference. I would rank the World Bank and the IMF as a far more sinister threat than undocumented immigrants.

We are a nation of immigrants...who seems Hell bent on keeping the next wave of immigrants waiting at the door. My family came here in the late 1600's. Native Americans migrated here from Asia much earlier. Where would you suggest we draw the line? 100 years ago you showed up at Ellis Island, had your name misspelled and were turned loose. Now, it's years of hearings and thousands of dollars. If these people had that kind of scratch they probably wouldn't be leaving their own countries to come here.

There are laws on the books as we speak that, if enforced, would show results controlling immigration. Americans tend to ignore compliance with laws we don't like...such as the Volstead Act... but if there was no market for these immigrants they would not come. One of the reasons food is so cheap in this country in the number of undocumented workers working in agriculture and for food processors. These are not the only areas undocumented workers are employed, but it's the one you and I would notice first if all undocumented workers were deported and no more were allowed in.

The bright side in all of this is that undocumented workers using forged credentials are not filing a tax return. Unlike US Citizen's, they won't get the bulk of their tax withholdings back when working low wage jobs. I think what you were told would be more accurate when stated as, "we will come as long as you hire us."

Politicians love to throw enemies out there for us to disdain. Within the past 100 years we've gone after The Hun, The Fascists, The Imperialists, the Communists and now Radical Islam and undocumented immigrants. Every major threat brings with it a new wave of spending, as conflict is good business, coupled with a voluntary surrendering of our rights. Pointing any of this out changes nothing...including the desire to question any of it.

Another pertinent Jefferson quote might be, “I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical.”


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Member For 4 Years
you know for years I've heard about this pedo shit being wide spread within the upper echelon of all the western goverments,but I sort of thought it was a touch tinfoil hat stuff....but when you think about it....what better way to insure total omerta, total silince to the political crime families than by pedo blackmail.....beside it seems to be all over The US,Britian's goverment, and one of the presidents of Italy just got busted for pedo shit. and the higher up it goes the more it is protected.
It's not just western and not just "government" types..... it's been present in every civilization since the first caveman had a better cave than the next.

Power corrupts.................

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It's not just western and not just "government" types..... it's been present in every civilization since the first caveman had a better cave than the next.

Power corrupts.................

Amen to that. I would only add that absolute power corrupts absolutely.


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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you know for years I've heard about this pedo shit being wide spread within the upper echelon of all the western goverments,but I sort of thought it was a touch tinfoil hat stuff....but when you think about it....what better way to insure total omerta, total silince to the political crime families than by pedo blackmail.....beside it seems to be all over The US,Britian's goverment, and one of the presidents of Italy just got busted for pedo shit. and the higher up it goes the more it is protected.
And the more the pedo politicians can be brought to heel and do the bidding of those who have the dirty laundry.


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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you know for years I've heard about this pedo shit being wide spread within the upper echelon of all the western goverments,but I sort of thought it was a touch tinfoil hat stuff....but when you think about it....what better way to insure total omerta, total silince to the political crime families than by pedo blackmail.....beside it seems to be all over The US,Britian's goverment, and one of the presidents of Italy just got busted for pedo shit. and the higher up it goes the more it is protected.
Notice that Assange totally dissapeared after that story started to get traction? He hasn't been seen, not even at his window. No calls, Nada, Nothing.

I think he got sandbagged.


Diamond Contributor
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ECF Refugee
Notice that Assange totally dissapeared after that story started to get traction? He hasn't been seen, not even at his window. No calls, Nada, Nothing.

