Did laundry as per usual on Saturday.
This morning I went up to feed Maow. Took him out a slice of dried beef as a treat as well. Got up to the barn. Seemed something/one had taken off the weighty items from the feed can lid. The feed can sat open with the scoop cup laying to one side.
Stepped over to her Pawpaw's "Big Red" pickup. In the bed of it laid my umbrella my wife bought for me. It was just tossed into the bed without any seeming care. Not the first thing I've noted in the pickup bed. Saw one of our bar stool chairs in it a few weeks ago, busted up.
Her BIL has pretty well taken over "Big Red". Reckon he just assumed permission to have it. Seems he assumes permission over way too much. He had no permission to bust up one of our bar stools. Granted they're not the greatest built. Still if you use care and act sensible there's no reason why one ought to get busted up.
Recalling the busted up chair I grabbed up my umbrella. Wife didn't pay too horribly much for it. She got two, one for me and her. They're the $15 to $20 ones, big old bomber-shoot style umbrellas. We kept using the little $3 to $5 ones and having them go to pieces in a light storm. So she got us some "nicer" ones.
It's one thing if something gets busted up if you got permission. It's another to just assume permission and then let stuff go to Hell. I'm getting damn tired of the assumption as well as the letting stuff go to Hell. Me and her get stuff for ourselves. They work the same as we do. They can go get the same as we do.
But no, that would be too much like well, like work. So I put my umbrella up. If it goes missing I'll know where to look and I'll raise Hell, bet I won't. I don't mind to a point to share. There is still a point though when you get fed up with being a door mat.
Sorry not really checking in much here lately. Been living and as evidenced not really much to share. Dislike expressing frustrations even with friends. Not really one to be a garbage truck despite appearances contrary. Rather focus on the good even despite the heavy thumb of the bad.
The good is I'm doing my job & doing the best I can. Does it make others look bad? I don't know, or care. I'm only focused on doing the work, going home, getting paid. Had someone try calling after 3 PM for a "today's work". She had a migraine. I can be sympathetic up to a point.
I had worked two weeks prior with gout flaring up. Didn't say a thing to anyone at work and little to my wife. The point of fact though is substitutes are only supposed to be called from 5 AM to 3 PM for that day's work. Her call come around 4:30 to 5 PM. Even if it was only a half shift, still not for me to be obligated to accept it. It was "against the rules" and I've been told "everybody follows the rules". So there's that.
And so I've been living and keeping on keeping on. What else does a child of the seventies do? Oh yeah, disco. Nah. Rather listen to Black Sabbath, Rush and the like. Might listen to some
Bread. In short no news is good news.