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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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. And I am glad you will be sick of winning. "Mr, President we win to much, we are sick of winning so much". LOL


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. And I am glad you will be sick of winning. "Mr, President we win to much, we are sick of winning so much". LOL

For you, the answer to the OP's question, which US presidential candidate will you be voting for, is NONE.



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With the whole world watching the process of this election and laughing because of Trump at the ruckus he causes, no policy's what so ever, changing his mind on just about everything he says,, you really think he can make things better? Think about why Obama had his hands tied and could get nothing done. Obama took over one of the worst recessions in modern history.You guys can not even pass a budget without threating to shut down government first and then a deal in the eleventh hour. How is Trump going to get anything done with every other politician against him. Perhaps Canada will build a wall to keep Trump out. I do want Trump to win, I want to see your country in four years under Trump and see if my predictions are right. LOL
The media created that narrative and only a brainless sheep couldn't figure that out. Every single protest that's turned violent has been at the hands of the left, yet the media continues with their stories of Trump supporters being violent.


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Hey Wheelie...try reading for a change. All you have to do is actually read his positions on his website.

BTW...have fun with your asshole up there whatever the fuck his name is.


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Hey Wheelie...try reading for a change. All you have to do is actually read his positions on his website.

BTW...have fun with your asshole up there whatever the fuck his name is.
Cameron your leader is a liberal fruit


It's VG/PG not PG/VG
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You don't know what to expect from Trump and that's a problem.
You know what to expect from Clinton and that's an even bigger problem.


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The fact that Trump wants to see America return to economic prosperity instead of the current push to reduce us to the level of the third world is enough reason to support him...let alone the rest of his platform which I happen to agree wholeheartedly with.


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With the whole world watching the process of this election and laughing because of Trump at the ruckus he causes, no policy's what so ever, changing his mind on just about everything he says,, you really think he can make things better? Think about why Obama had his hands tied and could get nothing done. Obama took over one of the worst recessions in modern history.You guys can not even pass a budget without threating to shut down government first and then a deal in the eleventh hour. How is Trump going to get anything done with every other politician against him. Perhaps Canada will build a wall to keep Trump out. I do want Trump to win, I want to see your country in four years under Trump and see if my predictions are right. LOL that the pimple on North Dakotas ass.I vaugely remember hearing about it. lots of dull white people eating bad food and wearing flannel.

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I feel like I'm watching a movie. You couldn't make this shit up. At this point they should just come out and tell us bho has appointed himself dictator.
Does this kinna remind you of the mysterous IRS e-mails that all got lost....The Obama adminstration makes Richard Nixon look like an eagle scout the Obama admisnistration has lost what little credibility the DNC had.


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Thats because the media works for him .Nobody questions anything anymore ,reporters were actually professional people at one point. Now the go from the WH or working on campains to "news" shows . The Nazis could not even imagine what a propaganda machine really is .

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My vote will literally be with whomever does anything to protect vaping. This is literally my entire life's work, and our industry is about to get fucked.


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Democrats love destroying entire industries to protect us all from ourselves.


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Republicans are working on legislation to grandfather in any product currently on the market.

Despite being a democrat most of my life, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. So, I totally support the republican actions, and will be voting accordingly. I think I was pretty unaware of the inner-workings of a party that I thought I trusted. The hardest thing about all of this, save for me potentially losing my business, is that the people I voted for are literally destroying my business. :(


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Despite being a democrat most of my life, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. So, I totally support the republican actions, and will be voting accordingly. I think I was pretty unaware of the inner-workings of a party that I thought I trusted. The hardest thing about all of this, save for me potentially losing my business, is that the people I voted for are literally destroying my business. :(
I'm a libertarian but I don't know how anyone who's paying attention to what's unfolding could still want anything to do with the Democratic Party. Especially with what we're finding out about the Iran "deal".The brainwashed followers eat up the Talking points that are continuously being drilled into their little brains. Everyone of them take bho's blatant lies as the word of God even if you show them undeniable proof he's a liar they refuse to accept it and continue to repeat proven lies. From one sheep to the next they spread bho's narrative to each other, not one of them even questioning it. Now we we have half the country who proudly defend and praise the same guy that's trying to destroy America.


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Despite being a democrat most of my life, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. So, I totally support the republican actions, and will be voting accordingly. I think I was pretty unaware of the inner-workings of a party that I thought I trusted. The hardest thing about all of this, save for me potentially losing my business, is that the people I voted for are literally destroying my business. :(
The media is part of their machine. They're the ones who will be filming a crowd of left wing rioters holding Bernie Sanders signs while telling everyone how violent Trump supporters are. They're owned by the left.


