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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Diamond Contributor
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ECF Refugee
The argument was not that guns are the ONLY means of killing someone. The argument is that guns are the most efficient way to do in terms of

1. Usage - "point and shoot" vs knife wielding or trying to run someone over
2. Damage - getting shot is much worse than cut or stabbed in the same region
3. Speed - unload a 10 round clip in 5 seconds vs trying to cut/stab in the same time frame
4. Distance - bullets fly quite far

and whether we have a need for such an effective way of causing bodily damage to another individual that serves no other purpose than to cause bodily damage to another individual. Hunting and self defense is always the counter argument and reasonably valid, but unless I'm hunting dinosaurs or defending against the zombie horde, I don't think a 100rd highcap full auto assult rifle is necessary.
Ya know there are other countries you can go hide in.. so get the fuck out.


Gold Contributor
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We agree on marshmallows my friend they are evil .

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and whether we have a need for such an effective way of causing bodily damage to another individual that serves no other purpose than to cause bodily damage to another individual. Hunting and self defense is always the counter argument and reasonably valid, but unless I'm hunting dinosaurs or defending against the zombie horde, I don't think a 100rd highcap full auto assult rifle is necessary.

Need has nothing to do with it, Dickweedalicious. My counter argument is not defense or hunting. My counter argument is that there is no reason to punish or limit a lawful person for the actions of an unlawful person. In other words, I don't believe you should be restricted from weed because of what others have done while under the influence. So likewise, to restrict lawful gun owners because of what an unlawful person has done or will do is an unjust punishment of the lawful person. Again, NEED has nothing to do with it.

If anybody suggests that I may not have something because of what somebody else did, they can fuck off. I will not be punished for what another person has done. I will not be restricted for what another person has done.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The abuse of idiots violates the rights of "normal people." Taking guns away is just trying to minimize the damage...
the logic of dictators and totalitrian fucks.....let's control everything in order to minimize any possible damage...using your logic vaping should be outlawed..salt,sugar,sex,alcohol(many violent crimes are committed whie under the influence) the sun should be outlawed,violent movies,Bernie supporters(violent fucks) Hilary (have you seen her body count) girl scout cookies,cars......and medicinal herb it has higher tar levels than tobacco, also little childeren in Colorado keep getting into the shit and eating it,reading and thinking should be outlawed as it may lead to damaging little fucking snowflakes safe spaces.


Bronze Contributor
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ECF Refugee
"Need" ..yes we have a need which has been spelled out many times.

If you are too stupid to see it then as has been suggested, fuck off to some other country because this one will never ban firearms no matter how hard they try.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The argument was not that guns are the ONLY means of killing someone. The argument is that guns are the most efficient way to do in terms of

1. Usage - "point and shoot" vs knife wielding or trying to run someone over
2. Damage - getting shot is much worse than cut or stabbed in the same region
3. Speed - unload a 10 round clip in 5 seconds vs trying to cut/stab in the same time frame
4. Distance - bullets fly quite far

and whether we have a need for such an effective way of causing bodily damage to another individual that serves no other purpose than to cause bodily damage to another individual. Hunting and self defense is always the counter argument and reasonably valid, but unless I'm hunting dinosaurs or defending against the zombie horde, I don't think a 100rd highcap full auto assult rifle is necessary.
No, the reason the right to own weapons was put into the consitution so that the people could kill people...lots of many as possible..people that sought to infringe on the rights of free men.The Constitution says our rights come from "The Creator" and as such it is not in the hands of the goverment to either grant or deny us out rights to live as freepeople.I'll be damned if I will trust a bunch of scumbags who can't even deliver a fucking letter on time,the resposiblity of securing my freedom.
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It's VG/PG not PG/VG
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People buy guns to protect themselves from people that have guns and that's the reason there are so many guns around.

In most other countries people are not allowed to own guns, or are with strict restrictions, and still manage to live happy lives.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
People buy guns to protect themselves from people that have guns and that's the reason there are so many guns around.

In most other countries people are not allowed to own guns, or are with strict restrictions, and still manage to live happy lives.
Yeah they live great lives until they don't....they live great lives as long as they obey the goverment..ask the unarmed population of Hitler's Germany, Stalin's Russia, Mao's China,Catro's Cuba.....ask the millions of Europeans who are being invaded by muslims if they wish they had a fact gun sales have gone way up in market guns are flooding into europe from the eastern european nations. take a bite from a reality sandwich..we are not living on an episode of Seasame Street.
You have the luxury of lolling in relative peace and prosperity, untroubled about your saftey,but it only exist because of men with guns.When someone wants to use violence against you, you call for help from men with guns.
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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
It is impossible for a gun to kill. As it is a machine that requires an operator to function. Now that operator does have the ability to kill using a gun....with or without firing the gun.

The purpose of the second am. Is to prevent those in power from turning us into Europe. We have the right and ability to remove them from power by force if needed.