I think he got sandbagged.
I think he is laying REALLY low. Players still in power that could end him with a phone call, like in sniper or drone strike and could get away with calling it a training accident.

you know for years I've heard about this pedo shit being wide spread within the upper echelon of all the western goverments,but I sort of thought it was a touch tinfoil hat stuff....but when you think about it....what better way to insure total omerta, total silince to the political crime families than by pedo blackmail.....beside it seems to be all over The US,Britian's goverment, and one of the presidents of Italy just got busted for pedo shit. and the higher up it goes the more it is protected.
The kiddy diddlers are the tip of the wtfberg. I know Alex Jones went into the play book about how they lure people in and it gets twisted from just sex to ending politicals with kiddy porn on the computer. Also instances of where good people who had no disposition for harming a child had kiddy porn inserted onto their systems.
The political powers having underground rape syndicates for whatever demonic shit the person wants to indulge in.
This spirit cooking shit is a really dark secret they did not want brought to light. The cremation care is window dressing.
I think part of the corruption that will be brought to light in actual human sacrifices, selling of children into slavery. Shit is going to read like a Dan Brown novel, inspired by Tom Clancy.

I shit you not it is the forces of light and love tearing the veil off of the armies of darkness and the hordes of evil. The players and movers behind it will shock some but will truly expose others that for far to long have desired power and human suffering above all else.
We will finally see a dismantling of old power structures, corrupt policies and the exposures of the true faces of the people behind the scenes.
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Notice that Assange totally dissapeared after that story started to get traction? He hasn't been seen, not even at his window. No calls, Nada, Nothing.

I think he got sandbagged.
At the bottom of lochness


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Notice that Assange totally dissapeared after that story started to get traction? He hasn't been seen, not even at his window. No calls, Nada, Nothing.

I think he got sandbagged.
I think he accomplished his mission and is laying low till after Trump is president........

You gotta consider motivations.... it wasn't to get Trump elected....OR anti Hitlery....... on Julie's part or the Russians if they were even envolved.

If it was about the election or Hillary..... the dirt would have been dump long ago... She would be in jail... Bernie or Teddy would the PE and Trump would have dropped out before the first rally.

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Well, if you want to go after entitlements, how about Social Security? That's the biggest obligation the Federal Government endorses...too bad the other social programs don't have a trust fund for Congress to raid...they'd get better press if they did...

I'm not endorsing or promoting the Federal Reserve or the state of our monetary system, but short of a complete collapse I don't see it going away. IMHO, the wheels began coming off for the common man worldwide after the Bretton Woods Conference. I would rank the World Bank and the IMF as a far more sinister threat than undocumented immigrants.

We are a nation of immigrants...who seems Hell bent on keeping the next wave of immigrants waiting at the door. My family came here in the late 1600's. Native Americans migrated here from Asia much earlier. Where would you suggest we draw the line? 100 years ago you showed up at Ellis Island, had your name misspelled and were turned loose. Now, it's years of hearings and thousands of dollars. If these people had that kind of scratch they probably wouldn't be leaving their own countries to come here.

There are laws on the books as we speak that, if enforced, would show results controlling immigration. Americans tend to ignore compliance with laws we don't like...such as the Volstead Act... but if there was no market for these immigrants they would not come. One of the reasons food is so cheap in this country in the number of undocumented workers working in agriculture and for food processors. These are not the only areas undocumented workers are employed, but it's the one you and I would notice first if all undocumented workers were deported and no more were allowed in.

The bright side in all of this is that undocumented workers using forged credentials are not filing a tax return. Unlike US Citizen's, they won't get the bulk of their tax withholdings back when working low wage jobs. I think what you were told would be more accurate when stated as, "we will come as long as you hire us."

Politicians love to throw enemies out there for us to disdain. Within the past 100 years we've gone after The Hun, The Fascists, The Imperialists, the Communists and now Radical Islam and undocumented immigrants. Every major threat brings with it a new wave of spending, as conflict is good business, coupled with a voluntary surrendering of our rights. Pointing any of this out changes nothing...including the desire to question any of it.

