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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Lowest economic growth in history?
That is a blatant lie.
Heck it was worse under Bush II, The great depression, etc.


Barack Obama Is Now The Only President In History To Never Have A Year Of 3% GDP Growth

As a reminder to a few blinkered media types, this means President Obama's "recovery" has officially been the worst recovery in US history (despite adding almost $10 trillion to the national debt)...


The Cromwell

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Like crazy Islamic jihaddists aren't reason enough for ya ... must be a sale on tin foil... :facepalm:
dude do you seriously still think those towers fell because a couple of planes crashed into them? those building went down in free fall ....and that doesn't even address building 7 which had no plane crash into it and it also went down at free fall speed.......all those buildings were wired to blow. their structures were targeted for them to fall that cleanly...... buildings just don't go down that way.....not to mention a thousand other details about what happened like traces of nanoexplosives found in the debris the kinds of explosives found only in the most advanced and secret goverment facilities. who did is debateable, but the idea two airplane brought down 3 buildings at free fall speed is ludicrous.


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Barack Obama Is Now The Only President In History To Never Have A Year Of 3% GDP Growth

As a reminder to a few blinkered media types, this means President Obama's "recovery" has officially been the worst recovery in US history (despite adding almost $10 trillion to the national debt)...

you are a racist........................................................................................alt-right Nazi.......

David Wolf

Silver Contributor
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ECF Refugee
dude do you seriously still think those towers fell because a couple of planes crashed into them? those building went down in free fall ....and that doesn't even address building 7 which had no plane crash into it and it also went down at free fall speed.......all those buildings were wired to blow. their structures were targeted for them to fall that cleanly...... buildings just don't go down that way.....not to mention a thousand other details about what happened like traces of nanoexplosives found in the debris the kinds of explosives found only in the most advanced and secret goverment facilities. who did is debateable, but the idea two airplane brought down 3 buildings at free fall speed is ludicrous.
Yeah dude, I do believe two airliners exploding into the WTC buildings brought them all down. I think that because I'm an engineer, and I believe in science and forensic investigations by engineers.

While conspiracy theories might be fun, they're just not my thing. Science, engineering analysis, and reality prevail in my world.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Yeah dude, I do believe two airliners exploding into the WTC buildings brought them all down. I think that because I'm an engineer, and I believe in science and forensic investigations by engineers.

While conspiracy theories might be fun, they're just not my thing. Science, engineering analysis, and reality prevail in my world.
and I also believe you don't think the science is" all in" on global warming either....I bet you think that there are scientist who think the idea of man made global warming is ridiculous are serious scientist who should have their ideas aired and heard....but when it comes to the goverment propoganda about the twin towers you think the science is all in....I'm not really impressed with your being an engineer...every man in my family for three generations has been an engineer.. grandfather father uncles cousins brothers all what..there are tons of scientists, engineers, and demolition experts who think that the offical goverment story of what happened is physically impossible according to the laws of physics....there are plenty of engineers who don't share your view.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
dude do you seriously still think those towers fell because a couple of planes crashed into them? those building went down in free fall ....and that doesn't even address building 7 which had no plane crash into it and it also went down at free fall speed.......all those buildings were wired to blow. their structures were targeted for them to fall that cleanly...... buildings just don't go down that way.....not to mention a thousand other details about what happened like traces of nanoexplosives found in the debris the kinds of explosives found only in the most advanced and secret goverment facilities. who did is debateable, but the idea two airplane brought down 3 buildings at free fall speed is ludicrous.
Yea well, he's an engineer...guess he missed where 7 fell after Larry Silverstein said "Pull it"
or that a shitload of other engineers agree it was an inside job, or that the tower's steel exoskeleton
just wouldn't melt (or vaporize) given the temperature of jet fuel
or that evidence of thermite was found at ground zero,
or that the building IMPLODED as in a controlled demolition, or any of that stuff that doesn't fit his narrative.