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It's VG/PG not PG/VG
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Europeans being invaded by Muslims won't do anything about it until it's too late even if they had guns since they got used to the concept of accepting everyone and wait till they become just like them.

Where I come from most people go to the army and carry various firearms as soldiers, but still as civilians have very high restrictions.
Rifles and shotguns are completely prohibited and the few that have permits only carry hand guns.
The few rifles that are in circulation are used by criminals and were stolen from the army.

During my service I had the opportunity to get a military hand gun permit, which could later be converted into a civilian permit, I chose not to get it.

Right now I can't get a gun permit and wouldn't want one even if I could.

Hypothetically speaking, if I were to come live in America, I wouldn't get a gun either, but I would go republican all the way.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Switzerland has automatic rifles in most homes, and people are not killing each other,and if you take the top 8 major cities in America out of the statistics America's gun deaths per 100,000 are as low and even lower than European countries. It's not the guns it's the people using the guns.


It's VG/PG not PG/VG
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It is impossible for a gun to kill. As it is a machine that requires an operator to function. Now that operator does have the ability to kill using a gun....with or without firing the gun.

The purpose of the second am. Is to prevent those in power from turning us into Europe. We have the right and ability to remove them from power by force if needed.

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So what you're actually saying is that in other countries if push comes to shove they can sent the army, police and even decide to the supply the population with guns, but in your country you also have the right to build a militia and take the law into your own hands :)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
So what you're actually saying is that in other countries if push comes to shove they can sent the army, police and even decide to the supply the population with guns, but in your country you also have the right to build a militia and take the law into your own hands :)
we have the ABILITY to defend ourselves from all enemies forgien or domestic.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
In most other countries people are not allowed to own guns, or are with strict restrictions, and still manage to live happy lives.

LOL. You don't read much, do you. Those "happy" people riot fairly often. Check out France the past couple weeks.


It's VG/PG not PG/VG
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Saying guns don't kill people is like saying rat poison doesn't kill people swallowing it does so why don't we spill it all over our streets.
But what about the stupid people/kids/animals that will decide it's a good idea to taste it?
That's why when they use rat poison they inform the population and put up signs, in order to minimize the unnecessary risk.


It's VG/PG not PG/VG
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LOL. You don't read much, do you. Those "happy" people riot fairly often. Check out France the past couple weeks.
And do you think they wouldn't riot if they had guns? They would just riot with guns.

And I do read a lot, probably a lot more then you.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Saying guns don't kill people is like saying rat poison doesn't kill people swallowing it does so why don't we spill it all over our streets.
But what about the stupid people/kids/animals that will decide it's a good idea to taste it?
That's why when they use rat poison they inform the population and put up signs, in order to minimize the unnecessary risk.
I think everybody already know guns are dangerous..I think the population got the memo.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
So what you're actually saying is that in other countries if push comes to shove they can sent the army, police and even decide to the supply the population with guns, but in your country you also have the right to build a militia and take the law into your own hands :)

Yes. We have the ability to fight back if our government becomes the enemy. You know, like 1776. Discard the King.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
And do you think they wouldn't riot if they had guns? They would just riot with guns.

And I do read a lot, probably a lot more then you.

You said the people in other countries gun free countries were happy. They wouldn't riot if they were happy.


It's VG/PG not PG/VG
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A lot of people think Obama is the enemy but I don't see any of you trying to overturn him.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
And do you think they wouldn't riot if they had guns? They would just riot with guns.

And I do read a lot, probably a lot more then you.
I think if the women of Sweden had the right to carry a gun in their handbags Sweden's rapes wouldn't have gone up by 1400% when the muslims were allowed to flood the country.


It's VG/PG not PG/VG
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You said the people in other countries gun free countries were happy. They wouldn't riot if they were happy.
The thing is that most people around the would and not happy and even if they are will find something to fight and argue about, but it has nothing to do with guns.

So let me rephrase what I said before "live full lives"


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
A lot of people think Obama is the enemy but I don't see any of you trying to overturn him.

You don't understand what restraint is? I think that while other means of of working out problems exist, it's not quite time to go killing people. Maybe your lack of judgement is why other countries are not allowed guns if you think every disagreement must end in bloodshed.


It's VG/PG not PG/VG
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You don't understand what restraint is? I think that while other means of of working out problems exist, it's not quite time to go killing people. Maybe your lack of judgement is why other countries are not allowed guns if you think every disagreement must end in bloodshed.
If you want to solve your problems peacefully (like it should be) why do you need guns?


Diamond Contributor
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Platinum Contributor
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The thing is that most people around the would and not happy and even if they are will find something to fight and argue about, but it has nothing to do with guns.

So let me rephrase what I said before "live full lives"

In the end it doesn't matter. If you don't live here, your opinion matters not. You are free to live without guns. The US will not. We are the greatest country in the world for a reason. We learn from your mistakes.


