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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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Most people are sick,and tired of the incumbent politicians always being elected into office with saying for years we need a outsider that is not a politician or G.R.I.P. Today Trump is that man, some people do not like his attitude or his stands so what did you expect of a non political candidate.

Be careful what you wish for in the future because it might come true.

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That is a dream of mine. Clear congress out and start fresh.


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There is no government system except districts and the electoral college. The two parties were created by the electorate. Nobody is forced to vote for them. There is no law that says you have to vote for one or the other.
The cure for corruption is and always has been to inform the electorate. To sway others. Just as I'm attempting right now. I might fail as I have failed many times in the past but making laws that restrict voters does not make up for my failures. I can't make laws to restrict people from voting for people that I consider corrupt. It's undemocratic. It's not a representative republic if people cannot vote for who they want. It's not a representative republic if people cannot form groups to lobby their reps. It's not a representative republic if the people are restricted.
As I said, we have the system that we have actively and passively allowed to be created. There is nothing wrong with your efforts to shift the power of the electorate - in fact, it's laudable and I support you in that.

Sadly, the struggle in that is it is fighting human nature: resignation and cynicism. Dramatic shifts such as re-forming the political apparatus only come when the level of dissatisfaction with the status quo exceeds the level of tolerance of the people. Things may be leaning that direction at the moment, but I think we're still a long way from getting to a tipping point.

I do believe that the people have the right to lobby or form organizations to lobby on their behalf. But the power of that lobbying should be with their votes and individual support of candidates. Lobbying groups and organizations should not be allowed to give money to or support candidates or elected officials beyond giving them an endorsement as being aligned with the goals of those represented.

I think that you and I are at a difference of opinion as to the means of achieving changes that would shift the power in favor of the electorate in setting the path of our elected officials and government. But I think that we're in agreement that we both would like to see it happen.

Thank you sir for a respectful debate and discussion. :shades:


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BHO is the worst president in history....yet the folks trying to rewrite history through common core and their ilk will show him as the best thing since sliced bread.
Hmmm... Warren G Harding? Ulysses Grant? Andrew Johnson? Just a few that are leaps and bounds ahead of Obama as being some of the worst presidents to hold office.

And Common Core, for as much as even I despise it, is not the "rewriting of history". :confused:


It's VG/PG not PG/VG
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I think that republicans should put their pride aside.
Sure he's not perfect, far from it, but they should not vote for her just in spite.
And democrats, well they need to sit this one out, since they had their turn twice in a row now with wonderful Obama.


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Hmmm... Warren G Harding? Ulysses Grant? Andrew Johnson? Just a few that are leaps and bounds ahead of Obama as being some of the worst presidents to hold office.

And Common Core, for as much as even I despise it, is not the "rewriting of history". :confused:
yeah I don't agree Obama is far worse than Grant or Harding both who were simpely corrupt and incompetent ...and in the case of Grant...drunk...Obama hates America, he sees it as basiclly a flawed experiment and sees himself as an anticolonialist dismanteling an evil empire...his mother was a far leftist,his "father" was an anticolonialist far leftist,his mentor was frank marshall davis a renowned communist, Derek Bell,Rashid Khalidi, and Bill Ayers,Jeramiah Wright...these people aren't simpely liberals they are anti-american.To this day Ayers a man who has innocent blood on his hands and was complicit in murder justifies violence, this from a man born with a silver spoon in his mouth..These are all people who aren't simpley liberal they are ant-capitalist, anti free market,and don't believe in a republic, or the constitution...Obama has time and again shown he has nothing but contempt for the rule of law the democratic process,or the constitution and the spirit of the constitution he believes his political views are on such high moral ground they trump a system of represenative democracy..he is much much more like Chavez than he is Lincoln...Obama never viewed his office as a servant of the people but as a man with a mission a mission to transform america....but we are not allowed to say this because Obama is black and more a black leftist, and further more the first black president, with time and distance Obama will be viewed by historians as a bad joke.

