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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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This should be easy for the vaping community. Republicans support vaping, Democrats want to ban it. Just look at the record. Do you really want to go back to smoking?

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Jesus I feel lucky...I just had a couple of 9mm just push me a round a little and steal my wallet...and call me rude names....but they didn't kill me.



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Huh..I guess I'm in danger with these dozen or so laying around then eh?

Funny..I've been watching this shifty looking black rifle sitting next to my desk loaded for several years now and it has yet to go off by itself.

Worked just fine last time I ran a few mags through it though.


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I hear you Arthur, but I'm thinking it's pretty amazing that anyone would actually put any credence in a poll of low information people about anything.

Very few people out there today actually have a valid clue let alone an understanding.

As for me, I like Trump...alot.
Count me in Sgt.....!


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If Hillary is elected I'm moving to S America and ripping my passport up after I get through immigration.


It's VG/PG not PG/VG
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I know Americans love their guns.
It would be a lost cause to try to convince you otherwise.
You'll have better chances getting a good healthcare and striking a good deal with Iran.


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We had good healthcare already until Bathhouse Barry and friends fucked it up.

And'll never get us to give up our guns... Many folks would give up their ammo however--one bullet at a time. "Here..catch"


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Presidents like obama are the reason we will never give up our guns .Thats why our forefathers made sure we had the right to bear arms to protect ourselves . First thing the nazis did was collect the peoples arms .makes taking over alott easier .
As far as Iran goes it was sold as a lie and was not a treaty unfortunately our leader is the enemy .

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When it comes time to vote, about half of the people are going to vote for Klinton. But judging by the informal poll by the OP, no one really want's to admit it and will do it on the sly. Then if she's elected they will puff up and proudly announce the fact that they did. We, as a country, are so very fucked if that happens...


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Last number I saw for DOCTORS killing people through errors was in excess of a quarter million per year in the US.

By far the leading cause of death.


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Did some more research, and actually it appears that firearms deaths are nearly the same as vehicle deaths as car safety increases along with skyrocketing firearm ownership. But, they have never been as high or higher than automobile deaths. Fucking galls me when that kind of propaganda gets thrown out there as factual.


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Thats because most people are idiots plain and simple . You could completely outlaw guns but yet criminals would use them .look at the poor cop in france with no firearm begging for his life as the terrorists shoot him . Its just another distraction to whats really wrong .like the whole bathroom issuie .

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How bout we concern ourselves with the guy or gal with kids who just had their plant close and now have no job . Or closing our boarders to stop the drug flow so there's not so many gun deaths .or creating jobs so people arnt out in the street comitting crime . Or helping the mentaly ill instead of closing hospitals . No its more inportant to stop a guy who wants a legal firearm or the .03% of the population who are confused of their gender this is the main issuie ! How bout our vets! How bout kids with cancer ! No lets release more crimminals and give illigals a free pass and give them welfare this is all more inportant ! Everyone has a cross to bear its not a right to have everyone else fix it !

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How bout we concern ourselves with the guy or gal with kids who just had their plant close and now have no job . Or closing our boarders to stop the drug flow so there's not so many gun deaths .or creating jobs so people arnt out in the street comitting crime . Or helping the mentaly ill instead of closing hospitals . No its more inportant to stop a guy who wants a legal firearm or the .03% of the population who are confused of their gender this is the main issuie ! How bout our vets! How bout kids with cancer ! No lets release more crimminals and give illigals a free pass and give them welfare this is all more inportant ! Everyone has a cross to bear its not a right to have everyone else fix it !

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Persoanlly I think if you believe the goverment wants to any in way shape or form end suffering you should problly be on medication and have a caretaker to keep you from wandering into traffic...our goverment doesn't want to end or solve any of those things they are not misguided they are not inept,they are evil...trannys in the girls room is just a diversion so you don't pay attention to their trade policies, their land grabs, their attempts to flood the country with forgien nationals to disenfranchise american voters,and their drum beat of ,,obey....


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I was out and about this afternoon and I was listening to the local NPR station on the radio.

In particular, a news based game show called "Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me".

FYI, before I go further, I do plan on voting for Trump.

The press is always going after what he has said, is saying and wondering what the next thing will be.

And trying to make the point that he is his own worst enemy because of what he says and how he says it.

Seems like his wife and daughter have now "Trumped" Trump.

According to what was said on the show, Mrs. Trump stated that "Donald is not Hitler".

His daughter stated............................ "He is not a groper".

Just like Billy Carter, it seems to me that his family needs to go on vacation until after the elections


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Oh, so those are BAD things to say. They should have said he is a groping hitler?? IIRC those were in response to negative sound bites...


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Just got back from my weekly run to town from out here in the woods and saw two great bumperstickers on a truck with Vietnam Vet tags...

First one said "Trump the Bitch"
Second one said "Hillary Clinton- Outsourcing Blowjobs since 1995"

Made the run to town worth it!


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so suicide and domestic violence...not my problem. You don't have the right to strip the rights of normal people,because the abuses of idiots.

The abuse of idiots violates the rights of "normal people." Taking guns away is just trying to minimize the damage...


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Idiots abuse weed too lets take all that away .

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Abusing weed doesn't violate my rights or safety. It's not a valid argument.


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Sure does man you could get high and drive your car into a group of people . It dulls your sences . Or maybe the weed you got was tainted with pcp you could become psychotic and kill someone .your dangerous

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If we're going to play hop skip logic, then I counter with marshmallow. You can eat a lot of marshmallows, get diabetes, lose a leg due to the diabetes, get psycho because you lost a leg, and kill people... marshmallows are dangerous...

Let's, for the sake of argument, still go with your proposed scenario of smoke weed, get psycho, and kill someone. Here are the tools a plenty to do so

1. Knife or any other close combat weaponry
2. Car or any other common vehicle (tanks and apache helicopters are not commonly available)
3. Bow and arrows or other long distance weaponry
4. Hand gun
5. Gun with high capacity magazine
6. High powered gun with high capacity magazine
7. High powered gun with high capacity magazine with automatic capability

Please rank by order of potential body count within 10 minutes


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I would personally rank as follows

1. High powered gun with high capacity magazine with automatic capability
2. High powered gun with high capacity magazine
3. Gun with high capacity magazine


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The point is knucklehead your doing nothing by restricting or taking away guns there will always be crazy people .in countries with no guns people are killed with knives. Just because some psychotic kills a bunch of people with a gun doesnt mean nobody should have one .

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So smoking weed has you thinking of how best to kill people huh ? You sick bastard

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The argument was not that guns are the ONLY means of killing someone. The argument is that guns are the most efficient way to do in terms of

1. Usage - "point and shoot" vs knife wielding or trying to run someone over
2. Damage - getting shot is much worse than cut or stabbed in the same region
3. Speed - unload a 10 round clip in 5 seconds vs trying to cut/stab in the same time frame
4. Distance - bullets fly quite far

and whether we have a need for such an effective way of causing bodily damage to another individual that serves no other purpose than to cause bodily damage to another individual. Hunting and self defense is always the counter argument and reasonably valid, but unless I'm hunting dinosaurs or defending against the zombie horde, I don't think a 100rd highcap full auto assult rifle is necessary.
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