Another pertinent Jefferson quote might be, “I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical.”
We are NOT a nation of immigrants, that is not what set us apart that is not what made us great.ther is nothing in our founding documents that gives someone the right to immigrate to america....we are a nation of CITIZENS that is what set us apart from the oligarchies of the world....the idea that the people have a right to self determination it is the people's right to determine immigration policy and not a handfull of elites. The idea that the invasion of the west by the third world is an egalitarian issue is bullshit peddeled to virtue signaling morons..the goal of the invasion of the west is being orchestrated by people like George Soros and it is well documented...the goal is to destroy the west to destroy western thought, the culture who places the liberty of the individual above the collective..the goal is to destory the culture who are the home of free speech,free thought...the left only embraces the invasion of the West because it is the only way they can get power...they have been rejected by the people, over and over again.. and so the only way the left /totalitarians can get power is by invading the western countries and displacing the population...... thoughout our history the massive waves of immigration was never a mandate from the people it has always been a policiy of the uber wealthy many of them forgieners , just like today.It is not the right of robber barons in Silicon valley,the Chamber of Commerce,Islamist oil princes,insane HUngarian currency speculators and the DNC to write immigration laws, or ignore the laws voted on by the citizens...The fly in the ointment for the left is they hate the people themselves as much as they do the corporations, and nothing illustrates it more in moderen times than this election and the violence the leftist mobs directed at citizens,and their right to free speech and free thought... as well as their conspiracy to rig an election,and their unwillingness to accept the right of the people to self determination...throughaout the western world the left has been exposed as the brownshirts of the globalist elite.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Notice that Assange totally dissapeared after that story started to get traction? He hasn't been seen, not even at his window. No calls, Nada, Nothing.

I think he got sandbagged.
I think Nasty is right.....look at that witch Hilary still trying to rig the election, look at how the globalist in Britian are doing eveything they can to block implementing the Brexit...the elite are still in power, and they are even more dangerous to us and Assange now than before....they have been backed into a corner and are fighting for their survival I think Assange is laying low afraid of catching a bullet until Trump shows he wants to start dismanteling the shadow goverment.


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Well, if you want to go after entitlements, how about Social Security? That's the biggest obligation the Federal Government endorses.
Actually, it isn't. Medicare, Medicaid, and the other socialized medicine programs are what will ultimately break the bank.


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Member For 4 Years
you know for years I've heard about this pedo shit being wide spread within the upper echelon of all the western goverments,but I sort of thought it was a touch tinfoil hat stuff....but when you think about it....what better way to insure total omerta, total silince to the political crime families than by pedo blackmail.....beside it seems to be all over The US,Britian's goverment, and one of the presidents of Italy just got busted for pedo shit. and the higher up it goes the more it is protected.

How is it that the lowest act a human can do is prevalent with people considered leaders?how do these beasts walk around ? You can't even survive in prison if your a pedo . Even people who have willingly broken the law know that shit is wrong on every level many victims of it themselves. There is no cure for it it's evil in its purest form . bullet in the head is the only cure .

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Diamond Contributor
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ECF Refugee
I think Nasty is right.....look at that witch Hilary still trying to rig the election, look at how the globalist in Britian are doing eveything they can to block implementing the Brexit...the elite are still in power, and they are even more dangerous to us and Assange now than before....they have been backed into a corner and are fighting for their survival I think Assange is laying low afraid of catching a bullet until Trump shows he wants to start dismanteling the shadow goverment.
Considering the gal who was investigating the pedo sex traffic, illegal organ harvesting, and slavery rings in Haiti turned up deaded.
On election night I saw something that shocked the hell out of me, it was a documentary of a rich dude helping down in Haiti post earthquake and more recently post storm.. not a CF foundation thing could be found and if you even mentioned it the locals would damned near riot.
Holy fuck Alex Jones was right about the whole lot being literal pig demons and goblins... and they tell you EXACTLY what they are doing before and while they are doing it.
I found some links that lets just say the nazis were not wiped out in the 40s.. they were, are and still the DNC in plain sight... Jesus wept the more I dig the more I am certain when all this shit hits the fan the nazi's crimes against humanity are going to look like a teddy bear picnic compared to the evil and sheer volume of the pizzagate demons.

How is it that the lowest act a human can do is prevalent with people considered leaders?how do these beasts walk around ? You can't even survive in prison if your a pedo . Even people who have willingly broken the law know that shit is wrong on every level many victims of it themselves. There is no cure for it it's evil in its purest form . bullet in the head is the only cure .