At the end of the day Obama is a meat puppet for the globalist wrapped in the rhetoric or socialist/communist fantasy land and race baiting hukster.
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BHO is the worst president in history....yet the folks trying to rewrite history through common core and their ilk will show him as the best thing since sliced bread.

IMO he's a traitorous scumbag.

I always thought BHO was Browser Helper Object that was redirecting my internet searches to very strange places, now I know it was Barrack Hussein Obama. Good lookin' out SgtRock. Now all those midget porn site redirects make sense.


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Hmmm... Warren G Harding? Ulysses Grant? Andrew Johnson? Just a few that are leaps and bounds ahead of Obama as being some of the worst presidents to hold office.

And Common Core, for as much as even I despise it, is not the "rewriting of history". :confused:
I'm sorry but I completely disagree...but that's ok. We have the freedom to hold differing viewpoints.

**EDIT -- You may have a point that he's not the worst..but he's damn sure making it a race to the bottom ;)


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Obama is by far the worst president of all time .noone has created more debt, dismantaled our military, set race relations back by 40 years, given Iran nuclear arms, disrespeted our greatest ally in the middle east Israel . Created a foreign policy that created Isis. Released more terrorist and all out created a unsafe world .
Never mind the use of the IRS and EPA to punish his enemies .
The man is a wrecking crew of incompetence and arrogance. He has created the need for trump !

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Obama is by far the worst president of all time .noone has created more debt, dismantaled our military, set race relations back by 40 years, given Iran nuclear arms, disrespeted our greatest ally in the middle east Israel . Created a foreign policy that created Isis. Released more terrorist and all out created a unsafe world .
Never mind the use of the IRS and EPA to punish his enemies .
The man is a wrecking crew of incompetence and arrogance. He has created the need for trump !

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Agreed, the absolute worst.....:gaah::cuss2:


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As I said, we have the system that we have actively and passively allowed to be created. There is nothing wrong with your efforts to shift the power of the electorate - in fact, it's laudable and I support you in that.

Sadly, the struggle in that is it is fighting human nature: resignation and cynicism. Dramatic shifts such as re-forming the political apparatus only come when the level of dissatisfaction with the status quo exceeds the level of tolerance of the people. Things may be leaning that direction at the moment, but I think we're still a long way from getting to a tipping point.

I do believe that the people have the right to lobby or form organizations to lobby on their behalf. But the power of that lobbying should be with their votes and individual support of candidates. Lobbying groups and organizations should not be allowed to give money to or support candidates or elected officials beyond giving them an endorsement as being aligned with the goals of those represented.

I think that you and I are at a difference of opinion as to the means of achieving changes that would shift the power in favor of the electorate in setting the path of our elected officials and government. But I think that we're in agreement that we both would like to see it happen.

Thank you sir for a respectful debate and discussion. :shades:

I always enjoy a good debate, and it's rare for an internet political debate to end on good terms so I do appreciate the civility of this one. We don't have to agree.

My view is pretty simple. Elect a man, or woman, that is not likely to be corrupted by special interests and then election reforms are moot. Elect a man or woman that is likely to be corrupted but institute reforms and special interests will find a way to corrupt him/her and the election reforms become moot. No amount of reforms will make a person ethical or moral. Reforms or no reforms, it's in the electorates hands. Always has been, always will be.

I think over time we'll find out if "reforms" will work. There are more people that believe as you do on both sides, conservative and liberal. I believe that we'll see them at some point. I'm quite sure it won't work out very well. But, we'll see. I'm ready for the results.

Thanks for the discussion.
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I always enjoy a good debate, and it's rare for an internet political debate to end on good terms so I do appreciate the civility of this one. We don't have to agree.

My view is pretty simple. Elect a man, or woman, that is not likely to be corrupted by special interests and then election reforms are moot. Elect a man or woman that is likely to be corrupted but institute reforms and special interests will find a way to corrupt him/her and the election reforms become moot. No amount of reforms will make a person ethical or moral. Reforms or no reforms, it's in the electorates hands. Always has been, always will be.

