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Vaping on the Front or back Porch


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That is a reason listed in your At Will State that you can sue for Unlawful Termination~!

It may very well be & yes, it's possible I could get financial compensation doing so. What I need you to understand though is, ... forgiveness.

Mr. Dorian made his call to me. I heard sincerity and integrity in his voice. He knew something was wrong, simply by my having been terminated. He and I spoke at times while I was employeed. Everyone took the approach that he was the one person to avoid as he was the "axe" man. I simply saw him as "another member of the team".

He told me in our conversations he had spoken at length to Mr. Er-- at the school board regarding me. He said that he was very hopeful to "land" me to work for them. We also discussed various things such as sports, though I was limited on discussion. "You don't like baseball, Ben?" "No sir, it's too slow." If you've seen the movie Basic you'll recognize that line. Truth is, I'm not much for most "mainstream" sports.

I like MMA, Shootfighting, Kickboxing, sometimes a decent boxing match. Even then, I'm not really a fan of these sports, just like watching good fights if they happen to be on. I like my WWE but really any more even it has lost a lot of flavor for me. But yeah, we talked a little sports. Other times we talked food, maybe even talked of wishes. "You know i wish we could motorize that long hallway from North tower to South tower," I said. He explained reasons that wouldn't work.

So yes, we talked even our talks were topological. I got a sense he was a good man. None of this other concerns him. It happened on his watch yes, but this was not him. Forgiveness allows me to smile as others take advantage. Could I be far far more angry? Yes and for a bit I was nearly ready to bite nails.

If I sue for wrongful termination it means I have to get a lawyer, extra expense. Then, I got to take time out for court. No, I rather be working and earning. You may think it ignorant, dumb, meek, meager, idiotic of me to not sue. I'm just going to chalk it up as experience, learning point. Now, I know pricks can hide within the rosy cheeked crowds.I also know how to avoid them, or deal 'em out.

So yes, I'll forgive. It lets me let go of of the venom and gives me control back. I'm not them, I'm me. I don't play their rules or games even. Hope you can understand my view on this brother. Got to let go the hurt, move forward. They cannot own me anymore and I'm done feeling crappy over their bullshit. They're not worth my time.

Supper is on by the way, come break bread with me. Wife says my crock pot stew/roast turned out great. Walked in praising how it smelled. The meat got very well done. It's not fall apart but still done. "Whoaaa, Come With Me Now!" Good food, good company, goodness' sake let's eat!


Cranky Old Fart
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It may very well be & yes, it's possible I could get financial compensation doing so. What I need you to understand though is, ... forgiveness.

Mr. Dorian made his call to me. I heard sincerity and integrity in his voice. He knew something was wrong, simply by my having been terminated. He and I spoke at times while I was employeed. Everyone took the approach that he was the one person to avoid as he was the "axe" man. I simply saw him as "another member of the team".

He told me in our conversations he had spoken at length to Mr. Er-- at the school board regarding me. He said that he was very hopeful to "land" me to work for them. We also discussed various things such as sports, though I was limited on discussion. "You don't like baseball, Ben?" "No sir, it's too slow." If you've seen the movie Basic you'll recognize that line. Truth is, I'm not much for most "mainstream" sports.

I like MMA, Shootfighting, Kickboxing, sometimes a decent boxing match. Even then, I'm not really a fan of these sports, just like watching good fights if they happen to be on. I like my WWE but really any more even it has lost a lot of flavor for me. But yeah, we talked a little sports. Other times we talked food, maybe even talked of wishes. "You know i wish we could motorize that long hallway from North tower to South tower," I said. He explained reasons that wouldn't work.

So yes, we talked even our talks were topological. I got a sense he was a good man. None of this other concerns him. It happened on his watch yes, but this was not him. Forgiveness allows me to smile as others take advantage. Could I be far far more angry? Yes and for a bit I was nearly ready to bite nails.

If I sue for wrongful termination it means I have to get a lawyer, extra expense. Then, I got to take time out for court. No, I rather be working and earning. You may think it ignorant, dumb, meek, meager, idiotic of me to not sue. I'm just going to chalk it up as experience, learning point. Now, I know pricks can hide within the rosy cheeked crowds.I also know how to avoid them, or deal 'em out.

