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Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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David Wolf

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ya know........iafter years of watching the multitude of disasters created by the goverment a thinking person passes through phases... they can't accept the goverment is so stupid, they can't accept the people in goverment can be so devoid of reason and evidence...they can't accept the people in the goverment are blind deaf and dumb to self evident some point a thinking person holds the thought up to the light and examines the idea...maybe, just maybe.. the men in our goverment aren't stupid, maybe the do realize what the consequences of their actions are, and maybe things are the way they are because...the goverment wants it that way...maybe we are too stupid and too cowardly to admitt we are disposable fodder and slaves to these people.

"Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth."
Sherlock Holmes.
Alternatively a thinking person can examine the scientific evidence and just accept the fact that Islamic Terrorists crashed two planes into the WTC which resulted in their collapse.

David Wolf

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ECF Refugee
yeah right...two plane crashed into 2 buildings and three buildings fell down...that is some magical jet fuel..........let me see here 2+2= carrot.
Haha well were just going to have to agree we disagree;)


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yeah right...two plane crashed into 2 buildings and three buildings fell down...that is some magical jet fuel..........let me see here 2+2= carrot.

That right there is the big question mark.

I have no problem with a modern damaged building falling straight down. They are designed to do so.

But, #7 should never have collapsed.

The Cromwell

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Buildings are designed to fall straight down?

Umm they are not designed to fall down at all...



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Alternatively a thinking person can examine the scientific evidence and just accept the fact that Islamic Terrorists crashed two planes into the WTC which resulted in their collapse.
Yeah that "Thinking Person" could stick their head in the sand & ignore reality.....Exactly as you are supposed to. I would argue that contradicts the definition.

1 of 7:



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Alternatively a thinking person can examine the scientific evidence and just accept the fact that Islamic Terrorists crashed two planes into the WTC which resulted in their collapse.
One of whom conveniently dropped his passport out the window of the plane so it could be readily found among the debris...
I think that rather than indulge in a daisy chain of worship of the
gub'min sponsored propaganda disguised as "scientific evidence"
a real thinking person would analyse ALL THE AVAILABLE FACTS and come to a VALID conclusion.

15 of the 19 Saudi Arabian “hijackers” were actually CIA agents who were, at the time, covertly working with rogue factions of the U.S. Military Industrial Complex to carry out a sinister multifaceted, multi-vectored, plot to loot billions if not trillions of taxpayer dollars from the Corporation of the United States, later funneling the loot into private corporations through defense appropriated funding and numerous no-bid contracts related to the roll-out of the PATRIOT Act.

Additionally, the report concludes that the hijackers never physically boarded any the alleged “hijacked” airliners, which were purported to have crashed into the Pentagon and Towers 1 and 2 of the World Trade Center, which at the time was an iconic American monument in New York.

To believe the official story of 9/11 you have to swallow an awful lot. You have to believe the laws of physics can be suspended for a day, that planes can disappear after crashing, and that Muslims accused of being suicide hijackers can still be alive after the deed is done.

About that last one. Essential to the deception was the premise that 19 Muslim extremists hijacked four domestic flights on the morning of September 11, 2001 with the intention of flying them into predetermined targets.

But do we really know who these alleged hijackers were? Do we know they carried out any hijackings? Do we know they were even at the scenes of the crimes? In fact, as researcher Elias Davidsson demonstrates in his recent book Hijacking America’s Mind on 9/11: Counterfeiting Evidence, there is not one shred of authenticated evidence that any of the 19 men blamed for the “attacks” ever boarded any planes. And even if there were, this would not prove they participated in any hijackings.
Kolar writes that all the evidence used to support the allegations – including videos, photographs, in-flight phone calls, and cockpit audio tapes, “have been proven to lack authentication if not also proven, with corroboration from other evidence, to be fabrications or forgeries.”[2]

And the investigation Mueller mentioned didn’t last long. President George W. Bush called it off one month after it began with the excuse that the manpower was needed to investigate the anthrax attacks. Of course these turned out to be another false flag, directly linked to the 9/11 deception (see Graeme MacQueen’s book The 2001 Anthrax Deception: The Case for a Domestic Conspiracy).