I think over time we'll find out if "reforms" will work. There are more people that believe as you do on both sides, conservative and liberal. I believe that we'll see them at some point. I'm quite sure it won't work out very well. But, we'll see. I'm ready for the results.

Thanks for the discussion.
Correct - we don't have to agree. Or resort to bashing each other over the head and name-calling when we don't. :D
My thanks to you as well for a respectful discourse.


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Correct - we don't have to agree. Or resort to bashing each other over the head and name-calling when we don't. :D
My thanks to you as well for a respectful discourse.

Just to be clear, there is a good chance that I might come back and say "I told you so", if you get your reforms and it doesn't work.



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Just to be clear, there is a good chance that I might come back and say "I told you so", if you get your reforms and it doesn't work.

You made me LOL. :teehee:


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It's VG/PG not PG/VG
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If you manage to get some reporters to ask Hillary about vaping and FDA regulation, she will say something like "for the children, my mentor Obama said so, blah blah blah" and when Trump hears about it, he will say the exact opposite.
Problem solved :D


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I find it humorous to see people inserting Trump into this story as if he has anything to do with it. He's never even held any government position and Im seeing people trying to blame him or project how he'll make it worse if elected despite having no idea what his position would be. I don't belong to either party and consider myself a libertarian. One thing that I know is the liberal Democrats are the ones who are taking our rights away and giving more power to the government. That's a fact and anyone who can take an unbiased look at the facts and still think it's the other way around is either in total denial or brainwashed.


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New york times story Obama aid admitts they lied to public on Iran nuke deal ....kinda like how they lied on healthcare.
Trump bodyguard toches reporters arm ...he is aressted . Where is there a portion of Justus?

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New york times story Obama aid admitts they lied to public on Iran nuke deal ....kinda like how they lied on healthcare.
Trump bodyguard toches reporters arm ...he is aressted . Where is there a portion of Justus?

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It's unreal and it doesn't seem like anyone gives a shit. That's probably the worst thing bho has done out of an enormous list of treasonous acts. This is proof that both parties are part of the same machine just pretending to hold different values. That's why they're all so against Trump and Sanders. If the Republicans were really fighting bho and his transformation of America into a liberal progressive Republic that's starting to resemble Europe, this would have to be enough to not only impeach but remove him from office. There's undeniable evidence that he and everyone involved knowingly and purposely lied and mislead the entire country to make a "deal" with a country that hates us. It wasn't even a deal cuz we didn't get shit.


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I call him bho but I refuse to use capital letters for his sorry ass


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And the fact that they are the largest sponsor of terrorism in the world !Obama hates America and all the injustice he thinks we have done. This man is the great divider of our nation .Still preaching how we are a racist nation while he has been elected twice and has been in charge the last 7 years . I fear his worst treasonous acts will be left to his last few months in office . It might not matter who wins the election since he may do unrecoverable damage .

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As we speak he's strong arming North Carolina for not obeying him on an issue that's not even backed by any law. Personally I don't care what bathroom someone uses as long as you don't fuck with me or my family but this isn't the way America is supposed to do things. He's acting as a dictator ordering a state to do what he tells them or lose federal funding even though there's no federal law regarding the use of bathrooms. Where's is the Republican Congress that bho blames for not letting him get things done? They haven't stopped him from doing anything. They're currently watching the president of the United States basically extort a state for not following his orders regardless of the fact that it isn't a federal law. Now he's just making up laws on his own.


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The amazing part is transgender people are .03 per cent of the population ! They are making my local hs have the bathroom option ! What has happened to our nation ?

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And the fact that they are the largest sponsor of terrorism in the world !Obama hates America and all the injustice he thinks we have done. This man is the great divider of our nation .Still preaching how we are a racist nation while he has been elected twice and has been in charge the last 7 years . I fear his worst treasonous acts will be left to his last few months in office . It might not matter who wins the election since he may do unrecoverable damage .