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Well according to the last 7.5 years I would say you failed

Um, no. The Republican controlled house and Senate have limited Obama's destruction. He isn't a dictator no matter how hard he tries to be one. It's not perfect, but to suggest it's time to have a civil war is a bit of a stretch, lol.


It's VG/PG not PG/VG
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@Time @pulsevape seems I have pressed too many of your ANGRY buttons so why don't we agree that we disagree and you two could go cool off at the shooting range.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Um, no. The Republican controlled house and Senate have limited Obama's destruction. He isn't a dictator no matter how hard he tries to be one.
Funny I would have characterized that as....Republican controlled house and Senate have facillitated Obama's destruction.....He isn't a dictator but only because of semantics.


It's VG/PG not PG/VG
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No holes in my logic and was just trying to use your stupid remarks against you, but I guess you can't fight stupid with stupid.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
@Time @pulsevape seems I have pressed too many of your ANGRY buttons so why don't we agree that we disagree and you two could go cool off at the shooting range.

You haven't pushed any buttons. You've shown a lack knowledge and we have been informing you.

I find your signature line interesting.

There are no dumb batteries just dumb people.

When it comes to your vape, it's an individuals fault if he blows his face off. Don't blame the battery. As it should be. But, your stance on guns is just the reverse. It's fine to restrict guns that may or may not hurt someone but not your vape.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Touche @Time like every liberal whats good for them is not good for everyone else .He just made our point with his own words .

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It's VG/PG not PG/VG
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It's not the gun and it's not the battery it's always the individual's fault.

If someone blows his face off with a 18350 ICR in a mech that's his problem, but if some idiot gets startled and shoots me for no reason, or plays with his gun and misfires, or if a cops shoots me because he thinks I have a gun or if some nut job snipes at me from a tower, or if my child finds the my gun and decides to play with it, it becomes my problem.
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It's VG/PG not PG/VG
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Doesn't matter if I say Switzerland or Nigeria, it will just be manipulated into having something to do with this discussion.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Touche @Time like every liberal whats good for them is not good for everyone else .He just made our point with his own words .

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Hypocrites, the lot of them. They'll fight for the things they want and are obtuse when it comes to things other people want.

Nobody needs a vape. Nobody needs a gun. But I vape and should be allowed to and the government should leave me alone. But, I don't want a gun and since nobody actually needs a gun, it's fine if the government takes the guns from other people. Hypocrites.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
It does matter to understanding your argument . What society or country has shaped your opinion on guns .we are all speaking as Americans what are you speaking as ?

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Bronze Contributor
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ECF Refugee
Guns are not the problem. How many ways can this be stated?

Obviously you will never agree with this idea and I don't know why you come into this discussion thinking that you can convince any of us that you are correct. We have our ways and they have been steeped in long standing tradition and you won't change us or our opinions on this matter.

I'm just going to have to assume you came into this conversation just to start an argument and therefore you sir are a useless troll and have now been added to my ignore list.

FYI, I'm a 60 year old American man who has had firearms in the house since the day I was born. My father as his father before him owned firearms and none of them ever harmed an innocent. I've owned or had access to firearms all my life and began shooting at the tender young age of 6 and I've never harmed an individual with one nor have they decided to go off on their own and harm anyone either.

They have however put food in my freezer and on more than one occasion directly protected my person and my family from others intent on causing harm to us.

So...fuck off.


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I agree completely that guns are not the problem, people are the problem. Without people who wish to do harm, we can all each have a nuke in our backyard for shits and giggles, but that's not going to work now is it? There will always be those that wish us harm whether foreign or domestic and the tragedy is that there will always be those who suffer as a result. If we can't prevent these incidents, we can try to minimize the damage caused.

"FYI, I'm a 60 year old American man who has had firearms in the house since the day I was born. My father as his father before him owned firearms and none of them ever harmed an innocent. I've owned or had access to firearms all my life and began shooting at the tender young age of 6 and I've never harmed an individual with one nor have they decided to go off on their own and harm anyone either.

They have however put food in my freezer and on more than one occasion directly protected my person and my family from others intent on causing harm to us."

Congratulations, you are an outstanding human being that should own a firearm. I wish there were more of those like you in the world. This is meant with all sincerity and honesty. I am not against guns in general. I am against weapons designed for the sole intent to do massive damage both quantitative and qualitatively.

If you don't mind, can you let me know if

-This weapon that you have used to hunt and protect yourself with is a high powered assault rifle with high capacity magazine?
-The person that you protected yourself from, were they armed as well and what were they armed with?
-If this person that you protected yourself from was armed, was it a high powered assault rifle with high capacity magazine?
-If not, what would have been the result if this person that you protected yourself from was armed with a high powered assault rifle with high capacity magazine?


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Ya know there are other countries you can go hide in.. so get the fuck out.

Point taken, but there are countries were you can have whatever guns/tanks/laser guided blow'em up things you want as well... soooo ditto?
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