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Vaping on the Front or back Porch


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Your VPN or someone else's?

Not sure. Might be ours as we're using T-Mobile wireless router. Did the YouTube video not show up?

<ancedote>Do know T-Mobile has its own firewall. Then, I have one up here internally. A friend also has me under a bit of a "blanket" / firewall. I've got other hardening measures in place as well.

Hilarious spam I often receive, "protect yourself with Norton/McAfee antivirus, anti-malware", or "your free McAfee trail ends today, subscribe now to continue coverage." I've never used any product from either, even as a "free" trial.

Quit using the Microsoft Windows virus nearly 20–30 years ago. Got no need of Windows software to protect against malicious software. I've got two different active core antivirus programs running as deamons.

Both are free to use for home use on Linux, one is military grade software, the other is hacker grade software. Think I'm covered. *grin*</ancedote>

Back to the topic at hand, AFAIK, I've not got any VPN set up for us. There may be one setup elsewhere, not in our control or knowledge. I'm okay admitting there are unknown things I don't know about. Would not ever desire being a know-it-all. That would take the wonder out of the absurdity of life. :D

ETA: Apologies, took me a bit. Yes, new IP here. Moved to Parkersburg, got a new ISP. Not on Frontier anymore. We're on T-Mobile. Still running a randomizing MAC script, and some of the other hardening stuff. It's adaptable in that it reads whatever IP/UDP is needed as needed, is not bound to one specific point of reference. Yep, our URI changed, ergo so too our URL. *chuckles*

Still same old me, just new addressing info. Like I said, too, not sure if T-Mobile has us on a VPN or not. I know it's firewall-ed and know that I have one, and a friend runs me under a portion of one he uses from/with his work and home. He still tries cracking my root pass phrase, he still fusses because it is far stronger than gubmint or military grade, which he deals with.

Hint: Don't use anything rainbow tables can even snag on.
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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years

I actually measured out what the tank of the 5 cup coffee pot held this morning. I use a mug that lets me have 10 ozs. Using my wife's measuring glass off the range, the coffee pot tanks will hold 3.5 cups, or 28 ozs. That explains why the 5 cup pot is a lie, & I get only 3 cups. Bastiges are probably figuring you drink 4 oz cups. Ha!


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
I actually measured out what the tank of the 5 cup coffee pot held this morning. I use a mug that lets me have 10 ozs. Using my wife's measuring glass off the range, the coffee pot tanks will hold 3.5 cups, or 28 ozs. That explains why the 5 cup pot is a lie, & I get only 3 cups. Bastiges are probably figuring you drink 4 oz cups. Ha!

Maybe they are using the Metric System? I was taught 8 Oz to a cup...............


Cranky Old Fart
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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
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I actually measured out what the tank of the 5 cup coffee pot held this morning. I use a mug that lets me have 10 ozs. Using my wife's measuring glass off the range, the coffee pot tanks will hold 3.5 cups, or 28 ozs. That explains why the 5 cup pot is a lie, & I get only 3 cups. Bastiges are probably figuring you drink 4 oz cups. Ha!
In the US a "cup" of coffee is considered 6 ounces.

You have to read down a ways for them to finally say it...


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Ah, so now I guess that is "settled". *Looks around blankly,* So, 6 oz per cup of coffee. *whistles* Okay, got it. *forgets it in the same instant*

I understand all the rationale. Still kind of messed up. Although we do use SI, which is International Units and based on seven different basic metric units. With it mole pronounced mol ay is a measure of "how much" stuff there is. But it still uses milliliters as well.


6 * 30 ml = 180 ml per cup.
8 * 30 ml = 240 ml per cup.

30 ml is 1 oz / 2 tsp 5 ml ~ 1/2 gram IIRC although not sure how, where, or why I learned that & it may be faulty information I give unaware. If so, my apologies.