I've weeded out the information found on some conspiracy minded sites
but a casual search yields much information which points to damning data that a REAL engineer
would consider if he wasn't either a troll or blinded by patriotic dogma.

David Wolf

Silver Contributor
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ECF Refugee
One of whom conveniently dropped his passport out the window of the plane so it could be readily found among the debris...
I think that rather than indulge in a daisy chain of worship of the
gub'min sponsored propaganda disguised as "scientific evidence"
a real thinking person would analyse ALL THE AVAILABLE FACTS and come to a VALID conclusion.

15 of the 19 Saudi Arabian “hijackers” were actually CIA agents who were, at the time, covertly working with rogue factions of the U.S. Military Industrial Complex to carry out a sinister multifaceted, multi-vectored, plot to loot billions if not trillions of taxpayer dollars from the Corporation of the United States, later funneling the loot into private corporations through defense appropriated funding and numerous no-bid contracts related to the roll-out of the PATRIOT Act.

Additionally, the report concludes that the hijackers never physically boarded any the alleged “hijacked” airliners, which were purported to have crashed into the Pentagon and Towers 1 and 2 of the World Trade Center, which at the time was an iconic American monument in New York.

To believe the official story of 9/11 you have to swallow an awful lot. You have to believe the laws of physics can be suspended for a day, that planes can disappear after crashing, and that Muslims accused of being suicide hijackers can still be alive after the deed is done.

About that last one. Essential to the deception was the premise that 19 Muslim extremists hijacked four domestic flights on the morning of September 11, 2001 with the intention of flying them into predetermined targets.

But do we really know who these alleged hijackers were? Do we know they carried out any hijackings? Do we know they were even at the scenes of the crimes? In fact, as researcher Elias Davidsson demonstrates in his recent book Hijacking America’s Mind on 9/11: Counterfeiting Evidence, there is not one shred of authenticated evidence that any of the 19 men blamed for the “attacks” ever boarded any planes. And even if there were, this would not prove they participated in any hijackings.
Kolar writes that all the evidence used to support the allegations – including videos, photographs, in-flight phone calls, and cockpit audio tapes, “have been proven to lack authentication if not also proven, with corroboration from other evidence, to be fabrications or forgeries.”[2]

And the investigation Mueller mentioned didn’t last long. President George W. Bush called it off one month after it began with the excuse that the manpower was needed to investigate the anthrax attacks. Of course these turned out to be another false flag, directly linked to the 9/11 deception (see Graeme MacQueen’s book The 2001 Anthrax Deception: The Case for a Domestic Conspiracy).

I've weeded out the information found on some conspiracy minded sites
but a casual search yields much information which points to damning data that a REAL engineer
would consider if he wasn't either a troll or blinded by patriotic dogma.
Lol you can't stand it can you, too funny!


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Regarding @Time 's statement that buildings now-a-days are designed to implode straight down
and that video by a Georgia smith who claims to debunk that steel will melt at jetfuel fire temp:

Buildings now-a-days are designed to not fall. Building's stress points are equally distributed
in order that failure at any one or several stress points will not bring the building down.
In order to implode a structure ALL of the STRESS points must be compromised
at the same time as in a controlled demolition.
Several airplanes crashing into a building would compromise only the parts of the building struck.

Note that in the Georgia boy's video the steel rod did not melt down into itself.
Note he didn't even try to squish the rod downwards. Rather, by compromising a small part of the rod
he was able to, using the rod as a lever and the anvil as fulcrum, bend the rod at the compromised point.

Assuming that the planes crashing into the buildings had indeed compromised the stress points where the planes crashed
the buildings would have toppled over at the compromised points.


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The Cromwell

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Regarding @Time 's statement that buildings now-a-days are designed to implode straight down
and that video by a Georgia smith who claims to debunk that steel will melt at jetfuel fire temp:
Get enough airflow and coal will melt steel. But a regular coal fire will not.
Same with propane.