BTW, I'm only a video engineer and the video evidence (which I have examined) points to
at least one of those airplanes being able to fly through walls...w/o being damaged
Then again, there are airplane engines that said airplanes don't use that fell as debris
and let's not forget the plane that allegedly hit the Pentagon
left little debris and fit through a neat hole but with no evidence of wings..and coincidentally hit the part of the Pentagon
that needed "bleaching"...

Yea, I'm the one wearing a tinfoil hat 'cause I know the "crazy jihadists" were created by Obama
and are still sponsored by the CIA.
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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
you think it was the mossad and zionist lizard people dontcha.
There were several Israeli Mossad agents spotted partying after the towers went down.
Lizards or not, do the math.
We need a war because we need oil. We got a war, heck we got several wars, not one where there isn't oil
to be had as the spoils of war.

Dude, the Hindus did it.
BTW, this is my avi at ECF

ask around...


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
There were several Israeli Mossad agents spotted partying after the towers went down.
Lizards or not, do the math.
We need a war because we need oil. We got a war, heck we got several wars, not one where there isn't oil
to be had as the spoils of war.

Dude, the Hindus did it.
BTW, this is my avi at ECF

ask around...
I thought you were a misguided hindu and now you're throwing tibetain buhhdist iconography at me....and how by chance did you escape not being tossed out of ECF on your ass for having an independent thought.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I thought you were a misguided hindu and now you're throwing tibetain buhhdist iconography at me....and how by chance did you escape not being tossed out of ECF on your ass for having an independent thought.
I did say "ask around"..if you have any handy Hindus around
they might tell you that the above is a Kali yantra, not Tibetan iconography.
You're right, I'm well liked at ECF


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I did say "ask around"..if you have any handy Hindus around
they might tell you that the above is a Kali yantra, not Tibetan iconography.
You're right, I'm well liked at ECF
yeah man you don't piss off the hindus..ask Ghandi ...he found out the hard way.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
perish the thought....he just made too many backroom deals with the devil and paid for it....I don't think he believed in much of anything other than his own cult of personality.
It must be the Mandela effect...I stand corrected but I swear I read he was a muslim..His son converted to Islam for a while
but went back to Hinduism


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
It must be the Mandela effect...I stand corrected but I swear I read he was a muslim..His son converted to Islam for a while
but went back to Hinduism
He had a very bad relationship with both his sons...he was a tyrant towards his wife and childeren of his sons was rebelious to Ghandis control and married a woman that ghandi disapproved of, and he and ghandi never really spoke after that...this son caused a bit of a scandal not living in a very pious manner and I bet enjoyed tweaking ghandi's nose any chance he got...his other son knuckeled under to what ever bizzare thought passed through ghandis psuedo-spiritual vison du jour....ghandi himself played around in the theosophical societies while going to school in England...Ghandi was not a stellar student of either acedemics or religon....but he is one of those sacred cows you don't examine too closely without getting people upset......but hey any old goat who can con people into the idea that he slept with young girls but didn't screw them for "spiritual" reasons is pretty damn cagey.
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The Cromwell

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Republicans must love buyers remorse.
They were head over heals about Bush II... For a while..
It will be the same with Trump.

And I heard seemingly intelligent republicans call Obama 'The Antichrist'...

Get real. Yes Obama sucked but the antichrist?


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years

No BS. Major high rep for Bryan Suits.
He seems particularly connect with some of the stuff you guys discuss. (no lizard people so far tho. :()

This is real news... the credible kind. Please to enjoy.
Starts in a couple minutes HOURS. <---- subtle edit there

Oh... this guy ain't fer you Crommie.
Please see youtube under Maxine Waters.
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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
the idea that he slept with young girls but didn't screw them for "spiritual" reasons is pretty damn cagey.
Damn, I did that once...cute young Viking chick from Minnesota..I met her at a Quaker Peace Education simple living seminar..
It got too late for her to drive home so she slept over at my house..I did not touch her...fool.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years

No BS. Major high rep for Bryan Suits.
He seems particularly connect with some of the stuff you guys discuss. (no lizard people so far tho. :()

This is real news... the credible kind. Please to enjoy.
Starts in a couple minutes

Oh... this guy ain't fer you Crommie.
Please see youtube under Maxine Waters.
A synopsis would be time is valuable..LOL


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Republicans must love buyers remorse.
They were head over heals about Bush II... For a while..
It will be the same with Trump.