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I've been saying for about 2 years that he may try to cause unrest to stay in office. It's certainly looking like he's putting the final touches on his plan. They're candidate is currently under investigation by the FBI for God's sake. It's all starting to make sense.


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The amazing part is transgender people are .03 per cent of the population ! They are making my local hs have the bathroom option ! What has happened to our nation ?

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This another issue that no one even thought about until the government got involved. Its nothing more than another way to distract and divide us.


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I think your right.Its a distraction from the real fn we are getting.

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This another issue that no one even thought about until the government got involved. Its nothing more than another way to distract and divide us.
Sorry but I do not care who you vote for, that is our American Right if your American. I would not befriend you because of your political views after all we need to stay in touch for that two grand you owe me, lol


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Sorry but I do not care who you vote for, that is our American Right if your American. I would not befriend you because of your political views after all we need to stay in touch for that two grand you owe me, lol
Shit I was hoping you forgot about that


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Where's is the Republican Congress that bho blames for not letting him get things done? They haven't stopped him from doing anything. They're currently watching the president of the United States basically extort a state for not following his orders regardless of the fact that it isn't a federal law. Now he's just making up laws on his own.
Kinda explains the disaffection that Republican voters have with the party establishment, no?


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Its because they are all scared. Nobody is left to take a stand

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Kinda explains the disaffection that Republican voters have with the party establishment, no?
Absolutely and the Democrats are in the same boat. The worst part is the establishment on both sides have blinders on and continue to ignore what the voters want. Its almost scary to think about what's gonna happen when Hillary officially gets the nomination. The overwhelming majority of Bernie Sanders voters are still insisting he can win. They're the ones who see nothing wrong with using violence and destruction to silence their opponents. Things could take a real bad turn this summer and bho's real boss George Soros will most definitely be financing radical left paid agitators to infiltrate the protests that are sure to happen. Scary shit.


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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The Chinese blessing and curse "May you live in interesting times" has new meaning now.


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The amazing part is transgender people are .03 per cent of the population ! They are making my local hs have the bathroom option ! What has happened to our nation ?

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I don't care how they identify themselves. But, their whole argument is baseless. If they want acceptance, and I'm fine with that, then there is no need for a man dressed as a woman to be in the womens restroom unless he is trying to hide his true gender. He can go in the mens restroom dressed as a woman.


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I personally don't care what bathroom transgenders use. What I don't agree with is bho getting involved in a matter that should be handled by that state.


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With the whole world watching the process of this election and laughing because of Trump at the ruckus he causes, no policy's what so ever, changing his mind on just about everything he says,, you really think he can make things better? Think about why Obama had his hands tied and could get nothing done. Obama took over one of the worst recessions in modern history.You guys can not even pass a budget without threating to shut down government first and then a deal in the eleventh hour. How is Trump going to get anything done with every other politician against him. Perhaps Canada will build a wall to keep Trump out. I do want Trump to win, I want to see your country in four years under Trump and see if my predictions are right. LOL


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I personally don't care what bathroom transgenders use. What I don't agree with is bho getting involved in a matter that should be handled by that state.

Especially when his DOJ that's getting involved does not allow transgender convicts to self identify whether they go to a mens or womens prison. Their gender is identified by what they are packing between their legs.


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With the whole world watching the process of this election and laughing because of Trump at the ruckus he causes, no policy's what so ever, changing his mind on just about everything he says,, you really think he can make things better? Think about why Obama had his hands tied and could get nothing done. Obama took over one of the worst recessions in modern history.You guys can not even pass a budget without threating to shut down government first and then a deal in the eleventh hour. How is Trump going to get anything done with every other politician against him. Perhaps Canada will build a wall to keep Trump out. I do want Trump to win, I want to see your country in four years under Trump and see if my predictions are right. LOL

Nobody gives a fuck what you think. You don't have a choice in the matter, as it should be.


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You cant use the word convict anymore either !

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