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Member For 4 Years
Get enough airflow and coal will melt steel. But a regular coal fire will not.
Same with propane.
Hey Blissful, only the steel which is heated consistently at the same point would melt with a coal/air fire.
I understand that you're a dumbfuck country bumpkin but you might at least hide some of your ignorance.

Go run and get your oxy-acetylene torch, blow real hard and see how much of a steel rod will melt.

The Cromwell

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Hey Blissful, only the steel which is heated consistently at the same point would melt with a coal/air fire.
I understand that you're a dumbfuck country bumpkin but you might at least hide some of your ignorance.

Go run and get your oxy-acetylene torch, blow real hard and see how much of a steel rod will melt.
BTU's dumbass! lots of jet fuel vs a small jet of acy.


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Member For 4 Years
BTU's dumbass! lots of jet fuel vs a small jet of acy.
BTU's your ass.
Lot's of jet fuel explodes where it sits. It doesn't run down the inside/outside of steel girders and melt the entire frame.
In order to melt the rod or the building frame the intense heat would need be applied to the whole thing at the same time equally..

David Wolf

Silver Contributor
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ECF Refugee
BTU's your ass.
Lot's of jet fuel explodes where it sits. It doesn't run down the inside/outside of steel girders and melt the entire frame.
In order to melt the rod or the building frame the intense heat would need be applied to the whole thing at the same time equally..
Don't you have homework to do? Lol

The Cromwell

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BTU's your ass.
Lot's of jet fuel explodes where it sits. It doesn't run down the inside/outside of steel girders and melt the entire frame.
In order to melt the rod or the building frame the intense heat would need be applied to the whole thing at the same time equally..
Jet fuel is kerosene/diesel it does not explode too much but burns really well.

Throw Kerosene/diesel on a brush pile fire. It will flare up but some will run down and out the edges of the pile too. It does not all instantly combust.

I realize why many feel that this has to be a conspiracy thing.
After all the realization that ignorant 'camel jockeys/towel heads' could do this to the great USA is pretty frightening.

The fear driven majority are easy to control and defeat because they give in to their fear so easily.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Regarding @Time 's statement that buildings now-a-days are designed to implode straight down
and that video by a Georgia smith who claims to debunk that steel will melt at jetfuel fire temp:

Buildings now-a-days are designed to not fall. Building's stress points are equally distributed
in order that failure at any one or several stress points will not bring the building down.
In order to implode a structure ALL of the STRESS points must be compromised
at the same time as in a controlled demolition.
Several airplanes crashing into a building would compromise only the parts of the building struck.

Note that in the Georgia boy's video the steel rod did not melt down into itself.
Note he didn't even try to squish the rod downwards. Rather, by compromising a small part of the rod
he was able to, using the rod as a lever and the anvil as fulcrum, bend the rod at the compromised point.

Assuming that the planes crashing into the buildings had indeed compromised the stress points where the planes crashed
the buildings would have toppled over at the compromised points.
ex-fucking- catlly buildings no building collapses at free fall unless ALL the relevant structual points fail at the same I supposed to believe that the "magic jet fuel" was able to spread itself out... through out the whole building or at least to all the floors below it in a large enough amount to each and every relevant structual member and then ignite itself at the same time so as to all weaken at the same moment. again ...that is some magical jet fuel....I think on a gut level anyone whose built even a house of cards knew they were looking at a controled demolition..

The Cromwell

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build us a wall please!


The funniest thing is that many of the ones wanting the wall are the Gun Nuts.

Note: I view gun owners and guns nutz as 2 different categories.
I own quite a few guns and enjoy shooting them. However I am not a fanatic about them nor do I carry one with me very often at all even though I have a concealed carry permit.
When I was young I was a NRA member, then they became a political entity and I dropped them.
I also dropped out a sportsman's club when they started requiring NRA membership to be a member there.
NRA used to be all about responsible gun ownership and promoting gun safety.