So yes, I'll forgive. It lets me let go of of the venom and gives me control back. I'm not them, I'm me. I don't play their rules or games even. Hope you can understand my view on this brother. Got to let go the hurt, move forward. They cannot own me anymore and I'm done feeling crappy over their bullshit. They're not worth my time.

Supper is on by the way, come break bread with me. Wife says my crock pot stew/roast turned out great. Walked in praising how it smelled. The meat got very well done. It's not fall apart but still done. "Whoaaa, Come With Me Now!" Good food, good company, goodness' sake let's eat!
Ben, I would hire you in a minute because of your work ethic. The assistant manager who fired you was an ass, pure and simple. You keep on being you and you will find the job you want!


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Ben, I would hire you in a minute because of your work ethic. The assistant manager who fired you was an ass, pure and simple. You keep on being you and you will find the job you want!
More over I'll find the work what genuinely has want, need of me and can appreciate my doing it. Would gladly work for / with you.

Going to talk with our apartment complex "office" on Friday. See if they need extra hands just here in the complex, custodial/cleaners. Spoke with Bri--, one of the maintenance guys today.

He said they might use me, but he couldn't talk for the office. Told me he might want me on the maintenance team. *chuckles* Told him I didn't know about that. He chuckled and said any monkey could do.

We'll see what comes. Also got word back from the firm in taking for Winc--- doors and windows. Her new hire ins are in the "hurry up and wait" holding pattern. Waiting on the company to do their interviewing process, and our background checks to clear.

Winc-- recently dumped a lot of "trash" employees. Stuff had got out of hand and they were getting a bad rep. They cleaned house and are starting fresh.

Things are in the works, just watching the cogs turn, waiting for the click.


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Good morning Porch folks! Work life has gotten better... for now. I just got a call saying that I will be getting an additional three week assignment that will need to be done in addition to my "normal" workload.

Argh. Lucky stiff. *chuckles* Brit--- at our complex office told me this morning they're full staffed custodial & maintenance wise. I nodded, grinned, "no harm asking. Thank you, hon."

That's my third weekly work contact. I couldn't remember how many I had gotten, boy Boss Lady did. "You got three, go rest now."

"Rest heck, Boss, got to keep your house." She laughed. Transit is still a bit sticky for me. Sure, there are options closer and on the bus routes. Lots which aren't either.
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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
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*sits listening to Limbo music, nods along, grins* Had my 3 cups from my 5 cup pot today. Funny, my 3 cups equal 5. Hmm.

Apartment is clean, sat out some stew tips for thawing til supper. Sure, I grew up a TV baby. Doesn't mean I was always glued to it.

Pfft, anything but, really. We had lots more fun playing outside, or going working. Summer found us invading rivers, creeks, lakes, hills. One Summer I recall going in and finding an old grandmother.

She had gotten away from the care facility and gone into the hills. There was some "expert" search and rescue guy what had been brought in. Sure they were, all so busy figuring lines on paper and compass points.

I walked right to her with the expert in tow. They didn't know I had led them, thought they had followed in stealth. Spoke to the lady.

She merely wanted to be left to herself and fate. I went back out, "expert" come along. I went to the one in charge of the "expedition" and explained. The expert to their credit nodded when asked if I was right.

They went back for her a week later, family in tow. The lady was lucid and stated her wish. Nothing anyone could do but let her be and honor that.

Also started working weekends a bit at the "stock" yard that Summer. A funny thing, this being called life.

Apologies, not trying to be a downer. Not sure why I recall such as that at odd times. To me, it is just reflection on the joy of living. No joy without flecks of sorrow, no rain without mud. Moving forward, ... on and on.


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Did some work in the backyard because the School replaced the fence it made work for me. Was like 50°F at 10 AM so I went to work. Did a little clean up of some leftovers from the Baby's Breath Bush I had cut recently but left it in a pile. Then I added two rows of bricks behind the shed in front of the Firewood Rack. Since I lost a bush there I was able to move the rack back and didn't like the piece of slate I had under it because it was now a tripping hazard. A simple project turned into a Bear of a job~! Tree/Bush roots that I had to cut with a chain saw~! Now I have a nice walking path and re-stacked the bricks so they don't topple over~!

Then I decided to have a beer after a shower and invited my neighbor over to join me. He couldn't stay ong and another friend called me who was board asking if I wanted some company. I said sure I was sitting on the back patio having a Beer with my friend~! We hung and chatted for a bit until it started to get chilly.

