Here's one.
Laying awake playing on my phone. If any of you use Android and are still looking for a stellar way to track ALL your vapemail, check this out. I've been using it for months and I love that it checks periodically for me and gives me notifications on the progress of the goodies.
I made a kickass Omlette this morning.
Full post:
Their website gives no details. I don't trust them. I'll wait untill you gift me yours after you done.
Im sure your getting tired of that Expromizer............
Here's another one that "catched my fancy"
Just to keep you droowling
Finally you post one that is available here.
Bah pass on the Kaiser.. Back to the Expromizer
Yeah... we should insist with Angelcigs to make the clone
LMAO, Man that was a great post in the Expromizer thread you made. I am in corner with half tank filled with stale china juice.
I DIY too about half my juice. I like basic flavors so pretty easy for me. I am about out nicotine though. I didn't freeze it for storage and it seems to be getting strong. I will freeze next bottle.