And I heard seemingly intelligent republicans call Obama 'The Antichrist'...

Get real. Yes Obama sucked but the antichrist?
It ain't over 'till the fat lady sings.
I do not trust Donald and I've implied as much, but of course that was for ears that hear and eyes that see..
I never trusted Dubya because I knew him, went to Mardi Gras in back of his pick-up back in '73.
I did not vote for Trump, I voted against Killary.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
It ain't over 'till the fat lady sings.
I do not trust Donald and I've implied as much, but of course that was for ears that hear and eyes that see..
I never trusted Dubya because I knew him, went to Mardi Gras in back of his pick-up back in '73.
I did not vote for Trump, I voted against Killary.
The fat lady is pickin out her dress.

I voted against both of them I voted Johnson.
I KNEW he would not win so a nice safe protest vote.
I voted but liked none of the candidates.

I cannot bring myself to vote for the lesser of 2 evils.
Knowing that the one I voted for might win.

David Wolf

Silver Contributor
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ECF Refugee
Better do some "engineer" research before you do that.
The studies on the effect of vaping aren't complete and the gub'min says vaping is bad for you..especially in the cool night air.
My research on vaping is fairly extensive and based in science and not the politics of government, or conspiracy's thereof. Fun though they are ;)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Yeah dude, I do believe two airliners exploding into the WTC buildings brought them all down. I think that because I'm an engineer, and I believe in science and forensic investigations by engineers.

While conspiracy theories might be fun, they're just not my thing. Science, engineering analysis, and reality prevail in my world.

Stop it - Your killing me!


How does jet fuel that burns at 800 degrees melt structural steel?

Never mind the Thousands of Engineers, Architects, First Responders, & Intelligence Officers for 9-11 Truth that disagree with your assessment.

Never mind that first responders heard the demlition charges giong off & melted steel could be seen pouring from the building.

Steel & Concrete burning so hot that 6 days later the soles of workers boots were melting. Nano-Thermite traces all over the scene. Steel with telltale diagonal slices from the nano-thermite charges layng all over & hauled away before a thorough investigation could be mounted.

Never mind that Dick Cheney took personal command of air defenses that day & had all air defense assets near NY & DC involved in an exercise out over the Atlantic & when fighters scrambled from Boston closed to intercept range of the "plane" approaching pentagon, he diverted them out over the Atlantic as well.

Dream on in your safe space.....


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
haha yeah, my first link talked about that group. You should have you know, maybe clicked it? ya think? lol
Nah, I don't waste my time. I've researched both (or more) sides of the 911 story and don't need to read
BS from people whose livelihood depend on government contracts.
(Anymore than believing Farsalinos research whose livelihood depends on Oliver and the vaping industry.)

Maybe you ought to read through the Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth instead of taking the word of people with whose narrative you agree.
BTW, I have (good) architects, gub'min civil engineers, and aeronautic engineers in the family
and several electrical, chemical, and broadcast engineer friends who all agree with me..In fact it was they who gave me the red pill.
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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years

Stop it - Your killing me!


How does jet fuel that burns at 800 degrees melt structural steel?

Never mind the Thousands of Engineers, Architects, First Responders, & Intelligence Officers for 9-11 Truth that disagree with your assessment.

Never mind that first responders heard the demlition charges giong off & melted steel could be seen pouring from the building.

Steel & Concrete burning so hot that 6 days later the soles of workers boots were melting. Nano-Thermite traces all over the scene. Steel with telltale diagonal slices from the nano-thermite charges layng all over & hauled away before a thorough investigation could be mounted.

Never mind that Dick Cheney took personal command of air defenses that day & had all air defense assets near NY & DC involved in an exercise out over the Atlantic & when fighters scrambled from Boston closed to intercept range of the "plane" approaching pentagon, he diverted them out over the Atlantic as well.

Dream on in your safe space.....

You do realize David is trolling us...right?
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