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That explains the haunted expression on Comey's face, AND the FBI, ATF and DOJ was a willing and supportive network for these evil fuckers.. there is ZERO redeeming any of them.
Comey can come out and come clean after the swearing in and tear down that house of evil.. short of a ton of arrests the only thing that could and would slate the thirst for justice would be SLOW painful public executions.


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Actually, it isn't. Medicare, Medicaid, and the other socialized medicine programs are what will ultimately break the bank.

Yeah, good point. It'll be interesting to see how this all plays out over the next 2 years.


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I think Nasty is right.....look at that witch Hilary still trying to rig the election, look at how the globalist in Britian are doing eveything they can to block implementing the Brexit...the elite are still in power, and they are even more dangerous to us and Assange now than before....they have been backed into a corner and are fighting for their survival I think Assange is laying low afraid of catching a bullet until Trump shows he wants to start dismanteling the shadow goverment.

Yes, the elite are still in power and aside from thermonuclear war, which is not in their best interests either, they aren't going anywhere. A quick look at what's happened to Greece since the end of the Second World War, or the tensions in the Middle East when commerce meets ideology, as just two quick examples, should give us all pause for thought during all this exuberance. They don't respect elections anywhere else in the world, so why would they seem phased by Brexit or our recent election? These folks have no problem meting out misery on anyone who challenges their concept of world order. While it would be nice to believe they've got their backs against a wall, the fact of the matter is they've endured worse than this and came out stronger at the other end.

Assange and Snowden probably need to grab a Snickers bar, because they're not going anywhere anytime soon.


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Member For 4 Years
The Washington Post has now named Ron Paul as a russian mouthpiece....the lunacy of the left has not just gone tinfoil hat...they've gone full body suit tinfoil....poor's like watching a homeless person wandering around the streets with a dead cat on a leash and no pants.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Yes, the elite are still in power and aside from thermonuclear war, which is not in their best interests either, they aren't going anywhere. A quick look at what's happened to Greece since the end of the Second World War, or the tensions in the Middle East when commerce meets ideology, as just two quick examples, should give us all pause for thought during all this exuberance. They don't respect elections anywhere else in the world, so why would they seem phased by Brexit or our recent election? These folks have no problem meting out misery on anyone who challenges their concept of world order. While it would be nice to believe they've got their backs against a wall, the fact of the matter is they've endured worse than this and came out stronger at the other end.

Assange and Snowden probably need to grab a Snickers bar, because they're not going anywhere anytime soon.
thanks to the internet ,which has nuetralized the complicit media..they are not going to be able to hide much longer from the light of day...


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From where I sit, once the Fairness Doctrine was repealed and the FCC began loosening up rules on owning media outlets over a certain market share in any given geographical market the validity and objectiveness of media outlets in general went right down the tubes.

Now we have far left and far right spigots trying like hell to shout down the other side continually without reservation or discretion. With the proliferation of the Internet it's become a free for all for those who can come up with most hyperbolic content to drive up the hit\ad counts.

Now we're all concerned about "fake" news. After 100 years of technology and alleged social advancement we find ourselves confronting "yellow journalism" it's something new...

I would submit that no one needs to hide anymore as whatever they did, or will do, is going to get lost in the fog of information...and since the public has short memories all they need to do is weather a couple news cycles and something more absurd will surface to remove any pressure they might have felt from actual journalists.

In a way, I feel sorry for Donald Trump. Anything he does, or tries to do over the next two years, is going to suffer more paralysis through analysis than any President in our history. Imagine how effective Roosevelt would have been if some agenda based news service decided to broadcast the fact that he could barely walk for most of his presidency?

Scruples do not equal ratings/profitability. Sad.