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Member For 4 Years
The "15 of 19 Saudi Arabian hijackers were actually CIA Agents" had me laughing in tears :D
I'm for me ....when I hear someone say they think two jets brought down three buildings in free's just not funny usually my jaw drops and I realize..that zombies roam the earth.....I mean who knew..hell you got these people spending millions of dollars on highly trained engineers and demoltions experts to bring down buildings without scratching the paint of any of the buildings around them, and they didn't realize all they had to do was hire a bedouin in a cessna to fly into the things.

The Cromwell

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Damn, it seems fire burns downwards now...LOL

yep light a candle and see if the fire does not go downward.
How the heck would the bottom charcoal in a grill get lit if it did not move downward?
If a roof catches on fire on a house it will not cause the entire house to burn?

You may be educated but not very smart.
Perhaps an accountant?

The Cromwell

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Put it on the Internet, make it sound like "inside information" and the gullible will suck it up.
Yep they should have put it on CNN instead. Then they would not believe it :)

Ohh wait CNN recognized it as hyperbole and did not air the false news?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The "15 of 19 Saudi Arabian hijackers were actually CIA Agents" had me laughing in tears :D
you know one of the things I find amazing about your ability to suspend rationale thought...the truth is usally a very simple thing...when you look at all the coincidences surrounding that day, when you look at all the holes in all the may not be able to piece the whole truth together, but you should be able to piece one truth together out of it....that what you were told has more holes in it than swiss cheese, and you were lied to....that at the very least... should motivate you to question everything.

The Cromwell

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Make it sound "official" and some fools will accept whatever is said w/o question.
I bet you still think chemtrails are contrails.

Contrails are contrails as to whether they contain chemicals not produced by the combustion of jet fuels as well as the atmospheric phenomena that actually created contrails is a matter of speculation but not a certainty at least for all contrails.

You really have this conspiracy thing bad don't ya?


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
yep light a candle and see if the fire does not go downward.
How the heck would the bottom charcoal in a grill get lit if it did not move downward?

You may be educated but not very smart.
Perhaps an accountant?
Candle wax burns at the wick (usually on top)
melted wax from the top runs downwards.
Charcoal (which you seem fond of) may light the piece next to or below it through CONTACT
(and usually takes an accelerant to light), not through the sharing of BTU's
Go fire some up and see. May as well light a candle and watch how that works too.

Newsflash. I am educated and much smarter than you..but unlike you I don't gloat
because of my "Bliss".


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
you know one of the things I find amazing about your ability to suspend rationale thought...the truth is usally a very simple thing...when you look at all the coincidences surrounding that day, when you look at all the holes in all the may not be able to piece the whole truth together, but you should be able to piece one truth together out of it....that what you were told has more holes in it than swiss cheese, and you were lied to....that at the very least... should motivate you to question everything.
That would take unbiased analysis of ALL the facts.
Not gonna happen. Some people can't assemble jigs puzzles unless they have official gub'min sponsored instructions


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Contrails are contrails as to whether they contain chemicals not produced by the combustion of jet fuels as well as the atmospheric phenomena that actually created contrails is a matter of speculation but not a certainty at least for all contrails.

You really have this conspiracy thing bad don't ya?
That there proves your ignorance and stupidity.
Time for you to do your homework..
I'm not going to bother explaining the difference between contrails and chemtrails to you
'cause you're too dumb.
I'm not going to explain how or why contrails form at which altitudes
or contrast the qualities of chemtrails either.

It's evident that you are stupid or a troll...Probably both.
But should you ever decide it's time to get serious the evidence is available..if you can understand it.

The Cromwell

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Newsflash. I am educated and much smarter than you..but unlike you I don't gloat
because of my "Bliss".

And you know that exactly how?

Because of what I post on an internet site?
Easy to see why you are so much into conspiracy theories.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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That there proves your ignorance and stupidity.
Time for you to do your homework..
I'm not going to bother explaining the difference between contrails and chemtrails to you
'cause you're too dumb.
I'm not going to explain how or why contrails form at which altitudes
or contrast the qualities of chemtrails either.

It's evident that you are stupid or a troll...Probably both.
But should you ever decide it's time to get serious the evidence is available..if you can understand it.
Not worth Reply.
Just thought you should know.
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