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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Crap, I was 2 hours early on that Suits show.
It's yous guys'es fault! I swear I wasn't senile til after I got here...
You talking about Coast to Coast?
I stopped listening a few months after Art Bell retired.
George is way too into the money..fucking light worker my ass.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Nah, I don't waste my time. I've researched both (or more) sides of the 911 story and don't need to read
BS from people whose livelihood depend on government contracts.
(Anymore than believing Farsalinos research whose livelihood depends of Oliver and the vaping industry.)

Maybe you ought to read through the Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth instead of taking the word of people with whoe narrative you agree.
BTW, I have (good) architects, gub'min civil engineers, and aeronautic engineers in the family
and several electrical, chemical, and broadcast engineer friends who all agree with me..In fact it was they who gave me the red pill.
Couldn't agree more.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Utter horseshit!

Lower steel should have slowed collapse from achieving free fall speeds by providing resistance. Bull - crap debunking won't ever change that.
I think anybody whose built or torn down anything larger than a dog house knows buildings just don't topple straight down at free fall speed......


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I never knew about the melting steel. Thanks PV & Hazy...
That is definitely steel melting too... not aluminum.

WTF Is that???

hmmmm... maybe you lunatics are not as crazy as I thought...


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I never knew about the melting steel. Thanks PV & Hazy...
That is definitely steel melting too... not aluminum.

WTF Is that???

hmmmm... maybe you lunatics are not as crazy as I thought...

Dude. I know I'm not crazy ', I know cause I ask myself whether I am each and every morning.
I'll grant you that I believe in some off the wall shit..but it isn't blind faith my friend.
I've always considered myself a cosmic scientist, my faith is based on research and experience.

what show is he talking about and what is it they are talking about.
Beats me. I asked him for a synopsis. His link lacks the show in the playlist.
I'm tempted to listen to Coast to's been a while

David Wolf

Silver Contributor
Member For 2 Years
Member For 1 Year
ECF Refugee
there is video footage of streams of molten steel flowing out of the wreakage. of the buildings...burning jet fuel can't melt steel.
There is video footage of something burning pouring down the building, and zero evidence it was molten steel.
NIST found no evidence the steel melted, and even addressed the "melting steel" video claims.

Jet fuel can't melt conspiracy theories. Fact.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The last paragraph sums it up well.
The problem is that now we have a real jihad and a refugee problem of our own creation (well, not "our")
It's all about oil and greedy sons of bitches intent on world domination
Refugee crisis All outlined in United Nations Outlook 2050 documents on UN Website. So arrogant they told us they would effect a mass migration well in advance.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
There is video footage of something burning pouring down the building, and zero evidence it was molten steel.
NIST found no evidence the steel melted, and even addressed the "melting steel" video claims.

Jet fuel can't melt conspiracy theories. Fact.
no, but then...this is the same goverment that DID find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, that did find a reason to burn up a bunch of kids in Waco, that did find a need to shoot down lavoy finicum, that does find reasons to go to war......

David Wolf

Silver Contributor
Member For 2 Years
Member For 1 Year
ECF Refugee
no, but then...this is the same goverment that DID find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, that did find a reason to burn up a bunch of kids in Waco, that did find a need to shoot down lavoy finicum, that does find reasons to go to war......
Good points but I see that as evidence of overbearing government incompetence and stupidity and pretty sure Washingtons not smart enough to get away with big ass conspiracies lol


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Good points but I see that as evidence of overbearing government incompetence and stupidity and pretty sure Washingtons not smart enough to get away with big ass conspiracies lol
ya know........iafter years of watching the multitude of disasters created by the goverment a thinking person passes through phases... they can't accept the goverment is so stupid, they can't accept the people in goverment can be so devoid of reason and evidence...they can't accept the people in the goverment are blind deaf and dumb to self evident some point a thinking person holds the thought up to the light and examines the idea...maybe, just maybe.. the men in our goverment aren't stupid, maybe the do realize what the consequences of their actions are, and maybe things are the way they are because...the goverment wants it that way...maybe we are too stupid and too cowardly to admitt we are disposable fodder and slaves to these people.

"Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth."
Sherlock Holmes.
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The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
haha yeah, my first link talked about that group. You should have you know, maybe clicked it? ya think? lol
I learned years ago that ignorance is bliss where talking head commentators are concerned.
Their political leaning make no difference to me.
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