All in all it was a productive day and then had some relaxing with friends time.
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Diamond Contributor
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This morning I tried squonking coffee & drinking my squonk. Luckily, the two understood my position & just played along as if all was totally natural and right.

Wife yesterday was going through some totes of stuff. She came across Uncanny X- Men Annual 2001, and it was in excellent condition despite not being properly bagged and boarded. That comic book is as old as our marriage. She also found a hardback copy of Jonathan Livingston Seagull that has a signature dated in 1972. That book is in great condition too, it's as old as I am, if not a few years more so.

*sits with a serene grin, shaking his head*
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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
A bit lost today.

Took Shrek out to potty. The weird couple from an upper floor waited on me, holding the doors of the washroom open. She was in a very tight pair of jeans, ones I'd call f-ing pants, and a mid-drift tiny t shirt. She walked with the roll I'm sure gents here know. Hard to avoid noticing. *smh*

He bf that was with her, was a different one. One day she's with a blonde, next day brown haired and bearded guy. And again, as with nearly every time I see them in the building, "are you coming up?" They seem to be so quite familiar with me, and I don't know them from Joe.

And also met one guitarist moving in, Christopher, he said. Told me he would bring his axe and jam along the pool area, "we'll talk honey," he added. He appreciated my AC/DC Back in Black t-shirt.

All these folks seem 20-40'ish, all rather petite looking creatures. Almost afraid they're some amping kind of folks. They don't seem to indicate that disposition, though. It just all seems very strange.

In the work hunt, wife has me an application to work in the scrapyard. Will be a pile it, or in my terms a scrap monkey. It pays fair enough, offers benefits and is 45+ hrs a week. Eh, why not?


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So last night I was going thru my You Tube Subscriptions on the TV and over the years I had followed many Vape Shops and Companies as part of entering contests or giveaways. Was disheartening that many were just gone or no content for 2-3 or up to 5-6 years. It used to be a daily morning ritual to check to see if I got an email I won something~! Doing some Google searches shows they are just OOB.



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"Oh go luck off! Damn autocorrect, let's try this, ... Go yuck yourself! Well, muck a ducking buck's sake!"

Really strongly dislike autocorrect. Loath tiny little keyboards on smartphone screens. Got smaller masculine fingers but still feel a damn knuckle dragging ham hock fisted caveman trying to use those keyboards. But oh we "just gotta love modern technology". Even worse are forms you're expected to write in, and the area to write in is so small all you can manage is illegible scratches.

Whoever comes up with this kind of shit to amuse themselves needs to be flogged, imho. If not flogged, put into a locked room full of one million and one little brothers asking why. Sorry if I'm profusely frustrated and expressive regarding stuff. Venting really doesn't help.

In fact, it seems I'm not allowed to do that. Sure everyone else is able to, if I do, well, it considered an act of war. I'm sure that's not quite "right" but oh hey it's the "world of shit" we live in anymore.

*smh* Bah, how about the Dodgers for an ace hold card before Calvin calls Uno on the checker board?

If they got so many rules to void all rules, well, "I aim to misbehave!"
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Good morning, all. Hope everyone is having a peaceful Saturday morning!

My hubbs made French toast and bacon for everyone this morning. He found a video on YT showing how to make the French toast in the oven, and it was delish! Feels like such a treat to have a breakfast like that on a weekend morning.....with plenty of coffee.....of course!


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Good morning, all. Hope everyone is having a peaceful Saturday morning!

My hubbs made French toast and bacon for everyone this morning. He found a video on YT showing how to make the French toast in the oven, and it was delish! Feels like such a treat to have a breakfast like that on a weekend morning.....with plenty of coffee.....of course!

Was this French Toast Sticks? It seems like it is easy enough to make in a frying pan but in the oven I can see making 6 or more at one time.


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Was this French Toast Sticks? It seems like it is easy enough to make in a frying pan but in the oven I can see making 6 or more at one time.

No, just regular French toast. The instructions he used were to mix milk, eggs, vanilla, and cinnamon (and possibly butter) in a bowl, and then pour it into a jelly roll pan. Then start laying slices of bread into the mix, and as soon as you finish, start turning them over in the same order you placed them in the pan. Bake at 425 on the bottom rack until nearly done, then move to the top rack and turn the broiler on for 3-5 minutes.

I thought it was ingenious. So you can make six or eight slices in the oven at once, rather than having to stand there for 45 minutes over a skillet.

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