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I'm a libertarian but I don't know how anyone who's paying attention to what's unfolding could still want anything to do with the Democratic Party. Especially with what we're finding out about the Iran "deal".The brainwashed followers eat up the Talking points that are continuously being drilled into their little brains. Everyone of them take bho's blatant lies as the word of God even if you show them undeniable proof he's a liar they refuse to accept it and continue to repeat proven lies. From one sheep to the next they spread bho's narrative to each other, not one of them even questioning it. Now we we have half the country who proudly defend and praise the same guy that's trying to destroy America.
The left potray themselves as the party of intellectuals, and the republicans as the party of flat earther,knuckeldrgging religous zealots.....on a personal level the rank and file democrat can not personally face the reality that they voted for a an evil corrupt stupid man owned by the globalist based merely on the fact that the evil man has a black skin.They cannot admitt to themselves or the world at large that they were stupid enough to be sold a bill of goods that was so transparently bullshit, that any fool could see through it.
...and so they continue to lie and deny what has been ging on for the last 8 years. it's how they get through the day.


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Despite being a democrat most of my life, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. So, I totally support the republican actions, and will be voting accordingly. I think I was pretty unaware of the inner-workings of a party that I thought I trusted. The hardest thing about all of this, save for me potentially losing my business, is that the people I voted for are literally destroying my business. :(
Vaping is hardly the first example of the DNC destroying an entire industry and handing it over to their cronies as they did with health insurance as they did with the banks, as they did with the energy sector and the endless billions funneled to solar energy companies who donated to the DNC and then filed for suddenly when you have skin in the game you see the results of the DNC's policies which any coal miner,logger,or constrution worker displace by illegal aliens have been telling you for a decade.


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The left potray themselves as the party of intellectuals, and the republicans as the party of flat earther,knuckeldrgging religous zealots.....on a personal level the rank and file democrat can not personally face the reality that they voted for a an evil corrupt stupid man owned by the globalist based merely on the fact that the evil man has a black skin.They cannot admitt to themselves or the world at large that they were stupid enough to be sold a bill of goods that was so transparently bullshit, that any fool could see through it.
...and so they continue to lie and deny what has been ging on for the last 8 years. it's how they get through the day.
What they do is paint a false picture of Republicans and accuse them of the very things they're doing. Slavery, kkk. Jim Crowe laws.. They've managed to retell history and were successful at getting people to associate those things with Republicans. They're the type of people that would steal your wallet and help you look for it.


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The left potray themselves as the party of intellectuals, and the republicans as the party of flat earther,knuckeldrgging religous zealots.....on a personal level the rank and file democrat can not personally face the reality that they voted for a an evil corrupt stupid man owned by the globalist based merely on the fact that the evil man has a black skin.They cannot admitt to themselves or the world at large that they were stupid enough to be sold a bill of goods that was so transparently bullshit, that any fool could see through it.
...and so they continue to lie and deny what has been ging on for the last 8 years. it's how they get through the day.
I honestly think they're so brainwashed they believe what they say


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The left potray themselves as the party of intellectuals, and the republicans as the party of flat earther,knuckeldrgging religous zealots.....on a personal level the rank and file democrat can not personally face the reality that they voted for a an evil corrupt stupid man owned by the globalist based merely on the fact that the evil man has a black skin.They cannot admitt to themselves or the world at large that they were stupid enough to be sold a bill of goods that was so transparently bullshit, that any fool could see through it.
...and so they continue to lie and deny what has been ging on for the last 8 years. it's how they get through the day.
It's Bush's fault


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Maybe when the Iranians get their intercontinental missile technology perfected the left will see what he is ....but it will be to late .

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The repubes are not without sin. If it wasn't Trump, I'd be voting for Ron Paul again this year. Or Gary Johnson.
Like I said I'm not a Republican. They're another story. All talk while they sit by and do nothing.


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The Republicans are worse .they sat on their hands and refused to act on the will of the people . Mc Connell , Bonner,Ryan are just as guilty as Obama

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The Republicans are worse .they sat on their hands and refused to act on the will of the people . Mc Connell , Bonner,Ryan are just as guilty as Obama

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That's why it blows my mind when liberals say bho couldn't get anything done because of Congress. They haven't done anything.


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The Republicans are worse .they sat on their hands and refused to act on the will of the people . Mc Connell , Bonner,Ryan are just as guilty as Obama

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same party diffrent day.


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The repubes are not without sin. If it wasn't Trump, I'd be voting for Ron Paul again this year. Or Gary Johnson.
Dr.Paul yeah any day,but Gary Johnson strikes me as a dipshit...having been raised in New Mexico I know nothing good comes out of it...myself included.


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Dr.Paul yeah any day,but Gary Johnson strikes me as a dipshit...having been raised in New Mexico I know nothing good comes out of it...myself included.

He doesn't have much personality but I like his record, ideology and he's been on ballots when Dr. Paul was not.


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as much as I like vaping it will not be the deterrmining factor in how I vote.
Can only hope then it is your candidate of choice who will support vaping, and wins the election.
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