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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The Washington Post has now named Ron Paul as a russian mouthpiece....the lunacy of the left has not just gone tinfoil hat...they've gone full body suit tinfoil....poor's like watching a homeless person wandering around the streets with a dead cat on a leash and no pants.
I would imagine that the next step is to say Trump supporters and Republican's are Lizards in Human form a la' David Ike.


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oh here we go, reptillians.... lmao

Stuff for sale...Inquire within.
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The Clinton body count just recently went up one folks...this time a woman who works for a non profit fighting sex trafficking...apparently she went down to Hati to investigate the Clinton Foundations ties to a sex trafficking ring there...and guess what...she winds up dead....

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Member For 4 Years
The Clinton body count just recently went up one folks...this time a woman who works for a non profit fighting sex trafficking...apparently she went down to Hati to investigate the Clinton Foundations ties to a sex trafficking ring there...and guess what...she winds up dead....

Funny how so many coincidences happen around the Clintons? I'm so happy to see her loose twice with a recount ! Once was not enough !

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Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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With the way the republicans are spouting off about blocking Trump' cabinet nominations, the Majority Whip better have a club studded with nails and broken glass to keep them from going full retard and stopping any progress whatsoever.

I have a feeling Trump is going to need to proverbially go medieval on their asses with blow torches and pipes brought by the villagers.


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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Funny how so many coincidences happen around the Clintons? I'm so happy to see her loose twice with a recount ! Once was not enough !

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It's a distraction and credibility sapping campaign. Jill Stein, who blasted Hitlery badly now buddy-buddy in a recount? It smells like a pit latrine in the August heat. The distraction is to stop the momentum and the picks for Trump's cabinet.

They know if they can't get a ringer in, all hell is going to break loose. I'm hoping it does.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
With the way the republicans are spouting off about blocking Trump' cabinet nominations, the Majority Whip better have a club studded with nails and broken glass to keep them from going full retard and stopping any progress whatsoever.

I have a feeling Trump is going to need to proverbially go medieval on their asses with blow torches and pipes brought by the villagers.
Yeah..with the exception of Jeff Sessions his picks have been underwhelming if he goes establishment he better start looking to BLM for support...his voters were pretty adamant about what they wanted without their support he's toast.


Gold Contributor
Member For 3 Years
It's a distraction and credibility sapping campaign. Jill Stein, who blasted Hitlery badly now buddy-buddy in a recount? It smells like a pit latrine in the August heat. The distraction is to stop the momentum and the picks for Trump's cabinet.
It's not a distraction. It's an attempt to prevent Trump from having 270 delegates, which he will not have if these three states cannot complete their recounts by December 13th.



Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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It's not a distraction. It's an attempt to prevent Trump from having 270 delegates, which he will not have if these three states cannot complete their recounts by December 13th.

True, I said as much earlier. The press has been going full steam to present a distraction while the actors assemble for the big rig.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
True, I said as much earlier. The press has been going full steam to present a distraction while the actors assemble for the big rig.
what do you see as the big rig......I don't know I think this going to poison the well for the DNC. I think most americans see this for what it is attempt to steal an election....


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
It's not a distraction. It's an attempt to prevent Trump from having 270 delegates, which he will not have if these three states cannot complete their recounts by December 13th.

from what I heard if the can't complete their recount then all their votes get thrown out, that point 270 is n longer needed, and Trump still wins regardless it is such a blatant violation of free elections the people would not stand for it.and the people will not stand for another Obama administration.


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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Member For 5 Years
what do you see as the big rig......I don't know I think this going to poison the well for the DNC. I think most americans see this for what it is attempt to steal an election....
Look at the timing. If the recounts start and cannot be finished in time by the date the electors cast their ballots, the dems will go to Court and sue to remove the states with active recounts from casting their electoral ballots. Sure, it would be rigging the election in public view, but at this point the dems and their sycophants don't care. They want violence to justify their illegal behavior. They will stop at nothing to fuck Trump over, even if it means pulling America into a state of civil war. This is lose-lose mentality at it's finest. The dems and bi-coastal political elite will risk it all to stop him, even if it means starting an internal shooting war. They are that freaking desperate at this point.
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