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Vaping on the Front or back Porch


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee

Good morning, everyone. <3


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
They did that to me, too. Like “your cart is missing you” or some such shit. But with covid and bans and PMTA, these businesses are jumping through hoops to stay in business. It really sucks.

Bobby who is the CS Rep told me it is because they are an E-Liquid Company and can't sell anything to New York. They lost a customer because of CorruptMo


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
Bobby who is the CS Rep told me it is because they are an E-Liquid Company and can't sell anything to New York. They lost a customer because of CorruptMo

They’re trying to stay afloat, but flavors and other stuff aren’t Nicotine. They’re playing it really super safe. Sigh.


Gold Contributor
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Good morning every one.... I think bull city will ship to NY.. I can vouch for their PG/VG, and they have a new line called Gremberry farms. Most seem to be concentrates.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 2 Years
Reddit Exile
Good to see you here. I was going to write you and then decided to check in here first. (Pen pal posts are longer. Lol)

I’ve had work off and on in here for almost two months. But yesterday and today I had guys come in and shlep a LOT of stuff away, and clean up a bit. I’m glad I did it, but it was crazy in here. I slipped and went flying and hit my eye on a book case. So now I’m getting a black eye!! I don’t believe it.

I miss Amber too. She was a ray of happiness here for everyone. I’d still like to know what happened to her, but I’m not gonna bother her parents. (Like what kind of accident? I read too many mysteries.)

Love you, Mina. You’re a good friend and I appreciate it. :hug::hug:
Amber had posted on Oct. 26 on Facebook that she had a horrible cold. Then she died on Oct. 30th. I assumed she died from Covid but I'm not positive. Whatever caused it it's still sad. I love you too Rhianne. You've been a very good friend to me!


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Amber had posted on Oct. 26 on Facebook that she had a horrible cold. Then she died on Oct. 30th. I assumed she died from Covid but I'm not positive. Whatever caused it it's still sad. I love you too Rhianne. You've been a very good friend to me!

No, it wasn't the Covid-19 I can say for sure. 1st off that is too fast for the Corona Virus but if you look at her Facebook Wall you will get an idea.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
So I finally got all the Readiness Monitors to a Ready State and my Auto Shops Inspection Machine was down~! I called this morning and she sent me to a friend so I took a ride over to make an appointment for the morning and he took it right in~! So I can drive without worrying about a freaking Inspection Ticket~!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
Amber had posted on Oct. 26 on Facebook that she had a horrible cold. Then she died on Oct. 30th. I assumed she died from Covid but I'm not positive. Whatever caused it it's still sad. I love you too Rhianne. You've been a very good friend to me!

But covid isn’t a tragic accident. If she posted on the 26th and died on the 30th, it seems like something really serious. My dad was in the hospital for almost two months. So Amber should’ve have been able to last that long imho.

We’re never going to get the truth, it seems. This is like VU Unsolved Mysteries now. Sheesh!

You’re a good friend and the excellent thing about this plague is that we became close. I’m really grateful!! :hug::hug::hug:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
No, it wasn't the Covid-19 I can say for sure. 1st off that is too fast for the Corona Virus but if you look at her Facebook Wall you will get an idea.

I can’t get into FB. I ditched my account about a year ago. Can you please give us a clue? Pretty please!


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Woke up a little later than I planned because I woke up a few times during the night~! Having a Mug of coffee before I go pick up some fresh Bagels to drop off at the shop that did my NYS Inspection yesterday. I walked into introduce myself and make an appointment when he ran me right in.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Did my Bagel run and brought a big sack of Bagels to the Auto Shop. Definitely brightens someones day to start with a friendly gesture. Now having another mug of coffee before I put on my gardener clothes and do the lawns. Mostly leaf clean up and apply the winterizing chemicals.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
So did a lot of things outside today. Cut, edged, fertilized and blew the lawn and leaves. Then I painted the mailbox really quick and gave the railing on the Front Porch a coat of black Rustoleum~! Pulled a couple of tomato plants and then sat on the front porch to watch FedEx Screw up my order from Walmart. Looks like he left one box of 2 on the truck and slammed one down so hard it broke the plastic holding the 12 pack together. Customer Service? Thank you!


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Had coffee, hit the market for some Fresh French Bread and Vegetable for dinner. Blew some leaves away that blew back. I picked them up yesterday but today they just go in the street~! Had a nice Sausage, Egg and Cheese Wrap for Brunch. Now enjoying my last cup of coffee before Football~! Go Giants?


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
So I go and take a shower this morning and when I turned off the Hot Water it was still running~~! Fucking Monday................ Pulled the stems from the wall and started looking for washers. Said screw this went to Plumbing Supply and bought a bunch plus 2 new handles H&C Caps and Escutcheons for the stems. Said give me one more for the shower diverter valve and sure as shit it was different, Went back to Plumbing Supply and my buddy says I need to remove this piece of threaded brass so he can find the size. Back home fire up the compressor and had to cut the freaking thing in two pieces to remove this little threaded pipe~!

Having a Hard Seltzer now but the shower faucets look brand new. Close to 4 freaking hours~! Yeah one last thing when I went to clean the tub after I made a mess I notice the Hot Handle which is brand freaking new is a little loose. Check the screw and tried to tighten more but the stem wasn't tapped deep enough. So out to the garage for a tap and finally finished~! Monday Monday~!

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