Always good on a Saturday morning as a kid, if I had a chance to catch it. Yep, even as a kid I had a dark humor. Then, as a kid I was put to tending a half acre garden, five years old.
Year or two on it was a garden, mowing an acre, splitting and managing firewood. I also helped mom do laundry, wash dishes, cook, clean, attend my brothers. Helped Papaw John with his farming. Wouldn't have thought from age four the act of crossing the street with a shopping list, bringing groceries home would lead to more responsibilities.
Believe its called living though. Don't have any regrets of my own. No regrets for me when I could possibly sit all day counting the regrets of some of the adults who made that my life. Oh well, it was what it was.
I'll be glad after January if I can get back to custodial work, even part time as needed. Least then I might not think so damn much.
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