Sorry, get lost musing numbers, measures. Wish everyone could agree 8 oz is 1 cup. Yes, understand there are differences for dry goods vs liquid. A cup should still remain a cup though.

It's bad enough doors get made into a jar. They even have operators sitting in nice chairs, standing by over that, too. "Over."

*shrugs* "Okay."


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Ha ha! His silly butt can just drown in that coffee too. Half tempting me to put tomorrow's pot on & drink more coffee. Better not. Once read that now, 11 cups would kill me,

6 cups * 10 oz = 60 ozs, or 6 what is considered cups of coffee.

I'd be half dead before the sixth cup today. *smh* Think I'll follow my kidney doctor's advice, water, want another water? Have more water.

I actually have a gallon jug of refrigerated water. Marked on jug the words, Thank You, Serenity, Joy. It's my Joy Juice. :)


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
So sort of a rough night last night and didn't sleep enough. While having my first cup of coffee I get a Spam Call so I send it to Google Call Screening. A few minutes later since I didn't put the phone back in the case I hear it vibrate because I got a text from my GF asking if I am awake? Since it is 9AM I get worried and text back............. Whats Up??? Then I see she sent the text at 7:15AM??? I get it 2 hours later? She calls from work telling me her Phone and Internet are out but was working last night. So I had to throw on some clothes and run over to check the fiber cable going to the house and Reboot the ONT. All good now but I didn't want it to wait until she got home from work in case she needed Verizon to come out.

So much for a lazy morning~!


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Left a contact with a major potato chip producer yesterday. They have a plant and warehouse here, very local to us. The Company has Mr. in its name. I asked to be alerted for daylight shift pack/load out work available.

Not sure regarding the school custodian spot. The school board meeting "agenda" is posted. The meeting happens the 28th. In the agenda, no mention of filling the spot. Friend asked if that was a good thing. Could only say it was a thing.

Also, not heard anything further for Win-- erm the place making windows and doors. The recruiter there did call and say, still waiting on the company to start hiring in, doing interviews, and background checks to come back. Beyond that, 'go whistle in the wind."

I would not handle Limbo / Purgatory. Not so much I'm impatient now as much as frustrated. She paid this coming month's rent, told me we'd see how long money lasted. I hate our fucked up system.

And I flat out loathe people who resort to petty bullshit to get others out of work. If they cannot provide the quality of work, the efficiency you do, they need to go harder. If not, move aside to let you get it done. This bullshit of being slop for work and expecting accolades, great pay, benefits is just that, bullshit.

The "narrative" is wrong. If you do well, you get shat on. Do like shit, you get high praise and castles in the sky. Again, hate the fucking system.

Apologies for vulgarities on a revered day.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Left a contact with a major potato chip producer yesterday. They have a plant and warehouse here, very local to us. The Company has Mr. in its name. I asked to be alerted for daylight shift pack/load out work available.

Not sure regarding the school custodian spot. The school board meeting "agenda" is posted. The meeting happens the 28th. In the agenda, no mention of filling the spot. Friend asked if that was a good thing. Could only say it was a thing.

Also, not heard anything further for Win-- erm the place making windows and doors. The recruiter there did call and say, still waiting on the company to start hiring in, doing interviews, and background checks to come back. Beyond that, 'go whistle in the wind."

I would not handle Limbo / Purgatory. Not so much I'm impatient now as much as frustrated. She paid this coming month's rent, told me we'd see how long money lasted. I hate our fucked up system.

And I flat out loathe people who resort to petty bullshit to get others out of work. If they cannot provide the quality of work, the efficiency you do, they need to go harder. If not, move aside to let you get it done. This bullshit of being slop for work and expecting accolades, great pay, benefits is just that, bullshit.

The "narrative" is wrong. If you do well, you get shat on. Do like shit, you get high praise and castles in the sky. Again, hate the fucking system.

Apologies for vulgarities on a revered day.
Hang in there my friend, you'll find something

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